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Lee's vs lers and women vs men. Anonymous 03/21/2023 (Tue) 00:53:06 Id: 99d02c No. 43060
I'm curious to know the demographic, but I have a feeling I can guess it. I'm a girl and I really like being tickled, most the content is more geared towards tickling girls and I mostly just imagine myself in those positions ahabgnrkfjv.... I'm really curious if there are other lee girls on here though <:0 irl I've been tickled lots by friends and once had a bf that liked to tickle me and argh. I miss it. It's been too long dang it. Too embaressed to ever tell anyone I like being tickled irl, and I'm pretty into nerdy quiet guys so they never make a move to tickle me!!!! but yeah sorry this was long. I wanna see how many male lers or male lees vs female lers and female lees. I know I'm not alone here!!!! Oh and I needed an image so i took one of my stomach whdkepfhwphfpehfpdjfofp I tried to do a heart too but it didn't really look like one.
A Male Ler here and I understand the embarrassment in a sense, never tested my skills out irl sadly, since I’m usually a bit nervous too ask.
Before this get's out of hand. FOR THE LOVE OF CRAP, NO FUCKING AUSTIC SEXUAL HARASSMENT, PLEASE! Also +1 male ler. No "hands on" experience.
>>43060 Also cute moles there.
Wish I could have some irl experiences, but usually I have the problem of not in the same area.
Is it true that all girls think tickling is childish and cringe?
If I found someone interested I would be a switch, whatever I could experience. I love the forced submission that being tickled brings, such as licking a girl's feet (I'm a footfag) and making her go crazy laughing indefinitely while I can do whatever I want. The same thing would apply if a girl happened to be attracted to my body or something, tied me up and had her way while I can only try to resist her total control and the intense sensations.
>>43069 I've had Irl experiences an honestly they are pretty shit people aren't nearly as ticklish as fetish videos would want you to believe
>>43060 Male ler here, love the heart attempt :)
>>43072 Honestly the less someone laughed, the hornier I would get doing it. More time to figure out what works or to do the same thing until they slightly break a laugh and pounce on it
>>43060 I've always been curious about what the ratio is between genders and lees/lers, so it'd be good to finally get an estimate. This could benefit from something like a survey or a Google Form. That said, I say we also take what genders we'd want to tickle/get tickled by. I'm a male ler who would want to tickle both genders. No experience on my end, but it's good to hear you had some yourself.
>>43060 adding to the chorus of male lers here, never had any irl experience though
Male, both ler and lee. My latest GF didn't even know about tickle fetish, but she was interested when I told her, and got into it really soon; teasy tickling games while hugging were a usual thing, and it was really cool ^^ Never got to "big tickling" stuff tho, maybe someday with the next person.
>>43070 ...you literally asking one who doesn't. And your joke is so old at this point, the Mesozoic Era want's it's humor back.
>>43074 Bullshit though cause it doesn't actually work that way your just prolonging your disappointment looking for something that isn't going to appear
>>43079 If they're bound and you don't have a time limit of 120 seconds it's inevitable, anon
>>43081 You really, really, really sound unexperienced
>>43060 Yea I'm a male switch but actually lean more lee, its such a unique form of personal attention I love it
>>43082 Sounds like a tickling skill issue, buddy.
>>43084 Sounds like your a virgin who's only interaction with tickling is le hardcore tickle torture in shitty deviant art drawings sorry but the fantasy in your head is exaggerated
>>43085 Literally no one cares and I implied in my first post that I haven't done it. Every thread on every site is plagued by you people that ruin perfectly good threads by trying to win arguments for no reason, just stop.
>>43068 Ahahaha thank you!! I have never been complimented on a mole before
>>43072 Hmm.. maybe it's based on who? I know some ticklish people that just dont outwardly express the sensation. they just don't get the urge to laugh but still feel it. I'm very uhh... I don't know expressive??? In general so it makes sense I laugh and giggle and blush really easy during irl tickling. Oh, OP here btw !!! Idk how to... show that and stuff lol. Am not a 8chan expert.
>>43077 Aaaah wow.. sounds like the dream for me. I'm not into the hard-core stuff, but I don't mind being pinned or wrestling or being tickled for a while!! I really enjoy the sensation, but also the bonding aspect. I like being in someone's hands, them thinking my stupid reactions are cute and us both getting joy out of it! Maybe one day ahah >_>
>>43088 You are most welcome. :)
>>43092 ...I know we're on /tk and all but please control yourself. At least ask her out for a coffee or something.
>>43093 The thing is that this guy has been asking about ticklish belly buttons in a few threads all at once. I'm sure it's bait, best ignore it.
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>>43094 ...are you retarded?
>>43060 Depends on where you are, too. I'm over by San Francisco and a lot of the people in the tickling community here are male lers or male switches. Makes it a bit more difficult when I'm a dude who only likes tickling girls. Also, female lees in general tend to be a hot commodity. Like, look around on FetLife or the TMF's personals board, or even things like tklmap, and I'm sure you wouldn't have much trouble finding a quiet nerdy ler.
>>43097 Assuming she doesn't get assailed in a sea of creeps, weirdos and the like the moment she has an inbox...
Male ler! Haven't really done much irl stuff, mostly been sticking to the rp side of things. I don't really tickle anyone irl unless I'm close and super comfortable with them, which means it's really only been a couple exes. When I do give someone tickles, I prefer the softer, I guess you could say, cuter kind? I prefer a giggly squirmier over a belly laughing thrasher.
>>43097 Wow, I didn't really think it was that uncommon lolz.. I'm mostly on the tumblr side of things which is a lot fluffier and cuter than /tkr and has a lot of stuff from girls that like being tickled so I kinda thought it wasn't super rare in the community. Tumblr tk stuff is really great, my favorite community :> everyone is so nice and the art can be very sweet and flustering. SORRY TO GET OFF TOPIC AAAHa
>>43103 Huh. I might have to give tumblr a look. I've never actually looked into the tk community there, but it sounds like something I'd like!
Straight male switch from Canada here, if I had to take a stab in the dark as to why there are so many more dudes on tkr than girls, it's probably less to do with the fetish and more the website itself. Because let's be real there is some fucked up shit being said on 4chan /8chan. A lot of which is directed at women. So it doesn't surprise me that not a whole bunch of them wanna hang out, for that you are a true soldier, I salute your bravery. I've never had a real tickle session before, just awkward childhood moments where I would tickle girls I liked, most of whom hated it. Obviously I haven't spoken to every single girl with the fetish. But from what I've observed from my time being in the community, it seems most girls who are into tickling are lees, which makes sense. Female Dom's are rare in general so it's always kinda funny but mostly a little sad watching a female ler get creeped on until she closes up shop and just nopes the fuck outta the community. >>43103 I've also been on Tumblr tho I don't use that account much. One thing I've noticed is that on Tumblr, Instagram, and discord communities, people indulge each other's fantasies and "games" so to say, where people will openly RP in public and try to make their speech sound cuter by replacing "you" with "chu" and "tickle" with "tiggle" or "t-word" and stuff like that, where as here on 8chan people generally seem much more straightforward, no-nonsense, and just generally more like real people. We're here for tickling/foot fetish porn and that's about it. Not saying one is better than the other but I think one of the reasons I gravitated more towards 8chan was because when I was in discord servers I felt like I had to "play along" and keep up with everyone else. But thanks to a combination of depression, laziness, and not really meshing with that vibe all that well, after a while it just became exhausting and I stopped trying. Eventually I just realized that I was just posting hot pictures I found online and not really talking to anyone anymore. And when I realized that 8chan was just the better place to do that I left all those servers. Sorry about the massive tangent, here have a picture I liked but didn't know where else to put
Male here. I can share my history with this kink if anyone is interested
Male, generally a ler but I go through moments of curiosity about being a lee, but only with specific people. I have a hard time letting myself get tickled and can only really let a woman with a certain personality do it. That sorta plays more into the dom/sub roles, in the context of a relationship, though. I've had many sessions in the past. From a FWD that let me indulge enough that she wanted to cry (I mean that literally, she actively requested I keep going until she did) to an ex that was completely open and willing for it (whom, unfortunately, did not pan out for me). On the east coast, in NC. I think there are more female lees than most people realize, but most don't want to risk outing themselves and basically putting a bullseye on themselves for the spam of interest from all parties. My advice to you, OP, is to tickle shy nerdy guys. Doesn't have to be your thing, but the quickest way to get a tickle in return is to initiate it in some way. Nerdy guy playing a game or something? Poke his side, ask if this is distracting him, keep going. Hope for tickly vengence. Something to that effect.
