/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Size difference vore Anonymous 09/07/2021 (Tue) 00:01:54 No. 336
Vore where either the pred or prey is bigger than the other by a significant margin. No macro or micro.
(86.92 KB 600x575 75976034_p0_master1200.webp)

(347.56 KB 654x942 1471148545453.png)

(435.18 KB 600x2100 1554794890815.png)

>>380 source?
(69.07 KB 900x900 319918-267-preview.jpg)

(63.62 KB 900x720 299473-45100-preview.jpg)

(42.17 KB 900x548 509157-93186-preview.jpg)

(255.95 KB 752x2400 711625-76323-3tuqcx-preview.jpg)

(49.97 KB 900x636 712105-78019-4cwk8b-preview.jpg)

(721.73 KB 1200x900 pbysteria-701159-aloe.png)

(21.11 MB 1280x720 694048-47553-1c4rlkj.mp4)

(1.03 MB 2000x1772 VeryBatty-465336-AriaText.png)

(261.14 KB 793x687 Aesir-689758-Pachu.png)

https://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=9128 used to be my all time favourite story when i was alone i wonder how id feel now
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(4.93 MB 2000x6000 Amelia1.png)

(1.12 MB 1158x1410 Amelia2.png)

(3.25 MB 3916x2685 Sibling Rivalry 3.png)

(4.49 MB 3466x3786 Sibling Rivalry 2.png)

(5.08 MB 3388x4400 Sibling Rivalry 1.png)

>>1384 I dont get why there was so much backstory on the prey. And I dont get the joke at the end where the pred says it was a double flusher but she only flushed once
(1.38 MB 2760x1000 Eleanor seq.jpg)

Vore is at it's best when the pred is just big and chubby enough that you can't tell they vored someone. It makes it way more believable.
(3.12 MB 1415x2000 ShrunkTidal_artslave_152.png)

(733.58 KB 2880x4096 EuXYcDoWgAIrxp4.jpg)

(933.33 KB 2881x4096 EuXYd-bXIAcimRM.jpg)

(470.58 KB 2881x4096 EuXYgHZXAAAgini.jpg)

(805.21 KB 900x1004 ClipboardImage.png)

>>4105 Source?
(88.68 KB 900x765 280517-5406-preview.jpg)

(182.56 KB 900x1441 300280-45100-preview.jpg)

(80.00 KB 900x636 357875-62859-preview.jpg)

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(90.46 KB 900x695 401409-5406-preview.jpg)

(123.58 KB 900x1200 482748-45589-preview.jpg)

(91.71 KB 900x823 488576-11152-preview.jpg)

(636.53 KB 2600x2200 Patreon Hsaibot Nov21.png)

(46.03 KB 1280x586 korra_katara.jpg)

(663.96 KB 2000x2000 Frakass-660814-rena 2021.jpg)

(2.16 MB 2889x2287 Rasha-642610-image0-19.png)

(945.43 KB 804x952 Aesir-747530-BrynCamp.png)

(1.06 MB 1173x818 ClipboardImage.png)

need more micro/macro or smaller pred vore
(614.90 KB 2800x2200 Patreon MystifiedBeef Mar22.png)

(720.70 KB 920x1032 Aesir-686659-AesirkoJKOni.png)

(1.78 MB 1400x1455 Aesir-687466-AesirkoJKOni2.png)

(2.51 MB 1605x4384 88981483_p1.png)

(76.36 KB 1280x562 beach_giants.jpg)

(131.03 KB 1280x905 kobolt.jpg)

(3.65 MB 2395x1993 tina_X-ray_.png)

(280.20 KB 1647x2322 93883978_p12.jpg)

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(291.68 KB 2545x1800 FSmWy8EWAAIluzs.jpg)

(3.36 MB 5200x3700 SunnyHero-601414-Nova.jpg)

>>14437 Where did you find this?
(677.84 KB 1466x1520 AesirkoBunLoli.png)

(231.27 KB 859x879 AesirkoLolis.png)

(233.79 KB 908x888 ObsidiaRiverTrolls.png)

>>16534 Aesir
(2.37 MB 3969x3490 ypr vore.jpg)

>>16898 Sauce on the fourth pic?
>>16924 Absolutely hate image 3, would’ve been better if you left out the faggot male pred stuff
>>17750 My brother in Christ it's literally spoiler tagged and the dialogue is *clearly* themed to mpred in the first panel.
>>17756 Doesn’t change the fact that male preds are faggots
>>17763 Post your own shit and stop complaining
(2.80 MB 2000x2000 cuten-817448-mothy.png)

(495.91 KB 937x1000 Aesir-817812-Amazonian.png)

