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guys what the fuck Anonymous 01/18/2023 (Wed) 04:46:39 Id: d4dbc6 No. 38530
You've noticed. I've noticed. We've all noticed. So what's with the kiddie shit threads that keep cropping up like everyday recently? I really don't enjoy opening this site and seeing actual see-pee at the top of the page. :/
>>57829 anon...
Ugh it's back, we need a new captcha system
>>57826 > HUR DE DUR if you don't agree with me WHY are you HERE HUR DE DUR checkmate CHUD. You're inept.
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Suppose there's no way to know how many of these people are edgelord bait posters and how many are actual nonces huh
>>58565 And you my friend cant read. Take more than two seconds and read what i wrote CAREFULLY.
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Okay, so before the inevitable next spam of this bullshit happens (funnily enough on the 12th of the month last two times, hope this doesn't jinx it) How the fuck does one avoid this crap without having to look through the threads, and without having to be in a fucking Discord server? I don't want to advocate for drastic measures, but fucking hell, it's disgusting to even think about the possibility every time I open 8chan. It's like a goddamn Russian roulette. I don't know what could stop it barring manual post validation by mods or jannies, if such a thing is even possible, but it's like. What the hell. Why do we have to keep up with this. Hope whoever keeps posting this glowshit receives a big ol' boolet through the cranium.
>>60196 It's simple, modify your browser to avoid displaying images on this site when you visit, toggle it off when you're sure the coast is clear, and make sure to toggle it back on when you leave. I'm sure there's addons to do this for you.
>>60198 That's... surprisingly mundane, but sounds effective, yeah. So mundane that I hadn't thought of that. Maybe I'm just dense. Still, do those kinds of addons still preload the images on memory? I would rather not have them even loaded to begin with, for obvious reasons.
Which one of you faggots jinxed it
Looks like the loli faggs are back. We need round up these people, try and make them useful for something
>>61164 The AI shit is insanely creepy. Those are clearly meant to represent children. And it's not "just drawings" either. http://twitter.com/bluedragonkaise/status/1748455365899964650
>>61167 ...report it to the proper authorities?
>>61175 How? Also, what are they going to do?
>>61180 That was the point. They wouldn't. So...good luck managing your disgust, I guess?
>>61175 The """authorities""" are the ones guarding Epstein's client list
It's back ;_;
Heads up, back again.
>>65544 You must be unlucky, it gets deleted within 3 minutes these days
I'd love it if those loli bastards could be rounded up Make them work for the state or some other shit Get the pedos to be useful to society
>>65594 ...I think you're confusing two different words buddy.
>>65594 anon the lolifags are not the ones linking real shit, I assure you
>>65604 It's all the same
>>65668 >It's all the same And this is why fewer and fewer people take pedophilia cases seriously. You people have watered down the term to something it's not and end up helping predators by taking the attention away from them.
>>65670 The majority of people obsessed with pedos are either pedos themselves or don't actually care about protecting children, they just want to feel morally superior to somebody and they're so low down themselves pedos are the only people below them.
mods there is a new one
Aaaaaand now another one pops up in a matter of hours. This shit is starting to worry me... Can this whole site get shit canned because of this?
It's back :(
Gone now but someone tell me you got an IP or MAC trace >report it to the authorities ofc >even if they have Epstein's client list and done nothing about it
>>71026 anon the fact it seems to be the same thing every time and they still havent been caught leads me to believe that the 'authorities' are the ones posting it, it's a honeypot to catch predators. this isn't conspiracy theory shit, it's a pretty well known move. now why don't they get in trouble for distributing it? because feds are above the law.
The feds have returned...
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Hope it gets deleted asap
This is what happens when you don't report that loli bullshit
>>73764 Bait used to be believable
>>73764 Cry some more about it. I'm sure this time it will actually work.

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