>I'm a girl and like being tickled >ahabgnrkfjv... >any other lee girls here?~ >whdkepfhwphfpehfpdjfofp the keysmashing was a dead giveaway tranny
>>43106 >Canadian >wall of text tangent hi yamgoth
>>43116 There is not a tranny on this planet that has hip curves like that my son.
Female ler, with barely any experience- can definitely relate to the struggle of finding fem lees though
Oh nice, the board is slowly turning into transphobia
>>43122 do you *really* think that's them? what a random pose and cosplay tier outfit to be wearing, don't you think? isn't it more likely they just got it off someone's Instagram or other private page? (reverse image searches like Google and tineye won't show stuff from private instagram pages) >>43129 >board slowly turning transphobia look who just came in from twitter lmao. who was the faggot who posted the link on twitter this time? to be clear: the majority of people hate trannies here. always have, and always will. this is not your safe space, if you want people to play into your delusions and call you brave, stick to twitter or your Tumblr blog.
>>43117 No idea who that is, my guy >>43116 Girls do that dude. Like almost every girl I met in the community does that. Doesn't mean she's 100% legit, but also doesn't mean she's automatically faking it. Not the Sherlock Holmes level deduction you think it is bud.
>>43132 Haha it was just a white tee and I had an untied ribbon around my neck, but I'd be willing to take another! I'm honestly a little honored people would think that photo isn't me. I'm pretty insecure about my body and have dealt with some ED stuff but it's kind of nice to hear the idea people would think I'd catfish with it almost hahaj!!
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>>43132 Best proof i can provide fuckers!!!!! u all even get a stupid doodle I made of myself !!!
>>43145 Bud, I do not. I am sorry to say. At one point it was really ticklish then it just.... stopped??? Completely?? No idea why lolz.
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>>43145 Are you by any chance an escaped robot trying to learn about tickling, you can be honest I won't call the factory.
>>43147 Sorry about the hostility... We don't exactly have the best well adjusted people here...
>>43147 Cute room to go with those moles too. Do you draw btw? Always nice to see new artists.
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>>43149 Pfftt i am sadly a normal human girl. Im just not really scared away by the freaky parts of the internet. Always heard horror stories about 4chan, but its mostly just edgelords and some normal peeps that found a good community! I do have a thing for robots though. Not like... in the dirty way. But I love them. Very cute and cool. Here is a drawing of some robots I made actually!! If someone says it is not my art I will cry I refuse to write over it. So do just trust me I guess.
>>43152 Yeah!! It's pretty much all I do. I've drawn only like,,,, barely 2 tickling drawings because I just don't know what to do with them afterward. Horribly terrified of someone finding them.....
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>>43153 Nice art. Funny, I drew some robots from a short I saw once.
>>43147 lol that drawing is pretty cute and funny actually, considering that context. >>43148 Also just ignore these belly button comments, it's either some meme/copypasta like the "pirating aza-chan" thing, or it's actually a bot. Either way, you don't have to take them seriously. Your belly is pretty cute for what it's worth. 10/10 would sneak up behind and playfully squeeze.
>>43150 it's one of the only parts of the internet completely unfiltered. I appreciate the honesty and rawness in all truth. I'm very sick of people diluting every little word down to nothing. Not to say it's not without its flaws..... the edginess and just mean spirited people doesn't really phase me at all tho. It is the internet still lol..
>>43153 Oh don't worry, I was referring to the non-stop bellybutton requesting person, it's getting a bit strange. But if you are a robot too I still won't call the factory. Cool style, definitely keep up the drawing.
>>43160 Oh wow. I'm still getting used to how the replying and junk works, I do not understand this website very well ! I pretty much got the hang of it though. Still embaressing to reply to something that wasn't for you pft.
>>43162 Dude seriously? It ain't your business if she does or not. Fucking get your head out of the gutter.
>>43161 It happens, don't worry about it. I will forgive you exceptionally fast if you absolutely don't tell any stories about your Bellybutton getting tickled, not share any experiences about it here.
>>43162 I do not sadly. I have none. Zilch. No stories. I'm actually completely numb near my bellybutton. Can't feel a single thing.
>>43166 ...are you using different IPs just to ask the same thing? And she said NO! What is wrong with you?
>>43166 I lied. I am so sorry to have gotten your hopes up.
>>43167 Pftttt I mean, it's okay. You think I DIDNT expect something like that on this website? Most people have been way nicer and more civil then I thought though :)
>>43169 ...what makes you think she is looking to get laid? Are you seriously that fucking stupid?
>>43170 I mean fair enough but it gets old to see this all time.
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Oh boy here we go. Another thread hijacked and taken over by one dumbass looking for attention. If you can, please just try to ignore belly button smutton over here. It's what they want.
>>43174 And what you makes you think you are entitled to it in the first place? I don't even want to get into that twisted wreckage you must have as a headspace.
Who keeps spamming a thread and keeps expecting to hear any juicy stories about ticklish bellybuttons:(
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>>43177 Try porn instead of harassment.
>>43179 Then get a hooker.
Forget it. Sorry about the derail. It's rather pointless at this point.
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>>43143 >Ler
Getting back on track, I made this strawpoll for the demographics here on tkr https://strawpoll.com/polls/XOgONQj4on3
>>43184 Awesome!!! I have no idea really how to do that kinda stuff and this thread did... get very off track lol. Thank u!! I voted
>>43184 Think we can all see what that's going to show us...
>>43132 Im not trans; it's just sad to see mentally deranged people here, but I guess i'm not that surprised to see incels making edgy claims like this one
>>43153 >>43155 Very nice drawing, I understand being afraid to draw NSFW stuff at all unless it's digital, and even then I can barely draw so I wouldn't be proud of it (unlike deviant "artists") 43190 Another spergout on this thread. Please do not reply to this ID anymore unless they post something constructive.
>mfw the most active thread this board has has for months is literally a "btw girl here" post and then people like >>43196 immediately start white knighting what is very clearly a joke. it's not OP's fault, I'm just disappointed that i expected a little better from people here. are you guys really that desperate for the bare minimum female attention?
>>43197 Sorry. I didn't mean this to be a attention grabbing thing or whatever. I just didn't have any tickling stuff on my phone so I didn't know what to put. It was also just nice to be able to openly talk to everyone without pretending I'm a guy.
