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/40k/ Thread Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 02:07:04 Id: 557b26 No. 1047230
Discuss Warhammer 40k games and lore. Previous thread >>1033135
>>1066939 >but why the fuck would anybody who's NOT an Eldar succumb to her cult? Basically they get groomed into it. >>1066934 There are really rare cases of neverborn not being assholes. There was even that one daemeonette that genuinely loved the human champions she was paired with rather than just using them. But it's really not something you want to roll the dice on.
>>1066939 >Why does a demon of pleasure insist on inflicting so much pain? Because it’s 40k. Everything is fucked by default. How would tabletop units based on scat even work?
>>1066955 I saw an idea somewhere about a Slaaneshiu cult that preys on other Chaos cults. The Inquisition find this small unique cult on a hive world and instead of debauched rituals and Daemonettes running about, it's a small imitation of an Imperial Shrine where they have the symbol of Slaanesh crossed out. The curious Inquisitor investigates the Cult's teaching and find they're based on Denial. Denial of pleasure, of corrupting humans and of allowing other Chaos cults, especially Tzeentch ones to gain a foot hold on the world. The Inquisitor snaps them up and use them as a covert force rooting out other cults on disputed worlds.
>>1066955 >How would tabletop units based on scat even work? That's basically half of what Nurgle aligned units do already.
>>1066939 >Why does a demon of pleasure insist on inflicting so much pain? They are demons of excess. They want more of everything, this includes pain and pleasure.
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>>1066925 I actually agree. >>1066943 When will GW let his clone free?
Slaanesh was clearly the chaos god of lust/sex, but when GW realized littly timmy's parents won't buy him his overpriced plastic crack if they see there's naked titties in there they retconned him into "excess". All the retarded guro shit was thrown in there to further de-emphazise the lewd, as well as hitting all of his/her/its servants with the ugly stick. Khorne also used to be the patron of honorable combat back in the day, chaos in general has only been more and more flanderized from edition to edition but slaanesh has gotten the worst of it, culminating with his complete removal in Smegmar.
>>1067021 Smegmar is complete shit and fails each time despite all the push for it. I eagerly await the day they cease to support it in any way or form.
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>>1067021 I thought they had (relatively) recently added slaanesh to fantasy, you're telling me they remove him again?
>>1067021 Guro, snuff, and ryona are lust though. They’re sexual fetishes.
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>>1067065 >I thought they had (relatively) recently added slaanesh to fantasy, What? No s/he's been there since the beginning in Fantasy. He/she/it just got "removed", in universe even, the elves bagged Slaanesh and locked him up in an extra planar prison and started trying to extract elf souls from him. Recently some of his restraints have snapped and Slaanesh was able to birth a sort of avatar/herald or something.
>>1066939 >Guro seems over-represented in Slaneesh's pantheon of fetishes i mean, the elves did murderfuck it into existence
>>1067021 Well it used to be that every chaos god had their noble aspect they represented. Khorne was honor and self improvement. Tzeentch was hope and positive change Slaanesh was inspiration and creativity Nurgle was mercy, empathy, and acceptance Which obviously got corrupted into improving yourself by dueling and killing strong warriors, lose yourself in change for the sake of change, use that inspiration to inspire yourself to greater heights of hedonism, and accept the inevitability of decay and the mercy of being a rotten puppet of the plaguefather. Which of course got flanderized into "BLUTFORTEHBLUTGOD", "WE GUN DO SOME HARRY POTTER MAGNUS THE RED MAGIC, ZAP MUTHAFUCKA!", "I'M DR. ROCKSO, THE ROCK N' ROLL CLOWN CHAMPION OF SLAANESH, I DO C-C-COCAINE!", and "FILTH, DISEASE, SHIT, FLIES, BELLS, RUST, MORE SHIT!"
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What do you anons hope for new RT DLC?
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>>1067021 Given the age of the Noise Marines and Doomrider, I don't think that Slaanesh was ever not about excess.
>>1067774 I know the next DLC is going to give us an Arbites as the next companion, and possibly a cyber mastiff given the reference to dogs in the Owlcat FAQ. So probably the DLC will be based around investigating, maybe in a hive city on a new planet?
>>1066792 >>1066793 >>1066807 Love Can Bloom is one of those old writefag gems that you never see anymore. I might do some 40k writefag stuff next thread.
>>1054163 >5th pic
I'll be showing more of the rec chart sorry for the slowdown anons, I work a lot and haven't had time to work on it.
I ended up fucking fish girl and her Nobel relatives aren't too keen about it.
>>1067889 I want to writefag some Night Lord or Slaanesh stuff but I don't want people to think I am an edgelord
>>1077770 >not being an edgelord Wrong board retard
>>1077770 Anon we could use some half decent writefaggotry considering how pozzed half of 40k's fanbase is.
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>>1077795 >pic 1
>>1077794 >>1077779 same anon, different IP I'll write some drafts out and post it in the next 40k thread, then you can humiliate me accordingly.
>>1062360 She's surprisingly okay with it, as long as you're nice to her.
>>1077795 isn't this redditor a gigantic fag for his OC?
>>1077807 Makes sense. You're racist and hate Chaos. She's racist and hates Chaos. It's a perfect match really.
>>1077961 This honestly adds up.
>>1056002 Imperium Bureaucracy Hero >>1062486 >Does GW have no consistency in what lore then write? Half-Eldar were literally in 1st edition. Of course they don't. >>1077770 Do it anyway faggot.
>>1078091 >Half-Eldar were literally in 1st edition. Of course they don't. I'm surprised they haven't brought them back.
>>1078092 Why bring back half eldar when you can shoehorn in shit like the Emperor's bitch ex-wife or female Custodes?
>>1078099 >Emperor's bitch ex-wife or female Custodes? Why would they ever think that was a good idea? Even some of the more lefty 40k fags I know personally fucking hate it.
>>1067215 Wasn’t that just something they added later to make them more “nuanced”.

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