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Longest tickle video Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 05:16:55 Id: 603228 No. 72369
What's the longest you've ever seen a lee take it on video? No cuts, no edits, no breaks. Just consistent, unrelenting tickle torture. I have a fetish for true, genuine, unbearable tickle torture, especially CNC stuff.
>>72369 This is an edit, but not the type to add cuts. The original video is probably out there too, although I can't arsed: https://vk.com/video/@id458899090?z=video458899090_456239053%2Fpl_458899090_-2 Pretty hot stuff. Seems right up your alley.
>>72370 *can't be arsed, fuck me.
>>72370 Very nice. I just found a few videos of what I was looking for and now I regret I did. I couldn't tell if it was CNC, staged nonconsent, or genuine nonconsent. If it is real nonconsent then I'm going to Hell. I really hope the lee was okay in all the videos and that it wasn't what I think it is. If anyone is wondering, here it is. If you recognize any, please tell me if the girls in the videos are okay, if they did other shoots, etc. I don't want to support nonconsensual tickling. I watched the first one, the Step Top Far, and Jessica specifically. I was hoping one would be just good old intense consensual tickling but they all felt.... Well, you get it. https://www.reddit.com/r/tickling/comments/1311cjy/non_exhaustive_list_of_the_most/
>>72374 Bella Ink from Step Too Far is still in fetish modeling and has done tickling content since, not sure if she did any more with TA.
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>>72369 >What's the longest you've ever seen a lee take it on video? "Scarlet Tickled To Exhaustion" 60 minutes of tickling. She's still my favorite and the sexiest model I've ever seen.
There's a video from Fettish with a girl called Connie from Australia that gets the full mummification sack and sensory deprivation with no safeword ordeal and then gets tickled for 30-35 minutes. According to the description she asked for it because she "wanted to fight it". She starts saying under the muzzle that she can't take it anymore after 5-10 minutes when he uses the electric flosser and then has to take the rest of the video with brushes, other flossers,fingers, rubber gloves etc. I don't think she's acting or she's very good for an amateur lol
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Rin's Tickle, no cuts, 28 minutes: https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/8469/480660/rins-tickle-1-b-the-ultimate Matsushita is enough of a known name that I'm willing to trust that it's above board, even as you can see her body start to give up and her voice get more and more horse as the timer ticks past the twenty minute mark, but she never manages to lower her arms or protect her sides.
>>72435 You're gonna describe gold like this and not provide the sauce?
>>72449 https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/195475/28236581/no-escape-connie This is the only one I could find with someone called Connie, think this is the one he meant
>>72448 Damn, that was hot. I would assume it's CNC, you can really genuinely see her struggle at her restraints and try to pull her way out towards the end. Assuming it's all above board, I love it when lees get broken!!!
>>72448 is there a link?
>>72492 Easy to find on Google just look up "Rin's tickle porn"
There’s a stupid movie called “Fetish Dolls Die Laughing”. It’s really stupid but anyway it’s 1hr40min long
>>72493 There is just 1-A camera angle. Im trying to find the 1-B camera angle video, just watched this for years ago. Could you share a file or link plz?
Fuck, Fettish goes HARD on these girls but it seems sketchy from how real the torture is. Should I stop jerking it to them or are they all above-board CNC?
>>72919 Dw anon, it's all cnc. But Fettish is a massive dweeb and simp for any woman that he interacts with that hasn't called out his bs
>>72919 Fettish? That fucking wanna be Bob The Builder toolhead? His vids suck.
>>72919 Fettish is a huge cunt that deserves nothing
>>72919 His videos are terrible. All he does is slowly move tools around their feet.
>>72931 I wonder what he did to that Amecia chick. I followed their interactions on Tumblr for a while before they actually made a video. Then like a month or two after her entire blog was just gone.
>>72938 Based on how he treats women after randomly messaging them he probably wouldn't leave her the fuck alone.
