/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

Kocho Kocho

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"Uh-oh" moments in non intended tickling scenarios. Anonymous 09/30/2024 (Mon) 02:41:10 Id: aa09bc No. 73208
Situations where the Lee wasn't planning on getting tickled, but knew they were screwed when the person that tickled them (either accidentally or intentionally) followed up with the question of "Wait, are you ticklish?"
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(4.18 MB 2880x1669 Zhu Yuan part 4.png)

>>73208 Great idea for a thread, OP! And those pics are awesome, the expressions really do a lot of work there...super cute and playful. Wish I could contribute but nothing's coming to mind right now...I'll keep an eye out.
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>>73243 who's the artist for these pics?
>>73246 I've been seeing these pictures lately. Is this even part of the game or I'm getting fooled by an edit?
>>73252 I was referring to the ones signed with a B_CR
Oh man, this is a great idea for a thread. I really hope this one takes off. Anyone have any advice on how to search for photos like this? Struggling
>>73208 sauce?
>>73263 oh wait nvm I'm retarded lmao
>>73208 By the same artist, it seems (that guy is great for these, great expressions, situations and feet). I love this one, how she's propped her bare soles up on the desk, then thinks she's got the better of them, then cat girl hops up to pin her legs down and sets her tails to work...the toothbrush working in tandem is far too much for the girl to resist, and she regrets leaving her soft soles so exposed.
>>73261 I'll try to keep it alive, I can think of a lot of moments when these kinds situations occurred so it shouldn't be hard, I'll just try to not spam it too much lol. >>73255 Ah sorry, I got it from here https://x.com/Beeni_CR?t=L_YFPf5HALOvgzPJKFD9vg&s=09
>>73255 How come BenisWaifu rebranded anyway?
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>>73328 This isn't the request thread but may as well ask do you have their Firefly one too? I think it also would fit in this thread
>>73370 Afraid not, sorry...in all honesty I only got those pics by chance from the request thread lol, figured I might as well post them rather than asking the other guy to do it.
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>>73370 I think so too
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>>73507 Thanks appreciate it anon
>>73341 That retard "quits" fetish art and nukes his whole account at least once a year

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