/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Elden Ring tickling content? Anonymous 07/14/2022 (Thu) 20:29:41 Id: 99b373 No. 24923
Ok this game has been out for months and I've seen barely any tickle art for it, and even feet stuff is scarce. This game has top tier female characters and they deserve to become tickle toys Whatever content you find drop it here and discuss
great topic. so many elden cuties that need their feet tickled. ranni, sellen, nephali, malenia, tanith, marika, rennala
Who is the artist of this picture?
>>24962 Ribbotang
Has anyone seen the art where the elden ring hero gets tickled? I cannot find it anywhere
What FromSoft pic should I caption to celebrate?
>>35493 The Marika one of course
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Every time I get to her bound in that ruin in a playthrough I'm thinking about it. She's got it coming.
Technically the Ranni one by BillVicious was already posted here, but that was the censored version, so here's the uncensored version.
Maybe seeing this bitch tickle tortured to absolute shit would finally exorcise the fucking beating she dispensed on me for the about an hour and a half that she beat my ass continously before I managed to defeat her on my first attempts at the DLC. Not even kidding. I need to see fanart of some fucked up tentacle creature getting inside her armor and tickling her without mercy within all that plate for hours on end until she's betraying her allegiance to Messmer or whatever the fuck for just a moment of reprieve, all because her ticklish ass can't take another second of torture.
Aren't they all zombies or something?
>>68006 That would be dark souls, wrong franchise
>>68004 Based, I so wanna hate tickle this game's bosses
>>68004 This description is so good I might just draw this. I wonder if she has an actual face under that helmet, sort of like Sorceress Sellen...
>>68171 She's Rennala's sister, so she likely looks similar. I doubt we'll ever see her actual face in any canon material, but she's likely pale with dark hair and blue eyes.
genuine question, why not make this just a general soulslike/cosmic horror thread?
>>68180 That sounds about right. But now I'm wondering if I even want to show the full face or just expose the mouth part of the helmet to see her laughing.
>>68187 That should have been this thread in the first place, but at this point you should just make a new thread since people aren't gonna read this comment
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>>68004 >>68180 Based under the armour tickle chad. Yeah, I'm actually stuck on this bitch atm so it's entirely justified. Until we find out what she looks like underneath that armour I'm using this fanart of her to fuel my imagination of this scenario.
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>>68242 Very nice. Really bad at drawing armor but going to give this a genuine shot today
Marika needs more tickles...
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Nightreign is giving us some new ladies to torment... I think I'm gonna commission an artist I know to draw them soon. In the meantime, if any other drawfags see this, anything of these two getting got would be more than welcome

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