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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Clown Vore Thread Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 23:05:43 No. 40694
A vore thread with clowns as predators
(609.12 KB 1200x1200 1582178841.deonwolf_021.jpg)

I enjoy this jester great amounts
>>57126 That’s kind of cute, along with sexy. Clowns are pretty cool.
>>63498 That’s a very nice naughty clown gal!
I miss Dandela… I miss her a lot…
>>64309 Only found out about her recently but God I love her
>>64309 What, did he stop using her?
>>64364 No. He only uses her when it's Drawlloween.
>>64364 >>64377 He kind of stops using her randomly, then maybe uses her again every other Halloween, if we’re lucky, She wasn’t used in this year’s Halloween thing at all. She used to have a lot more pictures, even some fanart by various other artists, but most of them were deleted some time ago (and then the fanart images from others were deleted a little later). I guess because Aesir is somewhat distancing himself from “ambiguous age” prey and predators now. A lot Aeisr’s OG-ish type of characters have either been totally rewritten (which, fair, they’re his characters, I’d rather see them rewritten and still seen sometimes, than written out completely and never seen again/rarely ever). Like that one character who was just named “Wolf” (I think?) her whole origins and story is that she only went after “smaller prey” due to something from her past and even kind of reveled in it. Dandela was originally a boogeyman (or boogeywoman) who would go after “short girls”, pretty much exclusively, with I think the occasional meddling older sister or mother. Then later on she was open to more types of prey, then just went on to go after young women and such. Then kind of fell to the wayside, for the most part. Kind of like that one werewolf(?) mom who went after her daughter’s friends. I think the last pic she was in she went after a flight attendant. But yeah, I liked Dandela, any version of her, she was a cute clown gal, and she could have easily been rewritten to feed off of anyone’s nightmares/fears, if he wanted to use her again more often. I think part of the reason she’s not used much nowadays, is that since Aeisir mostly draws commissions now, rather than images he wanted to draw, and since most of Dandela’s older images have been nuked, most people who commission Aesir now, unfortunately, don’t know about Dandela. So, she’s kind of “there still” in the same way that Titanfall 3 is “still somewhere in the pipes over at EA”. (I’d be happy to have this part she like milk, though). Like, it’s technically true, but maybe only technically speaking, like, mahen there’s still a model rig on one of the dev’s computers that they forgot to wipe/reuse elsewhere. If I had any experience with chat AI stuff, I’d like to maybe make an AI chatbot if Dandela somewhere, like maybe SpicyChat, but I don’t know how all to do that, and I don’t know if Aesir would then double down and post even less Dandela stuff as a result.
>>64547 Based Aesir for becoming less of a nonce
>>64547 I hope someone can share all the older Dandela stuff then unless most of it's been shared already
>>64551 I had to look up what “nonce” meant in that context, and wow, it’s one of those words with two VERY different definitions depending on the usage. It would be cool if Aesir kind of did some “redux” of his older, deleted images, so they could still be around, but fit more into his newer stuff, if he wants to distance himself more, the gaping holes left in the gallery seem stranger, especially since he even seems to avoid simple questions about some characters. Since some of the Drawlloween galleries will hop from image 4 to image 7 then to image 12. Or just make new bios for his older characters to retcon some stuff, so he can fell better about using them again. Unless he’s just uninterested in his older OCs all together, even if he were to rewrite them? Which, most of their older info was just a few sentences in some of the image descriptions, so it’s not like he’d really have all that much to rewrite. I have a feeling that, at one point, he was planning on making some continual stories with his earlier characters and have it interweaved with the others, since some of his older stuff seemed to have been setting some stories up, which never got past introductions, but then he might’ve realized he just simply prefers coming up with designs/drawing others’ characters rather than making stories, which might be why that one guy always writes all the Drawlloween stories for the past seven or more years, and most of Aesir’s descriptions now are pretty much things like, “Here’s a thing I was commissioned to make, it’s of my character Skrump Bleeko, as a futa, eating user: WangBaDang’s character, Alice Halfire. Hope you enjoy it!” Which, hey, if I could draw half well, I’d probably abandon my interconnected stories as well and just draw one-off scenarios with mine and my friend’s Glup Shittos
>>64611 Dandela the Dentist. Dentela. This one had some fanart made of it, with her as a sexy nurse, but the poster of it removed it some time ago, and the fanart didn’t even have any questionable stuff in it, it was just a pic of Dandela, with no one else there. I guess the original artist felt guilty by association, or something. Then again, they were one of those artists who used to nuke their gallery anytime their heart fluttered for a second. Not as bad as VoraciousMoga, but still. Most of the fears Dandela feeds off of could also just be added to “less-ambiguously-aged” prey. But it could also be played off as a joke. Like, Dandela, but she’s dressed like someone filing the prey’s taxes, or something like that.

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