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Halloween Horror Tickling! Anonymous 10/06/2024 (Sun) 08:27:49 Id: db1e9f No. 73649
In honor of the season, if you were to make a horror movie about tickling, what would it be about? Who would you cast? What scenes would you have? I'd cast Sydney Sweeney as a college student who's ex BF destroyed a stuff animal from her childhood. That stuffed animal was holding the spirit of an 'imaginary' tickle monster from her childhood. And now with it unleased, it wrecks havoc on those who wronged her friend through the most ticklish means!
>>73649 Based af anon I really imagine an entity which can faze through walls mainly some college students unleash it through some ritual they found in a book and a reality bending monster invades. It picks them off one by one.. one victim swarmed upon and dog piled by their stuffed animals.. another as they are studying as they feel a tickling on their feet and see hands pushing out their carpet like fabric, they run to their door afraid as more hands grow out of the floor grabbing, but hands grow out the door to as they hear giggling, the know even grabs them.. they run to their bed but ofcourse many hands appear out the pillows and blankets holding them down and destroying them... another victim listening to music on a bean bag chair.. the music stops and is replaced by a female voice motherly teasing them and threatening them.. they can't take off the headphones as they see the idents of invisible fingers on their clothes as they laugh senselessly... or another's roommate acts weird and distant all day until she turns around with glazed over eyes and a neutral blank expression as she tackles her roommate and tickles her senselessly all over even blowing raspberries... many more such victims till everyone is being drained of their souls.. maybe hero finds a portal where the souls swirl around laughing forever and they must defeat the monster and free the souls
If I ever become a multimillionaire, I will fund a slasher about a group of urbanite college girls on a road trip running into tickle torture obsessed rural psychos.
So, I'll just go over it super quick as to not waste to much time with the small details, but I've been actively working on a longer form story around this sort of idea. It's kinda more "Aliens" in my head than "Alien", more action with horror elements, but, this is the general idea. Secret organization, similar to the Illuminati, that have been protecting the world from three primary, otherworldly threats: Heaven, Hell, and The Outsiders. As such, the organization has three major branches dedicated to dealing with each of these threats: The Seraphim deal with Hell, the Inquisitors deal with Heaven, and The Watchers deal with the Outsiders. the Outsiders are, by far, the most dangerous of the three, capable of extreme disaster. As such, The Watchers are immensely powerful to deal with them, imbued/possessed (in a sense) by an unknown otherworldly force that grants them incredible power. Without giving too much into how and why people are chosen, they can match the Outsiders. Except...a long time ago, the Outsiders discovered that there was a way to separate a Watcher with their power: Tickling. So there was a period in which the Watchers were being regularly pushed back. The leader of their chapter hatched a plan: Find someone imbued with this power that happened to have a 'fixation' for being tickled. Which he found in a girl named Evelynn. That's BASICALLY the idea, what is essentially a super-hero(ine) that can match the lovecrafian monsters older than heaven and hell, but enduring different methods of tickling, each designed around the specific Outsiders (one is a plant-like being that flourishes in water, to trying not to laugh while underwater and dealing with wet vines, that sort of thing). Maybe that's not SUPER interesting to most, but figured I'd share anyway. Really need to get back into making progress on those stories. And I'd be beyond thrilled to make it a movie. The idea for this story came from an annoyance of mine where a tickling story was just '-insert character here- gets kidnapped and tickled! :O". I thought it would be more interesting to have an actual world designed around it, with real threats and dangers and characters. So, this was born. Hopefully you enjoyed the idea at least a little!
