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Fighting Game Thread: RONALDO CONFIRMED FOR BRAWL Edition Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 00:43:27 Id: 12934b No. 1046417
>News: <SEGA confirms Virtua Fighter 6 https://archive.ph/wFc6J <Aquapazza: Aquaplus Dream Match Coming to Steam in 2025 https://archive.ph/ce14F https://store.steampowered.com/app/3229260/AQUAPAZZA_Aquaplus_Dream_Match/ <Virtua Fighter 5 R.E.V.O. coming to Steam sometime this month or next month >check the embedded trailer silly https://store.steampowered.com/app/3112260/Virtua_Fighter_5_REVO/ <Tekken 8 Confirms Appearance At The Game Awards >probably a guest character https://archive.ph/MzWcd <Ken, Chun Li, and Cristiano Ronaldo are confirmed DLC for Fatal Fury: City Of The Wolves https://archive.ph/SmVVi https://archive.ph/ZN2NM <Young Ladies Don't Play Fighting Games is getting an anime https://archive.ph/wip/0ffFL Oh, and if you're sick of the modern gaming autism then just play Third Strike or Guilty Gear: https://fightcaderoms.com/
>>1065670 Rip van Twinkle got turned into a big tiddie trannoid. polite sage
>>1065655 Well, this makes my encode awkward. love how bikinis are flooding the market as Asia suffers the consequences of the DEI scourge, as that appeals to my fetish
>>1065670 Took the androgyny of his satanic drug addict 90s metal aesthetic and ran with it until they turned him into a they/them with fat hips that dresses like Willy Wonka.
>>1065721 Best description I've seen of him
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Really really long writeup for Harada on Itagaki during the 90s and 00s as Dead or Alive and Tekken were tussling.
>>1065946 good read
>>1065946 I wish it was longer, that was fascinating.
>>1065655 You still can't even play Dural. If it wasn't for the character weight and move changes, I would have stuck with emulating VF5FS
>>1065984 Not even as an unlockable?
Is it worth it to buy VF5 Revo's 30th Anniversary Edition now, wait for a future holiday sale, or just pirate it? I was hoping to play the game online again after Final Showdown since my PS3 broke. That and I've never played or downloaded with Steam.
>>1066330 Always pirate first. Kind of a shame this principle is being ground down over time. Online-Fix currently does not have a multiplayer crack out but with the state of releases you are only protecting yourself at the end of the day. Generally speaking it's best to wait as prices come down over time.
>>1066331 Ok, I might ask this later in the QTDDTO thread, but what about something like Dead or Alive 5? I found 6, but not 5 on the online fix site. Do I need an account to download a crack from there, and will it really enable online capabilities for pirates copies? Also, my PC's inbuilt antivirus detected some malware or trojans in pirated copies of DOA5 but since it's an older release, its cracking software might have been set off false flags? Should I add those as exceptions or would I better off downloading that game off Steam legit? The same thing happened to a few other games, as well.
>>1066334 Pirate it outright, since some of the game's DLC has been delisted. Not sure if the King of Fighters content is still around but the Attack on Titan stuff sure is gone.
>>1066343 I found this for the DLC. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nRCCZRuomikMNZS6223KZnAM4egU3SGc/view?usp=sharing You're certain the upload from Fitgirl is safe? I don't care about the AOT content at all but I think Mai was delisted from 5 for some reason yet is available in 6.
I completely slept on console gaming after the Wii until I got a PS4. Last year I bought the Street Fighter 30th anniversary collection, which was my entry into fighting games and I am really liking it. With that I wanted to try some more modern fighting games, and what the fuck happened to the genre? Every game is so loaded with DLC nickle & diming players that it would make the most Jewish of merchants embarrassed. And worst of all, there are no "complete editions" of these games to buy. Is there a fighting game without DLC kikery (or at least one that has a complete physical release) you would recommend to someone who is not completely new to the genre, but also not very experience (and not competitive at all)? I cannot play online on my hacked PS4 anyway, so single player and local multiplayer is all that matters. If there is no complete edition I would also be fine with piracy.
>>1066536 >Is there a fighting game without DLC kikery (or at least one that has a complete physical release) you would recommend to someone who is not completely new to the genre, but also not very experience (and not competitive at all)? What platforms are you looking to play the games on?
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>>1064056 >>1064183 I agree. Realistic Baiken was far more attractive than flanderized Baiken.
>>1066536 >what the fuck happened to the genre? Much like most genres outside of TPS or FPS during 7th Gen, it became niche outside of Street Fighter and Capcom, likely pushed by Microsoft, just like every company that published on the 360, started pushing DLC super hard.
>>1066616 How the fuck did this even happen?
>>1066592 PS4. Physical PC games no longer exist, it's all just Steam codes in a DVD case. And I don't to pirate PC games out of concern for malware. With PS4 I don't care about malware, it's not like I'm going to do online banking on a console.
