/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Anonymous 06/21/2021 (Mon) 23:37:37 No. 1
Female same size vore
(2.15 MB 3024x4032 E4aTe3TVEAk4FPi.jpg)

(2.10 MB 769x857 shelly.gif)

Oh cool you can post more than 1 pic here
(226.80 KB 1700x2200 20210512_185058.jpg)

(957.41 KB 1800x2200 1623661778669.png)

(1.20 MB 1800x2200 1623661815554.png)

(314.55 KB 1800x2200 20210621_194531.jpg)

(44.89 KB 404x412 1607029468016.png)

(155.18 KB 695x651 1607027597392.png)

(202.70 KB 1429x684 1607043140137.png)

(445.18 KB 1944x2592 E4awZmUUUAAo1OL.jpg)

(473.64 KB 3438x1788 E2bFzvuXMAEyP0i.jpg)

(2.05 MB 3517x1788 milfv2.png)

(196.18 KB 1448x2048 Ezv89qbVEAAHCqe.jpg)

(623.00 KB 1875x2048 E1rYOk-UcAYYkve.jpg)

(6.31 MB 3600x4800 89948318_p2.png)

(966.13 KB 1447x2046 Maiesen-363957-RandomUB2.png)

(1.44 MB 1958x1229 1618710535659.png)

(5.76 MB 3600x4800 89948318_p1.png)

(4.82 MB 3600x4800 89948318_p0.png)

(1.00 MB 1280x720 opv2.png)

(1018.52 KB 1280x720 opv1.png)

(1.72 MB 1893x2837 kmv2.jpg)

(2.20 MB 1960x2934 kmv1.jpg)

(2.85 MB 2124x3000 fgvvv2.png)

(3.07 MB 2124x3000 fgvvv3.png)

(1.58 MB 2124x3000 fgvvv5.png)

(3.41 MB 2124x3000 fgvvv1.png)

(3.14 MB 2124x3000 fgvvv4.png)

(354.17 KB 1280x1808 fgvv5.jpg)

(459.76 KB 850x1200 fgvv4.jpg)

(521.69 KB 850x1200 fgvv2.jpg)

(615.70 KB 850x1200 fgvv1.jpg)

(486.98 KB 850x1200 fgvv3.jpg)

(387.07 KB 850x1200 fgv4.jpg)

(469.27 KB 850x1200 fgv2.jpg)

(473.88 KB 850x1200 fgv3.jpg)

(500.97 KB 850x1200 fgv1.jpg)

(1.77 MB 2894x3783 gfgv2.jpg)

(1.09 MB 2894x4093 gfgv4.jpg)

(1.02 MB 2862x1800 gfgv1.jpg)

(1.69 MB 2894x4093 gfgv3.jpg)

(360.12 KB 1200x991 HahamurderamIright1)

(368.18 KB 1200x991 HahamurderamIright2)

(353.53 KB 1200x991 HahamurderamIright3)

(332.17 KB 1200x991 HahamurderamIright4)

(403.34 KB 1200x991 HahamurderamIright6)

(262.30 KB 1200x991 HahamurderamIright7)

(644.73 KB 1096x1079 1598643988142.png)

(1.19 MB 1191x1260 1596830890424.png)

(61.05 KB 966x828 1583419340161.jpg)

(600.27 KB 1590x1599 _cm__yor_by_sloshing_deffzew.png)

(147.98 KB 1280x1049 1590622324561.jpg)

(112.12 KB 1280x1122 1583456019895.jpg)

(54.89 KB 768x1041 1563452585440.jpg)

(340.31 KB 1200x1165 1591064320387.png)

Cool we can can post videos and stuff with sound in here too
(5.21 MB 888x1080 SoundExperiment.mp4)

(1.55 MB 1920x1080 Godzilla vs Gidorah.mp4)

(9.07 MB 1920x1080 Witchlady 2 stupid dogs.mp4)

(2.41 MB 640x360 !A_Noire_vore.mp4)

>>43 You're right! Better take advantage of it then
(5.37 MB 1280x720 Neptune_vore.mp4)

(964.95 KB 640x360 Smauggie WG.mp4)

(3.48 MB 640x360 Diane_vore.mp4)

(6.99 MB 640x480 480P_2000K_228999271.mp4)

(2.39 MB 640x480 480P_2000K_234678491.mp4)

(4.70 MB 1280x720 720P_4000K_180796981.mp4)

(2.43 MB 581x619 3f7.gif)

(3.51 MB 720x960 522020laliaanimated.gif)

(3.51 MB 638x900 36522329.gif)

(1.05 MB 229x181 1434168751958.gif)

(3.52 MB 512x362 1543982154482.gif)

(3.88 MB 1000x1000 abbysal_57mm.gif)

(3.63 MB 691x921 almaelma_57mm.gif)

(1.79 MB 2616x3585 1627236370892.png)

(788.22 KB 1233x1480 1627299343817.png)

(3.36 MB 2048x7837 1627356490458.jpg)

(101.80 KB 727x1099 1627356973995.jpg)

(889.07 KB 1500x1000 1627386380655.png)

(2.02 MB 4983x947 ezkerbkun-709446-jill.png)

(1.32 MB 1160x1731 malus35-709792-rimshia.png)

(500.97 KB 1754x1240 Spider8Fiend-669651-Sleepy Snake.jpg)

(522.32 KB 1416x1067 ezkerbkun-710366-tamtmtm.png)

(1.84 MB 2894x4093 joe354-708684-boa_hancock_2.jpg)

(1.84 MB 1898x1880 ELFSEXER69-699222-reiass.png)

(340.25 KB 606x894 pbysteria-699919-firem.png)

(2.72 MB 2839x1426 Lampton-697423-c24_Aria.png)

(1015.38 KB 1800x2545 Fumika-696901-5 Mil's hunger.png)

its all fucking garbage, not even worth wasting time here
(3.57 MB 1798x2671 1630976029088.png)

(185.72 KB 1280x1024 1d.jpg)

(45.89 KB 500x238 71193241_p21_master1200.jpg)

(65.13 KB 500x454 71193241_p22_master1200.jpg)

(55.10 KB 500x367 71193241_p23_master1200.jpg)

(49.83 KB 500x376 71193241_p24_master1200.jpg)

(241.28 KB 1139x1200 71194060_p2_master1200.jpg)

(72.91 KB 600x686 87573418_p1_master1200.webp)

This should be the only type of Vore that should be allowed
>>251 I don’t remember SpaghettiZ making these
(263.88 KB 1508x1070 1526462908024.png)

(327.27 KB 1000x1000 1527277940610.png)

(1.14 MB 1500x1786 1535756626763.png)

(1.85 MB 2500x2380 1599505307516.png)

(3.50 MB 2000x2829 1530146276451.jpg)

>>830 sauce for 1 and 2?
>>841 No idea for the first one, but the second one was a sketch of a commission by VeryBatty. Here is the final version.

