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Male Tickling Thread Anonymous 01/18/2021 (Mon) 21:11:12 Id: abe7bb No. 14
Obligatory male tickle victim thread. Slightly killing the boners of f/f-onlies since 2021
Edited last time by Flatty on 01/25/2021 (Mon) 01:23:35.
>>78057 Because AI is easy and cheap and we're finding that most people's taste as to what's "good" is very limited, so when the computer chugs out something that's barely acceptable fap fodder they lose their minds over the magical free porn machine they've found. Why pay an artist (ugh, gross) and wait (UGH, GROSS) for the art you want when you can just ask the AI to do it when you don't care about style and visual aesthetic so long as it has the right face and acceptable feet?
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>>78118 >Tries to imply AI is bad >"Why pay an artist and wait for the art you want when you can just ask the AI to do it when you don't care about style and visual aesthetic so long as it has the right face and acceptable feet?" >Literally described why using AI for fap material is optimal This is true especially for a niche fetish like this, since anyone can just make their own fap material in seconds. I'm honestly just waiting for AI to become good enough, when that happens I'll just toss artists in the trash. If you're an artist and your whole career was built upon making fap material, you should NOT expect people to care about you enough not to replace you with a robot that can do your work faster. I don't care about you, I wanna cum to tickling.
>>78122 Absolutely based take. Honestly some of the stuff AI can do recently is far better than a majority of tickle fetish art I see these days. Unless you are making animations or 3D model stuff as a fetish content producer there is absolutely no reason to pay for tickling fetish art.
>>78122 Stop feeding your cum to machine succibi, you spiritual retard
>>78134 >Stop feeding your cum to machine succibi Jokes on you, putting it like that makes it so much hotter
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Anyone have any videos from ticklingmalefeetasyoulike/ Erotickles? His content is what made me want to get my soles tickles and sadly hes left and would love to see more videos from him.
>>78122 You could kill yourself instead
>>78183 >>67621 Try this
https://vkvideo.ru/@id431059863 This channel is a goldmine for m/m stuff. Some actual vinrage twink on twink action unlike most mainstream videos where old creep tickles a twink
>>78204 I will die between the boobs of a waifu in ultra realistic futuristic VR
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>>78122 Yes and No. AI is just a tool and it's intended for artists. It sucks when you rely only on prompting but it can give stunning results in an assisted workflows with manual drawing and sketching. It takes hours and sometimes even a few days to make a good AI drawing assisted artwork especially if you are not a good artist and it does involve a lot of manual work and technical skills.
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AI assisted art. Manual sketching, photoshop and stable diffusion combined.
>>78599 Do you have a place where you post your art? Your AI isn't slop, it's good
>>78651 >pic 1 This is likely the only clearly AI art that I like. The young pretty boy trying to contain giggles while the ler's manicured hands are just resting on his smooth round heels. How utterly soft his huge feet are, practically inviting to be touched. The adoring look on the ler's face who is clearly into what she is doing. The overall vibe and a bit of age dynamics suggesting that this is some sort of interrogation or correction facility and she is going to expertly tickle the hell out of her captive's tender tootsies. I just fucking love that pic.
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>>78679 AI is definitely getting better. I usually kinda hate it but I’ve been seeing the good shit lately.
>>78881 Those look fairly good. How did you make them?
>>78895 I didn’t, I found them on DeviantArt. Username is TicklishAIBoys
>>78679 You was spot on. The story is here https://8chan.moe/tkr/res/957.html#q57639
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wish we'll get more gacha slop tickles this year
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