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Please help: No longer ticklish Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 19:36:30 Id: 34e4ff No. 72284
I'm a 27yo female with a huge tickle kink. I take Prozac, I just started taking Stratera for potential ADHD, and I just stopped taking Abilify (was making me manic). Today, I get really fucking horny and tease my boyfriend with my feet in his face. He starts tickling on my worst spots, and.... Nothing. Not even a squirm. We went through every ticklish spot on my body (even my DEATHLY ticklish underarms) and nothing provoked even a slight reaction. This is my actual worst nightmare. I can't live without tickle torture. Please tell me if there's any way I can fix this or it I'm permanently fucked. I'm new to Abilify and Stratera so they may be a chance I can reverse it. Last time tickled was a couple months ago. PLEASE HELP!!!!
>>72284 fwiw get off strattera ASAP. it genuinely fucked my body up. I've been profesionally diagnosed with ADHD since I was kid and finally started medicating as an adult when I started living on my own. the one month I was on strattera fucked me up horribly: serious ED, random ejaculations (no good feeling just it dribbling out randomly throughout the day), and extremely painful orgasm spasms when I did manage to somehow jerk off completely flaccid out of pure frustration. genuinely had me kneeling over on the ground in pain from the nonstop constant violent spasm of my pelvis muscle (right above my groin idk what it's called) for a good genuine 10 minutes before I could stand up. almost threw up from the pain, I've never experienced anything like that before. I got off that shit after a month because my psych swore the side effects would go away after a month or so but they never let up. now I'm on vyvanse and thank fucking god it exists. it's all the good of strattera with none of the bad, at least for me.
>>72287 just to make it clear, get off strattera ASAP, the side effects do NOT go away, ask to switch to vyvanse
>>72287 >>72288 I just had the biggest argument of our relationship with my boyfriend and it's over a fucking fetish lol I told him about Stratera and how it lessens sensitivity. I looked it up and your comment isn't the first I've heard about this. He looks at me and says "Why even have a doctor at all if you're going to do this?" Because I wanted to stop taking my Ability because it was making me manic. He hates self medicating and is insistent that a doctor should have the final say. He went onto tell me that all of my problems that I had been fighting to get rid of, things that had been holding me back my whole life, were going to come back because I'm not comfortable with not being ticklish. I said YES. Tickling is that fucking important to me and I'm sure most of you can understand. We're sitting in silence right now while I cry because it's become a whole thing, I called him inside as he was working on the car and now he's super pissed because the car won't run and he had to put away all the parts to come talk to me. I wasn't thinking though, I was having the most crippling panic attack of my life and I needed him and I didn't want to talk about fucking tickle kinks outside where others can hear. Worst day of my fucking year, any advice is appreciated
>>72290 I don't think I understand are you self medicating strattera? or did your psychiatrist prescribe it to you? trust me just go to your doctor and tell them you're having bad side effects with the strattera, and ask to switch to something else. if they ask specifically what just say it's giving you sexual dysfunction and that's enough to understand for any doctor. they might try Bupropion before vyvanse but if you're like me (because of the strattera) that just gave me insanely bad anger issues from day 2 of taking it. I would be so irritable and genuinely go into a rage and snap at anything and I stopped taking it asap too. just tell your doctor you want to try Vyvanse because you've read online it works very good for people who have bad side effects with strattera. sorry you're dealing with what you are now, but in all honesty this might be beyond my personal experience though. it sounds like you have a lot more than just ADHD and i think that should be your first priority before ADHD even comes into play
>>72284 >>72290 aight this is from a sperg who's been on the entire gamut of adhd meds since he was 8. Never self medicate. You are not a doctor or a medical professional and you do not understand how dosages work. For all you know you could be overdosing yourself and you wouldn't even realize until your nervous system is dead in the water. Seen it happen to friends a lot. Do research into alternative medications before you ask your doctor to take you off a medication. I'm assuming based on your reactions you might have some sort of bipolar or personality disorder, or something of the like. Wellbutrin is meant for MDD, but it works off label for ADHD, hence why my doctor perscribed it. unless you bring up an alternative, your doctor's gonna dismiss all you when you ask em to take you off a pill. I was on strattera as a kid and I swore I think it might've made me retarded if I wasn't perscribed something different, I was just so slow, but shit will wear off after it exits your system, so don't panic.