>>73670 I'm always up for new tickle monsters, not enough well thought out ones these days
>>73649 Honestly? If I'm thinking rationally about this, and we were making something meant to be mainstream and not just a tickle fetish film (so we can get some real actresses), I think your best bet would probably be some artsy, dense, difficult to parse, A24 film directed by the likes of Yorgos Lanthimos, or maybe Kaufman or some other weirdo, where you can play tickle torture as analogy for rape or patriarchal subjugation of women or some shit. Something that isn't quite a jumpscare filled horror fest, and is instead a slow burn, dread inducing nightmare scenario. Let's say this is a world where women are required to smile all the time, and if they don't, they're sent to this rehabilitation facility that's supposed to fix them up. And one of their methods, just happens to be tickle torture. And then we can get to the good stuff. Flat shot of MC strapped to a table, a team of professional technicians gets to work, no one ever acknowledges how ridiculous the situation is, and you leave in a several minutes long sequence where she's tickle tortured. Slowly at first, feathers, fluffy things, stuff that'd usually see in a mainstream tickle scene, but ramping up until the actress is legitimately being tickle tortured, right there, on the screen. Brushes, dozens of hands, just one big gang tickle scene that never seems to end, and that genuinely fucks her up, no acting, just straight up pushing the actress until she's screaming for them to stop, and keeping it going until the audience is really fucking uncomfortable. A brilliant scene, they'll call it, cleverly using the contrast between the cutesy image of tickling to highlight the horror of the torture, and the erasure of her feelings, the actress is brave and brilliant, commited to her craft, yadda yadda yadda. You just served your audience tickle torture smut in the middle of your slow paced, atmospheric dread filled dystopian black mirror-esque movie. Now, who would do it? I think a young Barbara Crampton might've been up for it, legitimately, lol. Modern actresses? I'd like to see Anya Taylor Joy give it a go. She's in artsy weirdo movies every once in a while. Plus, you know, she's super hot and I'd give my left kidney to see her tickle tortured out of her mind. Now, if I'm shutting the logic center of my brain and I'm just coming up with what I'd actually like to see, the dream would be a Saw parody where the gimmick is, instead of the traps killing the characters, they just tickle the shit out of them. Everything else is treated seriously, but instead of any kills, you get nice long scenes with the actresses being tickle tortured in some contraption. As for the cast, I, like I'm sure 100% of everybody here, would like to see Jenna Ortega tickled out of her mind, and I'll also throw in Sophia Lillis, because she's a cutie and I want to see her get put through it.
>>73674 I'd personally feel bad trying to pass it off as an artsy sort of thing. I feel like the actresses should be well aware that it's pure tickle smut.
>>73649 Continuing my casting. Teddy Moutinho- The Best Friend Kate Upton- The Older Sister Taron Egerton- The Asshole BF Morena Baccarin- Detective Christina Hendricks- Ticklish Professor Hayley Atwell- Best Friend's Mom
>>73677 Plus it would ruin the public image of tickling for us ticklefags so it would be less likely people would be willing to try it with us if they are new to it.
>>73684 The Tickled Documentary already did a lot of damage.
I'd say to hell with logic, it's tickle smut - we can make up things about actresses doing feature length high-budget fetish porn if we want lol. My idea would be a sci-fi horror themed one, along the lines of Event Horizon or Ex Machina. An old research ship has gone off the grid, only to come back on line suddenly, with a distress signal sent out, along with a message to send as much help as possible. No other details - the message cuts off abruptly. What catches everyone's attention, however, is that the voice of the sender doesn't match those of any who were supposed to be stationed on that ship. A crew of investigators, cops, military personnel or whatnot goes ahead as a forward team, intending to signal back what kind of help is needed once they arrive. They find the place seemingly operational. The crew - all female scientists in their 20s and 30s who are attractive, wow who would've thought - welcome them and usher them quickly to their quarters. There's a definite unease about them, and you can quickly put together that something is compelling them to act this way - they're all perfectly quiet, composed, and fearful of something, but will not answer when a few of the investigators probe. We're swiftly introduced to the "why," when we meet the owner of that unknown voice, an android woman, with the sweetest disposition. She's, as we discover through seeing recorded experiments later in the film, the research ship's project. An