/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

Kocho Kocho

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40K tickling Anonymous 06/14/2023 (Wed) 15:06:01 Id: 2c3432 No. 47958
Curious how much there is..
For the Emporer!
About a decade ago, I requested a picture of Cultist-chan being tickled by the Spanish Inquisition on a /tg/ drawthread and got a rough sketch. I lost it, but that picture may or may not exist on the internet somewhere.
>>47985 Great work! That was so hot!
NDT2000 did some Warhammer content. (There's also a "hangman" flash game that lets you strip and tickle some girls.)
I've been wanting to find someone willing to draw Sakiri from the "day of ascension" genestealer cult novel, or even any genestealer cult girl for a while honestly, but it's very hard to find an artist who 1. is into Warhammer enough to take a genestealer cult girl commission, 2. is good enough to make a GSC girl hot (which is hard cause most of them are bald but I've seen some make it work like pic related, just gotta lean into the "hot" more than trying to make them cute i think?)
(1.19 MB 3447x2963 109725180_p0.png)

(1.84 MB 2530x2109 109725180_p1.png)

I miss Cultist-chan
Posted in AI art thread, but relevant
Eldar women are made for ticklish abuse
>>47958 even though this is about 40k, I have few fantasy pics that I feel like posting
(577.31 KB 3228x2360 slaaneshi.jpg)

first one is probably the first 40k pic i ever saw back in the day. second one i thought was a tickle pic until i found it, but i forgot how much i loved the idea of a cloth gag on a xenomorph monster like it's a fucking damsel in distress

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