/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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guys what the fuck Anonymous 01/18/2023 (Wed) 04:46:39 Id: d4dbc6 No. 38530
You've noticed. I've noticed. We've all noticed. So what's with the kiddie shit threads that keep cropping up like everyday recently? I really don't enjoy opening this site and seeing actual see-pee at the top of the page. :/
The real question is how the hell do we stop it from reappearing, no one here wants to see that shit
also have some tickle art because tickling board
>>38532 Yeah, I'm kinda appalled that this fucker hasn't gotten ip-banned or something yet. He just keeps coming back- and the last one I saw had a link on the first post. Obviously I didn't click on it, but what the fuck.
>>38534 Maybe theyre using a vpn, could be evading ip bans. Think we can ban the images or something?
>>38535 Maybe. I just hope however few mods that exist keep an eye on this. I’d rather not have to deal with 8chan getting blasted off the internet again because of a few degenerates.
I dont suppose theres any way to trace people through this site, is there? Could try reporting the guy to the relevant authorities, local police, FBI, etc
Not much you can do besides reporting. Also, clear your browser's image cache after you see real pizza, even if you didn't actually click on the thread. Even having a thumbnail of that shit in your cache can get you locked up. >>38538 That would be a job for the admins. If they're using TOR to post though, it's pretty much impossible to trace them.
>>38539 Im on mobile, how do i clear a cache?
>>38539 Is there a way to clear your brain's cache? I've never seen anything like that before and I feel nauseous, like actually hurt. I want it to go away.
>>38530 >So what's with the kiddie shit threads that keep cropping up like everyday recently? Feds and bad actors spam cheeze pizza on imageboards all the time to take them down. >>38532 >how the hell do we stop it from reappearing You can't. EVERY website that allows user generated content (Even Kikebook, Twatter, and Jewtube) has it's fair share of cheeze pizza being posted on it. >>38534 >I'm kinda appalled that this fucker hasn't gotten ip-banned or something yet VPNs and Tor allow them to evade bans. >>38535 >Think we can ban the images or something? The R9K filter option the BO can enable works like that, but it has it's limitations. First of all, it requires the image to be already posted on the site (You can see where that's an issues). Second, even if they just have the hash on file for the image (Basically image's ID "receipt"), that hash changes with the change of a single pixel in the image or copying the image through the clipboard. Third, sometimes it's the Feds, or someone working for the Feds, posting the image and they don't care if it creates a false-positive problem that they, themselves, caused. >>38538 >I dont suppose theres any way to trace people through this site, is there? Read the global rules and the About page. This site does collect your IP address (Just like every site) and attaches it to your past history, which is turned over to the proper law enforcement channels whenever illegal content is posted. However, remember that law enforcement takes time when building a case and that IP addresses are very flimsy when being considered valid evidence. >Also, clear your browser's image cache after you see real pizza, even if you didn't actually click on the thread. Even more than that, you have to delete the DNS cache and wipe the free space on your hard drive. DNS is a "time saving" measure built into Windows that allows sites to load faster the next time you access it. Meanwhile "deleted" data is never really deleted. Instead, the file is marked as "reusable space" that can be rewritten at a later date when your hard drive needs to space for something, meaning the file is still recoverable for however long the space is available. In order to solve this you can use an app to "wipe" the "free space" on your hard drive, which it does by taking all of the "reusable space" and overwriting it with junk data that your hard drive can still write over at a later date. Keep in mind that your should only do this with traditional hard drives as it will severely reduce the lifespan of any flash memory drives (Such as thumb drives and SSDs). >>38540 >how do i clear a cache? On a phone, go to the history or privacy settings of your browser and clear out everything. However, I don't know how to wipe free space on a mobile. >>38541 >Is there a way to clear your brain's cache? Don't dwell on it and go to sleep.
I saw this shit today, I saw the thread name and hoped the fuck out of there. I’m glad I didn’t have time to register what exactly the thumbnail was. Regardless I cleared my cache but I don’t really have means to clear my “free space” hopefully it won’t be a huge issue,
>>38538 problem is, it's a non-zero chance it IS a fed, dropping links to honey pots or trying to get the site taken down
>>38544 >clear your browser's image cache >DNS cache How do either of those things work with tor? I started using it a couple of years ago due to the pedo infestation so that it wouldn't keep cache saved on my computer.
