/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Vaxie Pie paid content Anonymous 07/14/2024 (Sun) 17:48:28 No. 51761 [Reply]
Mainly looking for the videos that are not public.
8 posts omitted.
Link is down
>>51775 Link is down but thank you for helping us tho
>>65892 >>60530 >>60583 Link is down pls 🙏

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Vore Animations 3 Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 00:47:57 No. 46749 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone have the complete version of this?
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Does anyone have the full vid?

FidchellVore alternate endings/scenarios Anonymous 12/24/2021 (Fri) 01:49:43 No. 7578 [Reply] [Last]
This is a thread for the alternate vore scenarios Fidchell has made for his patreon or commissions. I wouldn't have made this thread but I feel like it's needed because they don't seem to organize or sort them. They're hard and practically impossible to find.
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>>65293 NSFW ver.
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What is the new colored exclusive pic?

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Nuked Stuff Archive Anonymous 05/11/2023 (Thu) 14:14:22 No. 29609 [Reply] [Last]
A place to post stuff you know is deleted and kinda hard to find. Also valid to request lost stuff
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>>65869 don't see it
>>65348 No unfortunately I couldn't find anything
>>65869 It doesn't was deleted by the person who made it

Ecchipanda Female Vore Thread Anonymous 09/26/2021 (Sun) 18:52:58 No. 1244 [Reply] [Last]
Post female vore from Ecchipanda
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Weird/Obscure Preds Anonymous 03/04/2022 (Fri) 08:23:44 No. 10507 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is for characters you'd never expect to be a pred or are practically never drawn
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Underrated/Unused Preds Anonymous 11/14/2021 (Sun) 20:13:17 No. 4630 [Reply] [Last]
There are a ton of popular or underground cartoon characters that don't get the art they deserve despite the fact some of them are canon preds.
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I want Industry Man to vore me hskhskkkkkk •////○ Dumb ass sketch by me

Dragon Ball Vore Thread Anonymous 10/01/2021 (Fri) 15:37:04 No. 1644 [Reply] [Last]
Post Dragon Ball vore related content
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vore in media Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 00:42:53 No. 20282 [Reply] [Last]
Post any clips, images, or anything where something outside of the vore community has vore, vore themes. This can be from the internet, IRL, movies, or games it can also be someone who doesn't talk about vore mentioning it, or suggesting it.
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(2.74 MB 720x576 Bogal vore scene.mp4)

Bogarl vore from Ultraman Mebius
Someone making this show was definitely into Vore. Not only do most Vore scenes involve the two girls of the group eating people, but Reaven always seems smug and happy about it. Also, Vore with male or feral pred is incredibly rare, and instead of using Beast Boys, who can become vorish animals, they used Beast Girl instead, which, to me, sounds like the person behind these scenes likes female preds. https://youtu.be/21dEqZ9HTzw https://youtu.be/yzY4sZ62vyc https://youtu.be/044uV9YAWds https://youtu.be/XPmt5TrQyFg https://youtu.be/gVwHy5ofONk https://youtu.be/gZb9h-MsJDw https://youtu.be/QLRMpjA7st4
https://x.com/Grxit/status/1878604557795913935 Gura just being Gura and pretending to be eaten and digested

Trading thread Anonymous 04/17/2023 (Mon) 15:02:27 No. 28624 [Reply] [Last]
Because people can't learn what the difference between share and trade.
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Han88kabir@gmail.com Please add me
If anyone has nikki brooks unexpected bump video pm me or add me mrsaths4@gmail.com
If anyone is interested in willing to do a trade for trade I have a few vids on my external but I know where 2 are on mega with Dee willams

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Male Preds Anonymous 02/01/2024 (Thu) 20:00:14 No. 41570 [Reply] [Last]
For those who Enjoy Guys being glutenous. Something more General then M/F
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Superhero Vore Anonymous 10/02/2021 (Sat) 21:16:31 No. 1739 [Reply] [Last]
Vore thread for superhero characters and shit related to it
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Minecraft vore Anonymous 05/21/2024 (Tue) 23:13:14 No. 48025 [Reply]
Post Minecraft vore here
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Stable DIffusion Vore #2 Anonymous 06/13/2023 (Tue) 09:56:22 No. 31087 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread got locked i think it has reached its limit? old thread: https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/19864.html pic is taken from old thread >>30277
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>>31181 Please seek therapy
>>65357 Gave it a whirl and got some decent results. Thanks for the workflow.

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AI Vore Chatbot setup Anonymous 01/08/2025 (Wed) 00:01:23 No. 65507 [Reply]
Hey guys, I've been attempting to use vore chatbots for a while now, and I haven't found a sweet spot for it, so I want to ask what setups you recommend? For me, I run use the SillyTavern UI and NovelAI's model for most of my stuff. NovelAI is a good generalist, but falters with niche fetish content like vore. It can do stuffing well, but once it's time for people to be food it kinda screws itself over. I've been able to start running models on my own computer now, and while it is slow, I'm certain it can produce better results if I find something specifically for it. Also, before any fag tries it, I don't want to turn this into the Character AI thread where everyone shares their slop characters on shitty websites.
1 post omitted.
The Best for me right now is spicychat.ai, with CMD u can guide the bot very well
>>65507 Yodayo. Literally take any chat, vore or not, And type *change scenario. Add vore. And then write what you want to do with them. Works every time. Make sure the site yodayo and not moichi or whatever. That's the sfw version
And don't forget to keep the asterisk when you type it

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