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Michio-Chan’s art Anonymous 05/27/2021 (Thu) 21:08:46 Id: 1c9107 No. 58
Anyone got some of Michio-Chan’s art? Like the uncensored ones
Edited last time by Flatty on 04/07/2024 (Sun) 01:34:46.
I'll post more once I dig them up from my drives
(155.29 KB 2048x1444 maybe michio2.jpg)

(89.39 KB 723x476 path29872.jpg)

(139.67 KB 919x677 path2987.jpg)

(202.83 KB 2239x1599 maybe michio.jpg)

>>5038 Take your time boss I also just remembered back in the old 8kun tkr’s in memorium thread, someone had posted their google drive collection of his old stuff, til it went 404
>>5118 Thanks. Its taking me much longer than expected. I really wish that site hadn't gone down so soon. I probably could have preserved a lot more. Gonna look deeper this weekend. I know I got more than this somewhere.
(115.86 KB 1223x729 puppy.jpg)

(110.98 KB 904x817 elf.jpg)

(130.98 KB 964x1422 hands.jpg)

(204.40 KB 1335x858 pleasure.jpg)

(154.00 KB 1090x1120 lickem.jpg)

>>5118 >>5339 I've saved those into my archive when the drive was up. I can share a mediafire folder. It'd only be 68mb.
>>5358 Sounds great. Thanks for sharing.
(101.04 KB 1023x828 naughty.JPG)

(751.79 KB 1142x1376 1357166191679.jpg)

(217.91 KB 1600x1187 michio.jpg)

(265.89 KB 1133x1142 skanuj0002.jpg)

(199.29 KB 1326x1050 ticklish.jpg)

Actually it maybe easier to share whats not already on da

(132.97 KB 1047x829 21.jpg)

(160.03 KB 1249x1209 trvdf.jpg)

(383.73 KB 1107x1111 high.jpg)

(30.59 KB 400x404 Michio-chan art35.jpg)

(30.18 KB 500x342 Michio-chan art36.jpg)

I found these 2
(51.68 KB 800x600 Michio-chan art38.jpg)

(151.82 KB 1024x768 Michio-chan art39.jpg)

I found these two. Hop someone's able to find more.
got some gifs
>>38559 That's just the stuff from the blog linked in his DA profile.
Also, I know this is a about his older work, but he did come back at some point in 2020 on twitter. Although he's not touched it since July of 2021. I don't know what his deal is, but I hope he's ok. https://twitter.com/MichioChanTK
>>38721 Most of it looks like stuff that's on his DA page, but there's also a good chunk of things I've never seen before either.
Organized the file a bit and uploaded it too google drive since not everyone likes media fire https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SL6FOs9pBfwV20Pzev9WGPnCVia37mpl?usp=sharing
>>64474 How did you find all this?
>>64509 I did some deep digging into the archives of tkr forums, on this specific platform and others. Ultimately, I found one that had a Michio-Chan section that was pretty much solely a media fire link that still worked. I saved it and posted it here and after I organized it and put it into a google drive for easier access. Took a while, but I'm glad I didn't give up.
Someone made a fan edit of one of his Gifs. Kinda neat.
believe he did this one for Alphazion infinity years ago
>>70765 Riveting commentary
>>70937 Yeah it's the kind of witty banter that keeps me coming back here 🙄

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