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(27.37 KB 640x480 Oekaki)

VK alternative HiBuddy 09/21/2024 (Sat) 13:42:47 Id: c98263 No. 72706
Now that Vk has gone full restriction mode, what are your alternatives in terms of videos? Cool picture for your pleasure
>>72706 There are no more alternatives, porn is over
>>72706 VK Video app still has the Safe Search option
>>72706 Spankbang, maybe? There are not many new ones, but you can't look me at the eye and tell me you watched ALL of them
>>72706 What do you mean restriction mode? Works fine for me.
Based on what I've seen, most likely Telegram
>>72837 Hell no am I using that pedo infested shithole, I'm not getting put on a watchlist
People have been saying it still works from the app, but I never had it, I don't have an account (and won't make one) and I just browsed occasionally on my phone directly in the browser, and it was my main source of videos too, sadge. What's funny to me is that it died because some stupid woman let her stupid kid watch porn on it for being unsupervised, which is absurdly easy to prevent (given it was an actual accident, iirc the kid is little). But technically this could still happen on app, not in browser, which I assume is where she was letting her son to watch shows on kek
>>72844 Don't be retarded pls
>>72844 Then don't join the pedo groups??? Pretty simple. I've been using TG for years and not once have I found myself in one of those groups and most chats these days have bots that auto delete and report people who post that shit. Those same bots also remove, or bar people from joining the group, if they've so much as joined a pedo group or participated.
May I join to ur group?
I recently got telegram but don't really know what to do. How do I find good groups to join?
>>72863 Yes sar

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