>>43201 Its ok. People on the internet are weird. Perverts on fetishist boards are weird*
>>43144 Most people on ‘edgy’ sites like this will be males, definitely. And if there are girls, they will usually stay silent, or they will get messages like that weird belly button guy. I’m a straight male ler mainly, but I’ve done some naughty tickle stuff with one or two gfs. They usually wanted to tickle me back afterwards, which seemed fair. As some others have said, the tickling fetish probably isn’t that big a deal if you tell your partner at a suitable time. If you say it at about the point things start getting serious, I think it will rarely go wrong if they don’t have a traumatic association with being touched. I mean, they like you already, and it’s not like tickling is some massive dealbreaker like if you said you enjoyed murder or etc. I remember an ex who said she didn’t like me tickling her, but then after I told her after we were together six months that I had a tickle fetish, she said that made sense and she didn’t mind me tickling her if it meant so much to me. My current gf is mega ticklish and quite enjoys it. Btw, you have a lovely slim physique, and I’m sorry to hear you had eating disorders and stuff like that. My gf has a lot of anxiety too, though mainly about work stuff. Sometimes you are your own worst enemy and you need to get out of your own head.
>>43197 If you say >incels it is pretty much indistinguishable if you're trolling or not, people use that word for anyone and anything. And yeah, this board doesn't have much besides a few threads where people post good art and threads where people autistically spam the same requests. It's good to see one that actually gets discussion about it.
>>43190 Chans will never be not-transphobic, because unregulated environments attract hateful people - but being unregulated is the whole point of these places, so you gotta just deal with the tards. But there's also tons of people who don't care, like me. We mostly stay quiet because it's exhausting to debate with people who make "hating trans people" their entire personality and reason of being. Just post and enjoy the content and don't try to make things about yourself too much and you'll be more than fine even if you're trans.
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I wanna contribute to this discussion but I cannot tell what's going on in this thread, I'm going off the OP There are probably way more women than most people realize who lurk here, they just keep a low profile because they're gonna get swarmed by horny spergs either desperate for female attention, or skeptical that they might be trans or some shit. I've only skimmed this thread but I'm pretty sure you can see exactly what I mean. >t. male ler, artist, will draw both */f and */m
>>43245 Ahah I do see what you mean.. thank you for adding onto the conversation regardless! very cool u draw as well :) you should drop your art in a reply! This thread is already so off topic it does not matter..
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>>43247 Am I being an attention whore if I post my own artwork? Or will people be more annoyed if I don't? Either way, there's probably always gonna be someone who wont happy, posting them anyway.
>>43241 Yeah, literally the sane decision
I’m in the weird minority as someone who converted fully from exclusive ler to a switch leaning way more into the Lee persuasion. I spent well over a decade being fixated with tickling and always imagined myself in the tickler role until the day finally came that I was able to indulge…and it didn’t meet the hype. But then I agreed to try being Lee for the first time about a year ago and holy fucking god it was transcendent! Like my whole life had been a lie up until that glorious moment. It wasn’t arousing but such a friggin adrenaline rush and so much fun. I still fap to content where I identify more with the ler as that’s just become like a conditioned response in me but in real life I know being a ticklee is my new preference.
>>43262 I had a boomerang version of this. When I was a wee lad first realizing I had a willy that liked tickling, I was steadfastly a Ler cuz, you know, that's what guys are supposed to be. Anyway, when I grew into my late teens - and I'm sure there was a lot more personal build-up to this - but I distinctly remember a moment where I was like, "oh wait no... I kinda wanna be the one being tickled..." From then on I thought I was a Lee, and to a certain extent I still kind of am, but there was one time I was fooling around with my then girlfriend who was into tickling as foreplay (not so much for BDSM play) and I got her pinned under me and was just going to town, I went, "huh, wait no I definitely am also a straight up sadist." So having ping-ponged back and forth, I can safely say I'm a greedy fucking switch that wants it all, with men and women. Call me Freddie Mercury motherfucker cuz I want it all.
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>>43265 >Call me Freddie Mercury motherfucker cuz I want it all.
>>43060 >>43147 That's a cute belly. Also, male ler.
HA! It seems I’m really one of a kind around here, I’m the only (unless I missed something, very possible) male lee in this thread! Ha ha ha! I’m unique! That makes me better than all the other guys here, ‘cause I’m special! >:) Get gooder at being special like me, losers. Boom. Roasted! Get got nerds!
>>43278 >It seems I’m really one of a kind around here, I’m the only male lee in this thread! :)
>>43280 I don’t get what this gif is meant to represent but funny Walter White moments are always appreciated :)
>>43273 Thank you <:) as silly as this sounds people being so nice to me here and seeing just a sliver of me as physically attractive or desirable feels really nice. In real life I'm not someone who attracts a lot of boy, I'm not considered especially attractive to most I guess. It's just nice when I can look at this thread and see someone saying something nice about a silly picture I took to use as a thumbnail. Gives me a little hope for my future, maybe someone will find me as cool in real life as randos on the internet do ahahah!! Sorry. Tangent...
I'm a female lee too! I used to go to a dungeon where I would get gang tickled by entire groups of people. God I miss it. It was so torturous but sooooo good.
Male ler here, huge fucking fetish for non stop tickling. It’s so hawt, the textures and feeling of skin. The laughter of ticklee females is my everyday thing. Just love to have a nice girl who laughs nicely and that sounds smoothing while the laugh. Plus it’s so sexual and pleasing to see laughter. Would love to tickle women every night if given the chance.
Male switch, but lean more towards lee. Would love to be tied down and tickled by a sadistic lady one day. A boy can dream. I would let a woman tickle me for hours.
>>43282 Come on, no need to beat down on yourself. You got like 8 billion + people on this planet to go through before you give up. :P ...maybe a little less so on the tickle side but still. XD
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>>43287 >he doesn't know
>>43283 >There exist dungeons where people do group tickle torture
>>43283 That sounds fun but also totally insane pffttt. So cool I found another girl Lee though!!!!!!! :D
Male ler here who just loves the sound of genuine laughter. Imagine instead of being an "ass" or "tits" or "feet" guy, I'm a "ticklish feet and pits" guy. I guess that's a big appeal of the tickling fetish for me — being able to cause such a pleasant sound on demand. My dream partner is just a cutie who's actually ticklish, but it's such a difficult quality to seek out because you can't visually see it. If you're looking for a particular personality trait you can at least find it by interacting with someone you're into. It's not so easy to find out if someone is genuinely ticklish. Even asking if they are (which you shouldn't, that would be mega autistic) is not the same as testing it out yourself. Had a super disappointing long term relationship with an ex who discovered I had the fetish and tried her best to appease me, but I could obviously tell she was faking it. She just wasn't ticklish. It's really depressing to think about. We're not going to make it bros. Sorry for the blog post.
>>43290 I mean you could probably find someone willing to ler in any BDSM dungeon
>>43296 That's beautiful...
>>43147 thats a nice tummy, mind posting another one? you've got plenty going on for you to be more confident, those pics are hot af
>>43292 I have no idea where this notion that only a small percentage of people in the world are ticklish comes from in this community. I've never seen a person who wasn't ticklish. Some might be able to hide it for a bit or not be that ticklish in common spots, but everyone I've tickled or seen get tickled at least giggled eventually. I'm sure there's people who actually are completely not ticklish but the vast majority are, and not just a little bit.
