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Manga tickling Anonymous 10/15/2021 (Fri) 13:14:25 Id: 0fdc95 No. 3622
Someone finally made a manga just for us.
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Oh boy I've been waiting for this since the announcement. Mangaka is Hoshikawa Danpa or @a_hskw on twitter. Now to wait for the translations.
>>3622 Wait, you mean this is an actually serialized manga, not just a doujin?
>>3637 Yeahhh boi this is series.
>>3636 Most manga don't get translated so I doubt this one will unless someone around here pays for it. This first chapter alone is close to fifty pages and I imagine that would be pretty expensive to do.
Holy shit, this is definitely drawn by an honest to god ticklefag and it shows. Incredibly based.
Only one volume??
>>3740 You wouldn't draw a manga about such a niche fetish unless you also had it yourself. >>3741 The manga is new and this first chapter came out yesterday.
>>3739 Time to bring out Duolingo I got this guys don't worry :^)
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>>7690 Sauce?
>>8990 My Harem is Entirely Female Demon Villains 04
>>3622 Is the second chapter of this out yet? Also, does it look like anyone's about to pick it up for translation?
>>9002 There are 3 chapters already out and I paid to get the first one translated. It'll be ready soon and I'll post it here.
>>8994 thanks
>>9003 Based as fuck.
i just read all three chapters, y'all are in for some good shit
>>9003 https://mangadex.org/chapter/cac9c209-6436-47bf-aed9-3ed6392fb8c9 Chapter 1 translation is out (on Mangadex even!) Thanks!
>>9408 You're welcome. As always, reading the comments from people without the fetish is a joy.
This is amazing, As a tickling fan this is basically the manga we never expected to actually happen. After reading 1-4 I like how he's kind of slow rolling getting into the more extended scenes but the promise of what's to come... gonna be tough waiting each two week period. Hopefully we can periodically get the rest translated as well as it goes.
Can someone post a link to the japanese chapters too? I saw it in some thread but can't remember which.
>>9650 Me and another guy already paid to get ch 2 translated and I'm planning on doing a few more after that as well. I'm not going to have enough money to keep going indefinitely though so if anyone is interested in more they might want to consider chipping in.
Is there a way to make that happen? I'd be happy to contribute at least a little (and I'm sure there might be others as well); maybe we should get like a Go fund me or something XD I was also trying to figure out the best way to support the mangaka; do we know if they get a decent cut from the magazine itself too? Not sure if buying those is the best way to support or if there is another way.
>>9698 So far we've sending the translator money through Paypal, but I can see how that would be a hassle if there's a whole bunch of us wanting to contribute (although my impression is that very few people in the community are willing to pay for stuff). I've never used Go fund me but if there's enough interest and it would work better than we could do that. I have no idea what the best way to support the mangaka is, I know he has a twitter where someone could ask him.
>>9706 I'd absolutely be down to chip in some money, too. Let us know when you figure out the best way to do that (maybe a Paypal set up with a burner email for privacy's sake?)
>>9730 Both me and the other guy are using gmail accounts we made specifically for fetish stuff. I think if we just have 4 people email would work out fine, otherwise we may want to make a discord group if there's more than that. If anyone is interested, I think the easiest thing to do for now would be to make some throwaway email and put it here so I can add you to our conversation, but if you're not comfortable with that then you can make suggest something else.
I should mention that chapter 2 is nearly finished and should be out sometime this week.
Got it well if we're gathering a bunch of emails to all discuss you can use my throwaway one. johnnytick123@gmail.com
>>9954 1st off thanks for the translation desu 2nd the plot is lowkey good as well, the MC is a chad
>>9965 What I'm about to say will not be quite popular, but take it as a personal issue: I was enjoying this comic, really I was a lot. It was like something finally out of the classic "tickled into hysteria" or something like that japan comics of the last years. That...until I look a little bit more into the main character: what started it all was his going with the "Oh, but you wrote it down that you wanted like this, even if you say NO". Nonconsensual is kinda common and I'm not a fan of it, but I tend to look over it because "Yeah ok, the old thing of "That's not a "no", it's just a "yes"" etc.etc. But then...he had to say (And I quote) "I guess she's different from me afterall. At the end of the day...she's like everyone else. She's one of the "Normal people"". There I was like "God fucking damnit why, why you had to made him like this?". An edgy thing to say, making him feel like "superior" or "different", AND also in a sort of "bad way" since he's specifically referring to all his companioins as "normal people" because they simply "jerk off like any other". I'm like "Why are you making all this look like more than what simply is? These are two people tickling eachother. Put some emphasis on a fucking grown up scenario, where maybe the boy undestands what IS a fetish and learns how to live happily with it!" but no, I can already see him being an edgy boy that acts like this supercool, always right, Kirito of the tickle fetish. Super sorry for this megarant, take it as a personal opinion and also as this question: am I the only one feeling it like this?