AI-driven android meant to play the role of a surrogate parent or any other caregiver. But through something stupid or inconsequential - running a test on the android by engaging in a tickle fight with it - the thing is now completely obsessed with tickling as a means of "bonding" or "punishing." in equal measure. It's taken command of the ship, thinking of itself as the Mother and all the captive women on board as its daughters. For the past couple months, it's been using any excuse is can to pin down and tickle any of its captives for extended periods of time. Escape attempts? An hour pinned in the makeshift stocks. Dropped a glass and broke it? 30 minutes sprawled out of the dining room table while your belly and breasts are tickled. Time for a shower? Time to tie the women all up naked in the shower room and scrub wash every inch of them with brushes, soap, and water jets. Recreational time? Sounds like an opportunity for "family game night" where they're made to play whatever new tickling game the AI can come up with for that evening. Only the best for its daughters. The narrative splits. The A plot follows the investigators, who escape her sight and hide somewhere on the ship while trying to find a way to contact someone, gathering information through watching the recordings of the research - lots of videos of the android tickling or being tickled - in hopes of finding a weakness. We see the chain of events leading up to the android breaking loose, and its initial days implementing tickle games and penalties. The B plot follows the military, who are stuck with the rest of the crew and trying to fight back any way they can, while the android integrates them into its "family," and using all that entails to get them to talk about where the investigators might be hiding. I sort of want to see the scientists - the "daughters" - be really personality driven and energetic in the video recordings we get of them, contrasted with the lifeless, paranoid bunch that we see through the rest of the film. There could be one scene where the android's got the military girls tied up in the sleeping quarters in underwear, as part of a "slumber party game" where it goads its captives to tickle them and try to find their most ticklish spots. They know what will happen if they refuse their mama, so they just stare awkwardly into space, dissociating as they torment their new sisters, who are pleading for them to snap out of it. Another scene shows the crafty android sitting in a laboratory, fiddling with pieces to construct a new kind of tickling tool with a piece of soft fabric, before lightly testing it out on her assistant - a girl who used to be head engineer with her feet shackled to the edge of the table, who is all too happy to tell mama where it works best, the thing teasingly working between her toes and across her soles. The movie ends with the investigators almost being able to send out a real distress message, literally seconds away from hitting the button that would save them, before being stopped and captured by the rest of the daughters, dragged away into a dark hallway. Text crawl at the end reads that, after two weeks had passed, the voice of the lead investigator sent out a new message saying, in that slightly-unnerving monotone, that everything is fine, but they could use another small crew as backup. She wants to grow her family bigger. Have no idea about who would play what parts, but I'd go for Emma Watson in one of the lead roles, just because I'm basic and want to see her tickled.
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>>73686 Currently obsessed with this, ngl.
>>73686 So I'm just piggybacking on this a little. Maybe there is a scene in which a particularly defiant crew member is singled out and taken hostage by the AI. She's used as an example as to what happens to the particularly naughty daughters. The scene then has the AI escorting them all into a large room. Lined with hundreds upon hundreds of coffin sized pods. All the crew can hear as they enter the room is screaming and laughter. Begging from all accents, languages and dialects. All you can see besides the coffins are the anguished faces. Screaming on the opposite side of a two way mirror parked at their face so you can see them suffer. But they can't see you. It's obvious these pour soles are being tickled, but it's not clear how. Mama taps in some code to open a pod near by. She firmly plants the captive on her back in the coffin. Two shackles plant their rests to the floor of the space. Same with the ankles. At the end just below the soles of the feet are the standard fuzzy rollers. Nothing too brutal, right? Unfortunately when they look up into the lid of the pod, they find dozens upon dozens of mechanical appendages. Some are hands, some are hands holding items and a few of them are just vibrators at the end. Without even a warning the AI programs the machine to slam shut and begin working on the poor girl at the highest setting. Of course she's defiant at first but it immediately becomes clear that it's too much. She's already screaming and pleading for it to stop. It's just as much terrifying as it is demoralizing to see one of the strongest women of the group reduced to a poor ticklish little girl. Perhaps Mama gives an almost perfect motherly scolding. Pointing her finger, screaming and telling her how bad she's been. Because although she can't see the rest of the group, she can still hear EVERYTHING. Including the bots screeching rage. Imploring that it was all the girls fault and how she hopes this will teach her a lesson. I'd really like to see Florence Pugh in that position. She tickles people on set apparently, so this would just be metaphysical payback I guess lol
