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Discarded Shoewear Thread Anonymous 01/18/2021 (Mon) 23:39:01 Id: 483c06 No. 17
Odd topic, I know, but seeing discarded shoewear (specifically sandals) in tickling pictures just makes me giddy for some reason. Post anything related to discarded shoewear (don't worry, sandals aren't the prime focus here!). And by the by, males can be included here too.
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i collected some gud ones
what do y’all think
I’m serious please respond
I love the one with Rika
Gotta be my 4th favorite strangely specific genre
>>17 Awww yeah, I'm a sucker for that too. Especially when they're flipflops/sandals with feet imprinted on them. >>42079 What are the other three?
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>>42090 Foot boxes, foot walls and tickling shoes
>>42119 Does anyone have more of this? I mean the complete package.
I dunno if it's the color of the socks or what but I fuckin love this BP pic.
The boots weren't there in the first sketch, but I told Badcrab to shove them in somehow cuz discarded footwear is elite
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(4.22 MB 6987x3349 Frenchticklestyle-1.png)

*honk honk*
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(2.42 MB 1800x1800 saki v niara (1).jpg)

(3.63 MB 2167x2500 fubuki_tickled_topless_ver.jpg)

>>64120 Niicceeee Anyone know who the blue-haired ticklee is, the one losing her mind with the feather between her toes? And who the artist is?
>>64125 Character is Ryo Yamada from Bocchi the Rock.
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>>64120 Perfect and highly fitting position for Frieren to wind up in. Might be my favorite of all the Frieren mimic related tickle pieces.
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I'm looking for this, I could've sworn there was short animation of Asuna being tickled but you only could see the shadows
>>74130 Yes, full version is shadow only
(288.25 KB 720x480 asuna.mp4)

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