/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Ultimate /tkr/ Hate Thread Anonymous 07/23/2024 (Tue) 05:29:27 Id: 2a9e71 No. 69138
A lot like the artists hate thread but more broadly focused on this board as a whole. Rant and rave about anything and everything, from annoying threads you don’t like, annoying users you dont like (that are totally samefags I swear), annoying specific posts you don’t like, conspiracy theories, argue about tickle opinions, argue about Lila, argue about literally anything. All hate is welcome here
furaffinity's DNS got taken over by someone, and until the other people in charge of FA figure it out, we've lost one of our biggest places for nsfw art. that is all. i'm sure someone here will continue that
>>70949 He honestly just has this as his MO anyways. His entire server is just full of big names and anyone who would be able to suck him off. >And to any of his lackies browsing here, it’s not your fetish, it’s him, himself. Trust me. From what I've seen in /acrg/ on 4chan, it literally id like >I don't like him because of this >Oh so because he does smell >No because he's a dick >Oh because your jealous >No because talks shit >Oh because your jealous of Sherry There is no explaining. Literally cannot accept him being the problem.
>>70951 Hence why this retard needs to be constantly mocked.
>>70941 I mean yeah someone's fapping to this and that's weird but is it really that much weirder than wanking to any kind of footcare ad
>>70891 >>70892 >>70893 >>70894 >>70895 >>70896 >>70900 >>70915 >>70948 >>70949 >>70956 >terminally online weirdo is into weird shit >bunch of other terminally online weirdos try to start a le ebin internet justice mob on him over being into the "wrong" weird shit N👏Y👏P👏A👏 FAGGOTS👏👏👏
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>>70960 >Go onto hate thread >Expect reason and logic PICK ONE RETARD
>>70961 >go onto 8chan >expect lack of autism and faggotry True
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>>70962 Yes, so let us have our Tortanic moment against the subverting scatfag, thanks
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>>70940 sorry massa Shekelbergstein i's gwine be a good goy yessuh
>>70965 >Unironic /pol/-posting Alright, I know you'll brush it off or won't read but i'll run the calculations for you : The calculator meme wrongly conflicts that Aushwitz had 5 ovens, when it had 5 Crematoriums, accounting for 52 total incineration chambers. It also uses the 6 million figure without taking into account that the evidence points at Auswhitz making 1.1 million deads over 3 years. Lets compute the cremation rate for it to be possible : 1.1 million dead -> 366.666/year. We'll round it up at 365.000 for simplicity. This means we would need to reach 1000 cremations/day for the figure to be possible. 52 chambers * (1body /1.5 hours (the estimated time to cremate a body)) * 24 hours = 832 We approximate a cremation rate of 832 bodies per day. Which over the entire usage period would mean 911k cremations, without accounting for the possibility of using a chamber for multiple bodies, and the accelerated cremation rates because of the emaciated bodies as well as the presence of children in the camp. >muh chimney The chimney was reconstructed post-war. It's not a secret for anyone except /pol/-acks I don't give a shit wether you believe it's fake or not, or if you hate me for the sins of your government, but make an effort to get your facts straight, it hurts your point to use microwaved boomer facebook propaganda. I'm done here, I will not take the bait if you answer me.
>>70970 ACK >Anon Shapiro OWNS the USS Libtard over two and a half hours of FACTS and LOGIC leaving 34 dead (and sinks the lifeboats for good measure) and we all learned not to question the Holy Six Gorillion ever again
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>>70965 >>70972 nigger this a tickle porn forum tf you doin
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Like the part of the thread where after blarf makes his tweet you got totally not his friends defending him with vague "You are also weird" statements. Exactly what is weirder with tickling a girl vs having her fart and sniffing it up anyways? And again conviniently skipping over the actual problems with him and going straight to "Your fucking weird". This shit happened on /acrg/ last time anyways.
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>>70980 >t. fucking ponyfag
>>70983 'Lee' has another meaning here, anon that image holds no power.