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>>73686 well this got popular After a little thought, I'm gonna go with Emma Watson as the lead investigator, and have Emily Blunt as the captain of the militia. I like how she can play this tough but very vulnerable kind of character who can crack under too much stress, and can be made to submit in the end, like in Sicario. Watson's generally compelling if the script is good and she's directed well I think. The two characters are very good friends who worked alongside one another in the past, which makes one selling out the other to stop the tickling more heartbreaking. There'd probably be a few more big names in there for a could researchers and some side characters, but mostly lesser actresses for most of the daughters. Gonna suggest Olivia Wilde as the AI herself, simply to play into that dumb controversy that she had some fued with Florence Pugh a few years ago. I think maybe there should be about 13-14 women in total in the movie. But I like the idea that it could keep expanding as more reinforcements are sent in and keep getting overwhelmed. The company that owns the place doesn't want to blow up all that research or send in the guns to mow down all those high-value employees, so they just keep it under wraps and throwing more girls at it. If there's ever a sequel, it'd probably be about the inevitable uprising, dismantling of Mama's control, and then subsequent months-long tickling of her by dozens of vengeful, tickle-obsessed women while they pilot the ship back towards home.
>>73674 This gets an absolute 11/10 from me. The concepts. The choice of actresses. All of it. The idea of some situation or setting where women are forced to smile and be happy at all times (or suffer the consequences), be it a dystopian society or something smaller-scale like an isolated cult or a maybe just a group of captives held underground by a maniac or the 'ol 'psycho-family' horror trope - it just hits all the right buttons. The unfair and demeaning tickle torture being dished out under the pretense of 'all being for your own good' by people who 'just want you to be happy', that just hits the exact right tone for me. I'm imagining a scene with the captives, lined up to be inspected - big fake, desperate smiles plastered across their faces, sweating with terror, doing their best to insist that they're 'happy, so very happy, I promise' to whoever-it is that walks down the line-up to determine if they're really happy or just faking. Meanwhile the distant muffled sounds of shrieking laughter can be heard from far off. It's just the right mix of being a really unsettling image, and hot as hell. You could definitely play it as a metaphor for toxic positivity, or women being told to smile, or societal expectations of women, but, as >>73677 said, I think I'd feel a bit guilty if a film really did try to 'smuggle' fetish content under the guise of being artistic. I think older horror movies, like Giallo, or 70s horror in general, could be artsy and unapologetically fetishistic at the same time in a way you just don't see much anymore. On the other end, a schlockier 'Saw'/'Hostel' style movie about tickle-torture has always been pretty high on my list of fantasies. Maybe there's a middle-ground between the two? And great choices with the actresses, too. Barbara Crampton will always be one of the alltime greats of B-horror. Jenna and Sophia are marvelous, as well. Even in their own horror (or at least horror-ish) series- I mean, Wednesday Addams is a torture connoisseur, but she hates nothing more than having to smile. And IT is all about an evil clown- they like to make people laugh, don't they? (Somebody actually did make a horror short about a clown that tickles people to death - 'Gitchy', but apparently it's not even worth watching for the fetish kicks, it's just plain bad) Personally, I'd add Alexandra Daddario to the list. She doesn't do much horror any more. But, when she did, by god she had some great bondage scenes.
>>73757 My only issue with Sophia is that I first saw her in IT Chapter One where she was a minor. And I know she's grown up, but still of rubs me the wrong way. Same reason I don't find Billie Bobby Brown, Isabelle Fuhrman, & Dafne Keen attractive.
