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Making An Actual Tickling Challenge Anonymous 02/09/2025 (Sun) 20:05:27 Id: 9e0645 No. 80000
Let's say there is a cash prize of a reasonably amount with the goal being to last as long as possible before asking to stop. (Just to be nice, we'll say that all participants get a smaller cash prize just for being good sports and taking the challenge). The set up is similar to the attached image, with their arms suspended and their feet placed in stocks. They have to endure full body and feet tickling at increasing levels of intensity until they give the signal/safe word to stop. We'll say the tickler is a neutral third party or somebody the contestants already know and trust. We'll also say we have a nurse or doctor their to administer first aid in case something goes wrong. Where would you produce and film it, and how would you go about making it a reality?
Just put in one of those Renfairs or something.
>>80000 A BDSM club would be the best place to pull something like this tbh.
>>80000 The problem with doing this in a public non-kink setting is that if you give a cash prize you’ll mostly get people who aren’t tickling doing it
>>80000 >>80039 Isn't this whole thing what 'Stimulating Feet' does with that public stocks thing? Which is why like 80% of the women involved barely react to it.
>>80040 That's the problem with all those. Even at renfaire festivals where you do get the tickle stocks, nobody who is deathly ticklish and doesn't enjoy it is going to sit in the stocks. I've have, happily, seen one or two vids where it looks like they've been tricked or coerced into it, but those vids tend to be short.
>>80017 How much money do you think we should offer? I have a $10,000 grand prize with a $5,000 participation prize in mind.
A politician in the UK who wants to bring back village stocks as a punishment also suggested using them for foot tickling challenges as charity fundraisers. Gotta assume he has the kink. But framing it as a charity event isn't actually a terrible idea - get people to volunteer for the stocks, and the longer they last the more money they raise for a chosen charity. There's no real reason some public festival couldn't have such an event.

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