/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Underarm Tickling Anonymous 01/12/2021 (Tue) 15:58:23 No. 2
Cute sensitive pitties
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One of the best scenes ever.
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>>975 Good ending! She let him tickle her armpit.
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misetagari no tsuyuno-chan chapter 21
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>>1353 That was real shit. Is this series not translated anymore?
>>1452 No, I think translations stopped at chapter 12.
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>>6147 This isn't tickling
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>>6148 Sorry no bully
>>6147 This is tickling, >>6148 is a retard and elitefag. Cheers!
>>6242 If posting that is okay then we should be allowed to post footjobs and foot worship, no double standards.
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>magical girl "armor" leaves her armpits completely exposed She's totally asking for it, right? She definitely secretly wants it, r-right? So she deserves it, for teasing us like this? For flaunting those pale, tender, erotic underams like that? So even if she's freaking out on the other side of this wall, crying and begging desperately, utterly unable to escape or protect her vulnerable underarms... We can totally keep tickling them until she completely loses her mind, RIGHT?
d-d-does this count?
>>6253 As I said, retarded.
>>6693 got the sauce for this?
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>>11127 >master1200 You just don't learn, do you?
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One of my favorite armpit tickling piece of media of all time♡ Enjoy!
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>>6593 I found this art earlier, anon, and it reminded me of this very specific post of yours. Enjoy, I guess.
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How come there's way more activity in the feet tickling thread?
>>34264 I think that's an answer you can easily find out for yourself
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>>34703 That third one be looking kind of familiar....
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These SFM anthro models you usually see deserve more quality pit tickles.
>>35693 Source?
>>35819 Someone in the animal licking thread is making those.
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Happy bunny year
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Holy based
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PayForFreeArts is awesome for armpit and upperbody tickling. These are some of my fave comms I've gotten and they were pretty affordable too.
>>41159 Who's the artist?
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>>42512 Thank you!
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>>42558 This artist draws some god-tier pit tickling
>>56265 source? also is that pippi?

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>>58529 Sauce for the third one
>>58530 Sauce? Reverse image searching left me down.
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Progress from a commission I made
>>60483 Based Itching to see the full version
Finally done~
>>61081 She looks tasty. Nice werk
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Some good shit just dropped
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Anyone know what happened to this artist?
Anyone got ye olde parasite mushroom tickling pics series? I believe that the artist was hanepen510, and he has redrawn the pictures recently, but they're paywalled, and the old ones are fucking wiped and/or I'm too retarded to find them
>>62780 So the author says it's in RJ237832 pack on DLSite, which doesn't support PayPal atm
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>>62844 the last of us if it was good
>>62844 More like this?
>>62883 Don't think I can gather anything exactly like this, but predicament is an available tag. Precisely wearing the ticklee is a rare thang, but there are still some slime and parasite tickles here and there. Will post what my cock approves of anyway
>>63012 This concept of "wearing the ticklee" as you call it is fucking gold. Sadly one of those situations that's way too specific to properly search for. But yeah, please more of this
>>62844 Sauce for this? The artist looks familiar but I can't put my finger on it. Also if anyone wants to try a translation of these pics you'll have my gratitude forever. Also, I like the idea of these battle-mech mushroom suits eventually dragging their victims to some big mushroom colony where they're drawn in and tickled for the rest of their lives.
>>62844 >>63038 Sauce is はねぺんっ!/ hanepen Part machine translation. P1 There are many species of monsters that grow by parasitizing humans. This [Mushroom Woman] (Shuruma) is one of them. The young form of the mushroom is called [Shurumasshu], They mimic spore shrooms. The Shurumasshu itself is a delicious edible mushroom, but when you inhale its parasitic spores, they immediately become active within the body. 15 minutes after inhalation, your sense of touch will start to feel uncomfortable. After 30 minutes, you will feel as if someone is tickling you all over your body. Some people do not show any symptoms, some are tickled by the wind alone, and some people sometimes have hallucinations of large groups of people tickling them. When this happens, you have no choice but to wait for the tickling to subside. P2 30 minutes later, the spores are excreted with the urine. But during this moment, the tickling sensation that was attacking your entire body is then concentrated in your urethra. If you can't stand this and touch your genitals, you will be unable to stop masturbating due to the pleasure. Even if your body doesn't move, you can still feel the tickling sensation. Whether you can endure this or not will determine your future fate. It wears out after 1 day, most hosts become exhausted and immobile. Eventually, the Shurumasshu will start growing all over your body, the sensation of the mycelium crawling all over you can only be described as tickling. P3 Within a few days, the mushrooms that grew and covered the entire body eventually develops a sense of self. This form is called the [Mushroom Woman] (Shuruma). Since the host remains conscious, further growth is possible by tickling the host. It stops tickling the host just before they go insane, allowing it to absorb energy over a long period of time. Depending on the mushroom, some will have you endure being tickled for about two weeks.