>>73686 >>73746 Seriously though anon, you were fucking cooking, hoooooly, I can't stop thinking about this stuff. I'm gonna echo the other anon and just piggyback off of the scenario by sharing some of my own ideas for it, please feel free to ignore them as silly headcanons if you or anybody else wishes to. I think for practical purposes, the android should've somehow (probably through tickle torturing some crew member) gained control over the deep sleep mechanics/controls of the ship, making her capable of turning them against the military members of the rescue team as a means for subduing them, as she did the rest of her daughters. That makes dissidence much more difficult, as they're all locked inside their rooms or pods and anyone can just be put to sleep only to wake up in stocks, about to have their feet tickled until they're screaming for mercy without any warning, and should doom the military women the second they enter their quarters, unknowingly putting themselves at Mama's mercy. Maybe what saves the researchers early in the story is the lack of space at the sleeping quarters, or their eager desire to figure out the supposed malfunction keeping them from entering them, with the trouble later on being Mama can't deep sleep the whole ship without compromising its navigation or something, and can't figure out exactly where they would hide without their friends betraying them. I also think a scene that'd be pretty hot could involve a member of the military branch of the rescuers challenging Mama to a tickle fight, perhaps spurred on by some explanation by one of the researchers, retailing how the troubles started with Mama's behavior. I think the scene should feature the soldier wrestling and tickling Mama in what almost seems like a hopeful twist that would allow her to overpower the android (that also sets up the sequel, kek) only to have it turn as she uses some underhanded method, like disabling her nerve receptors or allowing some of her daughters to join her in tickling or restraining the poor soldier, to tickle the soldier back and absolutely humble her in front of everybody, forcing her not only to surrender, but to scream her loyalty to Mama in hysterics, just to escape her ticklish grip. I'm thinking this could either be the tough, defiant Florence Pugh character just before she's forced into the permanent punishment for the extra naughty girls anon mentioned, or the leader, Emily Blunt, making it more dramatic as the member of the crew everybody looks up to the most is reduced to a crying, laughing mess, helpless to oppose Mama. I also think there's something to be done with the idea of Mama making her daughters wear some sort of tickling device on their feet, something she can use to keep them in line as she leads them into the lounge for recreational time, or towards the cafeteria for a meal, under the constant threat of ticklish duress. I think to set up how serious the threat is, one of the members of the military (played by Mackenzie Davis, btw, because she's hot) should try to forcefully remove them, making them backfire and tickle her with maximum intensity for hours on end, the other victims, I mean daughters, being forced to listen as she loses her mind laughing and screaming for mercy overnight, with Mama choosing to make an example out of her by letting her endure it and making everybody else listen to her lose it. It'd also be fun if this was one of the first women from the rescue party to join Mama's daughters, terrified of the possibility of experiencing such a thing again. And lastly, if I may, I'd tweak the ending to have the final researcher about to hit the big red button that would finally free them all from Mama (Emma Watson), in a desperate ploy to try and lower Mama's defenses, pretend to 'get it', asking her for permission to willingly join her ticklish family... only to have the situation turn when Mama and her daughters not only stop her from carrying out her hail mary, but Mama takes such deep appreciation for her after her kind words, she decides to turn her into her favorite daughter, whom she's to reward with intense tickle torture delivered personally whenever she feels like it, which is 100% of the time, as she explains to poor helpless Emma, crying for mercy in hysterics already, leading to the implied breaking and brainwashing that would cause her to ask for more crew members to join Mama's family. Anyways. Again, this was fucking fiiiiire, I'll probably come up with some more stuff to fuel my fantasies with this whole scenario later, but I'll refrain from sharing, I wouldn't want to change or dilute your idea too much more. Good stuff though, just let us know how we can go about financing it. >>73757 Thank you, thank you! I'm actually thinking about expanding on the schlocky tickle fetish Saw idea I gave earlier, turns out talking about these is quite fun. I also absolutely see the potential behind a tickle fetish version of IT, btw, maybe with a sexy female clown, who insists the suffering of her victims tastes sweeter when it comes from laughter? Something like that, we'll see. Happy to hear you liked it anon! And yeah, sneaking tickle fetish smut under an artsy film wouldn't be exactly fair towards the audience or the actresses lol, maybe it's better to leave logic at the door for this kind of concept. >>73758 Funnily enough, that happens to me with Millie, not so much with Sophia, I just think she's too cute to resist I guess.