>>9968 People who draw cartoons tend to be manchildren, yes
>>9968 No idea what you were expecting. The kid is literally set up as a sheltered teenage latchkey kid with an absent parent who's too busy fucking all the domestics he hires to raise his child. It's stated that MC's never actually done anything with his fetish before and his only point of reference are the tickle vids he watches. And knowing the ticklefags around these parts, he's probably some kind of autist. Is it any surprise that he's an edgy 15-16yo nihilistic narcissist that doesn't know how consent is actually supposed to work?
>>9968 >MC is an insufferable autist That's how you know whoever is writing this really does know what's up with this fetish.
>>9968 I can tell you that the translator had trouble putting that page into English, sometimes there really isn't a good way to translate certain phrases so the way it came off may be weird. I don't think he's supposed to be coming off as superior but more like isolated. And I'm not really thrilled about the drama that the author wants to put in the manga (the teacher having a fiancé, who you can bet is going to find out and cause problems later, arguments with the childhood friend, etc.) but I'm pretty sure to get this manga accepted by a publisher it can't just be tickle porn and you'd need to have some bs conflict driving the story.
I got more of an impression that it was coming off as him feeling alone more then anything too. Don't disagree with the criticisms about the MC here too; pretty annoying that despite them meeting up consensually (on HER request) they had to go and make it into a situation where it seems forced. Agree about the drama piece too. I literally facepalmed when I saw the Fiancé piece... cause their isn't enough drama already just by her being his teacher? Did we really need that too. I hope he never actually shows up in the story and is just a side element
>>9992 Based
>>9996 I don't know what you'd expect. Absolutely no one would be interested in reading it if there was no conflict and drama. At that point, you might as well just look at tickle pictures with no context.
>>9747 Sorry for the delay, was traveling for the holidays. My tickle porn throwaway is andrew6265@protonmail.com
>>10275 Mkay, just got and responded to an email from kus**@gmail, hopefully that's you.
whats the status on chapter 3 translation? and do we know if chapter 4 is otw?
>>10885 Chapter 4 has been out, the next release (in about 2 days) should have Chapter 5. Chapter 3 Translation should be started / starting soon
I havent seen chapter 4 anywhere
Chapter 5 is now out as well. Really liking how this is developing, an interesting cliffhanger too.
>>11091 What's going on exactly? Girl wanna date him so he doesn't wanna continue having the relation with the teacher?
Sort of, yeah. I can't read it well but my impression from translating is that it turns out that she shares his interest (sort of, her fetish is a tad different but still related) and has feelings for him and has basically said do it with me not the teacher (which could get you in serious trouble). He seemed receptive to that and now is unsure about how to handle the teacher especially since the last time they interacted they were caught by his friend. And then it seems to end with something (not sure what) leading to some mention of the teacher visiting his house (or him visiting her house but the first made more sense) which I read as the cliffhanger.
Chapter 3 has been translated.
>>11423 woot! Thanks :D
>>11423 Based beyond relief. May the life of whoever's paying for these be full of ticklish cuties at their mercy.
Chapter 6 Raw is out, mostly plot. Based on the pics, I guess our hero's fetish awoke when he found his dad? doing bdsm shit with the maid, lol. https://manga1000.com/%e3%80%90%e7%ac%ac6%e8%a9%b1%e3%80%91%e5%85%88%e7%94%9f%e3%81%ae%e3%81%93%e3%81%a8%e3%80%81%e3%81%8f%e3%81%99%e3%81%90%e3%81%a3%e3%81%a6%e3%81%82%e3%81%92%e3%82%8b-raw/
Yeah seems like, based on some bad translating I did it also looks like his Dad is just a terrible father. He asks him to show up for the parent teacher meeting at the house and all he gets is the house maid. Otherwise its about the Teacher trying to say they shouldn't do this anymore but him deciding he's not sure he can have that clean break in the end. Lot of plot but hoping we can leave the plot aside a bit in the next one
Chapter 4 is translated. Many thanks to whoever is doing this.
