Good to know! In that case, these should fully heal the wound! I found these on GnilkcitXD's kemono page.
Title: Too Ticklish!
Corrin threw her bag on the ground and stretched. "This is a good place to set up camp." she said while smiling at her son Kana and her sister Camilla. Kana smiled, placing his bag on the ground and began to set up his tent.
Camilla chuckled. "So when are we going to begin?" She asked holding up a bag. Corrin smiled "Just wait Camilla I'll tell you when" Camilla watched Kana set up the tent struggling a bit "He's so adorable just like his mother" she then squeezed Corrin's sides a bit causing her to squeal. "Ehehehehehe hey!"
Corrin swatted her hands giggling and went to her son helping him. Camilla began to set up hers while eyeing the two's bare feet with a smile.
"Kana there's something we should talk about." she said as they were almost done setting up his tent. "Huh? Am I in trouble Mama?" He asked "No No No!" she giggled while ruffling his hair. "You see Kana, I heard that you..." with a smirk she moved her fingers to his ear. "...are ticklish!" She said wiggling her fingers on them.
Kana jumped and squirmed "Hehehe Hey Mama Hahahaha stop hahahaha!" He laughed as she kept her fingers wiggling on his ears as Camilla finished hearing the boys laughter "Oh it's time!" She said grabbing her bag.
"Hehehehehe ahahaha wait not there ahahaha!" Kana cried out as Corrin moved to his neck.
"Ticklish here HEHEHEHEHE!" Corrin said letting out a laugh as Camilla snuck from behind stroking a feather on her foot "Don't forget you are just as ticklish as him!"
Kana caught his breath "That was rude hmph!" he said pouting adorably. Corrin and Camilla looked at each other and smirked wiggling their fingers in his direction. "Uhhh Ahhhh!" He said as he felt the wiggling fingers on his feet.
Corrin grabbed one of his feet, wiggling her fingers on his soft sole. "Coochie coo Kana!" she smiled stroking a finger down his foot slowly.
Camilla had already reached into her bag pasting a sweet honey like substance on Kanas feet "Yes Kana is something funny?" She teased.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA IT'S TOO MUCH AHAHAHAHAHAHA" Kana shot up before going back down crying in tears.
"Wow it hasn't even been a minute! You really are ticklish!" Camilla giggled as she finished the pasting and then blew a raspberry, eating it all up. "Oh that makes it better." She said going back to finish it.
Corrin smiled. "He can handle it don't worry." she grabbed a toothbrush from the bag and slid it between his big and second toe. Her son's toes wiggled and squirmed as the brushes bristles poked his sensitive skin.
"Sorry Kana I love you but this is too much fun!" His mom said as she slid the brush between the next pair of adorable stubby toes.
"AHAHAHAHA NOT THE TOES AHAHAHAHA NOT THE TOES AHAHAHAHAHA!" Kana grabbed the grass pulling. Then shook his fist on the ground.
Camilla smiled back, finishing up her meal. "Now let's try this!" Reaching into the bag she picked up a hair brush and began to scrub it on Kanas bare feet. Now wet from her licks, the already smooth and soft foot was now even more smooth and soft resulting in him becoming more ticklish, which was hard to believe for Kana.
His mom reached for a paintbrush after a minute of scrubbing the toothbrush on his toe stems. She then stroked the brush on the sole in circles and patterns.
Kana screamed. He felt the differences of the brushes on his ticklish soles. The paintbrush his mom used was soft and smooth resulting in teasing tickles. Mixed with the rough bristles of the hairbrush on his wet foot drove the poor boy mad.
Soon all they could hear was Kana's adorable laughter.
Corrin laid in the tent that night. "You think we went too far?" She asked laying next to her sister in the tent they shared. "Don't worry, he's fine! Tomorrow he'll probably not care anymore." She reassured Corrin.
Corrin nodded as she rubbed her feet. "I wish this tent was bigger, because my feet are freezing." She yawned before falling asleep.
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Kana awoke in the middle of the night with the bag in hand. He looked at the two women's feet sticking out of the tent with a smile.