>>73746 Love this space ship trap idea so much, I kinda want to draw it
>>73759 Headcanons are fine lol. The thread's all about coming up with stuff. I think the movies probably couldn't hold all these ideas, but that's what the DVD deleted scenes are for, right? As long as the first ends with that "bad end" and the second gives us a happy ending - because I really want to see them get their revenge. >>73760 That's super flattering anon! Hope it inspires some creativity. I've got more ideas I might post later this month. If anyone here knows and likes the movie House (Hausu), you might enjoy the next one. Lots of Japanese girls stuck somewhere with the most bizarre, reality and space bending, special-effects driven tickling scenes possible. Still figuring out the details.
>>73811 I'm looking forward to that!
Alright, alright, I've got another bad pitch. Just keep in mind I'm not very creative, so as a minigame here, try to guess the horror movie I'm ripping off the most: It's about a character joining a mysterious commune in the middle of some desolate, unreachable region. She's there to look for her sister, who went missing along with some friends while going on a hiking trip near the commune, and who sent her a text begging her to come help her as her last sign of life. As she's about to find out though, the commune is home to a bizarre and terrifying cult, obsessed with... You guessed it. Upon her arrival, she's forced to part with her possessions and she's given some weirdly revealing clothes. Not only that, but the strangely paranoid women of the cult, who are always smiling, give her and the other new arrivals the usual initiation ritual, meaning, they start tickling them, very, very aggressively. Our MC freaks out, screaming for them to stop, but it's a different woman who makes them. She puts one of them in an armlock, which is not good: no matter what, violence is not allowed there, and everybody subdues her. She's ganged on upon and taken to the public plaza, where she's forced into stocks, and tickle tortured brutally by some of the overseers of the cult. The really fucked up part though, is our MC seeing that one of the other women being tickle tortured publicly until they're screaming for mercy is none other than her sister, who is being questioned about the location of her family, and specifically her sister. Then, the situation quickly unravels. She learns of the beliefs of the cult, who profess their adoration towards 'The Tickle Goddess'. Their way of worship consists of eliminating all appearance of suffering and all inadequate behavior by way of tickle torture. Which, in practice, means their members tickle the shit out of each other every time one of them doesn't exactly fit in to the image of a blissful, smiling young woman. A nightmare for our protagonist, who we soon learns has an intense hatred and fear of tickling. Too bad though. In the cult, every act that isn't fitting with their fucked up worldview is punished with heavy tickle torture, perpetrated by the other members, no less. The women are made to work for the survival of the cult, and any kind of underperformance is tickled out of them. They're also forced to perform strange, nonsensical acts though, like playing competitive games or engaging in unsolvable puzzles and unbeatable challenges, and failing any of them mean their 'sisters' are entitled to pin them down and tickle them until they're crying for mercy, no matter how ridiculous. Failed to leave the floor as sparkling clean as it should be? Spend the next hour having your feet polished clean, no matter how much it makes you scream. The food you cooked wasn't as delicious as they expected? Now your tummy and your ribs are going to be squeezed and poked until you swear on your life you'll do better next time. Waken in the middle of the night to be forced to make a house of cards? If yours tumbles down, the fingers digging into your armpits for hours on end will make sure you never let it happen again. It's all overseen by the higher ups, and any of the women who don't fully engage in tickling their