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Missed tickling opportunities Anonymous 10/19/2024 (Sat) 07:08:50 Id: da22ca No. 74228
This thread is an unholy crossbreed between mainstream tickle scenes and non-tickling hot content. Basically, it's for story beats from mainstream stuff that don't involve tickling or even directly hint at it, but can't help conjuring up such mental images in the minds of our kind. Before we start, I just want to say that I am a straight guy, and I hate that the only examples that come in my mind all have dude as a hypothetical lee. But maybe you guys can come up with some chicks. Anything else is still okay though. The first example is kinda an easy mode. Dr. Facilier from Princess and the Frog has failed the loa spirits and gets dragged of to underworld. Eternal nondescript punishment for a cartoon villain... Yeah, hard not to let your mind go that route (whether you like it or not) The second example is from Katawa Shujo, and I dislike it the least. Not much into f/m but it's still better than other kinds of /m. Shizune and Misha have been quite insistent about Hisao joining the student council, and he's already getting suspicious and they'd use rougher medthods to "persuade" him... Stuff basically writes itself! I do remember some guy in some earlier 8chan bringing up this scene. The third one is from Spyro 1. Lindar jumpstarts the whole plot by dizzing Gnasty Gnorc on live TV, and Spyro spends the entire game freeing dragons imprisoned by Gnasty and defeating his armies. Now, the story never elaborates on if anyone had anything to say to Lindar about causing the whole mess. But I couldn't help conjuring up the mental image of, (ugh), other dragon daddies ganging up on him and "disclipining" him for running his mouth. This is especially a shame of involving a guy (and a dragon no less, no offense to scalies). Because the idea of some girl fucking up big-time, causing some major trouble, maybe even danger, that takes the whole story to fix, but ends happily with no permament damage done, and getting tickle punished for it anyway... Well it's just super hot! It's the perfect blend of understandable and petty! If you guys have any examples of chicks in any stories like that, they'd be especially welcome! The fourth one is, of course, Bruno from Encanto. Now, this scenario doens't actually come from the movie, but a fanfiction. (Btw those are okay too, long as they aren't directly tickling/bdsm related.) Also obviously, spoilers for the movie and the fic. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14004885/1/Power-Shuffle-Playlist The fic is set after the movie, with Bruno returning to the household. He accidentally knocks over the miracle candle which ends up switching everyone's powers for a day. Shenanigans ensue. Anyway, since Bruno himself is without a gift, and already gave them all the knowledge his last vision had, he decides to take a proper power nap, something his visions haven't let him do for years. Anyway, the rest of the madrigals are mighty pissed at him for leaving them to sort the mess, and throughout the story they keep contemplating ways to get even with him. (None of them actually mention tickling tough). The next day, Bruno wakes up and joins his very annoyed family for breakfast, but they decide to chase him instead. The author straight up lets us decide what Bruno's fate is. And one review in the last part comes up with the same conclusion we probably have. The floor is yours
>I just want to say that I am a straight guy, and I hate that the only examples that come in my mind all have dude as a hypothetical lee. That's interesting, OP. Maybe you should think on that a little bit more. Maybe the fact that you keep thinking up scenarios where men get tickled at every opportunity is something to reflect on.
>>74230 Maeby!… She’s right, though, you probably ARE gay”
>>74228 'The first example is kinda an easy mode. Dr. Facilier from Princess and the Frog has failed the loa spirits and gets dragged of to underworld. Eternal nondescript punishment for a cartoon villain... Yeah, hard not to let your mind go that route (whether you like it or not)' I can say with absolutely certainty that you are the only person who has ever entertained the idea that Dr Facilier was dragged off for tickle torment. Never even began to cross my mind (and I like /M) or anyone else I know who is into this kink, but go where your mind takes you, nothing wrong with that. 100% wouldn't have called it a "missed opportunity", if they'd actually stuck that in at the end it would have ruined the film. Actual missed opportunities I'll give for now, both super obvious and both from Fairy Tail: - the goat licking scene with Lucy. Again, so obvious that I don't even need to elaborate because everyone knows what I'm talking about. - the grand magic games, Lucy Vs the red haired girl. Red haired girl has Lucy bound with her magic hair, all her limbs ensnared, and clearly wants to humiliate Lucy, she has even burned off her boots, leaving the cute blonde barefoot, her legs naked up to her thighs, and...nothing. It was this close to being a god tier tickle scene and we got nothing. Instead she just threatens to burn her guild mark off. Absolutely gutted.
>>74228 No shame in it but nigga you definitely gay.
>>74229 I won't forget this. I won't forgive.
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I guess I can't complain much since she laughs a bit at the beginning of the interrogation but ear tickling should be banned.
>>74229 this was unforgivable

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