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TRUMP IS BUILDING A WALL...AROUND THE INTERNET Anonymous 08/08/2020 (Sat) 17:17:35 No. 953
>The Trump administration has unveiled a five-part plan to remove the presence of Chinese tech companies from the American Internet. Dubbed "Clean Network," the program aims to disrupt Chinese espionage efforts and prevent any censorship decisions being made at the whim of the Chinese government. >According to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the new program is an expansion of the White House's 5G Clean Path initiative that was announced earlier this year and targeted Chinese telecom equipment providers like Huawei, Hikvision, Hytera, and ZTE. >Clean Network would extend that same attitude towards "untrusted applications from US mobile app stores." One obvious example is TikTok, which is now facing an outright ban unless Microsoft can buy the entirety of its global operations. Pompeo told CNBC that "with parent companies based in China, apps like TikTok and WeChat and others are significant threats to personal data of American citizens, not to mention tools for Chinese Communist Party content censorship." https://archive.vn/A6Tj1
I predicted this happening a bunch of years ago. The internet is dying now that the ultra big players are in the game. All the middle east countries have their own censors, Russia has taken full control of all entry points, China has the Great Firewall, UK wants to be "the safest country online". People are happy to live in bubbles. Luckily, the internet is impossible to completely segregate so you'll still be able to do anything that you want just with roundabout ways.
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>can't compete with china so we just made great firewall of china 2.0 gotta love the united states of paranoia. If we're lucky the internet will die quickly and new communication networks will pop up in the years to come to replace it. But then again, we're probably just fucked. >>954 >people are happy to live in bubbles This is what happens when normalfags take over.
>>954 >be 2028 >be packet >be at sat switch/undersea cable terminal >oh vey, show me your visa >>checkSocialCredit(getSSN(packet))... check >>humm... you really carry lots of bytes, don't you? >sweating bits profusely >>i-its j-just the usual mails and photos >>Guess so, just keeping an eye on Tor and other overlay network. You know they are outlawed for years >you may pas... hang on >a warning beep ring though the terminal >>multicast: Tor packets on the loose, initialize deep packet inspection >mfw >>let me have a quick look at your payload >one look is all he needed to see how a 16x16 picture does not fill up a 10MB sized payload >>w-wait I can explai... >DROP Wait till they run out of lower hanging fruits.
>>953 While I wouldn't have a problem with blocking out Chinese apps from the App market, give the government more fuel to do things like this and they'll come back for more. It'll be Chinese Apps now and before you know it, they'll eventually start blocking websites they don't want you to see the next time around. >>954 >The internet is dying now that the ultra big players are in the game. This. The internet is becoming one big garden whose content is becoming increasingly curated by big tech. And on top of that, Congress doesn't know how to regulate big tech. Big tech like Google, Amazon, Uber, Apple, Microsoft, and the like has become the 21st century equivalent to the Rockefellers, JP Morgans, Lehman Brothers, Rothschilds, and bankers/industrialists that dominated their industries. >All the middle east countries have their own censors VPNs are popular in the middle east for a reason. Only country that I think from that region that's fully isolated from the world wide web is Iran taking after Russia in that regard. >Russia has taken full control of all entry points Not that different from China at this point though I hear of Russians occasionally bypassing censors with Tor by using bridges though I'm not sure how safe that is with Deep Packet Inspection becoming increasingly employed. >China has the Great Firewall AKA the worst place you can live in. Its 1984+Brave New World minus the orgies, and soma. >UK wants to be "the safest country online" They need to try harder Australia is beating them to it >Luckily, the internet is impossible to completely segregate so you'll still be able to do anything that you want just with roundabout ways. Agreed though only tech savy types will survive this. Rest of normies will live on as if nothing happened not ever knowing on what they are missing out. Creepy shit. >>955 >If we're lucky the internet will die quickly and new communication networks will pop up in the years to come to replace it. Aside from decentralized and anonymized networks, the internet itself as means of communication is as good as it gets. We either got to defend it or find ways around censorship ourselves and preserve and archive content for future generations. >But then again, we're probably just fucked. Yep look at what they are working on, looks appealing to Big Tech and government. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/12310746/elon-musk-neuralink-brain-implants-hacked/
>>957 >normies Get out!
oy vey not the mandarin butnutts
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>>956 >CY+13 >anons around the world have to emigrate to /namibia/'s secret rendezvous point and connect to a secret web only accessible from their local ISP just to shitpost in peace >but once they're there they realize they are now in paradise, with the promised chan they dreamed of so long ago, no DMCA takedowns, no DMCA letters, no C&Ds, no deplatforming, no more social media cancer, no jewish ads everywhere, sites that are more personal and bloat-free rather than javascript rendered slideshow bullshit >finally free
>>957 >unironically posting a non-archived link to the sun
>>1101 autism much

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