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Kids Tickling Adults? Anonymous 01/16/2023 (Mon) 02:27:34 Id: 9e6fa2 No. 38305
Just curious how this scenario vibes with everyone. Does this count as pedo or is it something else entirely? Thought of starting this thread after finding this one interesting Instagram account this morning @ticklishmoms (not going to post the direct link as that might violate global rule #2 but check it out if that interests you) I mean I’m not into tickling kids at all but when kids are tickling grown ups there is a strange appeal there. Is this just like being a submissive pedo fantasizing about being dominated by a child? I mean that classic scenario with the babysitter getting tied up and tickled by the kids she’s watching is as old as the community itself. I mean I’m sure there’s also the mindset of being the child as it harkens back to moments in our own childhoods where we tickled older people and led to our own fetishes developing of course so there’s that. Feel free to share stories of being a kid and tickling adults or just much older people if you want. I’ll do the same when I have the time. And yeah sure post stuff with kids tickling adults, preferably clean but hey its 8chan so chances of that sticking is slim at best.
Okay so here’s one of my stories, technically she wasn’t “exactly” an adult but I feel it still applies. My parents were really over protective of me as a kid and even when I was 11 going on 12 they still insisted on leaving me with a babysitter when they went out (yeah I know this wasn’t unreasonable now but back then I was a wretched little shit). Understandably I was resentful and pissed over this fact especially since the babysitter in question was only like 16-17 years old, not much older than myself. However I was also at that “sensitive time” in my life where my tickling urges had begun to peak especially from viewing tickling content online so I decided I was going to take out my frustration on her. She was pretty cute; a little curvy with pale skin, shoulder length brown hair, glasses, kinda nerdy and I had seen her barefoot on many occasions while watching me. She had petite little feet, maybe a size 6-7 that were rosy pink on the toe pads, balls and heels and pale white on the arches; my ideal. I had always dreamed of getting my hands on them but never had the balls to do so, but this time would be different. After my parents left I went into my room and acted like I was trying to find something under my bed which was littered with random junk (yeah I was attempting that classic scenario I had seen online before; hardly original). Eventually she came in and I told her I couldn’t find a video game controller and if she could help me. Being the trusting sort she agreed and wiggled her way under the bed while criticizing me for the mess under there…jackpot! Once she was under the bed up to her butt I quickly climbed on top of her calves and bound her ankles with a robe tie I had procured earlier and lucky me she was wearing sandals. I still remember the intense rush I felt when I pulled them off and gazed down at those flawless little feet of hers. With her yelling at me in confusion I completely unleashed myself on them and she started screaming bloody murder under the bed, squealing like a child and thrashing around but considering I was big for my age (we were around the same height) it was easy to overpower her. The feeling of my fingers digging into those soft soles was heavenly and it took everything in me not to just whip it out and start beating off like mad. This went on for god knows how long but eventually however I smelled something…she wet herself. At that point I had the “oh shit” realization as reality set in and it dawned on me what I had done. I jumped off to run and hide in a state of panic knowing I was going to be in deep shit. I could hear her still sobbing as she called my parents and when they got home my dad BEAT THE SHIT out of me for pulling a stunt like this, me arguing it was just a prank that went too far. They managed to smooth it over with her parents claiming the same and I never saw her again. To this day though non-consensual tickling scenarios like that have been my favorite and I still remember that moment like it was yesterday.
>>38360 And yes I felt really guilty for what I did to her by the way. I’m not some emotionless monster here. I really wanted to apologize to her but again, never had the opportunity to do so.
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>>38305 you guys are WAY too overly cautious about this, who cares >NOOO YOU CAN HAVE KIDS TICKLING THEM PEDO >NOOO ANIMALS TICKLING THEM IS BESTIALITY >NOOOO NONCON TICKLING IS SEXUAL ASSAULT the worlds is too full of real horrible problems to clutch pearls over the morality of your drawn fetish porn. we are all full of micro plastics that we don't know the longterm ramification of, and we're always a bad day away from nuclear annihilation. relax.
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>>38387 >the fact that rape and murder exist means you can't call me a retard how about no, nonce
>>38390 Funny how you people never have anything beyond "no u, muh feelings" no matter how much it's pointed out that you're just a sperg.
>>38390 No, retard. The world is full of real problems, there's no point in fixating on drawings of problems. Here, for example, is a drawing i've made of you getting fucked in the ass by a zombie while it eats your brain. ask yourself how much it matters.
>>38396 Go in public, right now, and ask 50 people if they think it's acceptable to pictures of naked children "as long as it's just drawings" and report back what they say. They're all going to be cool with it, right? It's just drawings, after all...
>>38402 You can apply this to literally anything. The average person doesn't have any understanding of art.
>>38402 anon there are public parks with statue fountains of exactly that pissing.
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>>38409 DQ I know you're ESL but the OP opened with "Does this count as pedo or is it something else entirely?" I don't know what you were expecting.
>>38409 You seriously need to take a hiatus from this board to conserve what little brain cells you have left.
>>38409 Everytime I see your name I fantasize about whoever's on that keyboard being vivisected.
>>38416 When I see his name, I think of the Dairy Queen mouth.
>>38410 there is a clear difference between people giving a response to a question and just ad-hominem into the next thread, and here it was clearly the lader. >>38412 i honestly should, this board is the closest i've been to this comunity and sometimes there are some good drops, but istg, this shit happens on every thread almost by the weekly.
