/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Drawthread Anonymous 09/03/2021 (Fri) 00:42:12 Id: 32b21f No. 287
Other boards have 'em, maybe we can, too? maybe a kindly drawfriend will look on your request with ffavor, it only takes one. 1. post references 2. be specific, maybe even do that thing where you draw stick figures as refrences to better convey what you're seeking 4. be patient 3. don't bitch
>>75279 "Bad" art can still have character. Some of my favorite fetish artists are disputable when it comes to their skills but I still love what they make.
>>75293 They asked if I wanted anything changed and I said what I want changed, and they didn't seem to have a problem with it, get fucked.
(785.87 KB 1920x1080 IMG_2702.jpeg)

I know this series just came out but I already know this one is going to become popular given enough time and the potential for tickle wrestling scenarios; Andy from Invincible Fight Girl. For one reason or another the creator refuses to establish her actual age, simply describing her as a “young girl” not that it matters really. All that aside I watched the first episode and it’s pretty dang entertaining; has some real MHA and One Piece vibes.
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>>75241 Alright... I think I'm finished. I really did not feel like doing shading or lighting so hopefully this still looks good. All in all... learning what styles I can't replicate... Anyway here you go.
(6.04 KB 275x183 Luce.jpg)

Who wants to torment a holy loli with hellish tickles?
>>75392 Alright, looks pretty good! Don't worry about shading or anything like that, I definitely understand not wanting to deal with the hassle of shading a piece. Thanks again for doing this, there isn't much tickle art of Niko out there. Also, I hope things have gotten less hectic for you over the last week.
>>75393 Fuck off degenerate.
>>75421 Yeah things have calmed down a bit. Glad you like it though.
>>75439 >degenerate Did you forget what board this is?
>>75393 Seconding this
>>75442 Good, that's nice to hear. Oh, and what's the status on the previous request, the one with Bridgette? I understand if that was shelved permanently in order to work on the Niko image, I'd just like to be informed.
>>75456 Still trying to work on it, furries are much harder for me to draw anatomically it seems, and I know you wanted something more original than what I had posted previously so it's a work in progress. No clue how long it'll take.
I've been pouring all my free time into drawing for six days now, and I plan to continue, but I know that at some point I need to practice drawing feet... But the last thing I want my sketchbook to be filled with is pages and pages of foot anatomy that will make it impossible to show to other people.
>>75458 Understandable, I can wait.
>>75393 Still convinced they chose this character hoping for controversy and drama since that’s what the church thrives on the most…inevitable porn of her gives them reason to be outraged and offended which is exactly what they want.
>>75467 To be fair I doubt most would care too much assuming it's not being posted at them directly to harass and is just being made for others' enjoyment. Unless some are the type that actively look for it just to be mad I guess.
>>75460 I wouldn't worry about it too much. You wouldn't get that reaction from a page full of hands, or shoulderblades, or faces. Interlace them between each other or just get another sketchbook you use for your public critiquing and one for your private interests. How has your progress felt? I've been really wanting to get back into illustration, I already have a tablet, I just have trouble visualizing progress that doesn't take years.
>>75487 I've been going after it like I'm killing snakes, and the progress is definitely there. I feel like it's going to be a grind for a while. I saw a video of someone who tracked their time while learning art, and it took them about 2000 hours before they had art that I would consider decent. So that's what I'm bracing for. If you put in an hour a day, that's only 365 hours in a year. I'm gonna see if I can keep up an aggressive training program to accelerate my progress, but so far... Pic related.
(1.33 MB 709x1515 Kyokos_Mom_RCG_Fullbody.png)

Requesting a picture with Kyoko's mom(River city girls 2) sitting on couch and getting her feet tickled by Kyoko and Misako with hands.
Making another request of this >>68535 character: I'd like to see Bridgette tickled in this general pose by a few generic anons (green person in a suit, old school style), while completely naked, with a third anon on the left side huffing her shoes and socks. I'd like for the anons to be tickling her with just their hands and maybe some brushes, no popsicles like in the wtfeather image. I'd also like for the anon at her paws to be licking/sucking on one of them. Thanks to anyone who would be willing to do this, if indeed anyone is.
(4.88 MB 640x420 heavytears.gif)

>>73020 I second this
>>75194 Super late, was working on other stuff You know I was never into Machamp -ler content, but it's warming up on me
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Now that I'm done with that Misty I actually have a request of my own Anissa from Invincible. There's this animation of her foot getting tickled and I thought it was the hottest thing. It doesn't have to be foot tickles though, as long as she gets what coming to her
I haven't played Deadlock, but I've seen a lot of fanart of the game's cute spanish gargoyle girl Ivy, and I don't think I've seen a single image of her being tickled anywhere, so I'd like to request that. I'd like to see Ivy naked, or wearing a red g-string like in one of these attached images, being tickled in the same position as the attached wtfeather image. I'd like for her to be tickled on her armpits, sides, navel, thighs, feet, and maybe have a few hands tickling along her crotch and breasts. For her expression, I'd like for her to be cry-laughing with the same general expression as the girl on the left side of the wtfeather image, and maybe have her begging and saying a few things in spanish, like begging for the tickling to stop and to be let go and whatnot.
>>76721 You mind sharing the animation? I can't seem to find it.
>>76720 This looks great, thanks!
requesting Betty Brant stuck to the wall sort of like in picrel and linked video, getting her heels pulled off and her feet and legs tickled while she begs for it to stop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8SgpDWA1yg
(391.25 KB 1021x2292 Claudia18_02_13_.png)

Requesting a picture with Claudia Wolf(Silent hill 3)getting her feet tickled in stocks with feathers.

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I'd like to see twitter user KrylonHeretic's character Omen being tickled in a similar setup as this old Caroo image. I'd like the image to be in the same general style as all the references for Omen attached to this post, so no shading or any major amounts of color for anything other than his eyes or other specific features, like his cock. The character has digitigrade legs, which might be a bit difficult to draw in the same position as that caroo image, so it's fine if you just give him normal legs. I'd like for him to have an expression similar to that of the caroo image, and I'd like for him to be tickled in all the same spots as the caroo image as well, but maybe without the soap. I'd also prefer if he didn't have pawpads on either his hands or his paws, but it's honestly not a big deal either way.
>>78452 What?
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If anyone is interested in a FF/M request, I've got an Overlord related one. I want to see Erya restrained (you can decide what device) and naked in a torture chamber, being tickled tortured all over by Solution and Lupusregina. Solution would tend to Erya's armpits and stomach as she blows into his ear, while Lupusregina would go for his feet and penis. To make matters worse for Erya, these two are considered the most sadistic of the Pleiades, meaning he's going to be laughing for an extremely long time.
(1.80 MB 1412x4461 Nicoletta_Goldstein_DMC5.png)

Requesting a picture with Nico(Devil may cry 5) getting her feet tickled by Nero with hands in a playful setting.
(1.03 MB 2048x1150 Melinda_Character_Sheet.png)

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Requesting either Melinda/Emma from Unicorn getting tickled. I feel like there's some cuck-tickling art that can be done for the character(s). Also Ashi from Samurai Jack because she's a cutie.

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