>>43308 Lolz yeah pretty much most people ik irl are pretty ticklish. Guys I know typically try not to laugh and get more mad but girls always crumble and laugh pretty fast. Also side thingy idk what people mean when they say no irl expierence, does that mean real sessions or they've genuinely never tickled someone ?? It's such a common thing growing up I was in a million tickle fights and still get my sides poked sometimes ahhah. I'm too nervous to ever tickle anyone back anymore cause I feel awkward and am scared they'll think I'm a weirdo ajajdjfllf.
>>43313 Here, you made me think of this: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/sjop.12756 >It was proposed that laughter in response to tickling stimulation might express gender stereotypes of socio-expressive behavior in playful social interaction >In conclusion, females appeared more often than males to respond overtly with laughter TL;DR: societal pressure makes women more likely to be giddy and men more likely to 🗿. Also worthy of note, >Subjective ticklishness and IMC scored high in opposite gender constellations I.e., men are more likely to feel ticklish if tickled by women, and vice versa. It's actually really cute. Very good for flirting. The thing about having a this fetish and constantly feeding it smut of all varieties is that you sometimes forget tickling is really a very normal human interaction.
>>43316 It's an incredibly normal method of flirting and playful interaction between couples, which is why I'm always so surprised that the most common reaction to our kink on online forums is "I don't understand how this can be hot" or "tickle me and break your jaw"
>>43060 This is not how a woman speaks, you absolute fucking cretins. This is early 2000's scene middle aged speak. You're all so fucking thirsty you fall for a faggot looking for (yous). Jesus fuck, this board is fucked.
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>>43357 Obligatory "women are not real" argument is obligatory
>>43360 Yeah, they're real, and they come to cesspools like this to garner virgin's endless appraise. But this, my friend, is a trap.
>>43357 Pfttttt I did not know I spoke like a.... fake woman???? I think being expressive in text is fun !
>>43365 Ahh.. ouch. I did not mean to make it seem like I was just looking for praise. Ouch ouch ouch. you wound me, dear anon !
>>43292 >the sound of genuine laughter > who's actually ticklish This reminded me about my friends back in college, 2 girls were particularly more ticklish than any other people I've ever met. One of them has a great laugh. Do you know that kind of contagious laugh that make everyone at least smile? That one. Not so high pitched also. But she was ONLY ticklish in her feet. Like poking her upper body would achieve nothing. She was also super good sport about it. Like she wasn't into tickling, but she didn't mind either. A lot of people I've met that are pretty ticklish usually don't like it, and could get mad if you over do it. It wasn't the case for her. The other one was INSANELY ticklish EVERYWHERE. Like holy shit. Probably her teeth were also super ticklish. It was so surprising that she was always an easy target, even for people who she would just met. Of course it was never taken too far, but she was always on her guard because of that haha. Her feet were her worst, but she really hated being touched in her feet because insecurities I think, so they would be usually out of it, but the rest of her was fair game. However, she is the silent type, so no laugh. I think she wouldn't even make the "haha" sound when laughing to a joke or similar, she always laugh in mute lol
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>>43371 Allow me to, for the sake of argument, accept you're a woman. You're young. 16-20, presumably. This place is full of older men, creeps, degenerates- most of which have never known intimacy. If so? Get the fuck out of here. And even still- you're here. Where are your friends? Where is your family? What disgusting trauma did you have to endure to end up HERE, of all places; seeking attention? I'm truly saying this for your own good. You will not find comradery among us. Get out while you can.
>>43440 .. I don't think it's gonna kill me. It's all really in good fun. I wasn't really looking much for attention, but I must admit, it is nice. I have friends and family, but that doesn't automatically mean I don't get bored and wish to see what the weirder more messed up parts of the internet have to offer! I don't really need comradery. I already share one silly thing, liking tickling. Even if I delete this thread, that connection between us dear anon, shall not cease. We are connected via this strange liking of fingers being gently (or maybe not so gently) pressed against skin! This thread was mostly supposed to be about talking about which ppl in this forum like tickling. But alas, I made the grave mistake of not pretending to be a man! The nerve....... I shall pay the price with randos asking if I have any stories of my belly button being ticklish and people being mad I dare infiltrate their precious /tkr/ and put myself on display for all to gawk at !! don't worry. I can have a good balance of enjoying a bit of deranged internet interaction and having a normal happy life !
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>>43444 You're not a woman. You're a discord tranny. The faggots here can't see it because they've never known their touch, let alone spoken to one. I know what you are. And what's funnier? I accept you. I feel for you. These mad delusions you subject yourself to, watching as these crazed anonymous retards squirm for your attention. It must be nice, hm? To see how a failure of a man can suddenly be worshipped so long as he wears some leggings. I'm sorry, my friend. I'm sorry for whatever led you here. But you will never. Ever. Be a woman.
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>>43447 One schizo to another, anon relax.
>>43447 It's okay anon. Tell us the truth.
>>43440 Calm down bro. It's a forum. Not a den of thieves.
>>43444 See I like this attitude. She's a strong independent whatever that don't need no white knight. XD Glad someone is having fun. :)
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>>43453 is that an unironic XD in the year of out lord, 2023?
>>43455 Honestly I've had better quips.
>>43447 What a stable individual we’ve got here :)
>>43278 I’ll show you something “special” brat, got discord?
>>43447 I really am curious as to why people really really really do not want to believe that women can be on here. Do you push us away because you do not want to believe women can share these sometimes disturbed mindsets? Quite the theory im working up ahaha. Maybe just nobody trusts anybody on this site. I'm not offended to be called a "tranny". I don't see being transgender as a bad thing! I don't really have a reason to be too worried about my gender or care that *gasp* ...... the channers think i was born a boy!!!! Nooooo.... but hehe. I know what I've got going on. I do get a lot of fun out of replying to this thread! I love the morbid things, the gross things, the weird ugly parts of ourselves we hide deep down that only come out when nobody's looking. And on websites like this, I get to see it so much! I'm not scared of the inner workings of your minds, if I dislike it I'll put the phone down pft. Plus the little rants with the anime reaction images make me laugh. It is so silly in the end, is it not?
>>43453 Ahaha why thank you. I'm not a very strong person per say, but the internet is like my second home. I've seen it all, darlin. I only really get scared of actual interactions. I'm fine with speaking, I just end up doing it too much and saying silly stuff. But when I can write????? That is my forte. Actually got invited to a journalism invite via a scholarship baby !! 2000 dollars.... whoot whoot! Totally off topic. I'm just no good at not typing out my every thought. Same when I'm speaking.....
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>>43447 Holy shit this guy legit thinks he's an anime villain. My brethren in christ calm down. Chicks use the Internet, chicks can have tickle fetishes. So it's not too much of a stretch to assume that some chicks use an image board on the Internet focused on tickling. You need to spend multiple hours a day touching entire fields of grass.
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Careful, channers!!! Consider this a WARNING !!!!
>>43463 Genuinely cute. Bravo.
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>>43463 I smiled. I don't even care if you're a dude at this point, people here deserve to suffer and be angry. keep posting.
>>43467 I'm very happy I could make you smile. I think in the end when we die it will not matter how interesting or unique or pretty we were. It will only matter if we were able to make more people's lives a little less shitty.
>>43463 Genuinely better than like 50% of all tickle artists. Also don't threaten me with a good time.