(887.57 KB 1300x2200 hauntz-482991-princess+bowser.png)

(780.06 KB 1400x2000 hauntz-488558-pizza+gal.png)

(1.28 MB 1200x2500 hauntz-539107-nessa1.png)

(578.31 KB 1200x2000 hauntz-554712-kfc.png)

(541.36 KB 2000x2400 Patreon-Ren-June20.png)

(487.31 KB 2000x2300 Patreon-Sirvile-June20.png)

(931.28 KB 1694x1975 pretaxrat159-725232-laverne.png)

(1.26 MB 2700x1908 SunnyHero-442803-Subway.jpg)

(693.67 KB 1200x817 Aesir-675185-Zalzas2.png)

(841.48 KB 1182x1389 Aesir-500088-Zalzas.png)

(988.22 KB 1209x1440 Aesir-571714-Crufl.png)

(3.09 MB 2164x3044 MoPoll13_Rise_SameSizeVore.png)

>>832 sauce?
(2.51 MB 2600x2600 SunnyHero-702570-Fio 1.jpg)

(67.66 KB 828x966 s49.jpg)

(61.58 KB 828x966 s50.jpg)

(111.31 KB 900x787 491043-8577-preview.jpg)

(71.04 KB 900x784 548465-30166-preview.jpg)

(284.82 KB 832x846 c6b0zBZ.png)

(152.74 KB 601x708 EzL4QLO.png)

(126.97 KB 536x911 KOXg5xv.png)

(171.93 KB 608x766 qWOvlAd.png)

(258.17 KB 928x799 P8o8Gah.png)

(313.12 KB 1164x1120 LAmVTLQ.png)

(687.79 KB 1500x1000 Malezor-477593-sw_april_01.jpg)

(2.40 MB 1564x2528 Aesirko (Vore Comic).png)

(56.11 KB 900x683 357397-74840-preview.jpg)

(67.21 KB 900x593 546735-50841-preview.jpg)

(60.04 KB 900x909 547152-109877-preview.jpg)

(83.92 KB 900x1101 548308-11152-preview.jpg)

(117.54 KB 900x1290 392135-7330-preview.jpg)

(60.75 KB 900x1144 437489-45100-preview.jpg)

(82.39 KB 900x890 443051-61313-preview.jpg)

(95.76 KB 900x606 453509-40315-preview.jpg)

(114.62 KB 900x948 460327-11152-preview.jpg)

(63.10 KB 900x701 479036-8577-preview.jpg)

(87.05 KB 900x720 495282-24835-preview.jpg)

(59.72 KB 900x705 505781-62686-preview.jpg)

(482.51 KB 922x1086 Aesir-483989-Alter.png)

(553.14 KB 846x989 Aesir-483981-UptNcro.jpg)

(638.86 KB 937x863 Aesir-510938-Crufl.png)

(687.63 KB 1238x1184 Aesir-527818-Alternoct.png)

(510.10 KB 900x1229 PollPic27_lores.png)

>>3121 let them eat people
>>3729 holy shit, source?
By Corrbear from Eka's, since they wiped their gallery.
(8.40 MB 640x512 2023-3418.mp4)

(68.56 KB 900x636 357309-66550-preview.jpg)

(56.11 KB 900x683 357397-74840-preview.jpg)

(117.73 KB 900x1299 359885-51657-preview.jpg)

(85.48 KB 900x900 371982-7330-preview.jpg)

(58.49 KB 900x600 446086-61320-preview.jpg)

(82.66 KB 900x904 476311-64064-preview.jpg)

(69.53 KB 900x584 476643-64118-preview.jpg)

(5.43 MB 2800x3216 LTAF-733025-Felicia.png)

(3.26 MB 1280x1960 Kronguss-733917-backpacking.jpg)

(11.06 MB 2558x2185 Tasley9-734540-CougarProblems.png)

(64.60 KB 875x1202 FDdPTssXMAA9Gii.jpg)

>>33 What is the sauce of the second one?
>>832 Source please
>>4328 The artist's name is Rubbishappeal. Pretty sure they have Pivix account.
(599.56 KB 3185x3092 1616496145194.jpg)

(2.90 MB 1744x4795 1616020157117.png)

(2.90 MB 2541x8957 1620028432130.jpg)

(3.96 MB 5063x5124 1620723107604.jpg)

(3.35 MB 3050x7726 1620948428528.png)

dumping some stuff, dunno if they are already on this board
(979.27 KB 1600x1231 1630291934537.jpg)

>>4593 forgot this one
(3.64 MB 1920x3400 1594891718876.png)

Did anyone save the Voraciousmoga commission where misato katsuragi eats ritsuko akagi? He removed it from his eka's gallery looks like.
(160.85 KB 980x1300 4E108A2.jpg)

Does anyone know the source of this image?
>>4664 I did I reverse image search and it looks like this is an edit of a panel from an existing hentai comic, at least according to this link. https://cumception.com/photos/tit-vore-captions/#
>>4676 Thank you anon
>>4664 Knew I had seen it before, page 2 of this thread https://aryion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=88&t=43378
(611.05 KB 852x1207 Lampton-468618-oops.png)

(1.26 MB 2025x1868 84471441.png)

>>4843 Who made this one?
some more gifs
>>4906 who is author of 1612494860413.gif???
(1.41 MB 2500x2356 TurnipUpp-653399-myy (1).png)

>>4924 I really hated that this guy deleted all of his mother/daughter content,
>>4980 He deleted everything. I found this on an ehentai collection.
Here is my collection of the Vore comics which I gathered for the next 2-3 years, enjoy: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mS-FlXhkCe3yNN9x_vhUb4NUHtOi8RFA?usp=sharing. As I have it on my personal disk I would like to delete it in the next 2 weeks. So if someone could repost it, that would be very nice. I don't have time for that.
>>5840 Is this a collection of anything, or just random comics?
>>5849 Random, but some of them are from artists such as BigBig
(619.76 KB 1500x1200 1599743961419.png)

