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Discarded Shoewear Thread Anonymous 01/18/2021 (Mon) 23:39:01 Id: 483c06 No. 17
Odd topic, I know, but seeing discarded shoewear (specifically sandals) in tickling pictures just makes me giddy for some reason. Post anything related to discarded shoewear (don't worry, sandals aren't the prime focus here!). And by the by, males can be included here too.
Well, post more than that, OP.
Being Ankle deep in trouble... This was the first Expression Mercury could have had when she awoke from her Slumber. A momment ago she sat with her Friends arround a Table in the Shrine and studied for the next Exam and just a few minutes later she and the other Scouts were surrounded, trapped, cut off of any Exit and finally... put to sleep. She remembered it, the very same Table they sat arround was there first and also last posibility to run to, they all stood arround it and none of them noticed that they were lured there as the Trap went off and some sort of gas hissed under the comfortable Kotatsu. As they turned there faces towards the sound it was too late as they breathed in the Substance, Mercurys vision faded right next to the red Heels of Sailor Mars who fell victim to this trap first, it became dark. What Mercury should awake to would be bound to many Questions and a more than bizarre View. The Place she found herself in was cloaked in Darkness, no Signs of living beings not even remotely. Slowly she started to move her Body, it felt as if it was streched but that was just partially the case as she stretched and wiggled before she realized what was truly going on. She looked to her sides and couldnt believe it, was that... a Foot ? and at the other Side another one ? next to a long Familiar Blue boot. It was true the Boots and Feet she looked at where no one elses than her very own. That was the moment when a Voice echoed from the Darkness arround her: Fufufu, how are you Mercury ? feeling well ? you better should since you slept for a long while. You are confused, perplexed arent you ? You all are, you Scouts all had that Questionable yet scornfull Expression on your Faces... Tss thats not what i call a sight for Sore Eyes but worry not, i know exactly how to change this into a Smile Fufufu... Before we begin, maybe you want a explanation ? Very well, you will have still enough Time i made sure of it... If you havent realized it yet, this isnt your punny Home nor city, this where you are is its very own Dimension, the fifth one, your Prison if you wanna call it so. A Perfect Environment in which Time isnt a matter in which Nutrition isnt needed to say it bluntly, a eternal little Chamber... Fufufu Your Body or... most of it, is right next to that of your Friends, but as you see i took some liberty and put you head over Heels with nothing more but these into your own Private Part of this Domain. It is so very Usefull when one can "think with Portals" dont you think so too ? But enough of that! You are the very last to start that trial i preared to keep you Scouts Entertained for Eternity... Yes yes have a good look on these cute little Feet of yours, you guessed right they play a huge role in this... Lets see little Mercury how long can you last when confronted with a ticklish touch ? A few seconds ? a few minutes ? it matters not to me since we got literally a eternity to find out! But Mercury let me tell you this... if you open your Mouth... and Laugh... the true fun will start, that little Device that is connected to these Special Portals arround your Ankles makes sure of it... Are you curious ? because i sure am... we will start this nice and slowly with one Brush... and add one more for every passed minute... Oh ? curling your toes ? clenching your teeth ? I am positive... in a few minutes even you will agree with me that it will be totally useless fufufufu... Oh Mercury if you could see the Faces of your Friends right now... truth be told it must be already a Month since i woke up the very first one of them...
