/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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The Perfect Session Anonymous 04/10/2023 (Mon) 09:52:09 Id: 0118de No. 44695
Let's discuss our perfect dream session using the template provided. Also let's discuss ways to improve the template. Pic related - my dream session and the template
>>44695 I think instead of 'girl', there should be three different templates: 'lee', 'ler', and 'switch'. Also, 'outfit' should be a different element, since you might not have a picture of your dream girl wearing what you'd want. In terms of adding elements, a good one would be 'intensity', as in a tickle pic that shows someone getting absolutely destroyed or maybe just being playfully tickled, something in between, etc. Another one might be 'attitude' as in how they're taking it, where you could show them crying and begging for mercy, or with little hearts all around them begging for more, or being sadistic ticklers or teasing ones, that type of stuff. There could also be one for tickle spots, showing what you'd focus on. I'd help you with these, but the font you used doesn't show up on paint lol, and I wouldn't want to make it inconsistent. Also, are we just doing real people or are we throwing 2D into the mix?
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>>44737 >>44707 Solid ideas! Check out v2 of the template. I think 2d, 3d, IRL, anything goes. It's your dream sesh, make it to your liking. Oh and the font's just a slightly wider arial, nothing fancy
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It's an Artoria waifu bonanza! We have: Extremely abusable tickle slut Lily! Super adorable and embarrassed, totally-not-into-being-a-submissive-she-swears OG Saber! Utterly cruel, horny and tickle-crazed Alter! Can you DIG IT?! >>44737 >>44738 Real nice. I was thinking about different templates for 'lers and 'lees, see if you like it. I also made a version with transparent spaces for the elements of the dream session, in case anyone finds these more convenient.
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>>44695 Which way, western man ?
>>47773 tough choice but Imma have to go with the hard bondage punk girl
>>47773 right for sure. I'd make her beg,

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