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It's officially over Anonymous 10/05/2024 (Sat) 18:05:31 Id: e498f6 No. 73604
>VK safe search permanently active >All major social media automatically deleting content with AI >Most browsers I've tried seem like they have safe search even if you remove it, and anyway they find the same generic content whatever search you input >Sites like boundhub, SpankBang, eporner getting updated with the same recycled shit by bot accounts >New content on clip4sale is the same 10 washed models doing every studio >New content that appears now and then on other sources is only fans girls who have discovered this niche and aren't even ticklish >Old content disappearing from the face of the earth because sites are closing down and databases getting deleted Chat, I think we may be cooked. I think we are genuinely not going to have decent new content anymore and the old good content is lost to time and will always get worse. AI will fucking bomb every attempt at amateur content posted on social media. You'll just have 10 mins videos from the same 3 studios and only fans models who are not even ticklish that you'll have to subscribe for 19.99$ per month. This is it, it's officially over.
>kemono is dead
Said only fans people are most likely bots/scammers
>>73604 Yeah it's pretty depressing right now but I feel some good things are around the corner.
>>73604 Lookup the VK Unsafe Video chrome extension
>>73604 >Most browsers I've tried seem like they have safe search even if you remove it, and anyway they find the same generic content whatever search you input On a similar note, I notice that sometimes I can't find the TMF on Google. I don't know why. I usually go there to the True Stories subforum, so quickly searching for "tmf true tickle" should be enough, but sometimes it just doesn't show. Safe search won't affect anything. I noticed that this happens when I'm logged into my tickling-related gmail account (usually in incognito in Chrome, but sometimes in Firefox too, always in Android). The other day it was IMPOSSIBLE to find, either in Google, Bing or DuckDuckGo, no matter what I wrote, it wasn't showing, not even the main page or whatever. I had to write the url manually, wtf.
>>73623 >Lookup the VK Unsafe Video chrome extension I've not tried this, because stupid chrome piece of shit doesn't admit extensions in Android afaik It's a shame. I used VK as my main source for "fresh" content (even if it's just old shit I've never seen before), and now it's gone. Spankbang is shit for tickling right now, it used to be nice. It's not that I've watched EVERYTHING, but it's hard to find something I've not that I'm interested in. Other sites are garbage, full of popups and ads, and who knows what more. Sadly I only rely ton the True stories in the TMF, here and Pixiv nowadays. It might be over for real
>>73629 >and Pixiv Oh, and I don't even with DeviantArt either anymore, sadge
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What is the problem with VK? Mountains of content are still there. Yes, the search is crappy, and you can't find shit. But treat it like digging through old internet. You find one account, look up its friends, friends o those. Hundreds of videos on every other account. Need a place to start? https://vk.com/video/@id550717831 https://vk.com/video/@gidiklama https://vk.com/video/@ticklinginspb https://vk.com/video/@club208511143 https://vk.com/video/@tickleville https://vk.com/video/@club224625332 Good hunting!
I kinda wish people still had personal websites instead of just throwing their content at mercy of these corporations. It does have it's problems of course since they can just go down as well, Tickling Emporium had tons of art from 90s-early 00s that I don't think was fully preserved for example. Serves me right for not being a saver.
>>73604 >>73654 Vk you don't search for videos, you search for accounts who have tons of videos or repost from others. That's where you search for gems
>>73629 Random but I figured out how to turn off safe search even on mobile. Kiwi browser which you can download from the App store lets you install extensions like you do on browser, just use that, install the extension of VK Safe search off and log into your vk account using the kiwi browser.
If you install a version of the VK apk from before September, you will get the "disable safe search" option again, although I don't know how long it will be until they disable the programming for that option for real and this method gets obsolete.
Oh no, braindead coomers might have to actually do something with your lives
>>74072 You realize trying to make fun of a bunch of anons inside a tickling board isn't making you look any superior. But hey if it helps you go to bed and touch yourself thinking how you "sure showed them" then power to you.
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>>74075 >You realize trying to make fun of a bunch of anons inside a tickling board isn't making you look any superior. But hey if it helps you go to bed and touch yourself thinking how you "sure showed them" then power to you.
>>74077 >Can't even come up with a proper comeback >Use reaction image as emergency back up. Damn sure got me.