(1.61 MB 2550x1800 PS_02_039.png)

(2.56 MB 3660x2342 97994887_p0.png)

>>18939 Artist?
(2.66 MB 1750x847 Coldbrush-823403-v1.png)

>>18759 What's the context behind this one?
>>19098 Oh shit, Batty's drawing media characters again?!
(260.36 KB 1280x1920 olsan2.jpg)

(300.38 KB 1280x1920 olsan3.jpg)

(451.61 KB 1000x1000 willudie-853074-VC 1.png)

>>2366 Wasn't a joke. Double flusher is just a polite way of saying you took a massive shit, which she did cuz... Whole person turned to poo
>>25650 >Roblox vore I'd laugh but this is just embarrassing. Kill yourself freak
>>25959 Sauce for palutena pic?
>>25996 koon, but the version on his ekas is faggot futa shit and he also draws weirdo stuff too
>>26031 Damn… Thx anyway dude
(897.43 KB 1000x1191 Aesir-870452-BigCheese.png)

(209.04 KB 1433x2048 FoYg9m-X0AEEzX9.jpg)

(187.95 KB 1625x2048 FoYg9mlXEAwNl-3.jpg)

>>26450 kill yourself faggot
>>26458 Are you so insecure that you find a male pred eating female prey homosexual?
>>26481 I doubt that, but male preds are very unpopular. Same for me. We have a male pred thread somewhere
(2.39 MB 2200x3200 Aru-891807-MF.png)

(132.82 KB 386x611 VREC.PNG)

(151.94 KB 750x750 99262375_p0.jpg)

From nagatoro
(865.52 KB 1650x1650 Maidgobbo.png)

>>16898 I don’t even get the argument on the forth pic. Like, I’ve never heard anyone say that before?
(2.14 MB 2000x2500 110848053_p0.jpg)

(2.10 MB 2000x2500 110848053_p1.jpg)

(2.09 MB 2000x2500 110848053_p2.jpg)

>>34212 in the anime that specific person is very against giving the girls approval for an animation club.
>>34217 source?
>>34240 Something I noticed, it's always trannies who commission their OCs snuffing someone else's girlfriend and forcing themselves on the male. Even from my vorefag-dulled POV that shit is super creepy and highlights the sense of violent jealousy of real women these "people" have, as well as their rapist tendencies that they suppress to various degrees irl, or don't.
>>34286 Relax, its a drawing
(173.15 KB 900x1272 9999.jpg)

>>34286 Pretty sure most of those are from the guy's perspective.
does anyone have the vore comic that is F/F, and prey is wearing kimono, but not wearing it after get swallowed by the pred i think its made by UtopiaVL but i could be wrong because what i remember the art style is very similar
>>34286 have you maybe used your brain to fucking notice that its hot to gurgle someone else’s partner while they watch in horror? End your life.
(157.92 KB 1080x1754 F4nPeq1bMAAekMW.jpeg)

(180.30 KB 1240x1754 F4nw-cOXAAA4XLT.jpeg)

(179.55 KB 1240x1754 F4nw-cOWEAAM4pR.jpeg)

(614.83 KB 1448x2048 F42-syHbUAA5yND.jpeg)

(178.20 KB 1446x2048 F437_kVbYAAM1ZX.jpeg)

>>25699 Why is that where you draw the line?
(11.89 MB 2036x6000 IMG_4067.png)

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(198.93 KB 2048x852 F5yGSaOXEAAhxir.png)

>>34240 Source for the second and third images?
(908.28 KB 992x1282 Aesir-946280-23MONSTERMENU.png)

(158.82 KB 603x594 ss_doodle_NekoArc.png)

From VeryBatty's Subscribestar
(213.86 KB 1945x2186 F9j83HAW4AAYprx.png)

(10.17 MB 8500x5625 Ilove-950355-Part_01.png)

(12.73 MB 8500x5625 Ilove-950356-Part_02.png)

(8.26 MB 8500x5625 Ilove-950357-Part_03.png)

(1.17 MB 4600x1700 113785060_p0.png)

>>38903 Nice, who's the artist ?
>>38910 The filename is a giveaway - an entry on Pixiv. So it's easy to trace back to the original post (and artist, by extension). https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/113785060
>>39089 So fucking hot… sauce on second pick? Also is there naywhere where we can see just a little vores paid stuff for free?
(1.91 MB 1503x1160 Aesir-961561-AngieLagombi.png)

(2.14 MB 2000x2500 1-0.jpg)

(2.10 MB 2000x2500 1-1.jpg)

(2.09 MB 2000x2500 1-2.jpg)

(2.22 MB 2000x2500 2-0.jpg)

