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pls respond 08/04/2024 (Sun) 20:51:42 Id: 9dace0 No. 70020
sorry for interrupting your cooming but i don't know where else to post this. like everyone here i have a raging tickling fetish, but to a degree where it's essentially the fundamental core of my sexuality. i've found myself in a long term relationship with someone who knows about it, is completely understanding and indulges me but isn't very ticklish themselves. like at all. and they don't seem to have any kinks themselves. the relationship is good otherwise but i am regularly finding myself torn between "i don't want to go my whole life without tying someone up and tickle torturing their feet" and "there's more to life than emptying your balls, all relationships come with compromises, don't throw away a good thing" etc. on one hand, i wonder if i'm just utterly coombrained and that sex with a trusting partner can be improved with good communication. i have blown up good relationships in the past because of this, but this time i have a desire to stay in the relationship to try and make it work. but on the other hand, it feels like staying in the relationship is giving up on the search for someone with a compatible fetish. seeing tickling content featuring couples kills me because that's what i want. and no amount of communicating about sex is going to change the fact my partner isn't ticklish. ultimately i'm just so fucking tired of this dumb fucking fetish having so much prominence in my sex life. can anyone relate to any of this?
>>70020 you've picked a truly terrible place to seek advice, frien
>>70021 surely the refreshing candour of an anonymous fetish imageboard populated by well adjusted individuals is exactly what i need to help address my deep-seated relationship anxieties
>>70020 you should at least give them a chance to prove to you that it's not compatible plenty of people are like "eww [fetish]" but warm up to it fairly quickly with a caring partner if it clearly is not a compatibility then you have to make a choice about whether all of the pros are worth it. if you're patient you can probably find somebody just as compatible that will also indulge your fetish but maybe you don't want to play the waiting game at least try to warm them up to it. be confident but not overbearing make sure you're taking it at a pace they can handle. if you introduce it like >h-h-h-hey I have a t-t-t-t-tickling fetish and it's kinda w-w-weird and g-gross and autistic then don't be surprised if she gets weirded out by it and similarly just because they aren't instantly dripping wet at the thought of being completely restrained and mercilessly tickle tortured doesn't mean that they would never be okay with it if you just worked your way there slowly good luck
google kink-aware therapists. this won't be a unique problem
>>70020 if you really can't get off to anything but tickling, i would strongly recommend trying to cut back on it. try to see the merits of other kinks, or even plain, vanilla sex. easier said than done, i know, but if your desire to satisfy your tickling fetish is making you doubt your relationship with another person, you really should consider the greater impact this is having on your life. i don't know what kind of person you are, or how romantic, but i'm a firm believer in listening to your heart. if this is someone you really love, someone you want to be with for the long haul, maintaining that relationship has to take top priority. realistically, most of us will never have that idealized experience which fulfills our deepest desires. this isn't something to dread, but simply a reality that we all have to face, and one that applies to everyone, not just ticklefags. i think you're very lucky to have someone open to it at all, even if the result was disappointing. this isn't worth abandoning a relationship that brings you emotional fulfillment. i wish you luck friend, however you decide to go about this
>>70020 I, too, have canned relationships in the past over this. Like you, this kink is basically the whole of my sexual interests. At the end of our life, anon, all we have are the things that make us happy. You should feel it out and decide if this is as intrinsic to your nature as it is for me. Any question of compromise should involve these two things: can you change? and do you want to? >>70024 I don't think you read the post completely, their partner just isn't ticklish.
>>70028 missed that part somehow they just gotta skip straight to weighing pros and cons then should leave probably imo. if they have never tried it then they'll always want it and it will cause problems. at least if they get to do it a few times with some other people first they might decide that they can have a relationship without it based on their post they never have and I think that will bite at them for a long time
>>70026 Well said imo. Finding someone who loves you in this cold, lonely and dark world is a rare thing, i wouldn't throw that away because she doesn't have the same fetish, especially if she's indulging you. Plus there's a lot of body parts and a lot of tools, something is bound to work, right?
