/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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People that are into vore, may be into vore, or are not, but have contributed to vore. Anonymous 08/25/2024 (Sun) 19:24:31 No. 54478
You can talk about anyone who is a public figure and is over 18 that is into vore or that you think could be into vore. You can also talk about people who are not into vore but have added to the community. Any crazy idea is allowed, but please try to give some evidence, even if it sounds stupid or skitzo. Try to make it clear if it's confirmed, speculation or someone who added to the community to prevent confusion. The easiest and most clear way to do this is by giving it a title like what I've done. Speculation Gooseworx Someone who may be into Vore is Gooseworx, as she has mentioned and drawn Vore multiple times. In both the Digital Circus and Little Runmo there are scenes where a character is eaten alive, Gooseworx also tweeted about Vore and it's believed that she had a Vore alt account. However, without the alt account or confirmation, it's hard to say as she most likely sees Vore as funny. Here are the three tweets I could find about her drawing vore. https://x.com/GooseworxMusic/status/1165554750076571649 https://x.com/GooseworxMusic/status/1165559907875115008 https://x.com/ShockzNDrawe/status/1372433498645008388 Here are time stamps to the vore scenes in her animations https://youtu.be/ErQHVUQ6QCk?t=543 https://youtu.be/HwAPLk_sQ3w?t=1035 NOT into Vore, but Added to the community Nyxondyx Nyxondyx is well known on Twitter and Eka for drawing vore but has stated she is not into it, but does it because she is okay with drawing vore and sees it as a way to improve her skills. She also has friends who are into it. I found a tweet of her saying she isn't into Vore, but can't find the post where she talks about why she draws it. https://x.com/Nyxindyx/status/1172586010347298816 FuPoo Something I found surprising is that FuPoo is also not into Vore, but he draws it because it doesn't bother him and he's okay with drawing it for others who request it. You can find this in his gallery at the top where it says he is not into Vore https://aryion.com/g4/gallery/FuPoo
gooseworx is pretty cool Surreal entertainment's videos have plenty of vore scenes too.
No idea if they're into it but witchking00 and narodraws have done vore commissions before
There is a thread here somewhere with a bunch of drawings she alegedly made. Just search for her in the catalogue here and you should find it.
>>54478 Goose is definitely into vore. He's made numerous tweets (including a few you missed) pretty much admitting it. He's also made tons of vore art and features vore in nearly all his animations.
>>54501 Unless you like A Lot or Dumb amout of futa, Witchking00 is not the one you want for f/f vore.
Just found a vore commission from 2013 made by the shadman himself on hentai foundry. I don't think he's into it, is he?
>>54656 I'm pretty sure he isn't, the only person I know of who was friends with Oney and who is into Vore is Jullian. Also what type of vore was it? I also remember seeing something about Nyxondyx being friends with someone big online at some point, but it was so long ago I can't remember who it was. If it's anywhere it would be Twitter.
>>54656 Image?
A real knee slapper this one
And a really good internal one even if its filthy beast men
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A favorite Mega Man centered NSFW artist of mine (going by kotatuman_dash Twitter/X) got a vore themed Skeb request and they actually drew it. They're most definitely not into vore whatsoever but said they happily drew it since it was something they haven't tried before. You can imagine my shock when I was scrolling through his page and saw Alia with a belly full of Layer, definitely should keep tabs on them incase they draw more again in the future (especially if they draw more Alia pred).
>>54681 what no way that Jullians into vore?? Now that I think about it, he is gay and furry, so I guess vore makes sense.
>>58517 Shame Nyx isn't a pred.
>>61325 At least she's okay with drawing art of herself as such

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