It's a group of us who are splitting it so we'll share the thanks amongst us XD
The author mentioned on twitter today something about working on a new book so that'll be interesting; not clear whether its an entirely new work or related to the current serial though,
Translation for Chapter 5 is out. And 7 should drop tomorrow
Or not looks like this issue was the break issue, will be back on the next one I think
Thanks for Ch 6 translation. Is chapter 7 coming out today?
Chapter 7 is out and hot as hell.
>>14662 Do you know where we can find the raws?
>>14665 Thanks!
Chapter 7 was indeed pretty solid. While I was sad to see the interruption happen (I kind of felt like it was coming) I did really like they way it was handled XD. So even if I feel like Chapter 8 will have more of what I was hoping for from 7 it was still a good one
>>15849 where is this from?
>>15866 じょふう - chapter 5 Just look up the name and you'll get some links to a few chapter raws. Looking up the English translation of the name will give you almost nothing and there's very little info on the manga overall.
Chapter 7 of the manga OP posted is translated now and it's good stuff. Also the normies seething in the comments is lovely "WTF no penetration reeee".
>>15849 Looks like the same artist as Nana to Kaoru. That manga also had at least one foot tickling scene I remember.
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>>16118 It's definitely the same artist as Nana to Kaoru. He also has another scene in one of his other manga but he never draws the girl actually laughing.
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If I made it seem like this thread is only for the teacher manga with my first post, that's not the case. You can post any manga scenes you find.
On a random note, there was a gag manga about a princess who was captured and interrogated by demons. The joke was that every torture method was kind of silly, yet somehow the princess always ended up giving in. I remember reading it hoping for a tickling scene but ended up dropping the series out of frustration because of how boring it was. At first, every other chapter they tortured her by just eating some kind of tasty food in front of her until she told them something so she could have some. Later on, it wasn't every other chapter, it was every single fucking chapter and the whole thing practically turned into a cooking manga. Did anyone keep reading that crap? I think it got canned or something.
>>16672 That's 'Tis Time for "Torture," Princess, and it's still going. https://mangaplus.shueisha.co.jp/titles/100071 The closest it's gotten to tickling IIRC is chapter 31, but that was more "poking at pins-and-needles feet" than anything else.
The first volume of Senkusu is now out; has Chapter 1-8 and also an extra scene that's not featured elsewhere. Pick it up if you can to support
>>17479 How or where can you actually buy that stuff?
It's available on a bunch of websites since obviously in person at a store isn't usually an option. Just search for 先生のこと、くすぐってあげる 1巻
>>18049 What's the best place to buy it though if I want the physical copy delivered and make sure it counts towards the sales numbers?
Ah for that I'd probably just use on of the ones directly referenced on the Young Gangan website. https://magazine.jp.square-enix.com/yg/introduction/senseinokoto/ Would guess those are all "official" partnerships that trickle back to the author.
The artist does a lot of other stuff too you know
>>18261 >The artist does a lot of other stuff too you know For someone wondering, here is the artist's twitter: https://twitter.com/a_hskw The artist also have stuff in Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/6128200 but sadly last update was back in September
Who's translating ch9 for senkusu?
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once again fairytail mangaka has left Lucy in a good position. gonna have to wait til next chapter but with all that clown and all those smiling faces it gets my hopes up.
For someone wondering, the translation of chapter 10 for Sensei No Koto, Kusugutte Ageru was out 4 days ago https://mangadex.org/chapter/20954807-d703-48c4-9810-15a5f19a6d28/1 Thanks to whoever keeps translating!
>>18531 i havent read that far but im pretty sure thats not lucy
>>20339 God I can't stand the MC, what a little shit.
>>18531 Fuck this. It's like an eternal tease. Latest chapter has ample opportunities for tickling and none are taken
>>20371 >>20381 Welcome to SoL/romcom manga. You're never gonna see payoff because the point is to keep the audience coming back with the carrot on a string. It's the same principle as ecchi.
Essentially. It's unfortunate but there will be payoff.... eventually... probably
>>20388 >>20914 Are you talking about the teacher manga? There was payoff in the very first chapter.
Yeah I think the topic was more subsequent payoff. The first /second chapters and the scene in 4/5 were both great imo. But we've been in building chapters for a fair bit now
Translation of chapter 11 was out 2 days ago https://mangadex.org/chapter/a280830a-a9e2-4d83-b0cd-f402314de075/1 Thanks to who did it!
thanks to the bois doing the translating, the art of this series is great, almost makes it worth the insufferable character writing lol
So far, it's your typical highschool love triangle manga with a tickling fetish thrown in. I mean I'm still gonna keep reading cause tickling make my pp hard, but would it kill manga authors to show a bit of originality? Maybe the story is generic to attract non ticklefags as well? I doubt any of them would be interested though.
