/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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(3.37 MB 2829x2000 bea tickled topless ver.jpg)

PokeGirls Thread PokeGirls Thread 09/27/2021 (Mon) 09:40:57 Id: 19e4cb No. 1723
This was decently sized thread before the backup, but all dem images are gone :( I'm starting a new thread so hopefully I can see some of that stuff again!
>>1723 ive been trying to find an image exactly like this but with marnie for the longest time
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>>2280 Source?
You all have shitty taste in pokegirls, Delia Ketchum is the only worthy candidate.
>>2266 Who's the artist for this one?
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>>1739 I am feeling less lazy now
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>>3316 Posting this was a mistake
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>>6801 Pretty hot, but why are Jesse and Ash's Mom captured together? Unless this is absed off of those fanart pics where they're lesbian lovers because I can get down with that too.
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I remember a cynthia pic where she was being tickled by galactic grunts (and maybe mars and jupiter?) and she was behind a glass, can anyone help me find it? It looked something like the third pic here
(4.33 MB 2897x4096 pokemon cynthia.png)

(1.39 MB 1350x1400 pokemon may.png)

>>8929 thank you my man
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>>2744 Oh my goodness I love this. Maylene willingly submitting to tickles is just perfect, especially with how teasing her vs sprite is. Narutobyrufy's a legend.XD
Nadatickle/nadadadaaaan on Twitter deleted everything, anyone got the skyla picture? the misty ones already been uploaded
>>1724 Did narutobyrufy have a continuation to the Jessie comic?
>>10959 I gotchu man
Does anyone have the continuation of the Jessie comic Narutobyrufy has on Patreon? It had Maylene in it.
(21.47 KB 960x248 IMG_20220106_104554.jpg)

>>10959 Hope they come back or go back to posting on pixiv
>>11019 Not likely. A lot of Japanese artists have been moving away from Pixiv and Twitter because they don't like dealing with Westerners.
>>11022 Thanks, it looks beautiful. I'm a sucker for Maylene content ever since that Vs sprite teased me. It's even better than I imagined with the health bars and how evil Jessie's being here.:)
>>11021 This. I'm friends with some JP artists, they often talk about how Westerners flooded Pixiv with low quality images and Patreon previews, making it harder for their own content to be seen. And on Twitter, they face large scale harassment from Westerners over the content of their art. These days, they mostly just share their work privately with friends. Please do not ask me to post any, I respect their trust too much.
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>>11114 Love that blush in the last one. A Bea who’s a tickle kinkster is a Bea-utiful Bea indeed.
(1.42 MB 852x1200 66123491_p0_master1200.jpg)

Narutobyrufy updated the Jessie comic. Rejoice Jenny fans, it seems like she's next on Jessie's list.
(207.87 KB 848x1199 FI5cDsMVkAQEuCL.jpg)

Hot off the presses
>>11723 not quite what we expected
>>11860 Huh. Well that’s surprising. I’m even more surprised that Jessie apparently likes being tickled in this series of comics and isn’t just dishing it out to forget the embarrassment of Meowth tickling her. Well, I suppose Maylene’s health bar dropping all the way made her achieve a new threshold for this stuff. And I guess Jenny grumpily interrogating Maylene while feeling unconvinced but secretly having fun tickling her is kinda cute. Still surprising though.
>>11728 who is this by? The art looks fantastic, and i'm such a sucker for well done tickle art...
i'm just gonna dump, so apologies if any of these have already been posted.
>>11966 also, thank you!
might come back later. enjoy :3
Legends Arceus is out Its Akari time
Legends Arceus is out so I imagine we're going to be seeing a lot of ninja dawn. Wtf is her official name? I still just know her as ninja dawn
>>13399 I believe it's Akari
>>13399 the dude above you said her name is Akari mate
>>13399 You could also look right at the filename of the Growlithe drawing...
(1.97 MB 3200x1700 akari_by_bluee611_dez8q0y.jpg)