>>38305 This thread already exists >>1244 Also may is 10 so she's not an adult
Stop talking! This tread is about tickling stuff, not to share your stupid complains about if child art is pedoshit or not! Nobody here gives a shit about it, so for all of these idiots: go fuck yourself and get lost!!!!
>>38449 May God smite us all.
>>38452 God have many things to do to care about a buch of losers who are complaining for a simple picture
>>38439 Well this one was mostly about sharing childhood stories with the posting content thing just being an additional aspect. But at this point I think I should just deleted the whole thread either way.
Can you people just jerk off and keep going with your lives? There's a moral aspect to it, and it's fine, keep it to yourselves, nobody else will care. The debate is simple: "Will some content make this site to be nuked down?" If the answer is yes, then that content should be deleted, if not, just ignore it and move on. If you want to remove some foot/bestiality/noncon/scat/gore/elseshit content from the world, so we all could live in a Disney movie, perfect, do it elsewhere, nobody here will care
Just STFU and kiss already y'all, Christ...
>>38305 Kind of a tourist in this place but I guess the controversy comes from the fact that someone is getting horny to subject material (the feet and the act of tickling) with a gang of niggers involved in the act.
>>38510 Holy hell that word swap censor for "smol not 18 creature" is based and funny
>>38510 >>38511 I know want to see a pack of Urban Youth tickle torturing a white woman in Central park
>>38512 *144p footage of my gta4 lagging mod that plays laugh sound effects when someone is shot*
>>38305 Dunno about any of that shit you just said, but for me it's only weird if the kid is tickling a naked grown-up. Anyways to try to get this thread back on the right (or wrong) track, here's three stories I made of my OC little girl tickling my OC tickle villainess, Makoto from Street Fighter, and some Pokémon girls, respectively. https://www.deviantart.com/mastercree1/art/Terribly-Cheeky-Blonde-Tickler-888233315 https://www.deviantart.com/mastercree1/art/Tickle-Monster-Meets-Ticklish-Fighter-845280590 https://www.deviantart.com/mastercree1/art/Relaxing-and-Laughing-with-Pokegirls-848534759
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Not a frequent fantasy, but one I come back to sometimes. I was ganged up on by younger girls in the neighborhood a few times as a teen. This comic is pretty true to life on how it happened. Apparently none of them thought guys could be ticklish and they found it to be the funniest thing to do whenever they saw me.
>>38745 That’s pretty adorable
>>38305 The disbelief/surprised of the adult is the best part. Especially if they haven't been tickled I'm ages.
>>73050 Very true. Mum/Dad thought their feet were safe propped up on the stool? They were so oblivious they didn't notice the tiny hands approaching...
>>73058 Always loved those ones.
Nuke this thread before the ban hammer comes in pls
>>73077 fuck off tourist
>>73078 Nobody needs your pedo-adjacent shit putting the board at risk just so you can convince yourself it's not degusting. Just do the right thing and kys instead
>>73079 ? itsa fucking 8chan board you dumb faggot. it's not 'at risk'. there are loli and shota threads down the catalog. here, fill out this form if it upsets you so much. https://report.cybertip.org/
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>>73080 Calling people tourists and not knowing about previous boards getting destroyed bc of dumbass shit like this. It's funny how the autists identify themselves so easily. I agree those other threads shouldn't be allowed either, but at least they're not retardedly blatant about it. idgaf whether you think it's pedo or not, it's definitely on the spectrum just like your extra chromosome ass Now please clear the way so the rest of us can talk about tickle torture and feet like respectable degens
>>73081 >not knowing about previous boards getting destroyed bc of dumbass shit like this didn't happen. >webp image ooh I was right, we got a phoneposter. Choke to death on my cock and don't come back. these threads have been here for literal years now, and they arent going to go away just because some faggot tourist pops his head in and starts stomping his feet and crying.
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>>73084 Lmfao, literally just took the first image from google you sperg. Why would I give a fuck about the extension to reply to a delusional pedo thread? >these threads have been here for literal years You mean this thread which was necroposted from Jan 2023? When people back then didn't even want it here? Just scroll up you dumb cunts, this thread died for good reason. This time let's make sure to flush twice.
>>73086 >meanwhile both the loli and shota threads are on page 1 >loli thread was posted in 2021 and has been consistently bumped ever since you don't HAVE to use this board, anon. you are free to leave. cause these threads are not going anywhere.
Don't give a flying fuck what some normalfags consider it. I'm not into the kids involved, I'm into the helplessness and embarrassment of a hot chick who's so fucking ticklish that even small brats can subdue her just by touching her smooth soles. S tier concept
>>73077 No it's fun. That's why Babysitter getting tickled/wrecked still exists.
c'mon it's just arts, not real people, and it's just...tickling, there's no sexual theme in this thread, just babysitters got tickled for fun Why did I never found that issue in east asia but most of western board are angry about it, I can't understand why people angry about non-real stuff
>>73086 >>73081 trying real hard, aren't we?
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Having some McDonald's Mom
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>>73198 Can you post his most recent stuff? I can't access xitter for the time being
>>73203 God please tell me there's a pic where combat nun milf actually gets tickley
>>73212 The combat nun is the literally tickled in the second image immediately following the first if you catch the details from the first image.
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>>38402 Do you make all your decisions based on the popular opinions of normiefags? Is your favorite music just "whatever's on top 40" and your favorite food "whatever everyone else wants?"

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