Male switch here. I used to be mostly a ler with just a couple of experiences tickling some female friends on high school and college here and there, then the Covid pandemic hit. I got bored one day and made a reddit account to share feet pics. I dont know why I chose to do it, but I did. Then I started getting tons of messages from guys saying they were sexy, pretty, they wanted to tickle them and worship them, etc etc. That awakened my dormant bisexuality, as I realized I love being coveted by guys and them having their way with me. Almost like theyre hungry, and I am the only meal that can satisfy them. This eventually led to my first actual tickling session ever with a fwb, and I confessed to him that I have a fetish for this and had always wanted to explore it. It was a BLAST. I didnt know I was so ticklish as I had never been properly worked over before, and discovered plenty of sweet spots on my body I had no idea were sensitive. Since then Ive gotten more tickle sessions with guys and girls. I personally prefer to be ler'd by guys and ler girls, but Im always down to reverse the roles. I think owning up to your fetish, as in not being ashamed of it and accepting it as part of your sexuality and treating it in a mature way is the key for us tickle freaks to find fulfillment.
>>43463 That's such cute art! I'm not a lee, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I'd take it a little if it meant I could give a short haired cutie like that some revenge tickles.
>>43463 10/10 I wish to be me the tickled anon
>>43461 Shy girls are hot. Also good job on bagging that money. ...I should get back to writing at some point myself.
>>43470 Ahaha thank you so much!!! It was very embarassing to draw. I can probably count on one hand all the tickling art I've drawn. I'm usually simply too terrified of anyone finding it to make any..
>>43474 I think confidence with any quirk always pay off! Probably why so many ugly guys get the most beautiful women I've ever seen. Seriously....
>>43494 >Probably why so many ugly guys get the most beautiful women Has nothing to do with confidence. They have something those women want. They either have it or fake it. If you suck but have confidence, you still suck, and people will tell. "Just being confident, bro" is the worst advice ever, it doesn't matter who says it. For my bros out there, the best way to have confidence in yourself is getting places, so develop skills/else in yourself you're proud of, kings
>>43502 Oh but it DOES have to do with confidence bro! Can't speak as a guy, but can speak on the sidelines as someone who has had beautiful girl friends be interested in "ugly" or non stereotypically attractive guys simply because they are very funny, charismatic, and confident! Not cocky, just very happy with themselves and it shows. You can tell yourself it's about money or skills or blah blah blah but in what I've seen and felt, kind confident charismatic guys make their ugliness not really important. You can say im bsing and only actually interested in 6 foot Chad's but I really don't got a reason to lie. Am speaking straight from my heart >:)
>>43504 She is 100% right. As a bi guy and as a ler leaning switch it is a loooot about confidence. There is a big difference in confidence and arrogance though which very often gets mixed up. That you do have to take into account a girls tastes too or her own desires. But the big three for me are confidence (not arrogance), a good sense of humor, and looks. If you can nail 2/3 and not be a creep on top of it you are literally attractive. Been evidenced by the friends in my life too, not just me!
>>43502 I have signifficantly more success nowdays than I had in my 20s, and a lot of it absolutely is down to confidence. I'm just as interesting personality-wise as I was before (That is, not much), and signifficantly fatter and uglier, but I'm not crying about being a permavirgin anymore. That said, part of what gave me said confidence boost was getting a gf in the first place and realizing there was nothing wrong with me, which was something 19-year-old me couldn't fanthom in the depths of his loneliness. I wish I could give you some sort of cheat sheet, but I can't. I guess keeping in mind these two things help tho: 1- Everyone else is also a mess. It's not just you. 2- Women want/need to fuck too. The 80/20 bullshit is a myth - if it's Friday night and they want to fuck, they'll get the most interesting guy they can manage. In fact, women are very similar to men in a ton of aspects, which is not surprising since we're all homo sapiens. Stop overthinking or trying to fit people in neat little boxes, make an effort to actually care about them, their opinions and their desires, and you'll be surprised at what can happen.
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For that bellybutton autist...
>>43460 Again, I've known women. Either you're a tranny, or very young. Regardless- you need to find healthier avenues for your inclinations. These people will sit here and defend CP of all things. Just, get out, alright?
>>43561 Wow wow wow... you're telling me you've.... known women????!?!?!? my god....... you really are an expert! I appreciate you trying to guide me I suppose, but I truly do not need it. I am not a defenseless dumbfuck who doesn't know where I am or what I'm gonna see on here. But buddy, the fucked up people aren't reserved to this site only, sorry to tell you. There's freaky horny incel losers everywhere, and I'm not scared of some rando calling me a few slurs or asking if my bellybutton is ticklish. At the end of the day I can close the website at anytime. My eyes are not pure and unscathed dearest, my innocence cant really be taken since I've seen it all before.
>>43569 I see. Your relationship with your parents is fragile at best, if you know them. You're going to be queen of the night, certainly. You'll conquer these silly autists, huh? ;) You're a decent artist, I'll give you that. Your drawings are cute.
>>43572 Why thank you ! I do appreciate the compliment. I've worked hard to get where I am with my art thus far, definitely still far from where I want it and the pictures i posted don't exactly show all my strengths ahaha. But it is always nice to have a compliment on a skill you work hard at !!!
>>43575 Let's take this conversation elsewhere, otherwise I'm through. I'd love to deconstruct your retarded ass, but I have the feeling you're just looking for (yous). I'll even share my art if you're down. c: Jurgen#2952
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that is the most embarrassing way this could've ended lmao
>>43581 What can I say? The drawing fucked me up.
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>>43581 I kinda love the humanity in this thread, honestly.
>>43584 wholesome tbh
>>43587 not the word I'd use. 'real', I think. and not the way most people would read it.
>>43592 It's a rare thing to find genuine people in life, let alone around the chans :\
>>43581 If OP is comfortable with how it ended up then it is what it is, it's definitely better than whatever was happening before with the belly button glutton. It is funny how it went from "You're not a real woman and you never will be" to "This website is too dangerous for a helpless defenseless maiden such as yourself, allow me to defend thine eyes from witnessing the depravities therein" to "Your parents don't love you" to "hit me up on discord kk bestie? c:" in like a single day
>>43604 It is QUITE silly indeed. But it was a very funny turn of events!!
>>43593 I agree. But I find you quite mean. You put up that weird edgelord persona either for trolling out of boredom or you really just want to try to make people feel bad. I'm sure there's a good part of you, but im not the person to sift through those layers and try to heal your ache. But one day you'll be nicer. I believe in you. I know you can do it, anon. You will one day be kind once more! <:)
>>43604 Eh, is what it is. >>43609 Tell me, what do you think is your greatest fear?
Female/ler, but like the wholesome tumblr kind where you wanna make hot people laugh until they’re a hot mess and not the weird 8chan way where you wanna make hot people laugh until they shit their pants for 1,000,000,000 years no breaks. >>43292 Easy solution, just tickle them when they aren’t expecting it and you’ll get an honest reaction. And try it in multiple places because not everybody has their ticklish nerves distributed easily. Especially boys, they’ll often be completely unfazed if you try to tickle them almost anywhere but then you find that their ears or something random like that are the exception. The human body is weird like that. >>43278 Oh thank fuck there’s at least one floating out there. Now we’re gonna play a game. It’s called “gimme those feet, twink!”
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>>43615 >ler, but like the wholesome tumblr kind where you wanna make hot people laugh until they’re a hot mess and not the weird 8chan way where you wanna make hot people laugh until they shit their pants for 1,000,000,000 years no breaks. I think that's just called being normal or like... as normal as this kink can be.
>>43615 I'm a similar spot but just lee side ahahah. I'm not really into INTENSE CRAZY TORTURE FOOT WORSHIP CRYING more into sweet playful bonding and just being teased and tickled gently and squeezed. And I KNEW there was girls on here!!!!!! I've counted like.... 3 others !!!! I think!!!