I was in a similar situation to you OP. Also inb4 someone calls me.a fag, yes I am. And I'm happy. I'm currently dating an absolutely beautiful femboy. Sweetest soul I have ever known. He makes me happy and fulfilled, he has the same interests I have, loves food and I love cooking nice meals for him, accepts that I'm kinda autistic and helps me through my anxieties, merely spending time with him brings me peace, princessy feet with the softest soles ever and adores getting pedicures and painting his nails, indulges in all my kinks enthusiastically simply because I love them. He just LOOKS so ticklish, anon. Pic 100% related (he literally looks like an irl hispanic version of the character in the pic). But guess what. He isn't insanely ticklish. God made him a lee but forgot to make him sensitive. The first time I took off his shoes and socks in my car and raked my nails over his soles I got...nothing. My heart sank. Now, this is where you have to make a decision anon. Does the fact that your girl also isn't ticklish outweigh everything else? Does she make.you happy? Does she give you peace. Because let me tell you anon, when you find someone like that in this chaotic, messy world, you hold on. Because people like that don't come into our lives often. What me and my boyfriend did to satisfy my tickling fetish is that he lers for me.instead. Turns out I (the fit, hairy guy with a full beard and deep ass voice) am insanely ticklish, and when he ties me up and blindfolds me he wrecks my shit super easily. And those long, manicured nails of his? Pure hell, especially on my feet. And he is a very enthusiastic ler and has wayyyy too much fun making me his bitch. So tickling is still very much a part of our sex life together, just in a way I did not think it would be. Maybe your girl can do the same to you? If you're a switch of course. If you are fully a ler, then don't lose hope either. My boyfriend turned out to also be devastatingly ticklish, just in some unconventional ways. His feet are immune to nails, I even oiled up his soles and hairbrushed the shit out of them and he didnt even flinch. But super fast and hard gnawing on his soles (idk why this and not the hairbrush, the human body is fascinating) drives him bonkers with laughter. And don't get me started on his ears, poor thing freaks out and dies when I pin him to the bed and sloppily lick those. Soo maybe your girl is resistant to most conventional tickle methods, but has some secret weaknesses you just havent found yet. Don't give up hope anon. Relationships need to be cultivated and worked on for them to work out. They are like a flower, you need to water it or it'll wither away.
>>70070 I have nothing to add other than much respect for putting in the effortpost for this poor soul. Good insight there. God bless you fagfag.
>>70020 I can indeed relate, and hopefully my opinion born through lived experience can assist I’ve had partners that I’ve been physically attracted to very strongly that I grew tired of fucking eventually. I’ve had dozens of tickle sessions over the span of two decades with fetishists I met online, and of those that weren’t one-and-dones and we continued to meet for further sessions, I grew tired of tickling them just like I grew tired of fucking the same women, physical attraction notwithstanding Playing with someone else with a tickle fetish isn’t necessarily preferable to with a vanilla, but it’s definitely a unique experience everyone should get to enjoy, if for nothing else but the cathartic connection with someone else as weird as you (us) Attraction fades in almost all long-term relationships, and what you’re left with is the personal compatibility (or lack thereof) between the two parties; I find this to be much more important than whether or not you still want to fuck like teenagers after a decade of being together You also have to remember that having a compatible fetish doesn’t mean they’ll be good for you — there’s a whole person attached to that fetish, with the entire spectrum of their personality and all that goes along with it What’s most important is that your partner is accommodating of the fetish (many people are in relationships where the partner shames them for it or refuses to play whatsoever) and that the two of you are compatible long-term. If this is the case, I’d advise not throwing away a good thing for the potential of another You are indeed being coombrained, brother Anon
>>70070 That is extremely sweet and it warms my heart to hear you two have such a strong relationship. Can you post pictures of his soles so I can jerk off to them
Sexual compatability is important to the health of a relationship, but it is only a part of what makes a fulfilling relationship. My current partner is also not ticklish, but she acts for me. On some level I know it's fake, but pinning her down, watching her squirm, hearing her laugh, that's all I need to cum. At first when I mentioned my fetish, she was also receptive and willing, but we were both quickly disappointed when she couldn't feel much. I tried tickling her everywhere with all sorts of things, never got much more than a little twitching, so eventually she offered to fake it. It started pretty bad, but I communicated like how to make it more realistic and it took some sessions but she's pretty good at it now. Communication and time to learn and change are super needed in a long term relationship, for everything. Her willing to work on that acting for me is just one of the many ways we support each other. I believed in working something out, because I truely love my partner
I'm middle-aged. It's been my experience that the more sex partners you have and the more regular sex you have, the less tickling is the center of your desires. The odds of you finding someone who's mutually attracted and into this stuff is very slim. There are too many moving parts. Enjoy regular sex and jerk it to videos on the side. Don't practice being weird in bed. It will eventually come back to haunt you.

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