(687.56 KB 2200x1700 1599712558347.png)

(1.85 MB 2500x2380 1599764307417.png)

(688.69 KB 2100x2100 1599764224918.png)

(1.27 MB 2500x2000 1599764132380.png)

Don't ask for source
(2.93 MB 2000x1887 E2KSrlmVcAAZtwd.png)

(2.84 MB 1860x5250 elira vs anaconda keze.png)

(2.54 MB 2000x2829 E4UigM2VkAUUDid.png)

(2.39 MB 2250x3183 tia harribel keze.png)

(1.98 MB 2000x2829 E11ZgweVgAoHyRS.png)

(1.93 MB 1881x2549 1638765455912.jpg)

(79.57 KB 900x637 290921-40315-preview.jpg)

(68.56 KB 900x636 357309-66550-preview.jpg)

(67.66 KB 828x966 s49.jpg)

(61.58 KB 828x966 s50.jpg)

>>745 >>355 >>177 What are the sources on these???
(7.41 MB 5190x4015 ateliervore.png)

(12.14 MB 4290x3534 mindfly.png)

(19.05 MB 5315x4290 losovore.png)

>>7004 177 is an edit of a Shadman drawing, 355 is LTAF, and 3 of 745 are by https://twitter.com/tammier_r. I don't know about the Chel or Rosalina pieces, sorry.
>>7057 could anyone tell me how to get all the vore scenes in this game? I've only managed to find the non cannon goblin and stripper scenes. I've heard that there is one with aliens, but there are a lot of pictures in the files that i haven't seen. For reference i'm just past bad broken, so try to avoid spoilers for the story, thank you
(177.56 KB 2048x1102 FD7z50hXEAA-_fL.jpeg)

(86.63 KB 645x645 Ec-wNDdXYAIUUAB.jpeg)

(250.10 KB 2048x1102 E8Te9boXMBEiAd6.jpeg)

(249.60 KB 2048x1102 E_a-Oa9X0AUn56i.jpeg)

(254.41 KB 2048x1102 E_0mfK6UYAAHyNo.jpeg)

(208.71 KB 1288x2048 FA-HcNzVQAI8r2z.jpeg)

(98.53 KB 749x1190 FA-HcMRVEAM-pkm.jpeg)

(292.76 KB 1010x1163 ekas autistic punishment.png)

>>7059 the alien one requires you to go back to bad borken and talk to the goblin in the bar, not positive what the trigger is but its something after your return to the capitol. There really arent too many scenes, there's kinda one at the department store in pro's heidi questline, and theres some at the end of the brewery quest after you finish the alien thing. There are some unused in the files i believe.
(102.42 KB 1280x415 109 (1).jpg)

(89.38 KB 1280x415 108 (1).jpg)

(221.92 KB 1280x905 135 (1).jpg)

(229.31 KB 1280x905 136 (1).jpg)

(162.55 KB 1280x593 341 (1).jpg)

(581.58 KB 1280x5514 290.jpg)

(154.04 KB 1280x593 342.jpg)

>>7145 what's in heidi's questline? I finished the part with the candy store, but i saw that there are assets for heidi for chuck's minigame. Does it just happen when you replay it in ellie's room?
>>7190 If you go to her office in Nordhaven you can further the questline, it's a small thing when you go to buy her mom an gift.
(647.95 KB 1150x1400 1598493580466.png)

(88.07 KB 1000x1300 1639153572162.jpg)

(977.38 KB 2500x2500 1639153884911.png)

(150.89 KB 545x850 1639196334971.png)

>>6016 Same for these
Hello, I don't know where to ask, so I'll try it here... How do you create a new thread? I'm looking for a stuff of one artists. Thanks for help!
>>7697 You can create a thread by just making a new post on the main index, but there's a general Requests thread pinned near the top that you should probably use instead.
(874.72 KB 1601x2034 1567838072959.png)

(601.95 KB 900x1232 1567838009705.png)

(1.43 MB 1731x2434 1544668542500.png)

(1.63 MB 3641x2538 1567838359165.png)

(463.78 KB 1176x918 1562473867920.png)

(321.97 KB 1568x825 1562754921178.png)

(686.30 KB 808x568 1567379680398.gif)

(1.71 MB 2190x2716 1563060670045.png)

(2.59 MB 3181x2610 1562969324204.png)

(496.17 KB 970x955 1401214742361.jpg)

(1.21 MB 957x670 1530764170927.png)

(1.35 MB 1400x2000 1640717429645.png)

(1.49 MB 2048x1920 1640717481384.png)

(152.56 KB 738x1199 1640695270617.jpg)

(156.54 KB 738x1199 1640695302638.jpg)

(2.93 MB 2000x4604 1572930862866.png)

(3.79 MB 1067x7071 1531872732104.jpg)

(1.06 MB 1013x1125 1599875290969.png)

(1.58 MB 1500x2250 1611783442181.png)

(2.44 MB 1893x6450 1464205284658.jpg)

(1.46 MB 2200x1833 1572286135898.jpg)

(1.41 MB 2200x1833 1572286186781.jpg)

(1.66 MB 2200x1833 1572286230646.jpg)

(1.58 MB 2200x1833 1572286292962.jpg)

(1.84 MB 2200x1980 1572286361422.jpg)

(105.53 KB 577x900 1462045667516.jpg)

(108.99 KB 658x900 1462045723846.jpg)

(39.44 KB 306x600 1462045803737.jpg)

(619.58 KB 1688x3166 1462045863169.jpg)

(427.40 KB 1556x2845 1462046096997.jpg)

(98.51 KB 700x873 1462046147196.jpg)

(167.66 KB 1280x1280 1571106154235.jpg)

(2.09 MB 1977x1506 1536255812327.png)

(165.16 KB 989x720 1571584072428.jpg)

(770.96 KB 2200x2200 1571467679589.jpg)

(709.02 KB 1250x1650 1556825896491.png)

(286.99 KB 1152x1920 1570898887798.png)

(464.15 KB 1280x1063 1456342319195.png)

(409.03 KB 1280x1736 1550630593720.png)

(654.04 KB 1280x1434 1456342284046.png)

(696.16 KB 1280x1752 1453181508868.png)

>>7800 who made these?
>>7815 pyxxyl
(810.44 KB 1017x1200 1385022070292.png)

(958.70 KB 1211x1713 1571803379423.jpg)

(2.42 MB 2000x2000 1571891392476.png)

(2.15 MB 8000x6037 1572139446303.jpg)

(2.39 MB 1200x1600 1571939573579.png)

(420.95 KB 1456x2132 1569104229058.jpg)

(243.58 KB 893x1577 1561473986348.jpg)

(499.52 KB 1484x1752 1535138953861.png)

(3.35 MB 6943x1998 1568874450362.png)

>>7822 Source of the jessie pic?

