/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

Kocho Kocho

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I'll try this again. The order was messed up on the first attempt
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>>49195 >>49195 >>49196 >>49197 Pure gold, easily one of my favorite pieces Bombers has ever worked on and part of the reason I developed a tickle crush on Makoto and her huge stompers in the first place. He recently mentioned that he has plans of continuing this on one of his other pieces, so perhaps that may happen some time in 2024. I just want to see a conclusion is all.
we def need moar ibuki lickles the tanukis had their fun, time 4 other SF gals 2 get a taste!
Sakura posting when??

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>>49288 I would KILL for Badcrap to not be allowed to post text.
I mentioned in a thread somewhere that I didn't care for Juri as a ticklee because she already this crazy feet character and I like bad ends bad guys tickle the good guys. But I will roll that back now. You can tickle the crazy psychopath. You just need an even crazier psycho to do it.
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