Oh I get it, so dawn was hikari and ninja Dawn was akari
>>13570 oddly enough, the japanese name for Akari is Sho
>>14557 tf is this
Narutobyrufy released his next update for the Jessie comic for anyone who’s interested.
Could anyone upload the Dawn picture by Quinnstix?
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Is there any art of the blue haired science chick from journeys? She's so fuckin hot
>>17124 does anyone have the full version of this? gopher never gets updated anymore :(
>>11024 Is there any way for us to speak privately? I won't in any way suggest or ask you to post anyone's artwork. I just have an idea I'd like you to hear out.
>>19006 FYI the person you're responding to is lying
(108.44 KB 931x919 N-NANI.jpg)

>>19007 A rare sighting of the reclusive Board Owner-san?!
>>19007 Thanks for the heads up! However, to be candid, I'm not very familiar with the lay of the land or the people here. With the extremely limited information I have, I got no way of knowing who is lying or not. It'd be awesome if you could enlighten me though.
>>19023 >>11021 and >>11024 are the same person, and he doesn't have any special Japanese artist friends. You can decide for yourself who you want to believe on an anonymous imageboard.
>>19028 How do you know they're the same person?
>>19035 I'd imagine IP addresses. The post ID's listed on the threads aren't IP addresses, and presumably don't roll over as frequently. If at all. Admins would be able to see everything coming from one poster regardless of what the post ID says. And also the fact that hundreds of thousands of Japanese people would ever give two shits about "muh bluecheckmarks on Twitter" whining at them in a language they don't understand.
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>>19037 You're saying the owner/mods know exactly all the shit I've posted through different IDs? What do you think of the real me, mod/owner-san?
>>19040 How does that work for VPN users? Bc as far as I know if multiple users of the same service is connected to the same server, then it would allocate the same IP no?
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>>19046 I don't have a VPN, so I actually have no clue, but I have seen some posts marked as (you)'s belonging to me even though I definitely haven't posted them. Could there be some single ticklefags in my area? Maybe I just need my meds!
>>7377 Anyway back to the top; I wanna see Jesse tickle torture the fuck outta Ash's mom. In front of him.
>>19046 Not necessarily. The server can use a combination of the ip address and local data you send to the server for identification. Also Lapis could you keep the pedo-posting contained in the shitposting thread? Thanks. >>19047 As far as I know, the (you) is stored locally and isn't related to your ip address.
(22.92 KB 480x517 ECcVGOlXYAIdzsV.jpg)