(488.88 KB 1311x926 1544567101640.png)

(3.67 MB 2664x7096 1465487011471.png)

>>7837 Dont know found it in archives
(2.68 MB 1400x2500 1623022609488.png)

(2.61 MB 1400x2500 1623022574272.png)

(1.66 MB 1400x2380 1623022533114.png)

(1.54 MB 994x4054 1640729189078.png)

(674.19 KB 1440x2160 1640734593058.jpg)

(1.06 MB 1013x1125 1599875290969.png)

(674.19 KB 1440x2160 1640734593058.jpg)

(210.71 KB 1174x1200 E9g7IFYVcAIGG4H.jpeg)

(393.10 KB 2048x1638 E9LtGlaUcAIrfCB.jpeg)

(3.79 MB 1067x7071 1531872732104.jpg)

(3.16 MB 1448x4096 1618531305888.png)

(1.47 MB 700x3171 1490653427308.png)

(183.14 KB 816x2298 1626138084339.gif)

(597.75 KB 1521x10000 1621969119403.jpg)

(1.83 MB 1896x4948 1613937417513.png)

(1.10 MB 1354x3317 1580083842627.jpg)

(2.73 MB 1240x5262 1602613904036.png)

(70.58 KB 825x1500 1617212410403.jpg)

(547.22 KB 1400x1400 1570649698838.jpg)

(3.44 MB 2480x2405 1560990709167.jpg)

(1.48 MB 910x3047 1570852213483.png)

(329.07 KB 1280x1656 0.jpg)

(375.71 KB 1280x1657 1.jpg)

(360.21 KB 1280x1732 2.jpg)

(332.05 KB 1280x1656 3.jpg)

(261.07 KB 1280x1732 4 (1).jpg)

(321.13 KB 1280x1732 5.jpg)

(285.35 KB 1280x1732 6.jpg)

(218.96 KB 1280x1762 7.jpg)

(307.25 KB 1280x1732 8.jpg)

(262.22 KB 1280x1732 9 (1).jpg)

(312.15 KB 1280x1758 10 (13).jpg)

(372.38 KB 1280x1751 11.jpg)

>>7916 Ugh I hate that artist they used to post good stuff and now the only thing they draw is "adoptable" characters
>>7935 The price paid for artist spending time on twitter. Doesnt help their feed is nothing but what to expect just like other artist which drowns out most of their art.
>>7958 more, plz
>>7995 cassyinko is on eka's. this is probably all there is. classic comic though
>>8000 It is. The is the no words version.
>>7871 Sauce for the third comic?
>>8031 Assir when he used to do sequences
(1.47 MB 3879x3475 1640913263714.jpg)

(479.23 KB 1729x1432 1639631635157.png)

(276.10 KB 2250x1148 1640884492241.png)

(293.65 KB 1434x2008 1640893021671.jpg)

(300.40 KB 700x930 willudie-268788-Lucy and Erza.png)

(810.33 KB 2224x1636 willudie-289251-image.jpg)

(136.60 KB 2048x1734 EzRyJxgUYAszvoZ.jpeg)

(90.03 KB 1480x1960 ExlVHsbWQAcf4Ul.jpeg)

(88.08 KB 1379x1564 ExlWDYmWYAEzDh_.jpeg)

(1.07 MB 1440x1865 TinkuTink-344835-HildaTums.png)

(160.42 KB 1352x2048 E4RG4VXWYAQSaUT.jpeg)

(109.35 KB 1633x1022 E9ey4JxWYAQCnQ-.jpeg)

(100.01 KB 1633x1022 E9ey4IqXIAYUF7D.jpeg)

(2.23 MB 1953x2000 1641009190805.png)

(1.47 MB 4594x833 ezkerbkun-636583-jinvre.png)

(1.29 MB 2971x1177 ezkerbkun-641053-eriscat.png)

(1.25 MB 3336x1133 ezkerbkun-631799-semirams.png)

(1.36 MB 2287x1649 ezkerbkun-669470-apitop.png)

(1.05 MB 1794x1903 ezkerbkun-640372-kurisy.png)

>>7871 Sauce on the first one please?
>>8132 >>8115 >>8112 >>8111 >>8110 >>8109 >>8108 Sauce? I can't read the signature
(1.83 MB 1110x1554 1 (1).png)

(1.54 MB 1110x1554 2 (2).png)

(1.39 MB 1110x1554 3 (2).png)

(908.34 KB 1110x1554 1.png)

(1.39 MB 1110x1554 2.png)

(1.20 MB 1110x1554 3.png)

(18.73 MB 3815x4290 flayerdbd.png)

(3.45 MB 3000x3000 vorelosofinal.jpg)

(3.03 MB 2000x2000 Susamaru_1_Slayers_0.png)

(1.64 MB 1668x1699 1641161474873.png)

(3.35 MB 3317x3183 Draconatedz-750148-Aba.jpg)

(344.54 KB 1226x1500 ConsumptionZ-749036-image0-2.png)

(2.03 MB 2597x3625 Deathbat99-750905-gabi.jpg)

(2.29 MB 1200x1698 8.png)

(2.31 MB 1200x1698 8t.png)

(2.27 MB 1600x1200 6.png)

(2.38 MB 1600x1200 6t.png)

>>8409 I am pretty sure there is a third image for the 3 girls then 2 in 1 gilr belly there. Anyone have it?
>>8154 Who's this artist / where did you find this?
(628.37 KB 1200x1600 bnnnnxg19-730121-li.png)

>>8733 Source of the first one?
(580.52 KB 2200x2800 Patreon Hsaibot Jan22.png)

(595.30 KB 2800x2200 Patreon SuperSaiyan Jan22.png)

>>7136 source?
(90.84 KB 1024x1063 FJqjTHGX0AEC1HW.jpeg)

(1.66 MB 2894x1800 1640971929105.png)

(2.15 MB 1800x2545 1640971965022.png)

(837.98 KB 2828x2000 1641980753371.jpg)

