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Tickling Websites Thread Anonymous 02/25/2022 (Fri) 01:07:01 Id: 5a304e No. 15208
I want to expand the domains I use to search material, which pages do you use? I search some anime pictures from Gelbooru, Pixiv, Sadpanda, Deviantart and this refuge Pornhub is not useful anymore from tickleporn, I've been using Spankbang but I think I need more websites
>>15208 There's also Reddit (r/tickling) and Tickling Media Forum (https://www.ticklingforum.com/forum.php) For paid content you got many people who use Patreon (and Kemono.party by extension) If you're a furfag like me, there's also FurAffinity
I've been getting decent hits from Boundhub, though it's more of a bondage site.
>>15231 The reddit is filled with trannies and nonstop Onlyfans ads, and TMF is 98% middle aged straight men.
>>15240 > filled with trannies Sounds like a you problem. > nonstop OnlyFans ads Bonus points to the bots who literally just post feet pics sometimes! > TMF is 98% middle-aged straight men. I basically just consider that place a 2000 year old Egyptian pyramid which I'll occasionally grave rob. Anyways, I've seen some good results on Pornzog and the mythological, probably malware-ridden labyrinth that is biguz.net
>>15208 I've been using TubeGalore and Eporner for a while now with good results.
I'm gonna share it with you but don't you faggots ruin it There's a big tickling community on VK, I barely even use any other sites anymore except for when I'm looking for something specific. It's not easy to navigate and almost impossible to find what you are looking for but there are huge interconnected libraries. Just search for "VK tickling" and knock yourself out
>>15501 >recommending russian websites Looks like someone here is a biiiiig traitor...
>>15502 For all of their reactionary larping, Russian web services are much more coomer friendly that Western ones.
>>15208 TMF is legit good if you just want to read stories and chat casually. It's probably the only dedicated tickle site that has a large amount of good quality writing. It's horrendously organized and full of old people though. Pixiv is alright but hard to find genuine tickling without any other crazy shit mixed in. The detriments of catering to all forms of degenerates is that the stuff you want is eventually buried under a pile of stuff you either find obnoxious or gross. r/tickling and r/tickleprompts are alright, though the latter doesn't get much love. As stated earlier in this thread, the former is also a home to a lot of onlyfans advertisements. You're basically going to have to bite the bullet, because every fetish site comes with its share of negatives.
>>15525 I really should get to archiving the good stories there someday. Some stuff I really liked was lost with Tickletheater, such as stories of Dave2112 which he purged from TMF for whatever reasons.
>>15525 I agree with the TMF part. There is a huge catalog of true tickle stories, even if some/a lot must be fake, and it keeps alive, so you get fresh content every week, sometimes everyday. I read only those, so cannot speak for the fiction ones, but the rest of the content is meh or can be found elsewhere. Pixiv is indeed a mix of stuff. If you can find artists you like, it can be even better than DeviantArt, which in general is less quality, in terms of art. If you like anime/videogames/else, you can find good stuff almost everyday, but if you don't then you probably won't like it. No idea about the other subreddit, but r/tickling became boring to me. Of course it helps you find fresh content, ads most of the time, if you want to buy videos or find a Patreon account, but for me it's always the same. I browse reddit sometimes when I'm out of content or bored, but I found non-tickling content (like r/gonewild or r/gwpublic lol) at least a bit different of what I usually see. Other sites like the rule 34 ones, Hitomi.la for doujinshis or e-hentai.org can have content but are less updated. For role-playing Omegle is the way to go, and Sham.chat might have worked for me a few times. Most of the time is a guy pretending to be a woman, but if the person isn't obvious I make a blind eye and don't try to figure out. Occasionally you can find an actual woman. It is not easy, but you can manage if you have the time. If you want to find a place to make a community, I haven't. The TMF and reddit can be the best options, but don't get your hopes too high. The more realistic thing is trying to find people around you in any site and try your luck. Discord and kick never worked for me. Some times if I found someone worth keep chatting in Omegle I try to keep contact in a Chatzy.org room or elsewhere, but except for a few occasions it never lasts even a month. For me, between DeviantArt, Pixiv, the TMF true story section and this site, I have enough content. I don't check them more than 1-2 times a week, but that's it, hope it helps.
>>15240 She seems to have stopped for now, hopefully got a warning from the mods, but the worst part of the subreddit for a long time was that one girl who posted a stupid amount of threads complaining about dumb shit, sometimes multiple times a day just writing long whining essays.
>>15555 In Reddit I've found most RP success with r/dirtypenpals and r/nonconpenpals, though they have been mostly about kidnapping/imprisonment kinks where tickling has not been the main focus.
