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Scenario Sharing Anonymous 11/29/2023 (Wed) 04:53:15 Id: 0f5fea No. 57793
This thread is for either posting characters/people/OCs/etc that you want to see people make scenarios of or posting your own favorite scenarios of them, good for those who want added flavor to a tickle scene. pictures of characters already in the act of being tickled but having no context behind it are also encouraged, like how I want someone to expand on this Lucina drawing for example
>>57793 Ok, as in, you want someone to invent some context for the above pic? Maybe even a very short story?
>>57793 Cool idea for a thread. I think this is something I've wanted to see for a while. The artist never made a follow-up to this one, so I wonder how she got into this situation and how badly she's going to get it.
>>57793 I posted this in both the Kusujinn and Caption threads with no luck, but scenarios like this always appealed to me for the longest time. A bigger woman/amazon/muscular (but not necessarily) tickling a petite girl. I'd have to think a little more for a legit scenario, but the artist already had something posted on twitter. π—§π—›π—˜ π——π—˜π—Ÿπ—œπ—‘π—€π—¨π—˜π—‘π—§ - Super tall - Super strong - Free-spirited She likes to eat, sleep and chill. She doesn't like thugs picking on her dog (yes, the one on her shoulder) Videos and art like this welcome (if you know of any)
I like it, kinda like a mini-captions thread. Not a full story per se, just some broad strokes to add flavor to a pic. I like the idea of changing the context of an image too. Like we all know the meme this pic is going for, and it's pretty hot, but you know what's hotter? The prospect of five amazon muscle mommies about to absolutely brutalize the small ticklish body of a cute Kara Zor-El that doesn't quite understand what she got into yet. Her unassuming expression makes me think she doesn't expect it's gonna be too bad, but their knowing looks have me thinking they're about to tickle the shit out of blondie so bad and for so long she's gonna forget how to beg for mercy by the end when english stops making sense to her. I love that there are no restraints too, probably planning to just take turns holding her down while the others have their way with her until she's too tired to even try to resist. The fact that they're looking so lovingly at her makes me think they're planning to fuck her brains out while they're making her laugh herself into a coma too, and that despite the fact that their 50 fingers are about to absolutely fucking destroy her, they trust her kryptonian physique means she can take it (as does Kara, who insisted she didn't need a safeword), and they're doing it out of mutual pleasure, even if they're planning to take advantage of the cocky first-timer and have her broken into a brainless tickle slut by the end.
>>57830 You sir are a poet and a scholar
>>57822 Misaka is the one who is one with her humanity in this picture, as opposed to her two ticklers, or it could be the other way around, and she's a scared animal, and her two ticklers are perfectly human. I like the faces the both of them are making, because it makes it clear they both exist on a higher plane than Misaka, as predators and she as prey. The way Misaki looks almost mesmerized as her slender fingers fit in between Misaka's toes is that of someone who knows exactly what she wants. The industrial or construction site look of her arm restrains and stocks add to this feeling of helplessness. This is no longer an amateur or slightly loving or playful experience, but a dive into a pit of the darkest impulse humanity has to offer, that being an unbounded curiosity. >>57824 Kusujinn is one of the best, despite criticism for the twins series. I also like and agree with what >>57830 mentioned about changing the context of a picture, something that's relevant to my methodology for reading into a lot of tickling art. The contrast between the two strikes me as something worth discussing in great detail.
I posted an idea like this over in the Tickle Hell thread but I’ve really been mulling it over for a while now. I’m imagining a scenario like in the Matrix where your body is plugged into some kind of automated life support system while your mind is projected into a virtual reality just as real to you as the actual real world. Now imagine that all the protocols and failsafes regarding pain, injury, exhaustion and even the need for food or sleep put in place to make this virtual world more real were to be removed? In this mental prison you could be subjected to endless tickle torture without rest indefinitely while your physical body suffers no ill effects, all the necessities such as nourishment, waste management and regulating various biological functions being covered by the life support system on the outside. And while you’d never tire, the torture would be just as real as anything along with the mental stress and possible psychological damage it would inflict on you if endured long enough. And if the elapsed time aspect of dreaming was in effect, in the span of an hour in the real world days, weeks, months or even years of nonstop relentless tickling could occur! One other aspect of this that could make it truly amazing is what if the pleasure center of the brain could be tapped directly and make it so that tickling in this virtual world is the most indulgent, pleasurable and arousing sensation in existence. An infinite Heaven of euphoric mind-blowing ticklegasms without the frail physical limits of the living body holding you back; each climax just as intense and amazing as the last. Life support systems outside the simulation would regulate heart rate and pulmonary functions ensuring the tickling utopia will last as long as you desire. And don’t even get me started on the user interface with every setting, scenario and playmate you can imagine!