>>72940 Makes sense. I think he also fucked over Clair Coda a while back too. Probably explains why she's not as active anymore. If I recall, there were personal differences and he took it as a chance to scrub her name from the videos and sell it anyway.
I have to agree about Fettish, the set ups are great but the actual act itself seems...I dunno..Bland? Fake? Forced (Not in that way, in a bad acting way). And, like tickleroom, I can't stand seeing the dudes face when it shows up in videos or when he speaks.
>>72941 Not trying to defend the guy because he's done a lot of shit that is weird from a business perspective, but I do think this gets overly dramatized. Basically what happened is Fettish was using his business Xitter account like a personal one to either repost or comment on right-wing political articles. Despite saying that they had no real issue with shooting with him, a few models - Coda included - came out to say they didn't support his political views and didn't want to be associated with him. However, part of the contract they sign when they do certain shoots dictates who has what rights to the content. In the case of Coda, they did one video that would be on her site and one video that would be on Fettish's site each having respective rights to those videos. Coda made the decision to remove their video together from her store. Fettish decided instead to remove anything identifying her from the title, description, etc. but keep the video posted. People obviously were upset with his decision, so he posted the contract online to show that he owned the content and receipts that showed he also paid for her travel, time, and lodging to shoot the videos. He stated he wanted to keep the video he owned for sale as a means to recoup the costs he paid for her, but removed her name in order respected her wishes to not be associated with it. Now, I think this whole stupid thing could have been avoided if people stopped mixing their politics that nobody wants to fucking hear about anyway with their business, but it's his business to run so he can do whatever he wants. Was this move short-sided of him? Probably, but honestly once politics get involved there's never any fucking winning anyway. The costs to get these models to show up is pretty large and who knows how much money they're actually getting considering it's a niche fetish and degens like us pirate the stuff most of the time. Fact is for me that 90% of the tickle content being created today is complete trash and while I don't love all of his stuff, it's typically better than the alternatives. If you don't like it, don't buy it, but don't spread fake shit about it.
>>72950 Don't have to buy it, literally all his current videos has been posted all over VK and other sites. I agree he shouldn't of done what he did. My point was, and this is just my POV, is that while the set ups are good, the actual tickling itself leaves much to be desired. For me it's pretty much like with TA got taken over by someone other than Tommy and that studio went downhill.
>>72951 I agree he's been doing a lot more volume of content and not all of it is as good. I think it really just comes down to the model for me. There's definitely still new videos of his that I think are good, but like you said everyone has different tastes. Somehow that TickleRoom douche is always popular despite how seeing his fat fucking face always makes me limp-dicked. Any producers out there making new stuff that you like?
>>72953 Honestly IMHO it's been a dry spell for me, producer wise. I try to find amateur stuff these days because it generally is a lot better then most of the produced crap these days. My go to USED too be TA back when that didn't turn into churn out the next popular model one after another, a bunch of which were 100% not ticklish and faking it. Generally when you find amateur stuff you really don't run into that problem. Though I *do* like some frenchtickling stuff, but, like tickleroom, it almost loses all value when that dude pops in...which is almost ALL their videos. Sigh...
https://hotntubes.com/to/1112315-tp_cop_kitchy_koo.html One of the longest ones I know. It's that ponytail fag from tickling paradise, tickle torturing a cop tied in his van. Absolutely love it, she's got the most clean looking adorable feet and is genuinely ticklish. Very good watch
>>73127 Most of TP’s videos are cringe inducing but yeah I’ll admit that one is a classic; pretty flawless feet too.
>>73127 Great lee, dude needs to shut up though
>>73143 That might be the hottest thing I've ever fucking seen
>>73143 I shouldn't have started NNN early.
>>75037 >>75068 >Three fat, hairy pajeet-like sandniggers tickle a girl for 2.5 hours How can you even jerk off to this?
>>75074 Seriously, what the fuck is this shit? That's 90% gross hairy men on the screen my dudes.

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