How much time did Pass by now ? a Hour ? a Day ? Maybe even more ? One thing was for sure and this one thing was only and solely that Venus didnt had the slightes idea anymore. In fact 6 Hours had passed yet. 6 Hours that in her on the Ground laying Shoes must have felt already like a little Eternity... But what exactly happened ? Ah how rude of me to leave you like this Venus, but now i returned Fufufu~ Your smile though didnt changed at all, if anything it turned just brighter and it is only a Hour since i felt Mercury waking up from her Slumber. Dont worry, dont worry she gave me the cold Shoulder, but by this Point her petite little Feet are dancing Nonstop to the beat of her own Laughing Mouth. Or should i say they would ? Once her Pinky toes were tied back and spread with all the 8 other ones she seemed to finally open her Eyes quite wide and look at me when i gave my Farewell and left her till the very next meeting. I am looking forward to it to see if her Mouth will be still full of badmouthing or begging once i make my return... hmm i think i will return to her exactly than... Venus vision was blurred but once again she seen that floating Calender appear in front of her Captors hands, seethrough in appearance like a sort of digital grid always 7 spaces wide and seemingly infinitely long with a single blue square that indicated the current Day, the one Square that was touched by said Captor though was right below the Blue one meaning exactly a week from now as numbers appeared out of it. A Timestamp was set and the Calender swayed away seemingly into nothingness but actually back into the Captors mind, waiting for the next date to be set whenever it should be brought out again... This should do! Now this time for real, i think i am owing you a little bit of a explanation aint i ? It was fun teasing you the first Hours by playing the silent and mysterious one but by now i got enough of this and really look forward to be a bit more open, i hope so will you too cause honestly, this aint a secret anymore either right ? This attention giving to your Feet ? the licking ? these long yet only tissue wet tongues dancing over these... fufu slightly grown Canvases that are your Soles ? You do love it with every inch of your Body, truly and honestly you do fufu~ I was a bit... surprised, yes almost perplexed to find such a mindset among you Humans, but i must say that i do enjoy it, you should feel happy, could have used a lot other Variations of Tickle torture, long nails, devious tools, but no! 2 Brushes should do and for the rest you get these Succubi Tongues in return that caress your skin in the most carrying way, i mean, i know it tickles a lot still but at least in a way you prefer over any other isnt this right ? No actually... i know for a fact you desire it, thats right thats the words i seeked fufu... Now than you dont know it yet but to either Side of you is a Succubi Totem, the Eyes on top controll the Brushes between your toes but the interesting part are the Totems themselve! Each of them is inhabitated by exactly 4 Succubi so 8 in total, to your right are the red ones, they are stronger and a bit more rough and wild, to your left the more calm and composed Blue ones which shine through there unparaleled technician minds and skill... You probably do wonder why they dont come out to play dont you ? Well these Totems are more than just decoration, they are actually made to hold these Girls back as good as they can but... you see these Succubi who are the epitome of this sin you Humans call "lust" are able to overpower these Fearsome strong barriers with just that... there desire and lust. Now now dont make that face, they wont be coming out for a while yet and they wont hurt you in any way, if anything they will play and play just the way they do already right now. But like i said if they come out you will... learn to handle 4 times the tongues you feel right now! But dont worry unlike the other Scouts your protocoll wont drift too far away from this final state, hmm... maybe one size more before i stop, yes that should give plenty of room and lets say... yes 0.2 points added to the sensitivity, these should be the final Stats i apply and than call it a well done job! You will be easily able to handle that Venus and still smile plenty, just let the time do its work and make you feel used to it and soon you wont want anything else! Now i think i am gonna stick arround with you a bit longer, what do you say ? Oh thats right, it is hard to speak up in this state, well than there shouldnt be any complains about it either yes ? Especially since i actually dont look forward to go next back to THAT Scout of you 5... so noisy... so bothering... so irritating and the complete and utter opposite of what i hoped to expect...
>>17 Oh, there's more than I thought. Only two images loaded, my bad.
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Honestly two of the greatest tickling pieces of all time, can't be reposted enough
>>17 Its most common with sandals but for me imprints in general make a picture so much better why? idk but it's great
>>10075 OP of the thread... yeah. Exactly my opinion.
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>>974 This artist does it pretty often, one of my favs atm.
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A personal favorite
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i collected some gud ones
what do y’all think
I’m serious please respond
I love the one with Rika
Gotta be my 4th favorite strangely specific genre
>>17 Awww yeah, I'm a sucker for that too. Especially when they're flipflops/sandals with feet imprinted on them. >>42079 What are the other three?
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>>42090 Foot boxes, foot walls and tickling shoes
>>42119 Does anyone have more of this? I mean the complete package.
I dunno if it's the color of the socks or what but I fuckin love this BP pic.
The boots weren't there in the first sketch, but I told Badcrab to shove them in somehow cuz discarded footwear is elite
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*honk honk*
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>>64120 Niicceeee Anyone know who the blue-haired ticklee is, the one losing her mind with the feather between her toes? And who the artist is?
>>64125 Character is Ryo Yamada from Bocchi the Rock.
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>>64120 Perfect and highly fitting position for Frieren to wind up in. Might be my favorite of all the Frieren mimic related tickle pieces.
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I'm looking for this, I could've sworn there was short animation of Asuna being tickled but you only could see the shadows
>>74130 Yes, full version is shadow only
(288.25 KB 720x480 asuna.mp4)

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