I love the idea of a girl that knows you have a tickle fetish provoking you and teasing you in a public setting, like a beach date. Maybe she has tickle fetish of her own, or maybe she doesn't, and as a bit of revenge for all those times she's let you indulge on forcing her to laugh until she's crying, she has decided to enjoy making you squirm for a change. Simple stuff like dangling her sandals leisurely, letting you catch glimpses of her soles, or yawning exaggeratedly and displaying her perfect armpits for you is already enough to get you hot under the collar, and she knows it. She knows you can't stop glancing and her sly smile all but confirms it. But the big guns come out when she asks you to help her with the tanning oil. She asks that you don't miss a single spot, and spend as much time as you want anywhere making sure you get it right- but be careful, she's really ticklish, she reminds you. And true to her word, anywhere you touch, she jolts and giggles cutely, a sound she knows you can't resist. The urge to dig into her sides, or squeeze her hips, or wiggle your fingers under her arms and in between her thighs until she's screaming your name with laughter is unbearable, and nothing is stopping you really, she's not resisting, she's all yours, down to her wiggling toes... But be careful anon, people are watching. Families with children, enjoying a peaceful time right there, on the next spot over. You wouldn't wanna make a scene, right? A woman screaming with laughter is bound to turn a few heads, and more than a couple might notice her boyfriend is getting rock solid just from giving her a few tickles. She asks that you give her a second coating right under her arms, but that you try not to use your nails this time so you don't make her squeal so loudly again. Oh, and maybe later you could try to bury her in the sand, maybe leave her feet out, just for fun. She thinks it could make for a couple of cute pics, but you're going to have to take them since she's going to be all but completely helpless, able only to wiggle her toes... And all the while her seductive eyes confirm that she knows it as well as you do: that when you go home and you finally have her all to yourself, there'll be hours and hours of laughter to pay.
Damn fellas, you all are making me wanna try and write something up. I've never actually gone and made myself write some fetish shit but now I kinda want to
I really enjoy the idea of a ticklish babysitter, especially with the tone in this picture. Her outfit and her starting attitude make her look so tough, I imagine her being something like a low-ranking member of the Yakuza or a gang of some sort who's always tasked with keeping the boss's child busy. A no-nonsense delinquent who'd break your teeth if you dared to suggest she happens to be painfully ticklish, that now has to deal with a bratty kid who she can't land a finger on, and who insists on tickling her until she's pissing herself with laughter, for no other reason than he thinks it's hilarious and/or he's kind of a creep. And it goes down the same every time. She tries to act annoyed and over it, but the second he starts touching her feet and she can't help but crumble in giggles, it all falls apart. She can try to intimidate him, but the kid knows fully well she wouldn't even dare to try and stop him. She can try to negotiate, even bargaining her worst tickle spots away, but in the end, she always end up with the brat abusing her poor body all over, with his clumsy fingers being more than enough to have her crying and begging in between bouts of painful laughter. He'd have her believe she deserves it for being a grown up and still being so childish that tickling her is enough to have her begging for her mommy. It doesn't help that when she's getting put through it and her mind is melting under the constant stimulus, her tough attitude washes away and she winds up giggling and whimpering like a cute little girl, totally submissive towards the brat, doing nothing but meekly trying to hold him back from tickling her poor sensitive feet and her broad smooth pits until she wets herself, even to the point that he'll overstep his boundaries and start playing with her ticklish tits or her ass, and she's unable to stop him, both because she knows she'd get in serious shit and because her brain is completely ticklefried and she can only flail about sputtering pleas for mercy and laughing herself silly. And the best she can do is try to compose herself afterwards so nobody can tell a kid just played with her like a tickle toy, and keep up the facade of a badass, hoping that maybe she's going to earn some points with the boss for keeping his perverted son happy, and hoping desperately that he's not going to decide to make her his full time tickle slave at some point in the future.
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One idea that's stuck with me is the idea of a world where Drow are huge tickle sadists, and frequently raid human settlements to get more fodder to sate their desires. A race of long lived elf women that have all the magic and alchemic means to push human sensitivity to its limit while keeping the mind in tact. Throw in some long term orgasm denial and forced foot/body worship for some variety to the humiliation of those lowly humans!
>>68940 Hottest thing I read today
>>68940 What's the source for this image?
>>69064 nvm, I got it, I'm just an idiot
>>68940 Nah this is actually fucking fire. Clearly you were cooking with this idea. Especially the ending, where the kid grows up and eventually, with him being the boss' kid, can easily get her as his own personal tickle slave.