Do not worry. This happen in many other sites, and I mean exactly that: the same dude post the same suspicious links in every fucking porn site he/she founds.
>>38550 wtf would the DNS cache have to do with it, unless you actually clicked the thread?
>>38553 I don't know I was just responding to what the other anon posted.
>>38530 It's an fbi honeypot spambot. It happens to every imageboard. >>38538 The site admins probably do that. There is no point in that though because it is the glowies that post it. >>38534 He obviously has been banned. >>38535 Could ban the links that they use. >>38539 How poster ids work with tor? >>38544 >>38553 You don't need to bother with the DNS cache even if you clicked the thread but not any of the links. Though you should probably delete your browser history in that case. >>38550 Do you use tor right now to post this? I think the tor browser disables the on-disk cache by default.
>>38530 Is this supposed to be a thread about art depicting young characters, or are you talking about actual real shit? Because I've never seen any of the real shit here, although I don't check every single thread in the catalog.
>>38577 The real shit
>>38578 Wait, seriously? That's fucked.
It's probably the filthy libertarians imposing their sick and disgusting degeneracy onto everyone else as usual.
>>38574 TOR posters always have a "000000" ID
>>38580 Using this site is going to be like walking through a fucking mind field, ive seen a ton of freaky shit online but nothing has ever given me such visceral disgust, i just want to pirate fucking tickle porn nigga, cant take this shit no more
>>38533 can I get sauce on the last pic?
>>38618 Based on the cropped logo at the top right, it looks like Mr White: https://www.deviantart.com/myfavouritefetish
>>38609 That used to be the case before the site admins changed it to attach IDs to bypass rather than IP.
>>38544 >>38549 >>38574 I guarantee it's feds posting honeypots or people trying to get the site taken down. Given 8's reputation neither would surprise me. Obviously no one here wants that disgusting pedo shit but it's not gonna stop them from trying.
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>>38637 >thread brings up the possibility that it's feds >it immediately stops I hope whatever glowie is reading this thread is having a good day.
>>38638 I don't, fuck those scumbags.
>>38639 god imagine being the poor glowie that has to monitor the tickle porn board though wonder what the pay is like
>>38641 >Be fed >Get put on duty to monitor notorious alt right hate site 8chan >See that one of the most populated boards is based on tickling fetish hentai >Tfw you spend >12 hours a day watching us call each other childish and cringe while begging for someone to update tkgeek Thanks for making me feel better about myself anon
>>38641 Honestly govt grunt work pay is on par. Nothing special, but job security and benefits are excellent so I hear. The tedium probably tilts the scale into the "not worth it" category for most people though. Please don't shut us down if you're reading; we're a niche community and this is one of the few spots we have. There's no actual cp here. None of us seek out or post that unimaginably horrible stuff. It's nauseating to even catch a glimpse of it from that spammer.
>>38646 Anon, it's admirable you are wanting to approach this so rationally but they don't give a fuck. Feds have been trying to kill off chans from the very beginning. They're one of the few places left on the internet to offer anything resembling anonymity. All it takes is one retard to shoot up a school and get linked back to here or halfchan and we lose our hosting again.
>>38544 >You can't. EVERY website that allows user generated content (Even Kikebook, Twatter, and Jewtube) has it's fair share of cheeze pizza being posted on it Dude ESPECIALLY those sites. Youtube has that shit hidden in plain sight. Twitter has pedos openly offering trades for shit with hashtags while funny Reddit man does nothing to stop it. I guess you can say it's a consequence of having a larger userbase but it's insane how all these normalfag sites have people just casually posting and trading shit and no one bats an eye, meanwhile fictional fantasy porn is under fire constantly. Unironically, the most vile part of the internet is the clearest of the clear web.
>>38530 Its spam. The same guys been spamming cp on several boards including yours for at least a year now. Make a global report if you see it.
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>>38651 >haha i-it's just spam guys nothing else to it just report it and move on
As someone who has no problem with Loli tickling or western cartoon faggotry of the like. Seeing that shit absolutely shakes me to my fucking core. Like, it activates a part of me that like I never knew existed. I've seen a lot of beheadings on the internet, I've seen pitbulls maul off the balls of Mexican Cartel members. But even seeing a tiny thumbnail of cheese pizza, it deeply deeply unsettles me, it makes me physically ill. It's something that I truly never ever want to stumble across again.