>>9169 always a treat when jora does same size
(303.22 KB 2000x2000 FJnLhJvX0AEk-q5.png)

(438.12 KB 1436x2000 FKJkuAYXoAISiVQ.jpg)

(411.11 KB 2000x2000 FJnL6ScXwAQ9VN9.png)

(54.76 KB 600x729 96212958_p1_master1200.webp)

(73.66 KB 600x850 96023927_p0_master1200.webp)

>>365 sauce?
>>8412 Source?
>>9892 DFsDeep on Eka: https://aryion.com/g4/view/683598 >>9898 Art from SeekGr on Eka from one of their story collaborations. Should be "Gold Streak".
(1.75 MB 1797x1637 AbsoluteVL-757324-Izumi_FD.png)

(1.91 MB 1512x1920 Lampton-751200-betty.png)

(638.34 KB 1160x1500 Ergos-738611-Street Pred 1.jpg)

(535.81 KB 1243x1500 Ergos-747491-Street Pred 2.jpg)

(1.01 MB 1244x1600 88528115_p1.jpg)

(549.35 KB 2024x1950 FMoyevqVcAAINbN.jpeg)

(645.44 KB 2453x1644 1645996092661.jpg)

(115.16 KB 1024x1078 FMmLlKfWUAI8KTN.jpeg)

(138.71 KB 1024x1078 FMmLm_hXwAUxzf6.jpeg)

(123.54 KB 1024x1078 FMmLo_bXoAQnqtL.jpeg)

(124.72 KB 1024x1078 FMmLqidX0AIcS4m.jpeg)

(143.22 KB 1024x1078 FMmMCs4XwAUzhX9.jpeg)

(138.68 KB 1024x1078 FMmMEoNWQAAzmjt.jpeg)

(126.99 KB 1024x1078 FMmMGeMXsAE8vdN.jpeg)

(160.54 KB 1024x1024 FMmMI4TWYAI2s9G.jpeg)

(149.54 KB 1024x871 FMmMQm6XEAAlTXP.jpeg)

(184.43 KB 1024x1141 FMmMSrhXsAQivxc.jpeg)

(117.78 KB 1024x797 FMmMVJGWUAkfgK_.jpeg)

(123.81 KB 1024x965 FMmMXUoWYAIrEXW.jpeg)

(794.44 KB 2480x3508 1645990771079.jpg)

(580.44 KB 2480x3508 1645990835149.jpg)

(1.85 MB 1308x1756 1645929645400.png)

(1.15 MB 1488x1800 1645837131823.png)

(2.38 MB 1619x2303 ezkerbkun-764007-murasaki xd.png)

(1.93 MB 1655x2858 ezkerbkun-764006-shyvaaan.png)

(374.34 KB 1938x1080 FMoZ-nNWYAkiG6U.jpeg)

(148.49 KB 1368x1080 FMoZ-nNXwAMCRxo.jpeg)

(305.56 KB 1920x1600 FMoZ-nNXsAMQhEI.jpeg)

(259.01 KB 1200x766 469.jpg)

more nested prey please
(1.27 MB 1536x3176 1586278431451.png)

(981.63 KB 1500x1482 1646634039963.jpg)

(1.03 MB 1800x2632 1646598307643.png)

(1.72 MB 1517x1514 Samelya-766790-ekaaaaaa.jpg)

(1.22 MB 2000x1504 FMFtz8FXwAEquoH.jpeg)

(2.28 MB 1280x2690 1646610026037.png)

(528.50 KB 2800x2200 Patreon Ren Mar22.png)

(367.36 KB 1200x1061 1604990054198.png)

(895.44 KB 1800x2000 1607653575178.png)

(3.30 MB 2651x1653 1584724171850.png)

(3.75 MB 851x6000 1599519744760.png)

(3.10 MB 851x6000 1599519785846.png)

(447.74 KB 1707x2048 1598717465580.jpg)

(389.62 KB 1707x2048 1598717499600.jpg)

(435.52 KB 1707x2048 1598717534263.jpg)

(176.33 KB 1575x2048 1598717864575.jpg)

prey sharing needs to be more of a thing
is there more of this?
>>11120 gotta get that source for riven
>>11122 That looks like the sketchwork for the Swallowed in the name of Science & Swallowed in the Name of Science 2 comics. vore lover or vore12 lover or soemthing, he has a ton of comics and only a few of them actually posted any where. He supposedly was supposed to do a free Belly vore remake comic, but I don't think that happened. He has also done some animated comics too, which I think 1-2 of the 4-5 have been posted.
(96.79 KB 1728x1080 1647899833591.png)

Look at this lost shyguy9 art. He totally made this as an anon on Trash.
>>11120 Sauce for the last 2?
(1.25 MB 1490x1000 Aesir-761756-NewYears2022.png)

(504.09 KB 1935x1366 Badfurson-770303-image1.jpg)

(1.61 MB 3200x2560 1649215628624.png)

(1.42 MB 1600x2560 1649215699805.png)

(1.19 MB 1015x1500 1539048769741.png)

Does anybody know who's the artist of this piece? Thanks.
>>12165 Okay, found out actually it was made by Okai, but it is edited. The original is non-vore. Does anybody know the name of the guy who edits these?
(487.11 KB 2800x2200 Patreon Ninja April22.png)

(695.57 KB 1700x1941 adiane_junketzu_vore.png)

(574.00 KB 1412x1200 DegenerateException-569694-Ragyo.png)

(1.67 MB 2798x2143 panty_x_02.png)

(721.73 KB 1200x900 aloe.png)

>>12879 The girl that gotten eaten, would have made a far sexier preditor >:)
(8.25 MB 3838x2998 Vanessa vore dress.png)

>>13080 Are these new? Where did you get them?
(6.92 MB 2500x2500 room-kinoko centauress1.png)

(7.18 MB 2500x2500 room-kinoko centauress2.png)

(7.05 MB 2500x2500 room-kinoko centauress3.png)

(3.80 MB 1750x2200 room-kinoko wolf lamia1.png)

(3.97 MB 1750x2200 room-kinoko wolf lamia2.png)

(4.05 MB 1750x2200 room-kinoko wolf lamia3.png)

(545.60 KB 720x830 Aesir-780962-Poker.png)

>>13467 tbf verybatty has only gotten more technically skilled, they just don't draw nice anime characters anymore.
(237.25 KB 1280x1810 elf.jpg)

