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Anonymous 11/10/2020 (Tue) 05:08:39 Id: 3e3833 No. 148
Is there any filmmaker more degenerate than Alejandro Jodorowski?
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You called?
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>>148 >>149 Plebs, every last one of you.
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>>184 A Serbian Film is degenerate the baby rape scene caught me off guard but I don't know if the filmmaker has ever made any other film. I tried looking him up, but I can't find anything. Yet Alejandro Jodorowski and Pier Paolo Pasolini were, and are, praised for their "art" films (albeit the controversy), and they made quite a number of movies that are all filth. So definitely degenerate filmmakers to the boot. Takashi Miike also has some degenerate stuff (like Visitor Q), but he's done so many other movies that are calm and happy that I don't know how I place him.
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First thing that came to mind was pic related, but then i remembered that netflix exist.
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>>148 >Alejandro Jodorowski Is that the same Jodorowski that worked on Metal Hurlant and made the Incal series, the spin-offs Metabarons and Technopriests as well as those Borgia comics? >>722 Heard August Underground is way worse because of its realism.

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