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>>74078 Lmao you suck at this. New to the internet?
>>74079 Hey man I'm happy me replying to you let's you feel some kind of acknowledgement that you probably never had in your life. We could go back and forth and all that but God knows I'd only feed into your ego that you're using that to touch yourself after reading every reply that I give you.
>>74080 Even your insults involve masturbation kwab
VK officially terminated the Safe Search toggle at an API level, it's over bros.
Anyone has any good Discord to share with tickling content? I literally haven't been able to find any decent new content in the past month, it's never been this bad, tickling porn has officially fallen
>>74351 No Discord here, but I browsed what anon recommended here >>73654 in particular: >https://vk.com/video/@ticklinginspb There were plenty of videos there I liked that I didn't watch before Alternatively (at least on mobile), I just open any video, then type "latina tickled" (in the search bar) and several playlists would appear, even with the safe filter on (it wouldn't if I just write "tickle" or similar), here: https://m.vk.com/video/playlist?section_id=PUkZF0dRBRIZGAwVQV0ECGRRSwVQVRkFLjQbE0RBDhUyNAoaXEQYRGpJDwRaWTQEKgQKHWpEBBUvHwAZWxZRUGpJXVQPFh0PIg4GKUZRChQlAzYABxZHRHNJU1RBVQk5NgcID1ldGBI1SUVUDBZRV2pJXlQPFicHMgIHFxVAAgUtBwwSFxhJVXdJU1RWVR8HKgQOKUZRChQlAzYAXFAOCRkYDBdHVwM5NA4aA1lAGERqSVpPFw5YX35cX0QCBVlRf1NeQQ0CUlV2R0tHBhZRHWQYBgRBFlEIMwcFWhdcD0R8BRwaWRhJByIeBQIXDg0HKhgMWhdYAhAjSVMYQFgHSmQNABpBURkVZFEHA1lYR0Q1DggEVlw0CTEFS0xbQQcKakkFGVtTDhRkUQcDWVhHRDUDBgRBURlEfAUcGlkYSQInHwxUD1oeCipHSxhaaxgWIwcFFV1RCA1kUQcDWVhHRCkFBQ9qVR4SLgQbBRcOBRMqBxQL&from=search Some playlists are good, some are meh (and not all are about latinas lol), and when you find one video you like, try to see if there are any others you like in the related ones below, that's what I do. It's a hassle to do, and even more if you don't have an account (like me), so trying to find the content while also trying to get away with not having an account or the app is a pain, but that's what we have, and my to-go option for videos. For art I still stick to here, Pixiv and exhentai/e-hentai. So are these times
>>74168 Literally never searched through VK engine. It's always been awful You always searched individual accounts and start shifting through their friends accounts, to see who has better content
>>74356 Oh, that's an excellent trick! Didn't know that one. Even found my own playlist on there. Also works when you open the mobile version on desktop apparently. I recommend making an account, i registered with my real number and didn't get any spam whatsoever. If you're paranoid Putin's gonna spy on you and use your tickle fetish to blackmail you, get a grip. If you get those pesky adult content overlays just add this to your adblocker m.vk.com##.VideoPreview-moduleoverlay--FIMN2.VideoPreviewOverlay-moduleblur--vCt75.VideoPreviewOverlay-module__overlay--BuaMd
>>74384 Yeah, but you have to consider half of the accounts are "甜豌豆&Friends," and I can't fucking search for a username like that.
>>74417 >If you're paranoid Putin's gonna spy on you and use your tickle fetish to blackmail you, get a grip. I'm just too paranoid in general, but I don't really think Putin will do anything. More likely due to incompetence the info then get leaked, and I'll be on a Cuckropean list, that's it >If you get those pesky adult content overlays just add this to your adblocker I started using Firefox on Android with uBlock Origin I think, and no issues (Chrome sucks balls). Even though sometimes the recommend videos below won't load further (like if you reach the end of them, it won't load any others and remain stuck). No idea if the site is just being shitty after they tried to purge it, or if an issue with the adblocker
>>74519 >half of the accounts are "甜豌豆&Friends," That's my issue too. So what I used to do was to try to remember the title of a video from a good account, and then search for that video to go back to it, but well, no more
>>74521 >I don't really think Putin will do anything Putin doesn't even know what VK is

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