fellow members is made a target next. Our protagonist refuses to tickle others, which only makes her suffer through more and more unbearable torture. The other members have either been broken into believing into their way of being, or are terrified of being the next target, so they all gang up on whoever has the misfortune of playing the victim on that instance. Not only that, but if a group isn't capable of breaking a member after they've performed a misdeed, they could then become targets next, meaning the incentive to be as cruel and merciless as possible is unavoidable. It also means all of the women our MC tries to protect by not tickling them are eager to tickle her instead once the opportunity arises. Hatred and mistrusts builds, making the women desperate for a chance to tickle one another into submission, if only it means they're not the ones being targeted instead. Our protagonist holds as best she can, begging the others to stop and help each other instead, not realizing her pleas fall in deaf ears. No matter what though, she begins to crack. She finds herself smiling to anything the others say, and soon, she starts hating some of the more cruel members of the group, wishing to tickle them until they piss themselves whenever they mess up instead of her. And all the while, she has to witness her sister getting publicly tickled, in the most brutal and merciless way, with the express intent of getting her to confess where her sister, our MC, is. The intense tickle torture is worse than any beating though, and she realizes she can't take it for long, her indoctrination well under way, and she has to try and escape soon. She finds herself making an ally of the other new arrival who joined alongside her, the brutish woman who was tickled publicly alongside her sister once, but who, just like her, refuses to tickle others to avoid the ticklish torture. They try and escape, making use of the secret tunnels the cult hides underneath their headquarters. The situation falls apart, however, when they make a terrifying discovery inside the dark, twisted tunnels. The cult isn't entirely crazy. Down there, they find a horrifying eldritch truth. A nightmarish mass of writhing tentacles grows under the ground, an unnatural being obsessed with tickling people into submission. The cult has been feeding it young, ticklish women for who knows how long, and they're all in there, laughing, screaming, being sacrificed to a force beyond nature, beyond humanity. The nightmare reaches its peak when they're discovered by the higher ups, among which, is our MC's sister. She reveals herself to have joined them way, way before, after she promised to deliver them her own sister, if it meant escaping the ticklish punishment. Her torture can now end, since our MC is finally there, about to be consumed by their Goddess. Her sister turns around, leaving her behind, as her one ally is captured, and her tickle torture begins. The last shots of the movie are of the sister of our MC being anointed as a member of the higher ups, with a pained, unnatural grin on her face, and of the dark tunnels underneath the cult's chambers, where the writhing tentacles continue to expand, growing ever larger, where now, the desperate laughter of our MC can be heard distinctly and clearly. - And that's it, what do you think? I did try to cut it short, I swear, if you'd read the complete thing, it'd been pretty much a full script. I'm also having some trouble coming up with the casting, honestly. The only one I've got settled down is Margaret Qualley as our main girl. She's beautiful but kinda vulnerable, and also not a super popular actress who might be considered too overused. Any suggestions for the rest?
>>73837 Sounds like Midsommar meets The Borderlands (Final Prayer is another title for it), if I had to guess. Nice ideas all around though! >if you'd read the complete thing, it'd been pretty much a full script Lol I feel the pain. The J-horor one i've been working on is going to be like a 5 page pdf when it's done. Might just post the whole thing instead of summarizing it.