>>72292 Not self medicating with Stratera, I meant adjusting my dosages at will without my doctor. That's something my bf hates. And I don't know what to do, because I keep getting horrible reactions from certain medications and this is the last straw. In the past two years, I've become unable to get drunk, unable to get high from weed, and now, unable to be tickled. I would prefer anything to this. Even when I was an absolute mental health mess, at least I knew what effects things would have on my body. The meds have dampened my subspace too, made it harder to get into a submissive headspace. And I would literally rather be a basket case than have all this destroy my kink life.
>>72293 bros on Wellbutrin oh nonono non-stimulant bros... >>72294 >self medicates dosages >mad when they get a weird side effect come on, listen to your bf and your doctor. don't do that. genuinely don't do that shit please.
also on a side note, I wonder how long it'll take for someone to post "aww if you wanna talk about it here's my discord" and try to take advantage of the situation lmao (but seriously keep an eye out)
>>72294 well there's the fucking problem. alcohol directly counters the medication, do you read the fucking bottles? the reason you're having all these adverse reactions and shit it because of all the other shit you're putting in your system renders the intended effects null. maybe try taking your meds as you're supposed to and you wouldn't be dealing with mood swings and your nervous system going to shit.
My bf was able to get a couple tickles out of me a few minutes ago. Still nowhere near where I was before. How to get my sensitivity back?
Whoever has access to a pharma lab better start creating Anti-Stratera to make mass-produced hyperticklish less.
>OP claims to be a femanon with quirky wholesome mental issues >posts a made up situation that conveniently revolves around tickling >a bunch of horny autists take the b8, like moths to a flame
>>72303 >woman >mentally ill >whole post reads like a manic episode >hypersexual (a common symptom of many neurodivergent women) >makes her bf stop working on his car to cry about how she's not ticklish anymore no yeah this checks out
I hope you get everything sorted out. You have the final say about what medications you take. If you don't like the effects you have every right to stop taking it.
>>72284 Post pit's and feet, maybe we notice whats wrong.
>>72301 Well if you stopped taking it and already feel some of your sensitivity back, then perhaps its gonna come back on its own over time
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>>72323 This seems to be the case. I stopped taking Strattera and immediately felt more sensitivity. Day 1, felt ticklish in small spurts. A week later, my bf was able to tickle me for a few minutes. Still not as deathly ticklish as I was before (God why am I such a masochist) but I'm getting there!!!! SUCH a relief. Thanks guys!!! Will keep updating you
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>>72918 Good to hear! The world needs more women who enjoy being tickle tortured. Your bf is a very lucky man
>>72918 Good to hear that you're feeling better! If I might comment on the, "not comfortable with not being ticklish," line of thinking from >>72290 (sorry to remind you of that day, btw) -- It might be better to reframe that thought to, "not comfortable with less gratifying intimacy/sex/lovemaking," as it might register better with people you are trying to explain your predicament to (whether it be a boyfriend, doctor, therapist, etc.). I think people will find it easier to relate to and sympathize with your struggle by using more general terms rather than specifics. Now, whether it's worth the trade-off in quality of life is an entirely different (and far more complex) question, but it seems live you've already made your decision there. Anyways, I wish you all the best, and I hope you and your boyfriend find the time to celebrate your regained sensitivity with lots of tickling sessions.
>>72316 OP is 200% either a catfish or a tranny >>72309 Zoomies worship "medication and therapy" because they grew up watching aging millennials struggling to stay relevant by being le ebin quirk chungus on social media bragging about their mental disorders and pill regimens. Between that and being terminally online thru the 10s when Tumblr was a thing the generation's utterly fucked.

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