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>>43615 omg twinsss (almost) I like a mix of both, but I lean towards a middle ground of "tickle hot to tough guy til he's flustered/crying but with some breaks" if that counts
>be me >latino (not chicano or mexican) living in the South (a least my state isn't a meme like Alabama and It's not a dangeous area like Florida) >have an american gf >she called me "Batman" because I'm serious all time >one day gf suprise me and tickling me in my sides >10 minutes to Tickling Torture in my most sensitive parts >after tickling, be 1 minute on the floor thinking all of this >she's happy because first time saw me laughing hard >minutes later, I tickling her as revenge >she likes it What am I? I never was in this, I need help /tkr/
>>43618 I also as a male switch don't really fit into the 8chan mold as I am a soft dom. Which basically means I'd smother a lee with cuddling and affection to fluster them and make them feel comfortable... then wreck them with gentle tickles and some very short bits of harder tickling. >>43619 Which means as a lee this kind of tickling/teasing is also what threatens me the most LOL. My lee side is very easy to fluster based on experience. But the whole 8chan 1000 years of tickle torture doesn't really have an effect on me.
>>43609 ...could've just save you the trouble though and simply asked for a discord chat. I don't get some people's way of flirting...
been a few days but checking back, I'm still appalled at the ever growing number of people who dropped everything and immediately started trying to win the attention some random chick with GOTIS. just a word of advice for when you guys encounter a girl irl, women can smell the desperation from a mile away. we aren't stupid
>>43645 I'm confused. That was my way of saying no thank you :D ???
>>43635 maybe you're a switch! Did you have fun being tickled by her? It sounds like she liked it so maybe u two can have a really fun tickle fight aspect to ur relationship :)
>>43178 >>43180 >>43181 >>43650 >>43652 >>43669 >>43670 >>43674 Free advice for all the new tumblr users: Try to not double/triple post
I sometimes wonder why this fetish seems to be such a huge sausage fest on the boards and the various forums, then I read a thread like this and it all becomes clear. The bellybutton guy and the wannabe chad who has OP and femanons all figured out are enough to scare a lot of women away permanently :/ Kinda sad, since the thread is otherwise sorta wholesome for a chan. OP, if you're still here, how do you deal with being a Femanon with the fetish, given the m:f ratio and the way Anons can be creepy? As an M Anon myself, I never really feel unsafe or threatened by it all, and I sure as fuck do not get approached by weirdos the moment I reveal my gender.
>>43678 Meh. It's funny. I find it interesting. I've stated it a few times but I like honesty! Freak losers on here say what's on their minds. No sugarcoating or diluting. They'll certainly tell you if they want to rape you. And if they think you're an ugly stupid cunt, oh they'll let you know! I'm not scared of something I'm willingly looking at on my phone. It's a website. I can close it. I can close it and go pet my tortoise or sit outside and read a book.
>>43675 blah blah blah. I don't really care. I'm also not supposed to triple text, or wear different colored socks. If the rules aren't already enforced on the website I aint following em bub.
>>43693 Speaking of, any cute socks you'd like to share with the class? :P
>>43689 I guess there is something refreshing, especially in the fetish space, with people just dumping the raw fucked-up contents of their brain. How does one pet a tortoise? I mean, are they ok with that kind of interaction? Doesn't it just stress them out. Reading something good at the moment?
>>43696 I'm a big fan of fucked up brain content. People also just try to be so tough and it's really silly. You're on a forum for tickling!!!! There's no way to come out the cool tough guy. Pftt, it doesn't stress em out. Some tortoises like being pet, some don't. Mine is neutral. He doesn't lean into the touch but he's so cute so I pet his little head gently sometimes while he's eating.
>>43693 Threads get bumplocked at 600 posts and have a hard limit at 750, if you want your thread to die faster go ahead...
>>43698 I could imagine some of the dudes into the more hardcore elements of it being sorta hard/tough types. But not the cool heroic kinda tough guy, more the fucked-up, dangerous kind. Just realized I didn't answer your question. I'm a ler, definitely, not a lee bone inside of me. Not a tough or cool one either, unless I'm getting assfucked without knowing it xD To turn the topic back to tickling, given it's a tickling board, what kind of tickling are you into? I'm more on the soft, gentle side myself. I don't mind being mean, but I'm really not into the hardcore breaking a person kind of stuff.
>>43678 >>43689 >>43693 >>43698 You might find this difficult to believe, but I'm really cute. I can make you purr like a kitten, sweet heart. Let's not deny ourselves any longer. ;)
>I’m normal! >No, I’m normal! >We’re all normal!! >AND I’M HIS FRIEND JESUS
>>43705 ...You going to at least ask her out for coffee first, horndog?
>>43707 You don't give caffeine to a meth addict.
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>>43708 Where the hell did you even get drug use in this?
>>43708 I'm pretty sure lots of meth addicts still like caffeine actually.
>>43674 I'm like Batman, you need to be funny o make some funny things to made me laugh. So It was a good relationship. Now I'm single. we broke a months ago
>>43707 >>43711 You would know, huh? ;P
>>43619 Yo we out here twinning. Flustering a pretty boy as easily as wiggling my fingers at them is what gives me life. One guy I dated a couple years ago was so goddamn sensitive that you could run your nails through his hair and he’d squirm. I haven’t found another guy that ticklish since and I’ll stay mad about it until I do
>>43615 I think people like us just dive into the weirder fantasies that would never be feasible as a way to spice it up sometimes. Does anyone really, honestly think they would have a "tickle slave" that isn't a person outside of that at all? >>43647 Why do you think this happens online and not irl?
>>43739 Oh my fuckin godddd you're so lucky! I've never tickled any of my partners, but I did have a session with a guy who was 200% bigger and stronger than me, though you wouldn't be able to tell with how sensitive his feet were <3 if only I was better with verbal teasing lmao
>>43463 post feet
>>43647 ...I kinda want to know how you expected this go? This isn't exactly one of those survey sights where you can only select between Strongly Agree/Disagree.
>>43743 I’m a lot better at being honest about what I like than most people are so pretty much every partner I’ve had for the past 5 or 6 years has learned I like tickling pretty quickly. Some guys were fine with it, some were not (ended a lot of otherwise good relationships oof). This one guy was fine with the concept, but ended up mad that he couldn’t get revenge because I’m as ticklish as a rock. It was actually really cute because he’d always try to get revenge and that never worked LMAO. Big boys are really fun, there’s so much surface area to tease. I’m happy for you, get it <3
>>43744 Don't got any. I wobble around on nubs.
>>43504 >>43505 >>43506 No, it's not. Don't listen to this bs, bros. But I must point out from >>43506 that: >That said, part of what gave me said confidence boost was getting a gf in the first place That's what I mean with getting places. When I say it's not confidence that you need is because fuckers will tell you "jUsT bE cOnFiDeNt bRo", which is bullshit. Confidence is a proxy for something, and anytime you look to maximize the proxy, it lose its meaning. You don't need to increase your "score" of confidence, you need to focus on things that would get you confidence. Confidence only works as a byproduct of something, not like dementia, like people suggest. It has nothing to do with being arrogant, that's something else. Besides the point, at some extent. So, it's not about of building "confidence, but to build stuff that naturally give you confidence. Like having a job, skills hobbies, relationships and so on. Of course you can be pretty capable but autistic and that would drop your confidence, meaning that you would be seen as a fucker from the outside, which is practically the same as being one. Don't be autistic, bros Also, I skimmed a lot, too much shit happening here. Not sure if some people is calling OP a tranny or someone else, but there is a sis her that pretty much sound like a tranny. Sorry, sis, even if you don't have a dick, you sound like a tranny, it's not personal
>>43757 >Don't be autistic aye, it was over from the start for me. I'm just trying to make myself look better and hope I get lucky after.
