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Mecha Thread Anonymous 08/03/2024 (Sat) 23:18:11 Id: 6fe757 No. 997351
This month it will have been one year since the last thread. Any decent upcoming Mecha Geimus anon? Also, r8 my AC
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>>1005310 >defending Bitch from Mercury this hard
>>1005331 Gundam has had yuri since 2005. Yuri has conquered the Earthsphere.
>>1005300 the only thing worth watching that's gundam related is universal century and maybe G gundam
>>1005334 >having tastes that shit
>>1005335 try defending iron blooded orphans
>>1005335 also >G gundam >shit taste
>>1005338 After War is neither UC, nor G Gundam.
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>>1005338 Better than Witch but still pretty shit.
>Mekkablood >looks cool as hell >made in U5 >RTX 2060 to run a doom like sprite game >16 GB RAM Optimization is fucking dead.
>>1005350 >doom like sprite game You're being too generous. Doom had sprites that rotated while the sprites in this game always seems be facing you. So it's more a Wolfenstein 3D SNES port like sprite game
>>1005350 >16 gb ram >rtx 2080 Bitcoin miner in the exe for sure
>>1005407 >16 gb ram >rtx 2080 >Bitcoin miner in the exe for sure You mean the XMR miner. BTC mines slow off ASICs.
>>1005295 >>1005297 How do you mindbreak a Gundam?
>>1005350 >UE5 >"lets use an engine that is literally used for films and BIM and requires a $2000 computer at this point to make a retro-styled game" Can we give a wedgie modern indie devs
>>1005183 5 hours to go. I wonder how much it will beat Concord by.
Gundam Breaker 4 just launched >>1006644 Turns out answer is "more than a factor of 14"
Just noticed Mechwarrior 5 Clans came out. Anyone try it yet? I'm curious how good/bad it ended up being. >>1006757 >Gundam Breaker 4 I still need to try that one too.
>>1034372 I didn't care for Mechwarrior
>>1034388 >didn't So you care about it now?
>>1034372 It's a lot like MW 5 Mercs in some ways. The levels are hand made and planned out instead of procedurally generated, but they still have you fighting absurd hordes of enemies. You can end up fighting 30 to 50 enemies in some levels. Combat is fast and hectic, so if you liked the slower, more tactical fighting in MW 4, you're fucked. If you don't know any of the lore, don't expect this game to teach you. Go watch some of Tex talks battletech's videos on the overall history of the setting. It does portray the clanners well from their own point of view. It does let you play with superior clan omnimechs and weapons against hordes of freeborn barbarian scum with their inferior weapons, though. So if that kind of power fantasies are your jam, it's good stuff. Useful links if you want to know more: Lore about the history of Clan Smoke Jaguar, the protagonist clan in the game, from their point of view. Good primer, though he does cover some of the historical events the game covers, so there will be some story spoilers. It's a good introduction to the clan, and what sets it apart from other clans. https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=2gmNTW1TQ7A Tex Talks Battletech's primer on the clans. He is probably the best lore guy on the subject of battletech, but has a heavy anti clan bias that clouds much of the information. Part's 1 and 2. https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=CDR_Zpb05uk https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=3B165wbTnHs If you want the full battletech lore experience, go for his entire playlist. Each episode is mostly about a specific battle or mech, but delves heavily into the background and lore about the factions and universe. https://inv.nadeko.net/playlist?list=PLR5zhFCFVb9XC9FtMuHzgdcl0WvfsQdC0 If you prefer to read for yourself, start here: https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Battletech Once you've read up on the introductions to the factions and universe, go to the Sarna Wiki: https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Main_Page
I haven't played any MW games apart from the OG MW2 and its expansions. Am I missing out on anything?
>>1034478 MW 3 is about the story and operating what feels like a complex machine. Like Microsoft Flight Simulator, but for a giant robot. MW 4, and it's variants, are more streamlined and arcadey in their controls, but mechs still feel big and stompy. Combat is more focused on maneuvering, timing your weapons and thinking ahead in a fight. Helps that in spite of the arcadey feel, the games pace isn't massively quick. Think more soulsborn than fast twitchy action. MW 5, for what I've played, which isn't much, to be fair, is fast, chaotic and twitchy combat against large hordes of enemies.
