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MHA girl tickling Anonymous 01/09/2022 (Sun) 16:50:24 Id: 760cbb No. 11338
Heroes need to smile
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Just going to mention that Bubble Girl canonically has rank E tickle resistance. Unfortunately none of the other heroes have that stat mentioned in their bio. Do you think any of them are just as weak to tickling as Bubble Girl is?
>>11346 That’s pretty cute. Bubble Girl’s reaction to tickling is more cartoonish, so I imagine the resistance of the others would be around a 2 or a 3.
>>11346 Wait this was actually there? Now we definitely need this for every girl!~ As for that question, I always imagined Kyoka Jiro being EXTREMELY ticklish, so her~
>>11350 A villain with a tickling quirk could easily exploit such low resistances and humiliate a lot of heroes. >>11367 Every series that has a stat sheet for its characters should include a tickle resistance/ticklishness rating. I'd definitely be interested if someone was to do some of the MHA girls.
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>>11368 What is your ideal tickle quirk and name for the hypothetical tickle villain? Asking everybody not just you since it seems like a fun topic.
>>11373 I like the idea of a quirk that makes the user's attacks cause no pain to the target, but instead stimulate the nerves through tickling.
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>>11368 It's not a villain but someone on twitter made this tickling-themed hero a while back. I think the concept is that her quirk (shoots bondage tape out of her hands, sharp fingernails, and salivating sensitizing oil) was conducive to tickling and so she grew up developing a fetish for it. Which leads to plenty of tickle fights between her and her classmates.
>>11373 I'm not going to bother thinking of a name, but I think an interesting power would be that the villain could tickle her own body and transfer the sensation to anyone in her vicinity. To her the tickling would still feel like if someone else was doing it, so if she faced someone with higher tickle resistance then she would end up exhausting herself faster than her opponent. But if she was in a team, she could still use her power to temporarily disable even those that are tougher than her.
>>11384 I was gonna suggest something like this tbh, hehe~
>>11377 Interesting. So something like a punch to the stomach tickles that area, while a whack to the head with a cartoon mallet would send tickles throughout the whole body? >>11382 I'm familiar with Yaeko. Her design, powers, and personality all lend her quite nicely to tickling the others and to winding up in trouble herself. >>11384 Fun and balanced power. I imagine her teammates would find her adorable given that they get to hear her ticklish laughter on every mission and may tease and poke her a bit over it, with her taking vengeance on them through her quirk if they take the teasing too far. For a villain alias, I thought of the name Self Squealer, though that might be a tad cringy.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ri50jsscbr9x38l/Ochako%20Uraraka%20is%20an%20incredibly%20ticklish%20chick.mp4?dl=0 Took a bit of digging but i managed to scrape this up from the ashes of the previous board.
>>11431 >Interesting. So something like a punch to the stomach tickles that area, while a whack to the head with a cartoon mallet would send tickles throughout the whole body? Yes, exactly. So if they did some kind of Kenshiro punch rush attack, well you can imagine how that would feel.
>>11472 Haha, nice. Now I’m imagining a ‘KOCHO KOCHO KOCHO’ punch rush while the victim goes insane from their nerves being assaulted with all the ticklish sensations~
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>>11373 I suck at the name part so I'll skip it, but I think a hot power could be cloth manipulation, somewhat like Best Jeanist, but without enough power to use it offensively outright and affecting every type of fabric. Instead, you can just turn your victims' clothing into makeshift bondage and tendrils and tentacles to tickle them into submission. I love the idea of heroes like Mt. Lady and Midnight having the parts of their outfit covering their pits and feet turned into intensely effective 'tickle machines' that force them to either submit or rip them open in public and be left naked while laughing like crazy, just for the fabric to reconfigure into other forms that can bring about relentless ticklish torment. As a general rule tickle related quirks, like augmenting sensitivity until even the contact with clothes is enough to tickle you into submission, plain old 'tickle everyone in the vicinity' a la Ms. Joke or just make your fingers tickle like crazy on contact are pretty hot too, even though the ones I suggested are kinda lazy. A good followup question is how that drug that enhances quirks in whatever arc that was would affect the power of your choosing. In my case I'd imagine it would turn it up to 11 and allow the clothing to become cocoons that trap their victim completely and tickle them all over non stop inside it.
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>>13249 You’re right, that power’s definitely hot, and has a lot of potential for a sort of hero capturing initiative.
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Some of the background characters are too cute for their own good
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https://gogoanime.gg/boku-no-hero-academia-ona-episode-2 Not really tickling, but the latest episode has a "villain" that makes people who look at his smile laugh uncontrollably for a couple of hours after they see it. It's mostly the main male cast that gets affected, but there is the occasional girl that does too. At the end of the episode you get to see a bunch of them, but without any audible laughter. I do like that the quirk initially gets dismissed as nothing major, but after the characters get affected by it they acknowledge how extremely powerful it is.
Ok a random thing to ask, there was a picture someone made of uraraka and Tsu tied to a bed and getting upper body tickles by feathers, anyone save that?
>>30208 This one?
>>30227 Yep thanks, official image is gone now to my knowledge so I guess this is another one we can put in the lost art category
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This one?
>>30279 No need to put it in the lost gallery
>>30289 Oh wow never knew there was a full body version of this, out of curiosity who’s the artist?
>>30293 MadamTusspot I think, but I can't find him anymore
>>30293 >>30773 SaikoKazel actually, looks like that MadamTusspot person commissioned this and another piece (giant Ochako and Mina, which is on the artist's twitter/DA) from him before wiping everything
>>39118 Wow! Where did you find the second image? because I never really believed that the artist would make a sequel to that drawing.
>>39122 Believe it or not, Bad-Pierrot didn't make the second pic! It was done by a smaller artist named 0lezhe.
>>39118 I love pics like these, where you just get so many different personalities reacting to tickling (or impending tickling). Like you can see Yaoyorozu's figured out what's happening and is trying to put up a resistance, Tsu's mostly clueless, Ochaco's got a strong suspicion and is partly embarrassed and partly excited about getting tickled. Et cetera. Something about these just does it for me.
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Decided to do an edit of a pic from BP. Sorry that it looks kind of sloppy.
>>39418 Nice one! Just some constructive criticism: maybe next time change the eyes a little? Maybe scrunched shut or wide with surprise/mirth? Great job nonetheless.
>>39125 That guy is doing the lord's work. I just wish one of them was in hysterics for a bit of variation, but that's just me being greedy.
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>>39445 Thanks, and will do! Btw, are there any drawing apps that you'd recommend? I've been wanting to properly edit their eyes to be different, but each app I use only seems to make things worse.
Anyone love specifically Uraraka tickle art? She just looks like she'd have big meaty soles, and those boots rarely coming off makes her such an amazing target in my eyes
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>>41431 >Tsuyu Always welcoming one from the frog girl which is actually cute, artist?
>>40935 Absolutely amazing find
>>57677 Source?
this little sketch by bluish is just too cute i have to put it here
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Hope people don't Mind a Queen's Blade Grimoire Crossover!

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