>>43762 I believe in you, anon. Don't try to look better, be better. Then you can be autistic as long as you don't throw dirt over yourself. I believe in you
>>43757 Hey man, if you're convinced confidence has nothing to do with it can't convince u. Genuinely my view on it, I view confidence as very attractive. Not just confidence on its own, but when you're already somebody funny, kind, and charismatic confidence is like the hook. It's like the cherry on top, someone knowing who they are and liking it somehow highlights all their other positive traits. That's how I see it at least. U r free to believe whatever works 4 u dude
>>43767 >somebody funny, kind, and charismatic >confidence is like the hook. It's like the cherry on top No idea if you're the same anon as before, but they were saying is that confidence is what allow ugly dudes to get girls, it's not. "Confidence" without anything to support it is just dementia. Like you just said: funny, kind and charismatic. You want those traits, not confidence. Like, someone without those 3 but confident (to give an example) won't achieve anything (worth it at least). Of course you would find unattractive someone who is funny, kind, charismatic but insecure. So imagine it as confidence being how you wrap a gift. It might be "attractive", but if it's empty inside, that's it. So no, it's not "about being confident", it's about having something to sell. Of course, you also have to marketing yourself good, but you need something to begin with. It has nothing to do with what works for me, it's just how things work. Any retard here can cope and seethe with whatever they want, but for the anons there looking for real advice, don't listen to "jUsT bE cOnFiDeNt bRo", it's not it.
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>>43757 >>43757 >>43798 >>43767 Listen, confidence is very important, but all it is is the thing that gets you to leave the house. You can be beautiful and hilarious like me, but it don't add up to shit if you don't go out of your way to talk to people.
>>43799 Did you read what I say? I'll put in another simpler way: let's say you want to go running. You need feet and legs to run, not shoes. Of course, shoes help. But shoes without feet can only serve to put them inside your ass. Don't be autistic
>>43767 Perhaps the better question in the debate is what you vs other anons define as confidence. I've seen enough movies where the confident, don't need no man woman is just a cocky piece of inflated-ego shit to know that, at least when it comes to hollywood writers, lots of people seem to think confidence = being a dick. For me, at least, I guess I'd define it as a comfortable feeling of knowing and accepting oneself.
Straight male lee here. That's all, nothing else to say.
>>43814 post feet
how we started a census of /tkr/ to tips about get a tickling bf/gf?
In terms of "confidence" and "getting a mate", I guess I'll weigh in with my experience. Confidence can be important, sure. I think it can be universally agreed that confidence is, TYPICALLY, a positive thing. It alone does not a potential mate make, but it is absolutely a trait that most find attractive. HOWEVER, because we are human, the opposite personality (shy, timid, etc) can also be attractive, at least in terms of being 'cute'. Which is sorta the point, I think. There is no one real answer, at least in terms of "if you got this, you good". Arguably, traits you've managed to NOT have might win you more points and better odds than traits you DO have. Don't be a prick, don't be dishonest. Those are the big ones, honesty in particular. Be whatever weird fuck you are. Either they'll like it or they don't. If they don't, good, means you just saved yourself a week of figuring out if the two of you are a good fit. If they DO, well, now you know you're off to a good start. Trust me, it is better for someone to grow fond of who you are, not of who you pretend to be. So yeah, be confident. But confidence is, ultimately, just being secure in who you are, what you want, etc. Not attractive to EVERYONE, but I'd argue most find it attractive. Confidence is NOT being a dick and pushing your way through opinions to loudly speak your own. That's just being a dick. But that's just my 2 cents.
Just to clarify on myself >>43502 >>43757 >>43798 I'm not saying that confidence can be bad or that it can be confused with being an idiot. What I'm saying that when people say you should be more confident, don't take it as a change of perspective in your life will solve your problems, that's bullshit. It's not about self-perception. You will be naturally more confident if you are better (whatever that means, I'm not saying you must follow a particular standard). So, instead of bullshitting yourself, work in yourself
Man this thread keep mutating. It's fascinating. :)
>>43852 hehe. It's fun. I don't mind much. I guess I should've just put a pic of some random tickle art and not have mentioned I'm a female!!! *gasp*.... the nerve.
so anyone here wanna talk about gnomes, or like
>>43854 I remember those videos on the old youtube. 2006-2008
>>43854 garden gnomes are creepy. In a cool old lady way where I'm totally gonna buy way too many for one front yard. Gnome army.
>>43861 Garden gnomes actually keep real gnomes out of your yard. like those fake wasp nests you can put up.
>>43862 Oh scratch that then. I'm looking for whatever atracts gnomes actually.
>>43814 Dang I’m not special anymore… sad day :( Sad tummy tuesday
>>43864 post feet gdi
>>43865 Already did nerd >>43278
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>>43866 nice
>>43814 I'm new tickling straight male. Hi
>>43867 All good knuckles. Here have another for being polite
Well I'm kinda contributing to the endless mass here but I'm a male switch (He/they pronouns to add a little spice--basement dwellers beware), and I'm 24. I lurk on here a lot for the decent content and the deep cringe chronically online posts which have an entertainment value all their own. Off topic slightly but I wonder what our spread throughout regions is...
>>43879 apparently Georgia has a high concentration of tickle fetishists, according to porn hub searches.
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>>43278 Question how do you deal with the social implications of shaving your legs ? I wanna do it cause it looks good but I wear dolphin shorts in the summer an I'm definitely gonna get questions an looks about it. Very well maintained feet btw you clearly go above an beyond with personal hygiene.
>>43885 Not him, I'm a regular looking guy. You have painted nails, are you really be pushed to worry about being seen differently by that? I prefer wearing normal pants during summer anyway because I hate seeing the half-gorilla looking hair we get
>>43888 *really pushed, not an ESL. Just an autist phoneposting
>>43885 I don’t deal with a whole lot of implications in general because I live in a very liberal part of the country. If anything, it would be the skirts, short-shorts and thigh highs I wear in public that would draw scrutiny but I’ve never dealt with any, just the odd stare from an old man. Mostly compliments though. And thank you! I moisturize every morning before I put my socks and shoes on for the day, it really helps with softness. And of course the regular pedicure doesn’t hurt :)
I'm back actually because I wanted to ask if anyone knows how common of a fetish tickling is as far as kinks and sex stuff goes. I've always wondered, but I feel like I don't even know what I would search for to find an answer to my questions. >>43841 Also no, sorry, I am not comfortable posting any part of myself anywhere, even if it's just feet.
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>>43888 Is painting my nails really like that out there though it's a fairly mundane thing in zoomer circles could just mean your a little alt. Wearing pants in the summer would suck though feeling that warm summer air on your legs rules >>43894 Fair enough I do all those things except for pedicures cause I'm just anti social an prefer to do it at home. I'm definitely considered flamboyant since I'm wearing short ass shorts an crop tops but my line for presenting myself in public is probably drawn a bit shorter then yours is.
