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Artists caught on 8chan 10/16/2024 (Wed) 07:52:39 Id: e0c30f No. 74089
Been thinking about this for the past few days and wondering if it'd be funny to keep track of it here like a wall of fame/shame. Basically, which artists do we know frequent this board (even ones that are straight up namefags) and which ones do we theorize visit this board? Not an artist hate thread, just thought it'd be fun for us to put on tin foil hats.
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>>74089 The boards' jannies are all artists. I think theres like four of them?
>>74089 It's all of them. All of them read, all of them check and see who is trashing them, and all of them trash each other. The tickle scene isn't huge and this board isn't some obscure forum, pretty much everyone of note lurks. It might be a fun game trying to catch and see who starts bitching about "anonymous haters" minutes after someone talks about them on here, but the actual answer is that every ticklefag of note is on here.
>>74096 Not true. Japanese artists aren't here, and they mog the drama loving / self promoting autists by default
>>74089 Only artist I can confirm uses this board is jamesbobadob
I saw bebob post here when someone asked for his new comic. iirc he even posted the first one for free.
I saw Kiimmo immediately respond to the whole 10,000 variants thing by doing a poll on her Patreon asking whether to focus on quality over quantity. The only time i've seen that critique being made is on here.
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>>74089 Hmm, off the top of the dome, let's see: -Jimbob -Lethaltk -Kron -Bebob, a couple of times -Kandem a couple of times too There's someone posting self promotion in the caroo thread sometimes, but I don't think that's actually him unless he's really taking the piss lol Also, I'm 100% certain moekaki is familiar with the HAG thread, but I have absolutely no actual evidence And we can pretty much assume anyone that has drawn our dear board -tan Lila is at least somewhat in the know about the basket weaving forum, unless they were commissioned, of course. I also know of a few smaller artists that have made their rounds around here as well, like CoFu, everybody's favorite possible Zodiac killer suspect DQ, and a bunch of others that don't necessarily have much of an internet presence but whose styles or names I can recognize from times they've participated in the drawthread, or back when the whole Lila/Grace debacle happened... So overall, I'm in agreement that most western artists are probably familiar with the place, they just don't call attention to themselves all that often.
>>74120 >There's someone posting self promotion in the caroo thread sometimes, but I don't think that's actually him unless he's really taking the piss lol If an artist is widely hated here, anyone claiming to be them posting, especially to their hate threads, is usually just an anon trying to cause trouble.
Someone once dropped a never-before-seen tickle art of Pokimane from erimoto so you can assume that she or a private commissioner lurks here.
>>74089 I don’t consider myself the most notable presence in the community but, I am still a tickle artist, and I’ll fess up to regular visitation. I truthfully browse here mostly just to find some good smut or see what cool scenarios people are discussing. If there’s something I don’t like, I tend to just ignore it. As an artist who will lurk in the hate thread, the thread- the few times the discussion is on-course- can be insightful on how people prefer creators to behave on their platforms. Critiques can challenge how I create or perceive tickle smut. If it’s shit that offends me, I just don’t engage, simple as that. I’m not sure what shocks people about artists browsing here. Is there some perception that this is some secret corner of tickling world? This place is more active than most of the Discords these days.
Ticklespots once drew a thing based on this greentext i wrote in the ecelebs threat. Posted it there too. It was overlysarcasticproductions if anyone's wondering

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