/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Lee's vs lers and women vs men. Anonymous 03/21/2023 (Tue) 00:53:06 Id: 99d02c No. 43060
I'm curious to know the demographic, but I have a feeling I can guess it. I'm a girl and I really like being tickled, most the content is more geared towards tickling girls and I mostly just imagine myself in those positions ahabgnrkfjv.... I'm really curious if there are other lee girls on here though <:0 irl I've been tickled lots by friends and once had a bf that liked to tickle me and argh. I miss it. It's been too long dang it. Too embaressed to ever tell anyone I like being tickled irl, and I'm pretty into nerdy quiet guys so they never make a move to tickle me!!!! but yeah sorry this was long. I wanna see how many male lers or male lees vs female lers and female lees. I know I'm not alone here!!!! Oh and I needed an image so i took one of my stomach whdkepfhwphfpehfpdjfofp I tried to do a heart too but it didn't really look like one.
This thread is surprisingly wholesome.
I'll throw my discord here too, not just for the OP (though admittidly talking to one of the few girls with a cute personality and art ability around here would be pretty *chefs kiss*) but for anyone around here that wants to talk tickles. Just let me know who you are so I know who I'm talking to. Fluffyler#8404
>>43970 We're all degens here. OP may be QT3.14, but she is no different ^^
>>43865 >>43841 >Tells people to post feet >Doesn't return the favor >>43278 Nice
>>43989 >>43977 >>43970 someone ought to make a discord server
>>43999 >says nice >doesn’t tickle them
>>43999 feet pics are for friends only
>>44000 Honestly I'd like to see one even if it eventually turns bad because that's just inevitable, don't want to just keep posting my tag in very very rare occasions just to get ghosted at best.
>>43463 Can this still be me even if I don’t call you slurs? Asking for a friend…
>>44000 I would so join if someone made one. I'm not real good with discord stuff and don't really understand all the things needed for an actual server but if someone makes one please let me know!!!! Even if it's a bit dead or empty I'll still happily join ! Love talking to you degenerate freaks. It's always a hoot.
>>44000 just made one we can organize stuff later, just wanted it set up first https://discord.gg/BDB5ZWv7
>>44058 Did you make this is a non expiring invite link?
Wow, how it evolved this thread
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>>43578 >>43581 How utterly pathetic. I hate incel simps so much. They always end up being the worst kind of losers that drool and beg for the slightest bit of perceived female attention. Once they end up considering you as a "real foid" instead of a "faking tranny" they will act like annoying pests and treat you as nothing more as their coom dispenser, and the moment that they stop considering you as a potential mate they start treating you like disposable trash. >>43078 Don't bully them, tigglish and cringe is the pinnacle of comedy. >>43116 At the end of the day it does not matter, you will never tiggle her, tigglecel. Also, fun fact: trannies are only 0.3% of the population. It is much more likely that someone is either a cis girl or a catfish that enjoys taking advantage of retarded simps (based if you ask me, doing god's work, just try treating women like normal people and this won't happen). >>43762 It has more to do with your personality and thirst than with being autistic. Just look at your other posts in this thread. (What I said about the other guy applies to you too) >>43942 Ultrabased flamboyant twink btfoed every chudcel in this board with this one simple trick. >>43742 >Why do you think this happens online and not irl? It happens everywhere >>43647 This, it applies to the whiteknights too (hi 9d588b)
>>44171 >uses twink energy to erase chudcels I’m somewhat of a hero myself
>>44171 I can't hate them. any more than I can hate a homeless man on the street corner talking to people who don't exist. Human beings crave companionship and connections, it's intrinsic to out very DNA. To be deprived of that will wear away at a person in fucked up ways. Like sure, often times it's their own fault, they might be obnoxious or unpersonable for whatever reason. Sure the solitude and loneliness they feel is a direct consequence of their own being, but is it a suitable punishment? Is isolation an appropriate punishment for the crime of being annoying or weird, especially when they cannot change who they are? Of course, It's just the way things are, no one is obligated to put up with them and sacrifice their own mental well-being for the sake of theirs, but. Still makes me sad.
>>44171 I just wanted to encourage their inevitable suicide. Yours, too. Feel free to add me. We can work through your anger issues together- you whose never known a woman's touch. ;)
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are we still pretending this isnt a troon bait thread?
>>44219 Idk what that is lol. Thank God. Anyways!! Discord has been really fun. Met some cool people on there, had really great conversations. It's a decent community. It's pretty cool my first thread got so much attention. I'm a mod on there too, so ban hammer is swift and heavy baby. Feel free to join tho. Just don't be a complete freak
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>>44215 I am not angry my dude, just grossed out. I would feel pity like the other anon said if only you weren't as deranged. Not sure why you think that any girl would be willing to message you after all your sperging in this thread. >>44224 >Idk what that is lol That anon implies that you are transgender and thus a scammer of some sort. The picture he posted shows Gwyndolin (a femboy) from dark souls expecting his pp sucked.
>>44254 Oh yes. I should've realized. Women aren't real, how could I have been so diluted before!?!?!??! Obviously I have been scamming you all with my malicious feminine power. If you're reading this, it is far too late.
op posted feet on discord your welcome
>>44301 LOL who leaked this??? U dirty lurker ;) I don't really though pft. Just a foot dawg.
>>44305 *care... whoops!! Double post :0
>>44301 damn dat bitch longgggggg
>>44301 Long and slim foot is a good foot, thumbs up for op Would lick and nibble to madness
>>44301 I came 5 times to this
>>44301 I won't lie, I was instantly turned on the moment I saw that in the discord. Her feet are fuckin hot
>>44313 LOL thanks. I guess??!?!???? >>44316 If u actually jerked it to my weird ass foot I'd be okay with that. Like.. I use that fucker to walk on. And hey man, if u got a little joy outta seeing my weird foot then that's awesome. All i wanna do in the end is leave behind a little more happiness. And maybe that will come in the form of u jerking it one day. Pft. >>44335 I posted it cuz I thought it was funny and then I remember u fucks are INTO feet lolololol. Don't be scared to talk in the discord cunt. Everyone is chill.
>>44347 Now we just need a video of it being tickled and it will be a masterpiece :P *armpit crowd will probably cry again though XD*
>>44347 I tried a tiny bit today; it's just hard for me cause I feel like I don't have much to add and I'm introverted as fuck. Social anxiety is a bitch
>>43578 >>44215 I can't add you :(
>>44060 This has expired
>>44224 I'm a lurker but do you have a new inv link to the discord? I want to try and talk to more people in the community ;-;

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