>>22727 Nah, nearly all the complete population of manga/anime writers are completely retarded and can't write decent shit even if their lives depend on it. Same applies to western media I guess.
Translation if chapter 13 came out 2 days ago https://mangadex.org/chapter/5d2d285d-61af-4542-ad39-2c3d151916a1/1 No tickling, but well. Thanks for the translation!
nice scene from chp 87 of Matoseihei no Slave. im wondering if this got triggered by some kinda poll or whatever (last image) where it answered saying that character was ticklish but can withstand it (she's also the girl being tickled in the first image, trrying not to laugh)
>>24979 Knowing how the reward system works makes me think that Yakumo may have a tickle fetish and that makes the scene 10x hotter
Chapter 14 (last one of Vol 2) came out over a week ago: https://mangadex.org/chapter/ad7125c2-8cd5-479c-931d-969e1256cca6/1 And Chapter 15 (first one from Vol 3) a couple of days ago: https://mangadex.org/chapter/2fb0545a-12a3-4a05-9205-9a879bfd6a80/1 Again, thanks to the translators!
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>>26010 Nice find, this is pretty cute.
That is indeed a great find. And where the continuation to the story seems primed to have more too :O Thanks for sharing
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From the same manga
>>25886 Any more chapters of this?
>>29007 Chapter 16 is the most recently released chapter in Japanese. Chapter 17 is supposed to come out later this week, but translation progress mostly depends on if the translator can find the raw images anywhere.
>>30844 ugu sensei is so cute
https://mangadex.org/chapter/bdc4dd7a-9b0d-4f1f-93f4-1205904e125e translation for chapter 18 came out 10 days, thanks!
https://mangadex.org/title/52829b03-4675-4a1e-a4be-742436a6e306/sensei-no-koto-kusugutte-ageru I've not been following it but it seems chapters 19-21 didn't have any tickling. Still, thanks to the translators!
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Someone posted all the tickling scenes from a manga called Lilith I think. Feels like the best place to archive this: https://imgur.com/a/O654l0R If anyone knows the full name of the series, and someplace that has translated it, I'd be very thankful. I really wanna understand the context behind why this girl and this guy are repeatedly being tickled.
>>39944 I love non-sequiter tickling XD
Guys, I'm looking for a tickling scene in an anime where these characters appear. This fanart is a more explicit recreation of the scene, if anyone knows what the anime is called or just the tickling clip, you can share it with me.
>>40019 Hi annon, that scene is from the anime durarara https://youtu.be/xJDefD8_2ug
>>40026 I thank you very much!!!!!! ✨
Lol, I totally forgot about Sensei No Koto, Kusugutte Ageru Chapter 23-25 are here: https://mangadex.org/title/52829b03-4675-4a1e-a4be-742436a6e306/sensei-no-koto-kusugutte-ageru No tickling smh, I hope eventually lol
>>39952 Do you know of any other examples?
>>45055 Bumping to point out this is up to chapter 29 now, which includes a new character being tickled.
Anybody got this? Found a few of these from the author, but never this one.
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>>52972 I have it, but it's kind of a scam: the only tk scenes are those anticipated in the thumbnail (3 pages). I'll try to retrieve my password on the site and upload the pics later
>>3623 Hey anyone has the translations of the newest chapters?
>>59097 If you are willing to use Google Translator for a 6/10 translation at best you can read the Spanish translation https://visortmo.com/library/manga/71894/sensei-no-koto-kusugutte-ageru
Has anyone got this or any of the other Witch's Revenge comics? Are they good or are the tickle scenes just what's in the preview? https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ299333.html
>>39944 That page doesn't show the manga pictures anymore. Do you know where those pics can be found?
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>>65677 Anyone have a translation for this or where to find the whole manga in general?
I have no idea what the context for these could be, but I'm starting to really like those nurses.
>>65680 There's no translation cuz it's an obscure physical hentai from 1997. This is it though: https://www.amazon.com/Lilith-Carrot-Comics-ISBN-4871822699/dp/4871822699 If someone can find the raws online somehow I can have a go at translating it.
>>65676 You absolute legend!!
>>65704 I found it here in pdf version and it's just 3 dollars, however I don't know if I trust this site https://r18.mangaz.com/book/fin/147061
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Reincarnation Colosseum chapter 24

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