I don't understand how people can like genuinely put shit like that onto the internet and think it's ok. Sick reminder of how evil some people in this world really are.
>>38667 Hard agree on this. Sure virtual lolicon content is a bit of a gray area for some, but it's refreshing to see that real cheese pizza is unanimously hated or seen as disgusting on this site. We may be faggots, but at least we have moderate standards of degeneracy.
>>38667 I hate loli shit but I know you guys aren't like that. Everyone with a brain should know it but we know that's becoming less common these days.
Oh great, now there's a degenerate doing it on pixiv
>>38679 I've seen people do it on Pixiv before unfortunately, at least it gets deleted fairly quickly.
>>38679 So we seriously can't look up 2D fetish hentai anywhere without some fed faggot butting in with pizza? What a bunch of useless wastes of oxygen.
>>38530 I never had to witness something like that (luckily), but when I saw the image that was adressed to the link... dude, I didn't expect to feel phisically sick for 2 whole days
>>38667 Yes this guy describes exactly how I felt
>>38652 That user is right. 8moe and other sites, including Pixiv, Baraag and various imageboards, have been the target of spambots that upload CSAM and links to more content in a regular basis. Is not know who's behind the bots or what's their objective, but is something that has been happening for a while, mainly in other boards, but more recently on /tkr/. In all cases the only solution available is to report locally and globally any CSAM you find and hide the post(s) containing it while a staff member comes to delete the illegal content.
>>38685 >he clicked the link Do you have something to say?
>>38679 I noticed that before coming here today and thought it was just another autist lacking any sort of common sense and self-awareness until I checked this thread, turns out it might be something worse lol
>>38691 >Is not know who's behind the bots or what's their objective I mean the obvious conclusion is that it's an FBI honeypot there's no other reason to try and openly advertise it like that.
>>38692 I said the image that was adressed to the link, man. It means the thumbnail. Jesus.
>>38679 That's been going on for a while now, I've noticed mostly users with Chinese names doing it
>>38700 You can't weasel your way out of this. You know what you did.
>>38679 I noticed that too. Thankfully it's no long there. I'm getting sick of these assholes who may or may not be Dan Schneider.
>>38704 ok man
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>>38541 >>38668 >>38685 >>38667 I want you to think for a moment about how awful you felt when you saw that disgusting shit. Not just how vile it was to see, but the implications that come with its existence. And now I want you to consider that there are no shortage of people on the internet, even in our own "community" who view fictional 2D content of adult/teenage characters in the same way. Imagine how fucking sheltered and delusional those people are, that they think that it's even remotely comparable to the garbage you unfortunately had to witness. It makes me sick to my fucking stomach to think about, knowing that scum are out there subjecting real life children to this shit, while sanctimonious holier than thou faggots think that someone who drew an anime girl's tits should be viewed the same way because said anime girl is shorter than 5ft tall. This world is so beyond fucked.
>>38787 Whenever I see someone pitch a fit over Loli, I literally want to bash their face in. Like if you were in the same room as me, and compared me to that vile shit that I had to see, those would literally be grounds for me to throw hands and kick right into the axe wound.
>>38794 I think loli is unappealing and nasty from a subjective standpoint but obviously it's not the same shit. It actually upsets me so fucking much to think about all the kids getting abused by sick fucks and how insulting it is to them to make that comparison at all.
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>>38797 As someone who is a Loli enjoyer, I respect your opinion wholeheartedly. There are so many kids that are victims to deranged and awful things. The people that subject them to this shit deserve no less than to be burned alive. If people who went after cartoons spent their energy into catching real predators, so much good could be done.
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its back
Tired of this shit man, fuck off feds
Happening again! Fuck off Feds! Filthy fucking mongrels
I tried spam posting art in other threads to at least knock it off the first two rows, but they just posted a second one. They are literally actively monitoring the catalogue to make sure it stays front and center. This is fucking vile.
>>39076 They probably logged someone clicking the link and want to see if they can get another
yo mods there is another one.
When will it end?
>>39095 For FUCKS SAKE..........they need a way to ban whoever is doing this shit
They are going HAM today, jfc
How does he get away with it?
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>>39100 Do you know how often we get a global up in /tkr/?
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>>39101 Well you got one now.