>>1066536 >>1066675 Are you talking about just new fighting games or any available on the PS4? There's a Capcom Fighting Collection that has a bunch of games included >Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors >Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge >Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness >Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo >Red Earth >Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire / Darkstalkers 3 >Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix / Pocket Fighter >Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers' Revenge >Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire >Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition
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Not related to the above post, sadly, there is an extremely obscure fighting game just called Rabbit. It's arcade only and apparently never was ported. MAME doesn't even properly emulate it yet. It's basically Chinese Darkstalkers crossed with Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. And everybody's stand is a furry. It looks like a real trip.
>>1066678 Something new from this gen.
>>1066679 >and apparently never was ported. It's on Sega Saturn.
>>1066690 >It's on Sega Saturn. That tracks wildly well with the whole completely obscure thing. >>1066684 >Something new from this gen. Geez that's a tough order. I have a feeling that some kind of DLC shenanigans are nearly ubiquitous at this point. >I completely slept on console gaming after the Wii I guess it's as good enough time as any to bring up that Wii has Castlevania Judgment. Have you played that?
>>1066616 Honestly, i actually like the 2nd and 3rd pic, and for my dick the 3rd one is the best, but the 2nd one has its charm. >>1066690 >It's on Sega Saturn. The same as it was never ported
>>1066692 >Geez that's a tough order. I have a feeling that some kind of DLC shenanigans are nearly ubiquitous at this point. Unfortunate but informative. Piracy it is then. I see that Dead or Alive 5 and 6 are on PS4, and they have cute girls. Are those games good for someone without much experience? I could just download everything and try it for myself, but the games are quite large for my bandwith, so I would rather get some recommendations first before I waste the bandwith. >I guess it's as good enough time as any to bring up that Wii has Castlevania Judgment. Have you played that? I love Castlevania, so I never even gave the game that shits all over the characters and lore any chance. Was I wrong?
Any of you fags tried out the fatal fury beta? Ranked feels like waiting for people to join a room in BB (minutes between games despite having 10k players + crossplay), but I actually kind of like how the gameplay feels so far.
>>1073359 I would, but I don't own a PS5
>>1073360 Bruh, it's on steam too
>>1073361 Oh fuck, then I'll give it a go.
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>>1066797 >I see that Dead or Alive 5 and 6 are on PS4, and they have cute girls. Are those games good for someone without much experience? 6 censored Rachel's Fiend costume from 5. It also has a faggot fighter (Diego) that 5 didn't have. The console version of 6 doesn't have the camera zooming in on Honoka, Marie Rose, or NiCO when the Break Blow attack is used on them. KT director Yohei Shimbori says it was Japanese fans & fans of DOAX who did not like seeing those characters being hit in a closeup when they demoed at TGS 18. This can be restored in the PC version. 6 also reduced the girls assets, tried to make them look less fanservicey, & just has overall less content, 5 doesn't shy away. 5 still holds up 13 years later, but it has de-listed the DLC characters & costume.
>>1073359 I tried it. Game's fun but I don't see myself spending $60 on it and it does some stupid shit like replacing charge inputs with quarter circles and DPs depending on the move. Pisses me off because I find a charge motion infinitely easier to do than either. I also don't like how action queueing for wakeup works, or how I think it works (hold button after doing motion). Ended up settling on Terry for it due to no training mode to lab out any other character I liked and there being some strange muscle memory overlap for neutral with Anila from GBF:VS, so I was able to perform a surprising amount better, though I'm still ass.
>>1073359 Just waiting for my main to drop
As for what I've been liking, I'm just a fan of all the mechanics piled onto this game. I can't tell you how long it's been since I've touched a new game and just sat in bed imagining what's possible and thinking "nah, I could never do that". I'm a casual enjoyer of this genre. I'm never going to pull off an instant block cancelled into an EX dp. I just think it's really cool for there to be a hill on the horizon to look forward to instead of the only difference between me and top level players being an entirely abstract distinction of "decision making". My progress today is experimenting with feint cancels. All yesterday I was wondering how the hell I'm supposed to get any pressure going with this command grab when none of my normals or specials leave me plus and was looking in retarded places like resetting off of hits to try and get something that feels like mix. It turns out that the feints are where those plus frames come from. Blocked heavy punch -> feint -> light punch is how I'm currently getting the party started. >>1073384 Yeah the erasure of charge inputs across the genre is cringe and lame. The thing that rubs me the wrong way is REV guard essentially being a block button. I've not had anyone use it to negate crossups yet, but I can easily foresee it being lame in the future as there's no recovery to discourage you from flickering into it for a few frames here and there just to cover your options when things look ambiguous.
>>1066334 For DOA5LR and DOA6, you should get the free-to-play "Core Fighters" versions from Steam and just use CreamAPI to pirate the DLC, rather than downloading the whole game from outside Steam. This gives you all the benefits of Steam (online, achievements) without having to pay for anything. For DOA6 you just need a crack, but for 5 you also have to get the DLC files separately. CS.RIN.RU should have links to all the files you need.

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