>>1034389 I didn't like it. Felt a bit cumbersome to control, like I was controlling a realistic tool rather than a 10k ton pound mech.
Project Six
>>1034481 >MW 5, for what I've played, which isn't much, to be fair, is fast, chaotic and twitchy combat against large hordes of enemies. Kinda but not really; it's a bit more arcade-y than previous entries but I wouldn't call it "fast, chaotic and twitchy". The basic gameplay loop of MW5 is adequate if a bit bare-bones; the problem lies in three main areas - first, the AI being utterly atrocious on every level and second, the fact that basically every mission in the game can be described as "go to point X on the procgen map and destroy generic objective Y and then evac to your ship at point Z when you're done. The third problem boils down to how bland and low-effort everything else about the game is. Seriously, while everything more-or-less works that's about all you can say about it. Customization? Yeah, you can customize your mechs a little bit. Markets? Yeah, you can buy and sell stuff. Sim elements? I guess there are some, technically. - et cetera. Once that new game smell wears off, you start to realize how much is missing or poorly handled and this is exacerbated by the fact that modders have massively improved basically everything about the game. There are mods to completely overhaul customization and add new weapons and equipment and mechs, mods to dramatically improve the AI, mods to rebalance combat and make it more lore-accurate, mods that add literally dozens of new map types, mods that overhaul the GRAFIX, etc. MechWarrior: Living Legends is a better MechWarrior game than MW5 (and I'll add Clans in there without even playing it) and MWLL is a fucking Crysis mod that's probably older than some of the posters ITT. GOTT STRAFE PGI
>>1034424 Thanks for writeup+links anon. >>1037800 (checked) I like the option for the cockpit view. I always prefer it except when doing anything melee related. >>1037903 Definitely suggest modding for MW5. If anyone has an essential list of mods, I'm curious if I was missing any good ones. >Living Legends That was a great mod. Is the community still clinging to life? Last time I played it was always one server with pretty much the same group of fags every time.
XCX definitive edition's an upcoming mecha geimu releasing in 2 months.
>>1061393 Wonder if they'll be able to uncensor it
Assault Suit Leynos, BattleTech, Chained Echoes, Daemon X Machina, MechWarrior Online, Side Arms.
>>1061428 If it's anything like Tokyo Mirage Sessions (what a fucking waste of a cross-over, it still makes me angry) it will have the western censorship in all versions, even the Japanese version which actually had pantsu.
>>1061430 >Assault Suit Leynos, BattleTech, Chained Echoes, Daemon X Machina, MechWarrior Online, Side Arms. <Chained Echoes 2022 RPG of the year for me, influenced by Breath of Fire, Final Fantasy VI, Secret of Mana, and Terranigma. The Ashes of Elrant expansion, taking place right before the end of Chained Echoes, is coming Q2 2025. https://store.steampowered.com/app/3350260/Chained_Echoes_Ashes_of_Elrant/
A week late, but I just noticed MechWarrior 5 Clans under performed and the devs lost a chunk of their staff. https://archive.is/hEvc9
>playing Battletech 3062 mod for the first time >having fun and slowly filling out my lances even if I made it slightly more difficult by not paying attention to/reading up on the new game settings I've been enjoying it apart from the awful load times that comes with a heavily modded unity game. On another sour note, I feel bad for the transport pilot who keeps spawning stuck on buildings/mountains/etc. The man and my Battle Armors inside have spawned stuck for 4 missions in a row now. I need to swap him with an air transport that allows BA to fire from inside. Pic related is my last deployment which thankfully was a defense mission where he also managed to get a kill up there with his very limited firing area somehow.
I wanna ride in the mechs from Titanfall
>>1074163 I want the mechs in Titanfall to ride me!
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romance the robot

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