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Good reports citizens. You are doing your part.
well, that begs the question, should we use this thread to notify whenever one of those fucking ZP threads start cropping up?
>>39141 You should use the report button.
>>39141 I'm willing to break anonymity for this subject. I've been seeing it way too much lately. I'm able to notify others on discord if needed so the shit can be reported faster and in more numbers.
>>39143 Globally report as soon as you see it. Otherwise I'm just gonna camp out on your board for a few days, and gopefully we can keep it to down. With luck the spammer will get bored and fuck off. But honestly hes been at this for over a year now. All top boards get hit. Hes just trying to kill the site. But I promise for the next few days at least to make a special effort for your board.
>>39144 >the spammer will get bored It's a bot, probably running in a federal server
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I'm so tired of this shit bros. I don't care whether it's glowies or actual pedofags, I want them to fuck off and die.
>glowies or actual pedofags I'm positive that venn diagram has a larger overlap than most people realize. Imagine being a nonce and you find out theres a job where you can both look at and post cp on a government payroll. like fuck priests, fuck school coaches, thats where the fuck all of them are. the ones who arent billionaires, anyway.
It’s back.
>>39168 Report it then retard
>>39168 I am still watching your board as promised. Its gone.
>>39170 >>39144 based admin do you need help with the spam filters by any chance?
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>>39171 Above my paygrade citizen. I just take em down. You can ask the Admins on /site/ though.
>>39172 >>39170 I love and appreciate you, /tkr/-kun
>>39172 Thanks for doing the lord's work, if only it was this easy to get rid of these scumfucks everywhere
>>39145 How's the bot getting past the captcha?
i want to strangle this bot
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Another day, another curse upon this board.
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/Tkr/ will win the war!
>>39164 I wouldn't doubt it, it's common knowledge that most civilian offenders aren't preferential pedos but are opportunists preying upon the weakest victim they can find. Still vile scum, just a different breed.
It's back....
I come back to see actual cp on the board god damn it Can someone contact admins for 8chan before we get nuked again?
>>39255 We arent going to get nuked for it being up a few hours. Honestly it would need to be up for like a week before it became an issue. But it is worth mentioning that it is revolting, and hateful. You are not powerless in this. Every board is capable of hiring local volunteers (or mods as you would call them.) to increase the response time and bring it down to minutes. Might I suggest to the BO (Board owner of /tkr/ who can enlist these vols) to take advantage of the ire raised by this issue to go on a recruiting spree. Are you tired of your board being attacked? Tired of sitting back and watching it happen? Then enlist today in the /tkr/ army and FIGHT for your board. Create a user account and then post in this thread with your user name. The BO can then enlist you. Second thing, Admins can and do police content, but by and large that is left up to the global volunteer team (gvols) who have the power to police posts on every board. They do their best but everyone has to sleep some time.
>>39259 Alright Maggots, listen up. We're going to need round the clock 24 hour surveillance on this board in order to keep it safe, from the glowing pedo menace. Therefore, I suggest teams of two, Team RED will consist of people from a common timezones (example, North America, Mexico, Canada, etc), Team BLU will consist of people from an opposite timezone (Europe, Asia, Australia, take your pick, maggots). That way there can always be eyes out 24/7 for most timezones. Maggots, I have one more proposal: we're going to need good people for this. Every team has it's disadvantages, but we do not need another CheshireCat drunk posting or God forbid someone like Caroo or Humunculos patrolling these boards with an ego first! /TK/ board owner, if you're watching, we hope you're a neutral party to your mods. We can win this, maggots! If fighting is to result in victory, than you must FIGHT! Sun Tzu said that, and damned of he wasn't right. And if you make it through this war? You just might be able to graduate from maggots to men! God bless you, and God bless the free-state of /tk/. Now get out there and win!
>>39259 How long does it stay up? It tends to get removed within minutes already.
>>39259 The site owners literally have filters for this content, if they really wanted to stop this they could also auto-delete it. Also if it's a bot, then it should be stoppable by implementing a better captcha, I don't know how it's getting past the current one. You should go complain on /site/ about it.
>>39269 Okay please pay attention to the site as a whole better. We changed captcha last week. And the link is filtered. Thats why he uses a new one every time.
>>39261 That's actually a solid plan. And using TF2 is a great way to get my attention and motivate me.
