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Ease my burden.... Give me clean, ethical suffering. Anonymous 02/14/2025 (Fri) 20:24:46 Id: b9363a No. 80314
Lord, forgive me. For I am a righteous man, but I *love* watching them suffer. There's nothing hotter to me than a lee, helplessly strapped down and gagged, every method of escape unavailable. Pure, unadulterated tickle-suffering. I sought out this content as any of you would, and I may have touched the fire because a couple of studios I found seem a little sketch. Can anyone recommend me good tickle fetish studios that don't fake their suffering AND get girls who are actually into it. For I love that suffering, but it has to be willing. They have to consent to that torture of their life. They have to consent to that brutal punishment that's going to turn them into a shell of themselves completely willingly, endure 20min-1hr+ of pure hell, and accept that defeat when they've been completely and truly tickle-broken. Can anyone help me indulge my sadism in the most sane and ethical manner? I will be eternally grateful. Picrel is only one I know (spiffytickler) Help me, please. My libido and my soul will be eternally grateful.
>>80331 Are you able to provide verification or is it just a gut feeling? Personally I think it's real or at the very least there is some kind of real sexual attraction there, I can just see it in that redhead's sexy pleading eyes when the goth mistress lady scrubs her feet. Super hot stuff.
Have you tried Sahrye, the videos from TickleIntensive(and Kelli from there) and TickleHotness?
>>80338 Just a gut feeling, I mean they look pretty legit most of them atleast, aside from a few like that one "When the soles are an erogenous zone", I don't think they faking their vids, super hot stuff indeed
>>80331 >>80352 I've had the exact opposite opinion of them. I've seen too many models where it just didn't look like they were as genuinely ticklish as they portray themselves to be. It's so clear that either they aren't ticklish at all or exaggerate it way too much to look more appealing. Take these clips for example: https://pornzog.com/video/16437634/yuno-mummification-tickling/ https://pornzog.com/video/15815837/russian-bondage-tickling/ The premises of the videos are amazing for me. Literally any competent model could have been in there and they would god tier videos I would watch on daily bases. But the fact that the laughter sounds so forced and the feet BARELY MOVE when they're supposedly targetted as the lee's weak spots is absolutely insane to me. Like if you're going to market yourself as foot ticklish, you would expect to see some fight back there, right? But nope, those feet are completely still as a statue as if someone placed a paralysis spell on them. Like for God's sake, the toeties aren't even taut in those videos. They absolutely add nothing if the victim isn't going to struggle. TLDR: russianfetish sucks at faking their ticklish reactions 90% of the time and you would definitely find more genuine models elsewhere
>>80365 Those examples are actually from a different studio, Russian Girls in Fetish, there is some overlap with the models though. Everything you're saying does apply to RF too a lot of the time, they're pretty hit and miss.
>>80347 I read a long, documented post with verified sources on Reddit that claimed Tickle Intensive is a scam. A financial one, not that they're sexually manipulating the girls. They accept exorbitant amounts of money (upwards of ten grand) for customs and then provide endless excuses for why they can't deliver. I have not heard of the other ones, can you tell me about them?
>>80378 Forgot to mention, OP here on mobile. All in all how TI conducts their business is their business, but I wonder if they're willing to scam their fans, if they're willing to do other things that are dishonest behind the scenes.
>>80378 i once did order a custom from TI way back, i was horny as fuck for new vids back than. paid about 2K for one video, the guy gave me all sorts of excuses and reasons. From weather, plane delays, asking for more to get better hotel room for the model, a fucking rental car even. There's a whole thread about him on reddit
>>80347 Kelli is a classic, but damn Sahrye's suffering is hot
>>80347 >>80384 "SAHRYE HAS NO IDEA WE PLANNED THIS – she would never have agreed to it, her feet are just too sensitive to deal with a scene that focuses exclusively on her excruciatingly ticklish soles! She also has no idea she’s going to be tag teamed by ..." "When it finally over, Sahrye is left strapped to the bed, reduced to a gasping, crying mess." Yeah, I'm not so sure.
OP here. Does anyone have any of Bella Ink's post-TA works? I think she left TA after A Step Too Far where they basically broke her against her consent and sold it, but she still does tickling videos. Just not with them. She's a true masochist and she loves taking it. I want to see her Devil's Footstool video that's like 40 minutes, does anyone have it?
>>80400 ....Oh, whatever, I'll buy the darn thing if I have to. I guess Bella probably deserves it for being such a good masochistic tickle slut.

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