/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

Kocho Kocho

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PokeGirls Thread PokeGirls Thread 09/27/2021 (Mon) 09:40:57 Id: 19e4cb No. 1723
This was decently sized thread before the backup, but all dem images are gone :( I'm starting a new thread so hopefully I can see some of that stuff again!
>>76441 Source?
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Are fan game characters allowed or only Official game and Anime characters?
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found neat art of adult may, in sandals no less! cute prof may feets need tickles, lickles and everything in between!
>>76885 Yep, seconding. Anyone wanna bite the bullet?
>>76885 OMG YES! Gotta share this idea with codricor, kanden, feeteraco, mrff25, etc
>>76885 >>76885 Any specific idea?

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>>76934 Well, the last Hoenn professor got bullied by Poochyena. I say let's make it a tradition~
>>76936 fine idea tho i'm inclined to replace poochyeena with a female magma/aqua grunt or admin you know, for interrogation purposes, advancing team goals, funsies, or all of the above
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does anyone have the tickle pics done by hikariangelove? they have been removed from their page
>>76970 Thank you but wasnt there one with the skater girl from Kalos?
>>76885 i concur
>>76955 source?
>>76937 THIS
>>77382 >>77381 The Nessa pics would have been top tier if they weren't shitty AI slop
>>77428 Wait a sec!? AI can get the fingers correct now? How much has it evolved?
>>77429 Nevermind, I see it fucked up her feet.
>>77429 >Tickler literally has 6 fingers in the first image >Nessa fingers are cut off in the first image >Armpits look like a slashing took place >Bindings aren't even consistent The AI did more than just fuck up the feet lmao
>>76936 Something cool on the way
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>>77830 bump
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>>65803 Hey bro, since you seemed interested i'll share it (I found it myself btw XD) hope you enjoy

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