It’s back.
I follow the teaching of Terry David, no glowie can get to me.
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>this board is locked for thread creation because it has exceeded its hourly limit for thread creation, please try again later Seriously? is this the only way? I can make a thread for another hour because some assahole made a fucking milquetoast totally spies thread?
>>39497 Which spy would you fuck? I'd the green one.
>>39501 oh absolutely agree, red heads are GOATed
>>39502 ok based
Guess what's back again,
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Have you noticed it flares up whenever discourse about underage tickling shows up around here? Right now we have someone trying to pick a fight in the loli captions thread, people making fun of moekaki freaking out over 16 year olds tickling someone in the hating artists thread... And bam, like clockwork. For a time I'd actually donned on my trusty tinfoil hat and assumed it was some sort hairbrained scheme by some of the most dedicated of its detractors to make it seem like admitting loli tickling around here was bringing in real pedos, but since no one's pulled the "the loli tickles are turning the board into a CP den!!!" card after years of it happening, I'm more inclined to believe throwing certain words around might actually trigger the bots into action. Which would explain why the spam is so prevalent here sometimes, since /tkr/ loves chasing around its own tail in regards to this particular topic. Or this could all just be in my head, of course. I wouldn't be too surprised either way.
>>40933 And it stops being traumatizing if you just quickly avert eye contact with the usually horrifying little thumbnail
>>40933 My personal theory is that it's a Fed bot that randomly goes around and posts this stuff. Me and my friend got into a debate about this and he seemed to be on the side that "There's no way the FBI would ever do this, that is entrapment" I don't fight or argue with people anymore so like, I just kind of nodded my head. I think it's crazy though, the government is more than capable and If I'm not mistaken has done so much worse.
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>>40933 I've noticed it too >>40936 your friend is a fucking moron.
>>40936 >"There's no way the FBI would ever do this, that is entrapment" What's the name of that Muslim guy who got radicalized into committing a terror attack by an FBI agent posing as a girl online under the guise of counter-terrorism? They publically admitted to it, and we even have the chat logs. It's some pretty wild shit. The dude was like: >"Violence is not the answer, let's get married so we can spread the teaching and values of Allah to our children." And the FBI agent (or whichever fucking three letter agency) was like: >"No we can never be together unless you declare a Holy Jihad on the infidel pigs and kill them all." I'm paraphrasing a little because I don't remember the exact phrasing, but it went something like that. Or maybe they just failed to radicalize him and still droned him anyway. It's been ages since I've read that story.
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I'm not an expert on US law, but I'm pretty sure I remember hearing that website owners can't be held accountable for illegal shit getting posted on their sites as long as they make a concentrated effort to remove it. But even if that's the case, I'm sure that mostly applies to copyrighted material. >>40933 I'd believe it. My current theory though is that it's mostly a consequence of /tkr/ being one of the more active boards on the site and also a porn board.
>>38544 >You can't. EVERY website that allows user generated content (Even Kikebook, Twatter, and Jewtube) has it's fair share of cheeze pizza being posted on it. Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
Im going to be real, maybe we should ban loli shit from this board if it keeps attracting feds and pedos
>>41059 That absolutely will not have the desired effect. The bot has likely added /tkr/ to its list of targets because a) it has a large amount of traffic and b) it has a low level of moderation (likely owing to its users being well-behaved). Simply put, the bot does not care what kind of content is being posted, it is simply going where the users are. It is possible that the bot is being manually targeted simply at boards the user doesn't like, but frankly I doubt it. That said, there are groups of users who hate loli and will use it as a weapon in order to take it away from everyone else.
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>>41059 It'd accomplish very little. If I really was right, which is a big if to being with, people talk about whether art of [REDACTED] characters is okay in the hating artists thread, the pokemon girls thread, the 3d art thread... Anywhere and everywhere, /tkr/ denizens love flinging shit over that topic. If certain words do trigger the spam, exacerbating the discussion around it by changing the board's stance on it would probably just add kindling to the fire. I suppose we could, in addition, just ban anyone poking the old dead horse à la a totalitarian government silencing the press in order to enforce an artificial appearance of quiet 'peace', but that doesn't sound to me like a better /tkr/, just a different kind of bad. I say report it, hide it, move on. They get deleted within some ten minutes or so as of late anyways. Squint before reading any new threads, if it helps :) ...Or I could be wrong, and it could work, of course. Meaning my even crazier theory was right and the bots were being aimed at us by someone hellbent on imposing their will over that of the board's collective, they're just yet to voice their demands. In which case, anon, I ask: would it have been worth it? We'd have essentially let the terrorists win, and start making up the rules. How long before they start shitting up the place over something else they don't like? How long before they take away any anime character of dubious age or appearance, or any pirated content? How long before they start IP banning any anons they don't like...? But it couldn't be any of that, of course. None of that could happen. Probably.