I like this succession of scenarios that I've mulled over in my head. It's a back-and-forth triple revenge ticking scenario involving three subjects. The scenario goes as follows; First scene: (A) tickles (B) Second scene: (C) overpowers (A) and proceeds to tickle both (A) and (B) Final scene: (A) breaks free and overpowers (C) then proceeds to tickle (B) and (C) again (B) is a perpetual ticklee and just has to watch their tormentors swap hands or be tickled along side them. It's the unfairness that adds to their ordeal, that they don't even get a shot at revenge and have to be endlessly tickled. And the intensity of the bondage and tickle torture usually ramps up with each iteration because of the feud between (A) and (C), so (B)'s torment gets worse from no fault of their own. There's probably a RussianFetish clip set like this but I'm not bothered to look. Just imagine either Asuka or Rei remain bound and tickled in every scene, or insert any trio of characters you want and pick a permanent ticklee. Like FF7 Tifa, Aerith and Jessie. I'd have Tifa be B
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These sketches are kinda rough, but I really dig the idea they convey in just a few pictures. She looks like a bitchy, mean, highschool delinquent, right? The kind with a real bad attitude problem, probably a bully, and definitely not the type to secretly be a pathetically ticklish, horny and submissive ticklee. I just love the idea of somehow getting to tickle the beautiful but scary classroom bully, and not only discovering it absolutely fucking wrecks her, but instilling in her a blossoming lust for tickle torture. It'd probably fuck her up inside at first, the very idea is so pathetic and weak, she could never bring herself to accept it. But then again, she can't stop thinking about that thrilling moment of breathless laughter when the nails dug into her arches and she threw her head back, and her whole body went rigid, and the instinctual tinge of fear over how badly it fucking tickled made her pound on the floor helplessly without being able to get away from you. And it's fine to ignore it for a while, until she finds herself laying wide awake at night, thinking about the feeling afterwards, when she was still giggly and lightheaded, and her whole body was sweaty and tired, and she was sure she couldn't take a second longer of desperate girly laughter, but the thought of being forced to endure it sent shivers throughout her entire body, and the only way she can go back to sleep is by touching herself while imagining what it would've been like if the torture had continued against her protests and she'd been reduced to a ticklish wreck again and again, for as long as someone else wanted to see her lose her mind. Porn helps at first. She tells herself she's only checking it out out of curiosity, certain that there's only a few weirdos on the internet that would even like such a thing. But then there's so much of it, and she can't stop looking for more. She can't get enough of the way those girls in the pictures have no chance of escaping, and how their terrible torturers are sadistically enjoying exploiting their every weakness until their brains turn to mush because they can't stop laughing. The dozens of wiggling fingers make her hold her sides, the brushes hide her feet, and the l-licking... Her face burns up just thinking about it, but she just can't stop. Every other fantasy of being the victim of atrocious tickle hells and endless tickle slavery just drags her deeper and deeper into the lustful vortex. And then it comes to the videos, and she realizes... she's fucked. Because seeing and hearing all those countless helpless women subjected to tickle torture for the amusement of others, without mercy, for so long they cry with laughter and scream and beg for release that never comes... Makes her understand she's never going to be able to stop chasing that thrill again, and no amount of fantasies and self tickling will ever compare to the real thing. Which brings her back to you. She swears she'll kill you if anyone finds out, and it's almost scary even if it's difficult to take her seriously when she's blushing furiously and stammering out every other word. She takes off her socks and asks, no, demands that you tickle her like you did before, even as she hesitates to put her feet on your lap and relinquish control. But then you start, and as she giggles herself silly and shakes uncontrollably, motioning for you to knock it off but doing nothing to actually stop you, all the fear and shame washes away, and just like that, it's sealed. She's got a new fetish, and you somehow got yourself a new tickle slave.
>>72888 Phenomenal.
Speaking of sketches, just saw this one earlier today and it made me realize how good this pose is and how almost nobody is using it for tickling scenarios. You can move your arms and legs but they're positioned in such a way that you can't defend yourself if the ler decides to have no mercy with you. hell I'd volunteer to be the one restrained like this, god knows I flail life a fish being electrocuted everytime someone gets near my belly and/or sides.
Seeing Yuno mentioned in a different thread brought back an idea I had for this picture a while back: what if Yuno, an obsessed tsundere that loves you so much she would let you do anything you want with her, was also unbearably ticklish to the point she genuinely can't take it. It just fucks her up. Screaming and begging within minutes, giggling uncontrollably even if you're doing something as simple as slowly dragging a finger up and down her sole. And you love to do more than that, of course. When you bring out the brushes she borderline has a seizure. After a couple of hours of screwing around with her underarms, she's pretty much an empty husk, laughing weakly, her head in a different planet. But still, she lets you do it, because... she loves you, right? And you love her, you tell her all the time. You're showering her with attention and praise for being the perfect girlfriend ,all while you're making her beg for her mommy to come save her from the mean fingers raking over her ribs, and that part of it feels so good. You're her precious soulmate, there's no way you could be taking advantage of her. Furthermore, as you're tickling the shit out of her, you periodically fuck her brains out too, and she gets that high of having all of your attention and desire just for her, just like she always wanted. And yet, her predicament makes her feel like she's going to lose her mind. She keeps swearing that she loves you and that she'll be a good girlfriend, so please don't do that to her anymore, but you're relentless, and she would never say no to you and risk losing you, but every second of the dreaded tickling is so intense and terrible... A part of me thinks that's almost the perfect tickle slave. Willing, submissive and devoted, but also a perfect sponge for sadism, endlessly suffering for you out of her own will, content with the headpat you give her at the end of a session, when she's covered in sweat and tears, and you tell her you love her and she's a good girl for letting you have your way with her ticklish body.
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>>74058 This is magnificent. I already loved yanderes but this is poetry.
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>>74060 Oh yeah, I meant yandere. Lol.

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