(2.25 MB 2000x2500 2-1.jpg)

(2.52 MB 2000x2500 2-2.jpg)

(2.12 MB 2000x2500 4-0.jpg)

(2.78 MB 2000x2500 4-1.jpg)

(1.93 MB 2000x2500 4-2.jpg)

(2.14 MB 2000x2500 4-3.jpg)

(1.79 MB 2000x2500 4-4.jpg)

>>39315 There's a part 3 that has AV, but it isn't public and I can't find it. Here's the link if someone wants to look and post it https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/113642661
oh here it is it on the fanbox for all
sorry *their fanbox
oops im meen fantia.
>>39355 do you have the higher res ver?
Anyone got the sauce?
>>39355 thanks for sharing
(1.27 MB 800x1133 Rorschach93-989614-n1.png)

(227.64 KB 1024x1454 kattu-360019-QeA_01_finalfffd.jpg)

(418.97 KB 4096x3015 FeZmxJrXwAIjdD_.jpg)

>>44177 Artist?
>>44657 Thanks!
(186.82 KB 2048x1805 GJoNm9kWYAEOmqk.jpg)

>>45970 source?
has a few similar things too
If you people like size difernce comics and vore you should take a look at super hungry pochaco from Astraea-R. And please share if you have it.
Just giving an friendly suggestion.
(300.30 KB 2048x2048 GN-NLAtXAAAJFc0.jpg)

(213.91 KB 2048x1790 GN-NLAyWQAAJ4K_.jpg)

(1.02 MB 1000x1850 S7eCOxOpV2DPFRxolqlQzSM4.png)

(1.44 MB 1850x1380 jseYwbJpf3ZnPy4bToMpPbmJ.png)

(1.49 MB 1850x1380 PLuJEq3HDIB2rwsnm0WDqW73.png)

(1.39 MB 1850x1380 Q64zTjlt946QpM3umXm3KzJM.png)

(1.19 MB 1000x1995 jA9SEXvsYP6V6rI1OiCnR8sx.png)

(888.21 KB 1000x1455 hzbf9g6423pYjTARXwaHsHJz.png)

(828.30 KB 1000x1425 vls3D2QDRZaZTMT2rwyiNuXU.png)

(1.58 MB 3000x2026 GHd-IZHXEAAP6iY.jpg)

Anyone have the uncensored version of this?
>>48740 Here you go
>>48754 Do have more from starkpassenger?
>>48759 That’s the only one I have unfortunately
(68.53 KB 1020x1320 GQE4_C2W8AMThh4.png)

(90.21 KB 1020x1320 GQE4_C3XAAAP0FO.png)

>>48754 Oh wow, do you have the rest of his stuff, thanks a lot for sharing btw
>>49786 source?
>>50412 much appreciated, ty
(3.28 MB 2894x3846 IMG_7353.jpeg)

(2.63 MB 2894x3828 IMG_7354.jpeg)

i miss klementinekattz
>>52295 Any archive of their stuff? Couldn't find anything on sadpanda
>>52300 theres a bunch of archives here on le wholesome chungus reddit post https://www.reddit.com/user/windrinn/comments/yaftwh/vore_artist_archives/
>>53267 Is he going to finish a series with digestion weightgain?
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(1.90 MB 2400x2400 832024versusia.png)

(729.12 KB 3901x2694 GUpIO5MXgAgKsY_.jfif)

(152.76 KB 1200x829 GU26gelXMAAUoSm.jfif)

(124.09 KB 1200x1015 GU26gflXkAA3nx7.jfif)

>>53316 who made this?
>>53316 I've seen that oc as prey in the art before but as a fairy pred. I'm curious about who the artist is and who the maker of that oc is.
>>56947 Who's the artist?
>>56947 Kind of a waste of such a hot girl
>>56991 I still would've taken the Goblin girl, the woman she devoured was a tad too much
>>56991 That's why it's sexy
>>58287 source?
(105.13 KB 1200x1067 GZ8MBoSWIAAyP6r.jfif)

>>34328 looks like a faggot got a little mad
>>39370 fingering someone WHILE swallowing them is super rare and also super hot
>>62815 These two were made by Snoup77
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>>64111 damn, sauce ?
(509.47 KB 2346x1912 A0IISA-1091158-1. TwinkleKat.jpg)

(1.10 MB 2655x2200 dec24stream3.png)

(3.92 MB 2310x1595 1730663181.riolutiny_1w.png)

>>67310 sauce?
(4.42 MB 4268x4652 HunnyVamp-1102407-sheepy1.png)

(1.78 MB 1050x1000 JessicaRae-1111885-Taco.png)

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