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OP here- can we get a janny for the loli thread? I’m begging. Someone posted literal partially-censored pizza there. I don’t care what fictional characters you guys wanna get off to, but can we fucking cut it out with the actual children? We’ve had a good several months without any noticeable surprise pizza, and you glue-sniffing troglodytes decide to just do it yourselves? To win an argument? OVER CARTOON PORN OF PEOPLE WHO DONT EVEN EXIST????? Un-fucking-believable. If you faggots can’t handle immoral fetish art, then just go somewhere else. I don’t give a shit what the context is, don’t post any fucking pizza. I don’t want to see that, most of the other retards here don’t wanna see that, and I’m certain that the board owner doesn’t want this place to get ddosed into oblivion because you pearl-clutching pissants keep spergging out.
>>46983 Call the police, not a fucking tickling board you S-tier retard!
>>46982 What is it about this place that attracts autistic cp-spamming tards?
>>38532 Maybe there should be a separate board for lolishit or they could have a dedicated tickling thread there idk At least censor posts in the containment thread (common sense people jfc) this fetish is hard enough to explain as it is Not all of us want to see exposed Democrat supporting bodies and even fewer want to get caught looking at them
>>47068 holy shit that filter lmfao
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>>38544 Shitstagram and Twatter openly trade cp with horrid millennial "influencer" parents all but advertising "premium content" pics in the videos they upload of their kids. I genuinely want Putin to nuke us.
>>38549 >implying feds aren't pedos anyway so how about that Epstein client list huh
>>38684 Demand can't keep up with supply
This is the same site that has a zoophilia board for whatever reason. Wish someone would do something about it, but 8chan email never responded to me.
My honest reaction to all those craps who don't stop complaining about art and do nothing about actual zoophile and pedophile in real life
There's a lot of posts being made in the Loli thread Don't want to go in there, but I assume it's CP Can we please beat these people in the street?
>>47096 Because its federally legal. You should write to your congressman because hes the one who has actual power to stop these things.
>>50258 >>47110 both of you are retards, this thread is regarding the sudden wave of actual CP that kept being spammed along with links. No one here wants to see that shit, not even the lolifags. thankfully it seems to be over. guess the fed's honeypot wasn't catching as many flies as they'd hoped.
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Its happening againnnnnn Whatever fed is in charge of spamming this- please kill yourself immediately.
I just want it to stop.... Can we just fire bomb the feds already?
Honestly, what is setting them off lately?
>>38530 Kill pedofeds. Behead pedofeds. Roundhouse kick a pedofed into the concrete. Slam dunk a pedofed baby into the trashcan. TOTAL PEDOFED DEATH
>>53129 Amen
they are really spamming this weekend, huh? what is this, a back to school special? imsosorrylmao
1/2 cup of used motor oil 1/2 cup of alcohol Mix those together and dissolve Styrofoam into this new solution I have a possible ip address for the pedophiles that had recently acted here It's in the UK, if anyone is on that side of the world, let me know
>>53179 ayo that better be the right ip address. you can’t just douse some guy with homemade burn juice on a guess
>>53179 I get the feeling that's going to be the IP of someone with an infected PC that has become part of a botnet rather than the actual culprit.
>>53182 That's why I'm saying it's a possible IP address, I want to find the right person Do we know who uploaded that shit?
>>53179 Is there even a way to know with certainty if the IP is legit?
>>53200 Isn't it possible to IP ban people here? Gonna need to know the address for that
>>53204 Site owners can. Normal mods can find a post and ban the ip address that made that post, but they can't actually see what your ip address is.
>>53205 Can we get in contact with the mods? Do you know if they IP banned ot just deleted the posts?
Guys, the pedophiles are back
They're all bad, but THAT one was especially horrid. glad it was only up for a few mins
>>53735 What on earth was it for it to be worse than the rest of the spam?
