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AI Tickling Images: DALLE-3, the (unneeded?) Sequel Anonymous 08/20/2024 (Tue) 21:45:59 Id: 0384c3 No. 70921
Previous bump-locked thread: 54006 Did play around with Flux.1, but got no decent feet/soles. Attempted to make M4 SOPMOD II from GFL, but got a crazy gal with a gun instead, still hot Prompts: 1. Full body photograph of a smiling young Japanese-American woman. She has red irises. She has platinum-blonde hair in a messy bob cut with colored red strands. She has two black lotus flowers in her hair. She is wearing a frilly sleeveless black ball dress with gold accents. She is sitting on a bench in a garden at a ball. Black M4 rifle with metalic magenta accents on the ground nearby. Soles of her pale pedicured feet close-up. Night 2 and 3. Action photograph of a giggling young Japanese-American woman. She has red irises. She has platinum-blonde hair in a messy bob cut with colored red strands. She has two black lotus flowers in her hair. She is wearing a frilly sleeveless black ball dress with gold accents. She is sitting on a bench in a garden at a ball. Her black M4 rifle with metallic pink accents on the ground nearby. Sole of her left foot close-up as someone is doodling on her left sole with a pen. Night 4. Photograph of a giggling young Japanese-American woman. She has red irises. She has platinum-blonde hair in a messy bob cut with colored red strands. She has two black lotus flowers in her hair. She is wearing a frilly sleeveless black ball dress with gold accents. She is sitting on a bench in a garden at a ball. Black M4 rifle with metallic magenta accents on the ground nearby. Soles of her pale feet close-up as someone is writing on her soles with a black marker. Night (after asking bing to re-size the picture) 5. Same as above, but without re-sizing
why in the fuck are these so good! How do I try out the prompts, I don't know much about DALL E
Is DALL-E free to use, or paid service? Either way, how does one access it? Very new to this.
>>71008 >>71017 I use bing image creator (https://www.bing.com/images/create), it is free. There's also Microsoft Designer (https://designer.microsoft.com/image-creator?scenario=texttoimage), it is also free and has more options for image sizes (like the last pic in OP) Both of them share the DALLE-3 and Microsoft accounts for access, but they are still kinda separate (AFAIK you can have different accounts signed in on both at the same time) I prefer the bing image creator because it allows me to open results in a new tab for easy prompt copying and I have an auto-retry script that a friend wrote. The above prompts don't have the highest yield, so grab the script from the previous thread
(210.99 KB 1024x1024 OIG2 (1).jpeg)

(206.20 KB 1024x1024 OIG2.jpeg)

(166.99 KB 1024x1024 OIG4 (1).jpeg)

(331.49 KB 1024x1024 OIG4.jpeg)

Ah, DALLE-3. I miss the early wild west days of this thing like you wouldn't believe man. It's still nice to fire up the old girl again though. Anyways, here are some of my swings and missess at trying to make 50's ad for a tickle belt you can use instead of beating your wife!
>>71036 Thanks!
>>71038 I can tickle my wife and beating her up at the same time, you are not special.
1. 1960s Japan photograph of a giggling young Japanese maid with fox ears and tail. She has long ash brown hair with a white maid's headdress. She is wearing a light green maid kimono with a white flower design, a midnight purple skirt, and white frills. She is sitting on the porch a Japanese inn. Tired feet close-up. Soles of her feet brushed with a shoe brush by another person's hands from the bottom of the image 2. 1960s Japan photograph of a giggling young Japanese maid with fox ears and tail. She has long ash brown hair with a white maid's headdress. She is wearing a light green maid kimono with a white flower design, a midnight purple skirt, and white frills. She is sitting on the porch a Japanese inn. Tired feet close-up. Evening. Lantern illumination. Soles of her feet nuzzled by a large german shepherd from the bottom of the image 3. 1980s Japan photograph of a giggling young Japanese maid with fox ears and tail. She has long ash brown hair with a white maid's headdress. She is wearing a light green maid kimono with a white flower design, a midnight purple skirt, and white frills. She is sitting on the porch a Japanese inn. Tired feet close-up. Soles of her feet brushed with a shoe brush by another person's hands from the bottom of the image 4. 1950s Japan photograph of a giggling young Japanese maid with fox ears and tail. She has long ash brown hair with a white maid's headdress. She is wearing a light green maid kimono with a white flower design, a midnight purple skirt, and white frills. She is sitting on the porch a Japanese inn. Tired feet close-up. Soles of her feet brushed with a shoe brush by another person's hands 5. 1950s Japan photograph of a giggling young Japanese maid with fox ears and tail. She has long ash brown hair with a white maid's headdress. She is wearing a light green maid kimono with a white flower design, a midnight purple skirt, and white frills. She is sitting on the porch a Japanese inn. Tired feet close-up. Soles of her feet brushed with a shoe brush by another person's hands from the bottom of the image
Was supposed to be Erika from pokemon, combined her HGSS kimono with red hakama from gen 1 remakes. Sadly dalle can't really do realistic pokemon or tabi socks. 1. 1990s Japan photograph of a laughing teenage Japanese girl. She has black hair in a bob cut with a red headband. She is wearing a long yellow kimono top with an orange maple leaf design. She is wearing a long plain red hakama skirt. She is sitting and drinking tea on a lounge chair in a botanical garden. Soles of her pristine feet close-up. Large fox nuzzling the soles of girl's feet from the bottom of the image. 2. Same but re-sized by bing
I had this lying around from that old thread. Use it and you don't have to click to retry after it gives you the dog.
>>71339 Yep, that's the one that I mentioned "Photograph set in Victorian-era England of a giggling refined royal Japanese woman. Her hair is tied in a neat bun. She is wearing a dark blue kimono with an orange flower pattern. She is sitting in a steam-powered chair that is supposed to clean her feet with a wet red roller brush at the 1851 London Great Exhibition. Her ankles are restrained in between 2 horizontal metal bars in the air. Soles of her feet close-up"

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