It looks like Rancor which has been circling the quit drain for a while now, is now hanging on by a few fingers. I give it a few days before he really quits permanently, another few months before he realizes it himself. I hate to go ahead and cross him off, but might as well now.
(2.04 MB 3000x4650 16514339845888959796.jpg)

(2.85 MB 3000x4500 16513698189685712195.jpg)

(414.10 KB 700x700 FSl_k4aX0A4c-Kf.png)

(469.77 KB 700x700 FSl_jElX0AccSl-.png)

>>13992 Source on these doodles specificly?
these 2 pictures are actually from 1 picture but its of course from Aesir you should be able to reconize his art. https://aryion.com/g4/view/784279
(742.56 KB 2800x2200 Patreon Ren May22.png)

(763.84 KB 1280x1280 W14nheo.png)

(632.11 KB 1280x1280 CojD6Yq.png)

(887.34 KB 1101x1473 Aesir-785939-OhNose.png)

>>14086 can I get the sources for this?
(1.35 MB 1388x1500 Aesir-786787-Dogknight2.png)

(1.56 MB 1110x1521 Aesir-786786-Dogknight1.png)

>>14354 Wow did Aesir actually mildly improve his artsyle for once in a blue moon with these?
(838.69 KB 855x1023 Aesir-788118-VioletBlind.png)

(577.41 KB 2200x2800 Patreon Kork May22.png)

(386.57 KB 1100x1200 1654466679480.png)

(1.42 MB 750x1334 1532703501803.png)

(3.45 MB 3129x4727 Pam_Vore_Color_Patreon.jpg)

You can find the artist as Bell-on-Supremacy on Deviantart He mainly draws hyperpreg, but has decided to start drawing vore as well.
(7.16 MB 6910x6252 comm467.jpg)

(754.78 KB 2200x2800 Patreon Ren June22.png)

>>15514 Sauce on this?
(510.24 KB 764x946 Aesir-797138-Protovski.png)

>>15536 Just uploaded publicly by VoreGoddess https://aryion.com/g4/view/797539
>>15924 Post full comic pls
(848.01 KB 1200x1122 oc22.png)

>>15924 bump for full comic.
>>15603 That’s my succubus character
(175.21 KB 960x955 2022 - May - Leftovers 01.png)

(741.83 KB 1350x1500 A0IISA-811149-vore day 22.png)

(99.81 KB 745x1445 FZrhlmSWAAEm5wh.jpg)

(1.23 MB 1200x1600 100099686_p1.png)

(1.98 MB 2519x3111 Takeyama-813824-tohru.png)

(1.45 MB 2002x2751 Takeyama-814437-Tamaki.png)

(326.15 KB 689x836 Aesir-817587-FireRed2.png)

(610.80 KB 900x1152 Voraciousmoga-821500-com set.png)

(40.47 KB 1094x1060 spycomm.png)

(3.57 MB 5973x4629 JJKCommFin.png)

(601.62 KB 2200x2800 Patreon Ren Sept22.png)

(556.43 KB 750x966 Aesir-826169-DogKnight.png)

(3.10 MB 3198x4092 affo ruka sk.jpg)

(3.00 MB 2800x4200 Patreon Rukia Sept22.png)

(445.06 KB 1024x1400 FZsCo-DUsAALqnv.jpg)

(1.06 MB 2200x2800 Patreon Ren Nov22.png)

(3.63 MB 3400x5000 16682243543734394938.jpg)

(4.92 MB 4282x6165 comm 479.jpg)

(692.22 KB 2200x2800 Patreon Hsaibot Dec22.png)

(9.39 MB 3484x5337 Juri_Vore_Patreon.jpg)

(4.16 MB 3066x4250 Cia_FB_Vore_Part_1_Patreon.jpg)

(363.03 KB 1000x1071 Aesir-855549-Kasoun.png)

(403.61 KB 1866x1506 Pog0na-856484-unknown.png)

(2.50 MB 2513x2710 Okioppai-856487-v2.png)

(908.48 KB 2494x2098 MRRATTLEBONES-722465-inque.png)

(643.53 KB 1000x1333 noisekeeper-857058-sktch231.png)

(215.36 KB 1024x1400 ndnode-857599-kenta+teacher.jpg)

can anyone update Clip's kemono page?
(1.31 MB 1500x1200 Aru-859448-krieg.png)

>>24442 pretty sure the 3rd image is a male. one of DeadStrategicCactus’s OCs
>>24509 if thats what the artist thinks a male looks like hes a moron
>>24780 it's thorstone. he draws males like this all the time
>>24509 If they're drawn exactly like a woman, who cares what the artist's intentions were, it's a woman.
>>24832 Indeed. But remember that lots of people on this board are extremely insecure and become terrified and enraged at even the potential suggestion of the appearance that they might be gay.
>>24845 Too true, too true. That problem's ESPECIALLY bad in vore forums/sites, honestly. Can't tell if it's because of the deep-seated sense of shame most vorarephiliacs already carry from how deviant this fetish is, or if I just notice it more here for some abstract reason.
>>24845 >lots of people on this board are extremely insecure and become terrified and enraged at even the potential suggestion No, they're just tired of the fact fags are constantly pushed to be accepted in EVERYTHING, and expressing any displeasure about this gets them labeled as "homophobic", much like you just did.
>>24880 okay boomer
(78.48 KB 900x533 498697-76630-preview.jpg)

(62.03 KB 900x551 624553-40331-d2h1tf-preview.jpg)

>>24845 no, it's just because this thread is called "Female same size vore" and not "Male same size vore"
(78.68 KB 982x814 IMG_0025.JPG)

>>25020 So when did Clunky do the Hellmari piece? I don't ever remember seeing it on their Aryion.
So I guess there's only drawn content allowed here. I found this new artist on da named diskdata and they make some nice 3d same size renders. This person came out of nowhere and they're just dumping render after render.
(619.76 KB 1500x1200 1598327413475.png)

(443.96 KB 1000x1000 willudie-867860-Yokomation.png)

Idk if I can share this here, but let's make the party big! On his Ko-Fi he has his DA page with his other socials He has some great works
(89.64 KB 908x1262 FpdIthVWIAI7qh8.jpg)

(297.22 KB 791x852 FpdIthaXgAA4l_g.png)

>>17504 Artist?
(3.11 MB 3400x5000 16769951090837427608.jpg)

(291.97 KB 900x798 1407561684839.png)

(212.10 KB 1200x900 1407561998345.jpg)

(289.74 KB 800x800 1555063933209.png)