>>53200 Legit IPs usually are tied to a proper ASN but that's not evidence, it could be a shared network or an infected computer. It's also possible to fake device information the same way you generate millions of authentic phone numbers. It won't help if they cover all of their tracks.
Can we make our own place far away from the pedophiles?
One of the links at the top of the pages on this site, ‘delicious’, takes you to a whole board for such images even though on the ‘I understand’ page it says ‘don’t post it, even if it’s animated.’ It’s upsetting. Visiting this site at all probably gets people put on a list unfortunately. I’d rather tkr was on a different site for that reason
>>53786 The only alternative is 8kun...
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>>38530 It's back....
>>54343 HELP!!!
Why does this shit keep happening. Is it a bot? Is it feds? Is it someone actually being sick? Regardless it needs to stop I do not want to see that shit
>>54345 it's 100% feds running a honeypot. No reason they'd post it so flagrantly and openly beyond that. and what better place to fish for nonces than 8chan?
>>54347 It's true, but like Jesus man I don't wanna see that shit can Mr FBI fucking stop
Thank you for this thread and alerting me to this shit, last time i saw those posts i almost threw up, why the fuck do people do this to kids?!?
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>>54354 Mental illness, continuing the cycle of their own abuse, etc. >>54345 Like that other Anon said it's Honeypot but some users here being sick enough to openly post that isn't unlikely.
>>54376 I mean ever since el paso, the glowies definitely keep tabs on any 8chan-born boards. It makes sense they'd use it as a honeypot as well. If its a dedicated sick anon or a non-fed spambot they definitely would have caught him by now. I can't imagine having to be the fed dedicated to monitoring the 8chan tickle fetish board. I'd feel bad for him if not for the fucking spam. Glowie if you're reading this, pls, we just wanna fap to tickle torture in peace. Go dump your shit on the /abdl/ board or the /b/ board, you'll probably get more bites.
Mods, cleanup in aisle fedboy again. Ugh.
I only get an accidental glimpse of the small image before clicking the special request thread and it makes me fucking shiver, this must be illegal somehow I don't want that to periodically appear here :c
>>55137 This. Fuck the feds. I blame all the loli debate threads. I'm not gonna go on a moral faggot rant but I will say this, to a dumb boomer fed tryna bait some pedos coming across these threads? It's free real estate.
>inb4 the feds obliterate this website we had a good run y'all
Annnd there it is again. Disgusting.
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Is it gone? Please tell me it's fucking gone now
>>55684 Glowie post yo CP on /b/!
>>55685 I was wondering why the site suddenly went into newfags begone mode aka tabs It seems to be back to normal now.
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>>55767 GLOWIE, POST YO CP ON /B/!!!!! KEEP GOING!!!
>>54425 >>55684 >>55691 >>55767 >>55769 I swear to God I will come down on you assholes like a ton of fucking bricks. No. Do not post CP on your board OR MINE EITHER JACKASSES. Fucking retarded ass jackass cocksucking faggot bitches. What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with you people.
On the plus side, that dumbass Loli thread hasn't had any posts in a while. Can we ban them, please?
>>56022 >s-stop having fun d-drawing cute little girls doing cute little girl things and l-lewding each other o-oh my god the g-government is coming onto us b-because of you s-sick fucks and I have t-things to hide b-bitch I ain't g-going back to jail Drawn loli is legal in every non-shitty country, allowed by global board rules and as harmful as any other autistic tickling thread, deal with it anon. Would you like /hebe/ back to see the real difference?
Not again.
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Feds are back You know what to do
Aaaaaaand its back again.
>>57579 It's gone now How bad was it this time?
>>57591 It's back up. It's the "new exclusive spam chat" thread's image, but they've now neglected to mention Rape/Pedo shit in the post. But it is the same image that was previously used for it.
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New TKR Server actually has a pretty good system in place for warnings. It would be nice if a janny joined in.
>>57615 Bro. It's just a channel that they spam ping people in. Like delete the content and ban the user like any other server. ffs.