>>63044 chad
>>63044 based
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>>63444 >>63124 Thanks... Here some I translated a long time ago. Still machine aided though... Tickling play with Chiyuki https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/114285712 ============= For some reason, P and Chiyuki end up playing a tickle game. I'm about to be tickled by the producer... My hands are tied behind my head and I can't lower my arms...♡ Well then, let's get started, Chiyuki... ============= Nufuu...! fufuu...! I'm still just stroking you lightly right? The real thing is about to begin! ============= Producer-san♡ My armpihits, plehease let me close them.♡ Thehey're♡ My weheheak spot...♡ Haha It's Chiyuki's fault for wearing such a lewd outfit. Producer! You're the one who told me to wear these.♡ Isn't that the same as asking me to tease your armpits? Ahyahahaha!!! ============= rotor I'll try using this next. ============= I wonder what will happen if I tickle you right now? Now~, im going to move my fingers...! 3... 2... 1....... 0!
[Expand Post]============= Haha, Chiyuki Idols shouldn't make a face like that. ♡♡Ahahaha!?♡♡ *Soundless Squealing* *Soundless Squealing* ============= Thank you for your hard work, Chiyuki do you want to do it again? ... ......... yes......♡ please......♡ ============= Haha...... Next time it will be even more intense, so get ready ok...? Chiyuki is a pervert who loves being tickled... =============
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Not exactly “wearing” the bitch, but she won't ever get out, rest assured
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I love it when the lee is almost completely stuck, barely able to move, while her pits are completely exposed for the ler(s) to attack, there's absolutely nothing she can do other than laugh and take it until they feel she had enough.
>>64956 >>64949 Wow these are nice what is the source?
>>64957 Whoops I forgot to link the sauce where they came from https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117961219
>>64958 Oh thanks, appreciated
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>>64956 >victim's pits are stretched way up >lers have long sharp nails >two hands tickling each pit Muh dick
My attempt at an enhanced localization using translation tools, meaning I also added the occasion word or phrase for flair and to make it sound like a biologist describing an actual organism. 1/1 In nature, there are many parasitic creatures that grow and feed off humans. One of them is the Shrooma, or “Mushroom Woman.” The juvenile body of the Shrooma is known as a "Shroom-Mash." The Shroom-Mash is adapted to mimic common species of mushrooms edible to humans. The Shroom-Mash itself is a delicious edible mushroom, however upon ingestion, its spores immediately activate within the body. About 15 minutes after ingestion, its host will begin to feel hypersensitivity to the sense of touch. After 30 minutes, the host will feel like someone is tickling their body all over. Some hosts become so sensitive that they can be tickled by a light breeze alone. Often its hosts will experience hallucinations of a large number of people tickling them. As its spores spread through the body, there is nothing the host can do but endure the tickle torment. 2/2 The spores are absorbed and excreted by the body in about 30 minutes, but they remain active for the duration of the Shrooma's life cycle. The tickling sensations then concentrate on the host's genitals, causing the host to masturbate involuntarily due to the intense pleasure. The Shroom-Mash then grows from the host's body with its hyphae beginning to form into long branching strands of mycelium, causing more intense tickling sensations as they grow throughout the body. During this process, the host typically cannot move but is kept conscious, able to feel each and every tickling and sensations as it branches and grows. This stage last about a day, then the Shroom-Mash begins its to enter its adolescent phase. Once the Shroom-Mash enters this stage, its host's fate has been decided. 3/3 The Shroom-Mash continues to grow, and in a few days its mushrooms cover its host's entire body. At the end of this phase, its mycelium have fully merged with both its host's body, enabling to Shroom-Mash to develop a conscious ego of its own. This state is known as the Shrooma or “Mushroom Woman.” The host's remains conscious as the Shrooma continues to relentlessly tickle them just shy of going mad, allowing the Shrooma to feed and grow off its host's energy over long periods of time. During this time the host will have to endure a state of non-stop tickle torment. This feeding stage varies according to individuals, but typically takes about two weeks before the Shrooma absorbs enough energy to enter into its final life cycle phase, where upon it releases its host along with dispersing a cloud of spores into the air.
>>65259 Woops, meant to reply to >>62844
>>65259 Great job, mate! Muh dick, this cunt will never ever cum without being tickled pissing again
Nice pitties Ticklish pitties
>>67806 This looks great ngl sauce?
>>67825 Artist's name is momia hair https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/43510115 This is their only tickling work that I'm aware of
>>67840 God damn it. It's always some random artist who makes 1 tickling piece for their entire lives.
Ticklish? Or afraid of tickling? Let's find out!
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>>68222 Awesome stuff, anon
Let's torture Rogue's pitties and whatever else and lister to her sing!
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>>29892 Who is the artist for the third image? Saucenao didn't get it for some reason.
>>70718 Looks like pontamonja on twitter. Reverse image search sucks with lineart, I'd suggest using full img.ops kit in these cases
>>70752 Thanks for recommending this site! I managed to find the artis using it: https://x.com/tokumeiyade
>>71913 Holy shit this is good what's the artist?
>>72713 https://x.com/o_hude https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/35058296 Note that not only this artist (fucking again, with fucking Carrot again) has just one tickling work, but also actively draws and animates lolis. In case you want to open the links in a public place
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Caution, somewhat ugly expressions and smell fetish ahead.
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>>73497 This is pretty good. What's the sauce? It looks like Kusugurijin's style, but I couldn't find anything. Not even on SauceNao.
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ngl this is pretty hot, even I think the games are overrated
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Coochie coo
>>81666 Oh boy, that's hot

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