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Blondes Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 11:37:12 Id: f3c28d No. 33350
Call me basic, but they get me going pretty easily. Post pics, videos, art, etc featuring ticklish blonde girls getting tickle wrecked.
>>33351 >Tickling Submission video No thanks anon Europeans are ugly
>>33368 this guy has bad taste
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Anyone know what vid the third pic in Op''s post is from?
>>33368 Anon, you're probably baiting me, but the TS girls are objectively some of the hottest models in the business.
>>33399 who are these last two chicks and do you got a link for them?
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https://spankbang.com/5uexq/video/marie+joey+brooke+centrefold https://spankbang.com/5nx7r/video/niki https://spankbang.com/517x7/video/dtyhyt https://spankbang.com/66qwf/video/tickling https://spankbang.com/6fixa/video/nikki+tickled Went looking for my favorite blondie's vids from ta to share here. Turns out. They're two different women. Or at least named two different women. Niki Lee Young and Centerfold Marie. Or... are they different? I really can't tell.
>>33483 Nah, she just changed stage names, it's the same lady. Unfortunately, she died 4 years ago from cancer.
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https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.xhamster.com/videos/lil-dee-licked-xhmPnPi This is one of the best videos for this fetish I've ever seen and Lil Dee is objectively a SSS tier lee and I'll fight anyone who disagrees
>>33510 Seriously? Sauce?
>>33510 HOLY FUCK WHAT? I just Googled it. Damn.. I literally almost cried, because she was one of my favourite models back then. I just feel so sorry for her
Anyone know where the first pic from op is from?
>>71216 TickleAbuse - Beg On Your Knees (Brittany)
Blondes are just sooo (un)lucky when it comes to tickling situations
I wanna get a second opinion on this loose notion I have. I sorta make a distinction between a blonde character and what I dub the 'Anime Blonde'. I don't wanna get into the can of worms that is determining the race of anime characters and whether that even matters or not. This is mostly vibes based and subjective from character to character. But for me, most blonde haired anime character are not exactly what I'm looking for in this category. I mean yes, technically characters like Android 18 and Saber are blonde haired women with white complexions but I argue the anime aesthetic rules over most of that. Lumine from Genshin, Lucy from Fairytail, Yang from RWBY, etc. However characters like Samus and Zelda are like the quintessential blondies and for whatever reason, fit the parameters better, even when drawn in that style. Perhaps because they are more obviously white absent of any specific nationality. And either way, artstyle can remedy this by moving away from an anime style, but again: subjective. This distinction doesn't really matter in the end, as long as we get to see blonde women getting tickled in art, but it is food for thought. For example I've come up against this quandary I will pass on: Does a Saiyan from count as a blondie?
>>71290 what's the source for the two comics?
>>71351 >Do blondes count as blondes? yes
>>33351 brother i have been searching for this video

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