>>57757 Having a channel for that specifically is really a double edged sword. One one hand you warn the general public that its there and it can get removed faster if everyone quickly reports it. HOWEVER you also risk letting people who DO want to see that kind of stuff that its there, so its like a "hey quick click and get it before its taken down" thing. If its a honeypot then thats fine and they'll get caught by clicking it. But there's no 100% guarantee it is and you risk possibly adding to or god forbid starting someone's collection. My personal opinion just get rid of that channel all together and let people report it as they see it like normal. The post will be there longer but better chance no actual perv will see it.
>>57758 Must be a really slow day for posting bait huh
>>57768 Yuu should know good sir, i only posted my opinion, but looks like you're the one baiting for the typical "rawr fuck you" response. Well not today my friend! Your troll won't win here. Now go away before i taunt you a second time!
>>57814 Rawr X3
>>57758 Whist is why dipshits could just ping/dm an admin and have it deleted like any normal server. No need for a big song and dance to spam server members with pings about it
>>57823 Right. So if we both agree that the channel isnt needed, why are you fighting me on it? lol
>>57829 anon...
Ugh it's back, we need a new captcha system
>>57826 > HUR DE DUR if you don't agree with me WHY are you HERE HUR DE DUR checkmate CHUD. You're inept.
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Suppose there's no way to know how many of these people are edgelord bait posters and how many are actual nonces huh
>>58565 And you my friend cant read. Take more than two seconds and read what i wrote CAREFULLY.
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Okay, so before the inevitable next spam of this bullshit happens (funnily enough on the 12th of the month last two times, hope this doesn't jinx it) How the fuck does one avoid this crap without having to look through the threads, and without having to be in a fucking Discord server? I don't want to advocate for drastic measures, but fucking hell, it's disgusting to even think about the possibility every time I open 8chan. It's like a goddamn Russian roulette. I don't know what could stop it barring manual post validation by mods or jannies, if such a thing is even possible, but it's like. What the hell. Why do we have to keep up with this. Hope whoever keeps posting this glowshit receives a big ol' boolet through the cranium.
>>60196 It's simple, modify your browser to avoid displaying images on this site when you visit, toggle it off when you're sure the coast is clear, and make sure to toggle it back on when you leave. I'm sure there's addons to do this for you.
>>60198 That's... surprisingly mundane, but sounds effective, yeah. So mundane that I hadn't thought of that. Maybe I'm just dense. Still, do those kinds of addons still preload the images on memory? I would rather not have them even loaded to begin with, for obvious reasons.
Which one of you faggots jinxed it
Looks like the loli faggs are back. We need round up these people, try and make them useful for something
>>61164 The AI shit is insanely creepy. Those are clearly meant to represent children. And it's not "just drawings" either. http://twitter.com/bluedragonkaise/status/1748455365899964650
>>61167 ...report it to the proper authorities?
>>61175 How? Also, what are they going to do?
>>61180 That was the point. They wouldn't. So...good luck managing your disgust, I guess?
>>61175 The """authorities""" are the ones guarding Epstein's client list
It's back ;_;
Heads up, back again.
>>65544 You must be unlucky, it gets deleted within 3 minutes these days
I'd love it if those loli bastards could be rounded up Make them work for the state or some other shit Get the pedos to be useful to society
>>65594 ...I think you're confusing two different words buddy.
>>65594 anon the lolifags are not the ones linking real shit, I assure you
>>65604 It's all the same
>>65668 >It's all the same And this is why fewer and fewer people take pedophilia cases seriously. You people have watered down the term to something it's not and end up helping predators by taking the attention away from them.
>>65670 The majority of people obsessed with pedos are either pedos themselves or don't actually care about protecting children, they just want to feel morally superior to somebody and they're so low down themselves pedos are the only people below them.
mods there is a new one
Aaaaaand now another one pops up in a matter of hours. This shit is starting to worry me... Can this whole site get shit canned because of this?
It's back :(
Gone now but someone tell me you got an IP or MAC trace >report it to the authorities ofc >even if they have Epstein's client list and done nothing about it
>>71026 anon the fact it seems to be the same thing every time and they still havent been caught leads me to believe that the 'authorities' are the ones posting it, it's a honeypot to catch predators. this isn't conspiracy theory shit, it's a pretty well known move. now why don't they get in trouble for distributing it? because feds are above the law.
The feds have returned...
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Hope it gets deleted asap
This is what happens when you don't report that loli bullshit
>>73764 Bait used to be believable
>>73764 Cry some more about it. I'm sure this time it will actually work.

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