(1.42 MB 1280x1687 1474269886653.png)

(1.59 MB 2400x2000 1441554202005.png)

(77.80 KB 540x1075 1601311520458.jpg)

(570.24 KB 2000x1494 1602453858888.png)

(1.47 MB 4594x833 1601343587337.png)

(1.50 MB 3000x3000 1603216291274.png)

(3.02 MB 1500x3253 1600805873445.png)

(252.04 KB 1000x1604 1593283509636.jpg)

(188.38 KB 900x2047 1603706384088.jpg)

(189.13 KB 900x2047 1603706445755.jpg)

(1.02 MB 1573x1280 1602738448746.png)

(1.74 MB 1941x2269 1572829017510.png)

(295.41 KB 2348x2960 resileaf_twinkel_cyberpunk.jpg)

(131.75 KB 998x1109 Aesir-876522-Poker4.png)

(643.86 KB 884x953 Aesir-877901-Nobodyman.png)

(1.61 MB 5906x4175 105799360_p1.jpg)

(7.40 MB 5906x4175 105799360_p0.png)

(1.20 MB 2233x1536 1522114569547.jpg)

(2.79 MB 2400x1650 1675383404392.jpg)

(1.56 MB 1428x1398 Aesir-880520-Leivve1.png)

>>26521 ooff Cake is the best
>>28163 She’s always really fun to commission. Recently gave her a redesign and I have two more pieces with her being worked on
(996.97 KB 1296x1800 SunnyHero-883250-Captain Comm.png)

>>28498 Whats the source for the last one? I think they have a Twitter but I forgot
(710.80 KB 992x1035 Aesir-887782-Vir.png)

(13.20 MB 2480x3508 Cake HD.jpg)

Here’s some more Cake :)
>>29387 damn the best Vore character ever
>>29402 I have another commission in the works for her already, but if there’s a pose you’d like to see Cake in, just post it on the board and I’ll consider it
(4.01 MB 3710x4762 Audrey_Vore_Color_Patreon.jpg)

(5.90 MB 4236x5041 Sindel_Vore_Patreon.jpg)

(406.30 KB 1087x1000 image_2023-06-13_210540469.png)

(932.74 KB 1000x1892 image_2023-06-13_210545827.png)

(581.39 KB 1011x1000 image_2023-06-13_210556287.png)

(3.43 MB 4500x5500 image_2023-06-13_210613795.png)

(298.57 KB 648x1020 image_2023-06-13_210634787.png)

my collection. dunno if any of this is already here but i dont care to check. more incoming
(991.26 KB 1280x720 image_2023-06-13_210823004.png)

(155.25 KB 3200x2765 image_2023-06-13_210835144.png)

(627.68 KB 1870x2000 image_2023-06-13_210901463.png)

(544.01 KB 800x1334 image_2023-06-13_211106611.png)

(144.68 KB 539x677 image_2023-06-13_211126512.png)

the sequel.
(370.98 KB 2048x1536 IMG_0656.jpeg)

(895.81 KB 1400x2703 IMG_0657.jpeg)

(2.59 MB 1561x2363 IMG_0658.png)

(5.82 MB 3456x4000 IMG_0659.png)

>>32213 (had to resize image)
>>32215 Source?
(144.28 KB 1643x1500 FvUargtaIAE_szk.jpg)

Does anyone know the artist of this?
>>30572 source on these?
(351.84 KB 2048x1078 F3BwwDaXEAo7iLp.jpeg)

(172.16 KB 2048x1862 F3DYXw4XwAAvkdH.jpeg)

(226.07 KB 2048x1862 F3DWQh1XkAAulh-.jpeg)

(289.99 KB 1544x1980 F3D9xvgWcAAYrB7.jpeg)

(165.73 KB 1200x1350 F2_4CWuXEAAROKx.jpeg)

>>33700 Sauce on the Livewire and Miss Heed sketches?
(206.01 KB 900x1465 image0.jpg)

Anyone know who the artist is?
>>34091 Thanks.
(85.54 KB 1262x464 SaxxonVore.jpg)

(5.17 MB 5395x4475 discord stocking stuff alt.jpg)

(8.49 MB 6856x4475 discord stocking.jpg)

(1.94 MB 3109x3195 SpeVore.png)

(2.01 MB 3195x2853 MaiMakoto.png)

(1.67 MB 3267x3171 Voreses2.png)

(1.64 MB 4002x3100 GolshiTeiovore.png)

Can anyone post the miia sequence from metalforever
>>34503 Source?
Can somebody fucking update GreenGlutton's kemono already?!
Cool art here:)
(17.49 MB 2630x4180 BIGBIG-941761-voretober4.jpg)

(940.00 KB 1891x2048 F8ECk-SWcAADnuQ.png)

(1.97 MB 2887x4096 F1E0VbqWYAA8Kwv.jpg)

(2.27 MB 2850x4096 F20C-uoWsAAXnMS.jpg)

(2.13 MB 2850x4096 F20EgRUXUAMSGyG.jpg)

(2.20 MB 2850x4096 F20EgRYXgAAqHd5.jpg)

Just trying to keep this thread alive
Scat panels cut
(71.57 KB 900x482 1697683939081548.jpg)

(1.71 MB 1600x2000 3.png)

(1.69 MB 1600x2000 5.png)

(1.88 MB 1600x2000 4.png)

(1.93 MB 1600x2000 6.png)

(2.78 MB 1600x2000 7.png)

>>36946 hello can i pls know the creator from this ones. :3
>>37130 GokaiVore
>>37184 ok thx :3
>>36946 sry for bothering again has someone all pictures from that one. is not more i his shop :/
(412.67 KB 1280x1735 1.jpg)

(320.30 KB 1280x1735 2.jpg)

(288.68 KB 1280x1735 3.jpg)

>>37198 Bump
>>37549 Bump
>>37925 Bump
(81.00 KB 979x816 JPEG image.jpeg)

(101.95 KB 900x1424 JPEG image.jpeg)

(99.65 KB 900x1210 JPEG image.jpeg)

>>37198 Bump
(3.26 MB 2160x3840 Lampton-963248-ellie7-1.png)

(11.57 MB 2160x3840 Lampton-963249-ellie7-2.png)

(7.11 MB 2160x3840 Lampton-963250-ellie7-3.png)