>>19050 Well then, I might have to up my prescription! While choosing to fiercely believe I just experienced an unlikely glitch!
>>19050 Ah ic you've come across my charade as a Lapis imposter in this board. Don't worry I'm not he. I'm just someone who wanted to mess with him
>>19056 It's hard to tell if there's 5 different people impersonating him, one person switching ips frequently, or Lapis going insane and talking to himself. If you want to avoid accidentally posting as Lapis, you can clear the cookies you have for this website.
Edited last time by Flatty on 04/12/2022 (Tue) 07:04:17.
>>19063 Back to hiding *sneaky sneaky*
>>19066 Based sock posting admin <3
For the life of me I just cannot find that one pic of Rosa being gang tickled in stockings. Not anywhere. If anyone has it… you’d be a saint
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>>19482 Those are some hot pokegirls, must admit
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>>20913 Gasp! Who did the Evelyn?!
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>>21265 That's Melony
>>21266 >>21263 Fucking damn it. The post below that.
>>21263 Got a source for the Iris and Chloe pictures?
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>>25937 This is really hot. Do you have the source?
>>25945 Source is me lol (@meigonzales769 Twitter) Commission from someone but didn't want to post it on my Twitter
>>25953 shit didnt know you hung out here hi, just wanted to say your art is great
>>25954 Thanks! I found this place just recently lol
>>25953 I like it! Bless the commisioner. Laughter holding is one of my favorites things of this fetish. Mei is always an S tier ticklee in my book.
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calling it right fucking now, this fujioshi//emo/theyfab/just generally autistic NEET-looking gal is gonna be the next le ebic tickle waifu
>>26261 A pretty good call tbh
>>26261 The first time I watched the trailer, I thought that was a dude lol. Let's see if she become the new Marnie Happened the opposite with Grusha, I thought the new ice gym leader was a woman, but he is a man lol
>>26264 androgynous-looking characters are a strategic hype investment for both coomers and the alphabet mafia, win/win tbh
>>26261 Honestly dunno why anyone would care about her when Nemona and Sadu exists but then most Pokemon fans tend to prefer younger girls in general I suppose.
>>26266 Well that was fast
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>>26266 That pokegirl is a pokeboy lol
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>>26274 People that get upset about "Noooo you cant lewd that Pokemon character they're a minor" are so fucking annoying. Like, people haven't cared for 25 years, go away. It gets even worse because sometimes even characters like Gardenia aren't safe. I once saw this total cock-gobbler arguing that "Gardenia is a 15-year-old" because they Googled her age and it said she was 15 because that's what Azurilland wiki says. How stupid can you be...
>>26281 It sucks with Pokemon because people have been latching onto the "when you're ten years old you get to start a Pokemon journey!" shit from very early on and have taken that to mean that EVERY Pokemon character is ten years old. Yes, apparently even the gym leaders managed to get their positions in less than a year. That "you get to start at ten" shit was cute when I was ten, but now I'm grown up and I assume most Pokemon characters are young adults because the whole "everyone is kids" shit was just some early 90s "kids rule" shit. It just makes more sense to give Japanese designs the benefit of the doubt because culturally they prefer much younger protagonists.
Where are you all going with this? Minors should NOT be leaded no matter what
>>26310 Honestly if you have a problem with Pokemon characters being lewded then I can only pity you because the internet decided it didnt care over 2 decades ago. No changing that even if people wanted to.
>>26311 I understand that, it's still just not a pleasant thing to come across
>>26310 Shut the fuck up youre in a pokegirls thread you fucking mong Don’t generalize your hag muscle girl fetish to us normal people who like Misty
>>26336 No thanks, I'm good
>>26310 you rn
>>26336 >Don’t generalize your hag muscle girl fetish Hey don't bring us into this.
>Yet ANOTHER thread irreversibly ruined by loli faggots who won't stick to their containment threads At this point I want your shit to get criminalized just so you'll fuck off.
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>>26396 hey, at least i get to have a laff
>>26396 >crying about lolifags >in the pokegirl thread anon this is the online equivalent of covering yourself in honey, rolling around on the ground, and getting pissed off when the ants show up
>>26261 Because there's no other contenders and even then I think Penny's design is just ugly
>>26401 Idunno, I thought a couple of the other girls had plenty cute designs. Hate everything about Penny's design though, hope she doesn't become the most popular one cuz she's easily the worst
>>26400 There are more pokégirls than JUST the Loli bullshit Girls like Skyla, Flannery, Lusamine, and Melony get me weak Loli is such a fucked fetish
So far I think gen 9 has the worse looking girls compared to all the others and I think gen 7 designs were the best. Also, some of the leaked characters for gen 9 definitely look better than Penny but they're nothing amazing imo
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>>26925 >Viola Based
>>26984 Damn that second one though...
>>27045 Sonia's long nails were always destined for tickling
>>27435 I'll never understand artists that draw laughing faces with the tongue out like that
>>27440 maybe an attempt at ahegao? i know a lot of people are into tickling for sexual pleasure.
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Please post more :c
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>>27908 Based Lilzy
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>>26407 Are you really demanding the entire internet to limit themselves to Flannery, Mina, Lorelei and Cynthia when all the adults that mean shit make up less then a quarter of all the potential candidates? Are you really demanding the entire internet to force everyone else into non-canon hagtit proportions as they wear their childhood clothing (which honestly strikes me as max dosage copium)? Are you really that incapable to find a better fandom like the Nasuverse as opposed to flexing your autism as an extremely meager sense of self-fulfillment? This is Newton's Third Law at its finest. As technology moves and advances, the people who use them continue to get more inept.
>>27923 Now watch as the twitter squad starts screaming about how much Mela is a child
>>28567 Watch out Lethal. The twitter troons will be out to getcha! Looking forward to the pic though.
>>28570 Soon hopefully sister
>>26266 >>26270 Fags and trannies get out of my thread.
>>28572 Eh, if it fits I beats. If not, someone will.
>>28572 Cope faggot you will never stop us
>>27923 >Are you really demanding the entire internet to force everyone else into non-canon hagtit proportions as they wear their childhood clothing (which honestly strikes me as max dosage copium) Fucking this dude. I am sick of seeing 25+ year old Misty in a double-d cup while wearing the same season one anime shit. Please, either draw Misty the way she is, or roll with the superior Kanto water type if you have to draw an adult. Anything in-between is just literal cringe.
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Oh the irony Everybody should be drawing Melony Spare the piety Everybody should be Drawing Melony >(beatboxes)
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Was there ever a follow up to this picture? Looks like it was teasing at Tangrowth going to tickle Marnie.
Anybody seen this comic from Marcelinhofeet, in full?
>>29588 Haha, I like how the teaser makes the artist seem like their skills are worth at least a dime until the last panel.
>>28570 it's over
(235.49 KB 1451x2048 EWcg2VHUEAYdcmT.jpeg)

