/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Miku Tickles Hatsune Miku Tickling 10/15/2022 (Sat) 15:31:11 Id: 6fb9f0 No. 31215
There needs to be a tickle thread of her
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You think if she was real, would she be ticklish? And if so, how much?
>>31507 Sorry anon, she would not be ticklish at all if she were real. Sorry to disappoint you, I'm just telling it like it is.
>>31514 How can you be so sure?
>>31522 Pure intuition. Miku Hatsune is just not ticklish. At all. Whenever you see her in tickle art, she is faking it.
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Miku Hotsune!
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>>31215 >tfw starevolet disappeared off the face of the planet
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>>31514 >>31546 >Miku is not ticklish whatsoever >Her soft feet especially aren't ticklish, and are definitely NOT her most sensitive spot >No, not at all would merely hovering one hand over Miku-chan's exposed pitsies make her break into desperate laughter >I absolutely DO NOT secretly love to be helplessly tied up and at the mercy of tickle sadist
Couldn't stand that laugh honestly. It's like watching Reddit Q and A on Youtube.
>>31546 Is this the so called hate speech liberals talk about?
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come to brazil
>>31507 Alright let's get autistic about this and used some half assed logic to prove this. Being an idol she'd dance, sing and do events live a lot and she wears a lot of outfits that exposes her armpits, belly, legs and feet so she'd use products to make them look soft and smooth and as she wears outfits that show off her feet and she always has fresh blue nail polish she'd get pedicures a lot making her skin soft and ticklish. However, she also has outfits where Miku is completely barefoot and dancing barefoot would toughen them up a bit which makes the parts of feet that withstand the pressure less sensitive her heels, the balls of her feet and her toes but the parts that don't touch the ground would still be really ticklish like her arches and maybe between her toes. In conclusion yeah Miku would be really ticklish. And she'd like being tickled because involuntary laugher trains her vocal cords and stamina or some shit.
>>73564 Brazilian Miku is so cute
Oo ee oo

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