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Low Roads Anonymous 10/02/2024 (Wed) 22:23:26 Id: d19400 No. 73396
Long shot, but anyone remember the Tales From The Low Roads series back on Tickle theater? Dialogue was so far up it's arse, but some of the art of was top.
Holy crap. Finally someone remembered the name.
they're all available on TMF
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From the looks of it, only chapter 25 and above can be found in search. Nothing earlier. Also banned apparently long ago so if someone could spare a picture? :P
>>73640 >>73641 You absolute legends. I didn't even realise there was anymore after 26!!
jesus this is a level of autism I did not know existed
>>73737 If you actually believe that, then you have never witnessed true autism, anon.
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I totally forgot Low Roads. I never read it, but I rember a drawing sir-bombers made in the past, when he was still called fmilling. Here is the post for more context. https://www.ticklingforum.com/threads/the-ticklish-insanity-of-mercy-mew-from-the-low-roads.399916
>>73740 I mean, get your rocks off however you like, it's just weird *actually* seeing something that makes me go "Woah, damn, this dude has something worse than me"

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