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Buried in the Sand/Beach Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 21:21:55 Id: 6a30e7 No. 49363
I'd love to see some more beach tickling that isn't from Tickle Intensive or Stimulating Feet. Real life stuff would be the best.
>>49363 I think Tickling Paradise has a few of them, as well as WayTooTicklish Other than that I don't really recall any other studio
I really love these but there's always a little voice in my head telling me these are the fakest kinds of videos :( like who couldn't move their feet to lift up sand...
>>49412 For it to be effective the person would need to be in a slight sitting position and the sand on top packed down If the are lying flat or the sand isn't compacted then the person could wiggle free Look at the top two pictures to see the difference. The top person's feet are sticking up at an angle meaning they are sitting into a pit with compacted sand covering them. There is a lot of weight on their knees really restricting what they could do In the second photo it looks more staged and like the person could free themselves if they wanted to
>>49363 Can someone post the video to the first pic? Looks great
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Beach burials are my FAVORITE form of bondage when done right. But when done poorly, its such a angering thing for me to watch. In still photos tho, I do like the images they can convey even if poorly executed
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Could we revive this? I adore this and feel so starved of content lately
>>49577 Whos the woman in the 4th and 5th pics? Sauce as well pls
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>>49577 Anyone have any more of the photos of the first one? Man, I haven't seen that set in years, would love to see more again. Also, anyone have this video? Will trade stuff I made personally with my sub for it, have buried + tickled and buried with her tits out.
>>69306 Fayth on Fire studios, she's made a few buried vids. Might have some on my Google drive I'll check
>>69325 As far as I know, that first photo is all that exists from that set. Nothing else has ever turned up no matter how hard I searched. I have the video of this gif, its one I custom ordered long ago
>>69333 No shit? Maybe I'm just misremembering then, I had a vague memory of seeing more as soon as I saw that photo. Ah well, maybe someday. Is there some way I can reach out to you to talk privately about a trade or something? I have a couple sessions of buried/tickled stuff that I've had made with friends/partners/SWers I know that isn't online anywhere (like they made it specifically for me or I made it myself) 😁
Have this whole set too, and lots of pics that weren't released with the video if anyone's interested. Honestly? Idk if anyone here is as big of a fan as I am of someone being buried neck deep (like, even if it doesn't involve tickling/as a BDSM thing) but I struggle a lot to find new content. Would happily trade very hard for content even if it doesn't involve tickling.
>>69325 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EgG3ObHR3A That's the demo, lemme see if I can find a full version.
Nope, sorry, full version was taken down. Even Kimono's copy is gone. :(
>>69333 It used to be a series called "Stimulating Feet" on Youtube, but that channel disappeared, and now their content is on "Reflexology Researching". I think they may still have the old longer videos, but they're paywalled.
>>69402 yea, do you have a discord or a deviantart? rather start there than blasting my email out here lol I have some stuff from personal shoots over the years that hasnt been posted either.
>>69403 another golden one from my custom orders of the past lol
>>69528 Anything else you'd share? 👀 I am so desperate for new content, honestly
>>69417 What's ridiculous is that you need to pay $35 A MONTH just to access the car ones. Want their old stuff too? It's $50 a month. Which is especially sickening when you consider about 20% of their vids are actually good.
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>>70240 Of course, I'll open up the collection & post some random things
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>>70240 some from a personal shoot of mine
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>>70240 > > From another custom from greyhound
>>70456 Holy shit you are the fucking best. I can't even remember how long it's been since I saw that tickletv one. All of this is amazing, thank you again.
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>>70470 of course, anytime
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>>69527 Yeah, my discord username is neckdeepintrouble Shoot me a friend request? Would love to talk to you 💜 i have some stuff I've shot too
>>70742 Went ahead & sent one. It'll be coming from Myrlea

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