Lampton's best bulges IMO
>>39534 Would have been better if they both died in Marines belly, or even better if when they tried to escape she broke the other girl and didn't manage to get out so she had to melt in soupy remains of her friend
(399.31 KB 1605x2212 GA9RqotXAAAWM3l.jpg)

(148.04 KB 1280x1429 GCtoPnuXoAAyL5y.png)

(674.93 KB 620x2238 OV_S_BWprev.png)

(431.00 KB 620x939 V-RKA_FT_End_D.png)

(943.09 KB 620x1984 OV_DS_BWprev01.png)

(3.22 MB 2040x1408 V-RKA_FT.png)

(1.71 MB 2463x1385 V-KLI_BS_Van.png)

(2.31 MB 2048x5120 V-KLI_Seq_Sketch01.jpg)

(7.69 MB 3840x4518 KLI_AM_comic01.png)

(7.50 MB 5002x2810 V-KLI_BS_02_WIP.png)

>>40979 rivie's been putting out fatal alts this whole time and didn't advertise it??
>>40979 Where can I find more of Rivie's stuff? Their aryion is empty
>>41263 patreon is your only choice I'd really love if someone made a kemono page for her but I'm too lazy to figure out how it works
(336.96 KB 900x1200 112918737_p1_master1200.jpg)

(309.53 KB 768x1024 114148598_p0_master1200.jpg)

(333.40 KB 768x1024 114148598_p1_master1200.jpg)

(436.48 KB 901x1200 112918737_p0_master1200.jpg)

here take one last bunch of images
(346.27 KB 921x1200 114705512_p0_master1200.jpg)

(387.54 KB 901x1200 114305524_p2_master1200.jpg)

(623.32 KB 900x1200 114305524_p0_master1200.jpg)

(701.19 KB 1014x1200 114305524_p1_master1200.jpg)

(161.79 KB 900x1200 114610686_p1_master1200.jpg)

(357.39 KB 900x1200 114610686_p0_master1200.jpg)

(433.82 KB 1001x1200 114724357_p10_master1200.jpg)

(561.80 KB 1200x900 114724357_p6_master1200.jpg)

(368.71 KB 900x1200 114724357_p21_master1200.jpg)

(1.89 MB 1536x2048 115055179_p0.png)

(2.68 MB 2111x2548 114970979_p0.png)

sauce is 5idestep on pixiv
>>41273 sauce?
>>41291 It's literally in the messages...
(537.13 KB 3286x4096 GHidYiBWUAAmABA.jpg)

(688.79 KB 1417x4096 GBOx1kHasAA0PNt.jpg)

>>43596 Sauce
(89.46 KB 1020x1320 GIHqileXcAAayTl.png)

(116.41 KB 1123x1381 GIF9gUEXoAERrsR.jpg)

(152.29 KB 1020x1320 GIHqiikWwAAFojL.png)

(1.26 MB 1000x1414 Rorschach93-989611-n.png)

(701.48 KB 2200x2800 Patreon Hsaibot Mar24.png)

(102.17 KB 1020x1320 GI2g97RW0AA1opq.png)

(edited to remove scat panel)
>>43475 We need more endosoma on this board
>>44552 make your own thread then
(5.59 MB 2604x2800 Curfew-Milky.png)

Wouldn't mind stay out too late to meet her~
>>44659 source??
>>44458 And where is the better scat version?
(884.46 KB 1195x1206 Aesir-1014098-Dogknight.png)

(916.89 KB 1032x1317 Aesir-1015036-Neoneo.png)

>>48803 artist?
(2.75 MB 1893x6450 thesonier103-344616-sis.jpg)

spoilered for disposal
(541.53 KB 1560x1574 GNipEP6w_2x.jpg)

>>49174 Source?
>>49563 Karbo. It was a rare piece, as they mostly do GTS vore.
(133.89 KB 1290x1320 GQTmeP3WYAA9tyf.jfif)

(120.83 KB 1290x1320 GQTmePzXgAAmz9w.jfif)

(1.54 MB 1288x1241 Easter2023Mimi.png)

(350.04 KB 3320x2732 20240624_151008.jpg)

(429.56 KB 3000x3100 AyakoReq.png)

(414.33 KB 2946x3100 EchidnaREQ.png)

(27.16 MB 6000x4000 Ilove-1037555-CHARLIE (alt).png)

>>53457 Source
>>53577 In the filename
(8.22 KB 719x719 Screenshot (3781).png)

(8.05 KB 719x719 Screenshot (3782).png)

(233.69 KB 896x680 EoT0H-dWEAU_wRC.png)

>>54043 >>54044 Don't post your lil bro's trash art again. Thx
>>54043 Hell, the middle two are traces of MetalForever's work...
>>54105 where did you get the sequel, or part 2 of this? It isn't on twit or kemo.
Does anybody please know what artist drew this? (It's not a Golden114, he just stole it)
(918.67 KB 1109x1250 Aesir-1044204-Zalzas.png)

>>54157 Random 4chan thread
>>54157 There's a watermark at the top of the page for the 2nd image and Patreon and twitter details at the bottom of the page. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/89693019
(674.56 KB 800x1209 willudie-1070045-call in.png)

Anybody know the artist of this, I can't seem to find it anywhere?
>>60829 Artist name is Plat on Eka's. They removed this image and some others from there
(7.37 MB 2500x3000 Asuka Vore Comm 1.png)

(6.27 MB 2500x3000 Asuka Vore Comm 2.png)

(9.20 MB 2600x6900 Party Gutslut Final.jpg)

(5.31 MB 2600x6900 Update 7.jpg)

(17.47 MB 7500x6000 We Used to have a Track Team.jpg)

>>61496 Source?
(4.44 MB 3040x3933 portadas 2 color.JPG)

>>61987 What's the source for the third image?
>>17706 Sauce for this one? SauceNAO, Google and even Yandex turn up nothing.
>>62025 I believe artist is bloatedtum4life.
>>62176 Pretty sure its Takeyama on eka's portal https://aryion.com/g4/view/814437
>>62185 Their the same person i just realized
(1.10 MB 915x915 image-50-1.png)

Anyone know where this might come from? On one hand I feel like it could be TresLeches art, on the other it kinda gives AI vibes.
>>62176 He's stopped uploading for months. What happened?
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>>62194 Is his patreon still active at least?
>>62261 Seeing until early February. Twitter some retweets months later then silence.
>>62256 That's a really cute artstyle where can I find this artist?
>>62648 source on these!!!
>>62999 Can we get a delete on the Roblox crap? kthx
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