>>15502 Go back to Reddit, burgernigger
>>15599 >Not being a proud God-fearing American Disgusting
Wow this thread sure got derailed quick, let's get it back on track with some websites that have a large enough amount of tickling content to be worth linking Foot Fetish Booru https://footfetishbooru.booru.org/index.phppage=post&s=list Tickle Booru https://ticklebooru.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list Rule 34 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=all Fur Affinity https://www.furaffinity.net/ eHentai https://e-hentai.org/ nHentai https://nhentai.net/
>>15610 >countless videos of Ukrainians torturing, killing, stabbing, burning PoWs alive, shooting their own citizens because they accepted rations from russians >he still thinks the Ukrainians are the good guys oh no no no no... watch out anon, the ghost of Kyiv is going to tickle your gf!
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>>22318 >Daddy Vladdy is... le BASED
>>15240 >reddit is filled with trannies don't forget twitter for that matter. how many of those "cute girl showing her feet" accounts do you follow that never show their face and feet in the same image? >TMF is 98% middle aged men as opposed to...? like do you think DA or twitter has a 50/50 split male to female? you think that person you're rping with is a real chick? come on anon. you're lucky if there's a single real girl in any tickling discord that isn't trying to shill her OF or is only around because simps pay her 80$ a commission for mediocre AF art
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>>22323 >>22318 You people are on a fucking tickle fetish site arguing about the Ukraine crisis KEK
>>22334 Its not a matter of them being male its them being boomers and late gen-xers that circle jerk about the same scenarios over and over. Old west Dungeons Renfaire Tied to bed Nylons Gross nasty disgusting lers Lack of self control
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>>22346 its FUN. i want to see what fellow ticklefags think of the situation. now when do we get our ukranian refugee girls to tickle?
>>15501 I can't find it on Google. Do you have the link to it?
>>15501 VK actually does have a lot of pirated content and stuff that's hard to find elsewhere. Accounts have a tendency of dropping like flies though.
>>15501 You're not wrong it's pretty cool finding elusive or rare stuff there. Although accounts do have a tendency of getting nuked/blocked
Also some stuff survived the Tumblr purge if you don't mind doing some dumpster diving Tumblr.com
why and how is tkr the last bastion of good tickling content online
>>23148 Kek. In order. 1. Guys being horny and stupid, what's new? 2. This is based actually, the whole girlcock thing is and always will be 100% pure dysphoria cope though. 3. just sad tbh Kinda think tkr is just good because you're all relentlessly horny, unbound by censorship, and not boomers with the worst taste imaginable.
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>>23148 tkr is better than most medium because it's anonymous. When tkr tried to make a discord, it eventually turned into the debacle that was TKL, and we all know how that turned out. No expectations, no need to post selfies, no weird drama about who said what behind who's back tkr has its fair share of cringe as well ( notoriously people posting pics of their fatasses in that one thread about ticklish fates or whatever). But at this point, tkr is more a place to rant than a place to be horny, hence why people are less insufferable. And tend to avoid the annoying cutesie talk.
>>23149 >unbound by censorship Uhh there's clearly mods who go around protecting nitropunk
>>23148 I think Reddit is just that bad no matter what you want to use it for
>>23149 >>23152 There are also 10x as many females here than on TMF and fetlife combined
>>23229 On Reddit they're all either shilling their content or whining about everything and getting attention because they're female.
>>15208 Alright let's try this again As far as videos go, Spankbang and VK are where tickling content is shared most freely. Mostly endlessly cycled reuploaded libraries from studios like TA or Czech. For more recent stuff like RF videos, those usually flow down the tickling-videos pipeline through keep2share where someone with premium would download it and eventually share it to the free sites, saving folks from having to slowly download the fullsized gigabyte file for a friendlier web-compressed one. For VK, you won't be able to access much without an account attached to a phone number to join active groups sharing and congregating their video libraries. But for Spankbang, it's worthwhile to easily download videos but also subscribe to other users and playlists. You'll only go so far by searching 'tickling' and sorting by new to find clips. Often people won't titles videos correctly or just keymash one, which is warranted as to not put the actual clips title for studios to find by search engine. So you kinda have to game it. Because who knows every once in a while someone is either brazen enough, stupid enough or oblivious enough to upload very recent very exclusive content. At which point nab it yourself before it may disappear. Other than that, ever since PH fell, footstocking and boundhub may have some things sometimes but it'd caution going there if you want to avoid some unsightly thumbnails of other content there. Also I'm a bit curious about this >>48282 individuals case. Supposing that they have indeed seen 'all' the tickle porn there is and have not resorted to actually buying clips and customs. What are their search parameters or methodology. Or they're just a brain broken coomer. Probably that.

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