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>>70986 Right I forgot this "fetish" was just a bunch of retards competing to be the king of picrel Hope you win that Special Olympics gold little buddy 👍
>>70988 Shut the fuck up brappy boy
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>>70990 Still not that guy. Go back to Reddit
>>70992 >Uses marvel screenshots >'G-Go back to reddit" Fartniggers are just as stale as their preferences
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>>70988 >>70960 >>70910 What is the purpose of this shit then. I'm doubting anyone suddenly gained intrest in this thread for no reason since after his tweet we now have fags joining into the thread, yet so far no one has said why exactly /tkl/ is evil, and the only angle I can see is it being due to feet tickling. Even then that doesn't work because if blarf didn't do braps, he also does cheesey feet. Not worse but it's feet related. So far he's called people pedo, he's talked endless shit, and still thinks feet with smell is under rated when 90% of musk month shit so far is white puffs which is what everyone likes. But hey, no green = probably clean. Maybe considering what people here are saying and how they're acting, he could make the argument this thread is but no one aside from here from what I see outside the thread hates it. Unless they're autistic. Maybe they could also just, not be an asshole. What goes around comes around and all that.
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>>70980 You will never see any of his friends defending him on Twitter with their main account, they don't want to compromise their own art account and so their internet points and commissions or simply they will play dumb once Blarf gets caught on something nasty and go I never knew that about him TLDR: Art friends circles shatter once money is involved, they will throw you under the bus when necessary
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>>70988 >emoji someone's far from home.
>>70996 Never seen a phone poster before? >>70994 I'm sure you aren't arguing that what 54ae55 posted ISN'T weird, quibbling whether or not it's WEIRDER than Brazilian fart fetish porn is academic.
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>>70997 I'm just saying, if there's gonna be ad hominem levels of arguments, at least state WHY it's weirder than smelly cheese or gasious shits. I don't care because I can scroll past that shit, but you can't expect to defend your friend by just going "Oh your fetish is also cringe" and not explain it further than that. It just shows there isn't really a defense for the actions he does, character or not. Cherry picking would be fine but obviously I assume blarf doesn't associate with the toejam group, so not exactly fair grounds to say tickle snuff is also accepted. Just seems concerning they're willing to say stuff here but not on twitter too like >>70995 said, and even then only give flimsy excuses. Except twistedfurby. He's already open about that.
>>70914 where are these retarded snuff-loving degens coming from defending this dogwater, go do us a favor and hang yourselves since apparently that's what gets you off
>>71007 Where are these retarded gatekeeping neo-puritans coming from policing other peoples' fetishes do us a favor and go offline permanently since apparently you hate what people look at on the internet
>>71020 this dumbass doesn’t even know what they’re saying, just wanted to join in and say shit to say shit, no thought process behind it
>>71020 >you’re a Neo Puritan if you think farts are a ridiculous fetish Wow
>>71035 All fetishes are weird and cringey but some worse than others. Tickling would be fairly tame on the BDSM spectrum but entirely too many of you are so aggressively retarded as to push it into full on red flag territory. Seriously, I frequent vanilla loli communities on the side and not one of them are the level of screeching shit-flinging autism that I see from ticklefags.
>>71037 >too many of you are so aggressively retarded as to push it into full on red flag territory. So it's not even about the fetish then? I can agree since that random dude who decided the best course of trolling was to make a burner account. But I argue calling others pedo because you got blocked, inviting other big artists to push your content and shit talking them behind their back, and trying to pass off harassment of others as a quirky joke is pretty worse. Besides, most of the feet community is fucked hence this harrasment trying to pass off as socially acceptable. Again, they made fun of that caroline character because blarf broke the rules and wanted to seem like he was the victor. Can't exactly go into whatever server he's in and say it's a dub for the loli community by posting underage characters getting fucked then proceeding to get banned for it.
>>71042 Nigger is this even English
All I dislike about this board is how toxic it can be (but wtf did I expect from an imageboard) and the loli/shota. Other than that, this place is pretty good.
>>80320 >"Pretty good" You don't have to lie, dear anon. We all know how much of a cesspool fuckfest this place is.
>>80321 I'm not lying? Like I'm just not sure what you're referring to
>>80321 I'm assuming they're a braindead twitter or reddit user, so the average person here probably seems pretty sophisticated to them
>>80320 Lolisho is the best aspect of this board. Also for the love of christ stop Necroposting.

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