>>43901 Lmao yeah probably, I wear some pretty goofy shit sometimes. Image related, never worn it outside of my room but I do own this so it says a lot about me honestly. Also highly recommend going to get a pedi. It tickles and I take tickles wherever I can get ‘em haha
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>>43903 That's very on theme for the upcoming Easter. I definitely wear stuff like thigh highs maybe the occasional skirt doesn't ever leave my room though something like this is ok to wear in public. As far as tickles I've never really played lee. I can see scenarios where I'm fine with being tickled though I just dont laugh much in general so hearing myself do that makes me a little anxious since it's so outside my personality. Btw I'm curious how do swing straight or?
>>43926 Perfectly fine, I can understand that. More of a ler I’d guess? Feminine lers are very pog, I will admit. >Btw I’m curious how do swing straight or? I’m just gonna assume you’re asking if I’m straight. Nope, I’m bi. Cute tummy btw
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>>43934 More of a ler but I won't be too strict about it. An cool I'm bisexual too, I'm glad you like it : ) someone asked already but in a kinda weird way do you have anyway to stay in touch in touch with you?
>>43937 Sure, if you have a discord, I can send you a request! :)
>>43938 Phōkás#2469 I'll get to you when I have the chance bcuz I'll be busy the rest of the day but look forward to it : )
>>43940 Cool, just sent you a request!
We just saw the beggining of a relationship, how cute.
>>43942 A tickling relationship
>>43942 It was very adorable to watch it unfold. I consider my first actual thread a success !!!!! Muauaahhahaw
>>43949 but OP, you did nothing about it.
>>43952 Nah I still take full credit. I made the thread. Aahah
>>43953 that's a good argument
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>>43953 Really taking full credit for my rizz, damn :(
>>43463 I really adore this haha Would you be open to adding on discord? I’d love to chat if you’d be comfortable doing so with an 8chan tickle degen If so my user is Psychotickles#0490
>>43463 god i wish that was me
>>43970 Can I join? Maybe I'm a new Switch, but I'm wanna do new Tickling friends Journatinez#3616
This thread is surprisingly wholesome.
I'll throw my discord here too, not just for the OP (though admittidly talking to one of the few girls with a cute personality and art ability around here would be pretty *chefs kiss*) but for anyone around here that wants to talk tickles. Just let me know who you are so I know who I'm talking to. Fluffyler#8404
>>43970 We're all degens here. OP may be QT3.14, but she is no different ^^
>>43865 >>43841 >Tells people to post feet >Doesn't return the favor >>43278 Nice
>>43989 >>43977 >>43970 someone ought to make a discord server
>>43999 >says nice >doesn’t tickle them
>>43999 feet pics are for friends only
>>44000 Honestly I'd like to see one even if it eventually turns bad because that's just inevitable, don't want to just keep posting my tag in very very rare occasions just to get ghosted at best.
>>43463 Can this still be me even if I don’t call you slurs? Asking for a friend…
>>44000 I would so join if someone made one. I'm not real good with discord stuff and don't really understand all the things needed for an actual server but if someone makes one please let me know!!!! Even if it's a bit dead or empty I'll still happily join ! Love talking to you degenerate freaks. It's always a hoot.
>>44000 just made one we can organize stuff later, just wanted it set up first https://discord.gg/BDB5ZWv7
>>44058 Did you make this is a non expiring invite link?
Wow, how it evolved this thread
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>>43578 >>43581 How utterly pathetic. I hate incel simps so much. They always end up being the worst kind of losers that drool and beg for the slightest bit of perceived female attention. Once they end up considering you as a "real foid" instead of a "faking tranny" they will act like annoying pests and treat you as nothing more as their coom dispenser, and the moment that they stop considering you as a potential mate they start treating you like disposable trash. >>43078 Don't bully them, tigglish and cringe is the pinnacle of comedy. >>43116 At the end of the day it does not matter, you will never tiggle her, tigglecel. Also, fun fact: trannies are only 0.3% of the population. It is much more likely that someone is either a cis girl or a catfish that enjoys taking advantage of retarded simps (based if you ask me, doing god's work, just try treating women like normal people and this won't happen). >>43762 It has more to do with your personality and thirst than with being autistic. Just look at your other posts in this thread. (What I said about the other guy applies to you too) >>43942 Ultrabased flamboyant twink btfoed every chudcel in this board with this one simple trick. >>43742 >Why do you think this happens online and not irl? It happens everywhere >>43647 This, it applies to the whiteknights too (hi 9d588b)
>>44171 >uses twink energy to erase chudcels I’m somewhat of a hero myself
>>44171 I can't hate them. any more than I can hate a homeless man on the street corner talking to people who don't exist. Human beings crave companionship and connections, it's intrinsic to out very DNA. To be deprived of that will wear away at a person in fucked up ways. Like sure, often times it's their own fault, they might be obnoxious or unpersonable for whatever reason. Sure the solitude and loneliness they feel is a direct consequence of their own being, but is it a suitable punishment? Is isolation an appropriate punishment for the crime of being annoying or weird, especially when they cannot change who they are? Of course, It's just the way things are, no one is obligated to put up with them and sacrifice their own mental well-being for the sake of theirs, but. Still makes me sad.
>>44171 I just wanted to encourage their inevitable suicide. Yours, too. Feel free to add me. We can work through your anger issues together- you whose never known a woman's touch. ;)
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are we still pretending this isnt a troon bait thread?
>>44219 Idk what that is lol. Thank God. Anyways!! Discord has been really fun. Met some cool people on there, had really great conversations. It's a decent community. It's pretty cool my first thread got so much attention. I'm a mod on there too, so ban hammer is swift and heavy baby. Feel free to join tho. Just don't be a complete freak
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>>44215 I am not angry my dude, just grossed out. I would feel pity like the other anon said if only you weren't as deranged. Not sure why you think that any girl would be willing to message you after all your sperging in this thread. >>44224 >Idk what that is lol That anon implies that you are transgender and thus a scammer of some sort. The picture he posted shows Gwyndolin (a femboy) from dark souls expecting his pp sucked.
>>44254 Oh yes. I should've realized. Women aren't real, how could I have been so diluted before!?!?!??! Obviously I have been scamming you all with my malicious feminine power. If you're reading this, it is far too late.
op posted feet on discord your welcome
>>44301 LOL who leaked this??? U dirty lurker ;) I don't really though pft. Just a foot dawg.
>>44305 *care... whoops!! Double post :0
>>44301 damn dat bitch longgggggg
>>44301 Long and slim foot is a good foot, thumbs up for op Would lick and nibble to madness
>>44301 I came 5 times to this
>>44301 I won't lie, I was instantly turned on the moment I saw that in the discord. Her feet are fuckin hot
>>44313 LOL thanks. I guess??!?!???? >>44316 If u actually jerked it to my weird ass foot I'd be okay with that. Like.. I use that fucker to walk on. And hey man, if u got a little joy outta seeing my weird foot then that's awesome. All i wanna do in the end is leave behind a little more happiness. And maybe that will come in the form of u jerking it one day. Pft. >>44335 I posted it cuz I thought it was funny and then I remember u fucks are INTO feet lolololol. Don't be scared to talk in the discord cunt. Everyone is chill.
>>44347 Now we just need a video of it being tickled and it will be a masterpiece :P *armpit crowd will probably cry again though XD*
>>44347 I tried a tiny bit today; it's just hard for me cause I feel like I don't have much to add and I'm introverted as fuck. Social anxiety is a bitch
>>43578 >>44215 I can't add you :(
>>44060 This has expired
>>44224 I'm a lurker but do you have a new inv link to the discord? I want to try and talk to more people in the community ;-;

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