Want to see if we can have a thread sharing pics with Tangrowth as the Ler.
>>31859 No-pe
(8.53 MB 3600x2200 tknude.png)

edited the first two from >>1735 never done a nude edit before but i was inspired, lol
>>32192 Did you redraw the whole art or just paint over the clothing? While I will commend the effort and the overall style, it looks a little jarring at the redrawn areas. I will say it looks really good though!
>>32213 mostly painted over; i p much just literally fleshed it out and added some lazy nipples/cooter thank you, though!
I guess I should not be surprised by the lack of Delia tickling, given she's only in the anime and a relatively minor character at that, but she's top-tier along with Jessie in my book for pokemon ticklees. Yeah I had a huge crush on misty and would draw comics where she would find all sorts of excuses to go barefoot and get tied up and tickled, but I was 8. Then again compared to most tickle and pokespergs I've probably matured quite a bit.
I personally think this is the best Pokemon drawing related to the tickle community.
>>35209 cute, sauce?
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This pic is what started it all for me.
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>>40891 >Rika So based. There's too little tickling art about the Scarlet/Violet ladies, like these three. The lack of it should be illegal at this point
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There is a severe lack of Penny tickles in this thread and I’m disappointed in all of you.
>>40946 This is literally all she has, afaik, so if anyone knows of anymore Penny tickle art, post it pls.
(1.77 MB 2392x3382 IridaDiD1_layers.png)

an edit i made
>>41176 Good. There's not enough tickling art of Irida, it's a shame
(2.78 MB 2769x3281 AkariDiDCosplay1_layers.png)

Another one
>>40910 There's just a lack of Miriam in general.
>>41392 Pokémon mommies ftw
(1.11 MB 2480x3496 103371212_p0.jpg)

Did a small edit of this Feeteraco pic.
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Where is everyone?
(169.36 KB 251x609 disheartened.png)

