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Manga tickling Anonymous 10/15/2021 (Fri) 13:14:25 Id: 0fdc95 No. 3622
Someone finally made a manga just for us.
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From the same manga
>>25886 Any more chapters of this?
>>29007 Chapter 16 is the most recently released chapter in Japanese. Chapter 17 is supposed to come out later this week, but translation progress mostly depends on if the translator can find the raw images anywhere.
>>30844 ugu sensei is so cute
https://mangadex.org/chapter/bdc4dd7a-9b0d-4f1f-93f4-1205904e125e translation for chapter 18 came out 10 days, thanks!
https://mangadex.org/title/52829b03-4675-4a1e-a4be-742436a6e306/sensei-no-koto-kusugutte-ageru I've not been following it but it seems chapters 19-21 didn't have any tickling. Still, thanks to the translators!
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Someone posted all the tickling scenes from a manga called Lilith I think. Feels like the best place to archive this: https://imgur.com/a/O654l0R If anyone knows the full name of the series, and someplace that has translated it, I'd be very thankful. I really wanna understand the context behind why this girl and this guy are repeatedly being tickled.
>>39944 I love non-sequiter tickling XD
Guys, I'm looking for a tickling scene in an anime where these characters appear. This fanart is a more explicit recreation of the scene, if anyone knows what the anime is called or just the tickling clip, you can share it with me.
>>40019 Hi annon, that scene is from the anime durarara https://youtu.be/xJDefD8_2ug
>>40026 I thank you very much!!!!!! ✨
Lol, I totally forgot about Sensei No Koto, Kusugutte Ageru Chapter 23-25 are here: https://mangadex.org/title/52829b03-4675-4a1e-a4be-742436a6e306/sensei-no-koto-kusugutte-ageru No tickling smh, I hope eventually lol
>>39952 Do you know of any other examples?
>>45055 Bumping to point out this is up to chapter 29 now, which includes a new character being tickled.
Anybody got this? Found a few of these from the author, but never this one.
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>>52972 I have it, but it's kind of a scam: the only tk scenes are those anticipated in the thumbnail (3 pages). I'll try to retrieve my password on the site and upload the pics later
>>3623 Hey anyone has the translations of the newest chapters?
>>59097 If you are willing to use Google Translator for a 6/10 translation at best you can read the Spanish translation https://visortmo.com/library/manga/71894/sensei-no-koto-kusugutte-ageru
Has anyone got this or any of the other Witch's Revenge comics? Are they good or are the tickle scenes just what's in the preview? https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ299333.html
>>39944 That page doesn't show the manga pictures anymore. Do you know where those pics can be found?
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>>65677 Anyone have a translation for this or where to find the whole manga in general?
I have no idea what the context for these could be, but I'm starting to really like those nurses.
>>65680 There's no translation cuz it's an obscure physical hentai from 1997. This is it though: https://www.amazon.com/Lilith-Carrot-Comics-ISBN-4871822699/dp/4871822699 If someone can find the raws online somehow I can have a go at translating it.
>>65676 You absolute legend!!
>>65704 I found it here in pdf version and it's just 3 dollars, however I don't know if I trust this site https://r18.mangaz.com/book/fin/147061
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Reincarnation Colosseum chapter 24

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