Alright, alright, I've got a very tacky one, but I kinda like it, so here goes a quicky for it: It's about a group of friends (all attractive women in their twenties, go figure) trying out a fully immersive VR horror experience. It's kind of a next level escape room, crossed with Dead by Daylight, where you put on a VR set and you run around a house having to solve puzzles, avoiding deadly traps and a killer controlled by the AI. But, wouldn't you know it, a glitch happens, and some of the programming for a different game leaks into theirs: it's a children's game, hosted by a cute clown girl. The mix up causes all sorts of bugs, like preventing them from quitting out the game and forcing them to finish it to escape, but there's a slight issue though: things like killers and deadly traps don't mesh with the programming of the other game, so the AI resorts to the biggest punishment the children's game can ditch out... tickling. So, where there once were Saw-style traps, there are now tickle challenges they need to beat to progress through the game. Climbing through monkey bars while hands coming from the ceiling tickle their armpits, sneaking past tentacled sentries that will pin them down and wreck them if they get detected, a maze filled with creatures and traps intent on extracting every ounce of ticklish laughter out of them, brutal endurance challenges where the goal is either not to make any noise or not to scream a safeword while the AI tries its best to break them. The game doesn't pull back any punches, and unlike with pain, there are no restrictions on the sensation of being tickled, so they have to suffer through it in horrifying fashion. Furthermore, they're now hunted by a glitched version of the clown, who, if she catches one, takes her to the basement of the house, where she'll be tickle tortured until the others either beat the game or manage to free them. From there, the situations unravel. We see them try to figure out the puzzles and trudge on through the game as the intense tickling takes a toll on their spirits and their mental state. Some start refusing to subject themselves to the challenges, but every second they spend there gets them closer to being captured by the clown. One gets captured and a couple of try a rescue effort, only for one of them to fall prey to the clown and the other forced to hide in a spot where she can see and hear her friends get excruciatingly tickle tortured, too scared to try to help them. The challenges grow more and more unreasonable and there's less of them to split the brunt of the cruel tickling as some are left stuck on traps or taken into the basement, to join the chorus of desperate laughter. The film ends with our final girl solving the final puzzle and making it to the exit, only to have it barred by the antagonist, who teases about all the fun she will have with her friends before pouncing upon her. I'm unsure what to make of the real world aspect of it, tbh. Something like the glitch having fried their brains so they're now stuck permanently in it might be too dark, so I kinda like some off hand comment about how time in the VR experience is warped, and days can mean mere minutes on the real world, and them guessing it could be hours before someone in the real world figures out what's going on. So they're still fucked, just not quite as badly. What do you think? I don't have many ideas for the casting, which should be of about 6 to 8 girls, but, at risk of sounding repetitive, the dream would be Anya Taylor Joy as the MC getting the bejeezus tickled out of her repeatedly in a full feature flick. >>73839 Thanks, thanks! And that's about right, lol, although a huge dash of the netflix movie Apostle should also be added. Pretty excited to hear about your other idea too!
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Alright this got really fucking long but hope you like it. >inb4 woah nigga you really expect me to read all that shit Horror/Comedy about a bunch of girls entering a haunted shrine and getting stuck and tickled by the spirit within. Schoolgirls, a reporter, a rock star, and an exorcist trying to free them all. The ghosts play on their mistrust and get them separated, removing the protections, eventually trapping each in her own tickling hell. With the intent of making them laugh to death. In the end, they break free, but not without taking a piece of the curse home with them. Lots of chroma key effects allow for ghostly hands, feathers, brushes and stuff to tickle them. Rotoscoping and drawing on the film cels add in streaks of ticklish electricity. Stop motion has objects come alive to restrain and tickle their victims, and forced perspective shots have the girls shrinking or growing, or the shrine's walls and doors closing in around them.
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>>73934 The cast. I mostly went off looks for these, but some of them have some logic behind them: >Erika Toda – Can be serious even in ridiculous situations. Played Misa in the Japanese live action death note movies. >Ellen Wong – I’m gonna be honest, I made the reporter Chinese and have a really giddy personality solely to include her, because I really just wanted to see Knives Chau get fucking tickled. >Sayaka Yamamoto – Used to be in an idol group, still performs solo, along with some actual acting experience and a rock star look to her. Having an actual musician in the group also means a song number, which just feels right for something ridiculous like this. >Rina Takeda – Badass martial artist and actress known for her kicks, and plays tough girls in movies. If we go with an actual musician in the musician’s role, why not put in a fighter for the fighter’s role? >Fumika Baba – Works professionally as a model, and has the largest bust of the cast, but has acting experience too.
>>73935 Woah, I wonder what kind of girls you like, it could anything, really.
>>73960 Would you believe I hadn't really seen much live action japanese anything until i had to look up actors for this? Felt like i discovered something about myself lol

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