>tfw sees fanon ages for the pokegirl you were commissioning and reneges on it because she "seems to be a minor"
>>41874 >tfw artist sees fuck
>>41874 >Ask for source on the age >It's always that "Character Profiles Wiki" with no official citation
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>>41906 Damn, source?
>>41940 Thanks!
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>>41874 >>41897 yeah screw that guy- i just went to a pro instead. seriously tho, who tf looks at gardenia and actually thinks “yeah that’s a 12 year old”
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>>44446 undisputed top 3
>>44446 Anyone willing to put this all in one folder?
>>44446 Translated all the ones with significant text just because. Anything that went untranslated is probably mostly just basic laughter or begging to stop dialogue. Let me know if I missed any.
>>44526 Part of Iono’s dialogue is taken directly from the games which is why it’s wacky
>>44529 Valerie not getting tickled is a fucking crime
>>45507 Sauce? Nothing comes up when I search them
>>49369 Source?
>>48094 You have excellent taste in PokeGirls, anon.
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Hey fellas, there is this really old pic of Bianca tickling Hilda that I am half convinced is lost media. You guys have any pics related to that desc you wanna drop?
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No idea who this Perrin girl is (サザレ Sazare in Japanese) because I've not played the DLC/watched stuff, but she's so hot
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ranger gals need more love
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>>58252 AI slop is for the AI thread.
>>58252 sauce? google images yields nothing
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>>60134 sauce for the Lana?
>>60158 >>60265 The Gelbooru post has a link: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/64465515 pic #20
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>>60995 >Palworld This is based beyond words
Someone have the full versions of either?
Lacey (Japanese: タロ Taro), apparently from the last DLC of Scarlet&Violet
>>62607 sauce? some good feet but i don’t recognize the artist
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>new foot fetish artist >rule number 1 of theirs- no loli >post right after the previous tweet of their rules is fetish art of dawn from pokemon >dawn age - 10 ???
>>62749 The one way I can look at this is that said people probably had a crush on said cartoon character back when they were kids. Like in my case back when I played persona 3, I had a crush on Yukari Takeba and she was 16 in game back then (and I was in late middle school I think) so it was all "good" Now fast forward like 20 years or something when Persona 3 Reload comes out and my childhood romance is there for me to romance again, except she's still 16 and I'm almost at my thirty's and now there's an army of Twitter people telling me how I'm a creep for dressing up the P3 girls in any kind of revealing outfit
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>>63559 is there a single artist as devoid of creativity as Solletickle
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>>63569 He literally said the person who commissioned it sent him this picture to use as reference dude
Guys it's the first time i write here and i need help finding a picture. It was showing May immobilized in a rock with her feet sticking out and Roxanne tickling them. I remember it exists but i can't find it anymore on DA, i hope someone has it
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>>64451 Found on ticklebooru
Oh my gosh, thank you so much, man. I appreciate it
I'm also looking for a pic I think it was either leaf or hilda getting tickled by a bunch of tangela I know the artist was Neiissu before all the accounts were deleted
Looking for more creative tickling Ideas with Pokémon as lers and/or being used as tickle tools. Any ideas (nothing obvious like tangela)? I guess you could suggest a pokegirl too
>>65038 Minior doing cartwheels on them Restraining from hoopa's rings Staraptor's hair Tickling from inside by dusclops
>>65040 The female character from pokemon ranger guardian signs. IIRC if you're playing as the male, she gets kidnapped and blindfolded my the evil team at some point so maybe there's something there
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>>65038 the anon above me has the right idea- pokemon ranger girls are severely underrated. especially solana. i’m still stunned at how skimpy her official outfit is with that leotard.
Hey, does someon have the pic of Yellow (from Pokemon) tied to a bed and tickled by Jessie and her pokemon? It was on Asa's stash
>>65784 That sounds cool, second this.
>>65803 You bet bro
>>66023 ah yes my favorite pokegirl, a random AI generated furry
>>66023 Wtf is that meant to be?
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>>66028 >that last one oh anon
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a fav of may for the end of may never stop more may
Does anyone know who made these?
>>68394 Theres a thread specifically for AI.
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Absolutely based beyond measure
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>>51238 ridiculous. gardenia's tickle weakness should 100% be her belly button.
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>>76441 Source?
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Are fan game characters allowed or only Official game and Anime characters?
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found neat art of adult may, in sandals no less! cute prof may feets need tickles, lickles and everything in between!
>>76885 Yep, seconding. Anyone wanna bite the bullet?
>>76885 OMG YES! Gotta share this idea with codricor, kanden, feeteraco, mrff25, etc
>>76885 >>76885 Any specific idea?

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>>76934 Well, the last Hoenn professor got bullied by Poochyena. I say let's make it a tradition~
>>76936 fine idea tho i'm inclined to replace poochyeena with a female magma/aqua grunt or admin you know, for interrogation purposes, advancing team goals, funsies, or all of the above
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does anyone have the tickle pics done by hikariangelove? they have been removed from their page
>>76970 Thank you but wasnt there one with the skater girl from Kalos?
>>76885 i concur
>>76955 source?
>>76937 THIS
>>77382 >>77381 The Nessa pics would have been top tier if they weren't shitty AI slop
>>77428 Wait a sec!? AI can get the fingers correct now? How much has it evolved?
>>77429 Nevermind, I see it fucked up her feet.
>>77429 >Tickler literally has 6 fingers in the first image >Nessa fingers are cut off in the first image >Armpits look like a slashing took place >Bindings aren't even consistent The AI did more than just fuck up the feet lmao
>>76936 Something cool on the way
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>>77830 bump
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>>65803 Hey bro, since you seemed interested i'll share it (I found it myself btw XD) hope you enjoy

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